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Xxxxxxx 5 Sorting and grouping

The objects around us are made from materials.
Let us find out more about what some materials are like.

Which materials can you

see in the classroom?

Many objects are made of wood, stone or glass.

Humans can make plastic in bright colours.
Our clothes are made from fabrics like wool and cotton.
Humans have used metals to make tools for thousands
of years.

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iP_Science_TB_Y1_Unit5 v6.indd 102-103 09/01/2023 10:35

Topic 5 | Sorting and grouping materials

Wood is used to Wood can be cut into
make toys. lots of shapes.
Everything around us is Wood can be painted
made from materials. different colours.
Wood is a material we can
use to make things.

Wood comes from trees. The tree trunk and

big branches are cut down to make logs.
What is wood being used for here?

The logs are cut to make long,

flat pieces of wood.
Humans use wood to build
parts of houses …

This person is carving What is made of wood

wood. What do you in your classroom and
think he is making? at home?

Key words
… and to make furniture. materials wood logs furniture

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Topic 5 | Sorting and grouping materials

Stone and glass

Glass is used to make windows.

Humans have used stone

as a building material for
thousands of years.

Look for things

These buildings are made of stone and
made of stone. glass where you live.
Marble is a very hard
type of stone used to
We use glass objects at home and in science.
make statues.

Which of these are used by scientists at work?

Stone is a hard material.

This simple hut is made from stones
but they are not joined together.

Can you see a stone Key words

wall behind the hut? stone building thousands statues glass

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iP_Science_TB_Y1_Unit5 v6.indd 106-107 09/01/2023 10:36

Topic 5 | Sorting and grouping materials

Woollen fabric keeps us warm.

Fabrics are soft materials that are used to

make clothes, curtains and rugs. Wool comes from animals.

This is a sheep.
Look at its thick woolly coat.

Fabrics have different textures. These animals are goats.

Their surfaces feel different. Which of our sense
organs feels textures?
Find out which other
animals can give us wool.

furry smooth rough

Look for things made from different fabrics.
Are any of them cotton or wool?
Cotton fabric helps
to keep us cool.
Key words

We get cotton fabrics soft surfaces furry smooth rough

from plants. cotton cool woollen warm sheep goats

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iP_Science_TB_Y1_Unit5 v6.indd 108-109 09/01/2023 10:36

Topic 5 | Sorting and grouping materials

Plastic can be lots of different colours.

Plastic is a human made material. wooden bowl

plastic bowls

Most plastic is made from oil.

Some plastics are now made in other ways.
Which bowl do you like best?

It is easy to mould plastic into

different shapes in a factory.

Plastic is smooth.
It can be moulded to
have a rough surface.
Many people are now trying to use less plastic.
Suggest why.
Where are the rough surfaces on
these steps?
What sort of bottle do
you get milk in? Why are these parts made rougher?
Which bottle do you
think is better?
Why? Key words
glass milk plastic
bottle milk bottle plastic human made oil mould factory

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Topic 5 | Sorting and grouping materials

Softer metals bend easily
into new shapes.
Metals are hard materials. Gold is a metal that is used
Some metals are harder Titanium is a very hard to make rings and bracelets.
than others. metal that can be used
to mend our bones.

Titanium does not bend

when we do. It holds the Metals look very shiny.
bones in place.

Where are these bones Silver is used to make

found in humans? jewellery too.
Look for some metal
objects in your classroom.
We use metals to make tools. Are they shiny?
Are they hard?
Are they bent?

Key words
metals hard bend tools softer
Why do tools need to be hard?
easily shiny jewellery

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Topic 5 | Sorting and grouping materials

Sorting materials
How are these
materials sorted?
We can sort materials into groups.

We can sort materials red

by their colour.
Sometimes an object fits into more than one circle.
What materials are these
red objects made from?
This scarf is blue and soft.
Where do I put it?

soft blue


We can sort materials What materials are these

Key words
by their texture. objects made from?
sort colour red circle

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iP_Science_TB_Y1_Unit5 v6.indd 114-115 09/01/2023 10:36

Topic 5 | Sorting and grouping materials

Using a key for materials

Is it soft?

We can use a key to identify animals.


We can also use a key to identify materials.

Is it yellow? Is it made of metal?




plastic bag towel spanner pestle and mortar

Here are some objects.

Can you identify them using the key?
D Object A is soft and blue and made of fabric.

You may know what

all these objects are. Can you describe objects B, C and D like this?
Still work through
the key to check you
Try making your own key for the objects in
know how to use it.
the table on page 116 of your workbook.

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Topic 5 | End of topic questions

End of topic questions

2 Take turns with a partner to each think
of an object that is:
Sorting and grouping materials

1 These objects can be found in a kitchen.

Describe them using as many different words hard metal red
as you can.

soft rough glass

pans spoon
smooth shiny wooden

blue stone plastic

grater bottle

fabric painted

bowl cloth

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