Email and Memo Draft

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From: Jazid Quinonez

To: Content Director

Date: 10/12/2023
Subject Line: Instruction Manual for Apple Device Software Updates

Dear Content Director,

I’ve been working on creating an instruction manual for updating Apple Devices,
including iPad, iPhone, and MacBook. The purpose of this document is to provide clear and
detailed instructions for users to perform software updates on their Apple devices.
Audiences are expected to encounter this document through various channels, including Apple’s
official website, device notifications, email notifications, and printed materials included in
product packaging. Potential exigencies for people turning this document include receiving a
notification for a software update, encountering issues during the update process, or wanting to
learn about the benefits of keeping their Apple devices up to date.

The context for using these instructions is primarily in a home or office setting, where
users have access to a computer, internet connectivity, and their Apple devices. There are
typically no significant hazards associated with updating software on Apple devices.
The instructions are designed to teach users how to initiate, download, and install software
updates on their Apple devices. They may also cover troubleshooting steps for common update-
related issues. Visual aids, such as screenshots can significantly enhance the instructions’
effectiveness by providing a visual reference for the users to follow. Potential problems users
might encounter include difficulty connecting to the internet for downloading updates, lack of
storage space on their devices, unclear error messages during the update process, and concerns
about data loss during updates. These issues should be addressed in the instructions, along with
troubleshooting tips to assist users.

When the changes I’ve outlined are implemented and approved, I plan to conduct another
usability test to evaluate the effectiveness of these revisions. In the following memo, I have
included recommendations to change the following:

 Ensure that Mac instructions are as clear and straightforward as instructions for different
generation Apple products.
 Focus on addressing the minor inconsistency in terminology related to Mac to enhance
consistency, as mentioned by Participant 3.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.

Jazid Quinonez
Content creator
Date: 10/5/2023
To: Content Director
From: Jazid Quinonez
Subject: How to update iPhone, iPad, MacBook software Usability testing.
Action required: View updated instructions.
Distribution List: Content Director, Online Content Team

I am writing to share the results of our recent usability testing for the instructions on how
to update Apple devices, including iPad, iPhone, and MacBook. I conducted these tests with
three volunteers, and I’m pleasured to provide a summary of their feedback and suggestions for
improvement. Your valuable insights as a content creator are crucial to our ongoing efforts in
enhancing user experience.
In summary, most participants, 2 out of 3, found the instructions clear and easy to follow, with no
confusion regarding terms or concepts. Additionally, all three participants rated the difficulty
level as 1, indicating a high level of ease in understanding the instructions. They did not
anticipate significant challenges and felt confident in successfully completing the task. The
primary recommendation is to address the minor inconsistency in terminology related to Mac
instructions for enhanced consistency. Fi
Finding 1 Clarification on steps: The user encountered confusion while searching for system
preferences, only locating system settings when prompted. This led to uncertainty about whether
it was the correct pathway for the next essential step in completing the system update.
Finding 2 Positive use of Icons: Participant praised the instructions for their clarity, precise
wording, and the substantial assistance provided by accompanying pictures. The inclusion of
icons effectively guided his attention to the necessary steps, making the task easily

In conclusion, the results of our usability testing highlight a commendable success, with the
majority of participants (2 out of 3) acknowledging the clarity and ease of following the Apple
device update instructions. The unanimous rating of a difficulty level of 1 reflects a high degree
of user-friendly design.
While the overall feedback is positive, our findings shed light on areas for refinement.
Specifically, we observed a need for clarification in guiding users to system preferences, as some
encountered confusion in locating the correct pathway for essential steps. On a positive note,
participants appreciated the clear and precise wording, as well as the effective use of icons,
which significantly contributed to a comprehensible and user-friendly experience.
Thank you for your dedication to excellence and your ongoing contributions to our collective

Recommendation 1: Include a note in the instructions clarifying that the terminology might vary
across different Apple products based on their generation. Emphasize that, regardless of the term
used (system preferences or system settings), both will lead the user to the required steps for
completing the system update.
Recommendation 2: Recognize the efficacy of visual aids such as pictures and icons in
facilitating user understanding. Consider maintaining or amplifying these visual elements to
enhance clarity further.

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