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Week 5-6

​ ● The past tense of regular verbs (e.g. "I walked," "you watched," "he/she/it played,"
● Irregular verbs in the past tense (e.g. "I ate," "you went," "he/she/it saw," etc.)

● Basic question words (e.g. "Who," "what," "when," "where," "why," "how," etc.)

Lesson 1: The past tense of regular


​ 1-1 In English, verb tense includes the present, past, and future tenses. The past
tense of regular verbs is usually formed by adding "-ed" to the base form of the verb.

​ 1-1 在英语中,动词的时态包括现在时、过去时和未来时。正规动词的过去时通常是

​ For example (例如):

● The past tense of "walk" is "walked" ("walk" 的过去式是 "walked")

● The past tense of "watch" is "watched" ("watch" 的过去式是 "watched")

● The past tense of "play" is "played" ("play" 的过去式是 "played")

● The past tense of "talk" is "talked" ("talk" 的过去式是 "talked")

● The past tense of "clean" is "cleaned" ("clean" 的过去式是 "cleaned")

● The past tense of "jump" is "jumped" ("jump" 的过去式是 "jumped")

​ 注意,有一些例外,不遵循这个规则,这些动词称为不规则动词,它们的过去式需要单

​ 1-2 The rule for changing verbs ending in "y" to "ied" in their past participle form
applies when the verb is preceded by a consonant. In such cases, the "y" at the end
of the verb is changed to "i" and then followed by "ed". This is because in English,
when a word ends in "y" and is preceded by a consonant, the "y" is usually changed
to "i" before adding suffixes such as "-ed", "-ing", or "-er".

​ For example:

​ ● Study (base form) becomes Studied (past participle form)
​ ● Try (base form) becomes Tried (past participle form)
​ ● Carry (base form) becomes Carried (past participle form)

​ However, when the verb ends in "y" and is preceded by a vowel, the "y" is not
changed to "i" before adding "-ed". In this case, the "-ed" suffix is simply added to the
base form of the verb.

​ For example:

​ ● Play (base form) becomes Played (past participle form)
​ ● Enjoy (base form) becomes Enjoyed (past participle form)
​ ● Say (base form) becomes Said (past participle form)

​ So, in summary, the reason why verbs ending in "y" need to be changed to "ied" is
because of the general rule in English where "y" is usually changed to "i" before
adding suffixes if the "y" is preceded by a consonant.

​ 1-2 将以字母“y”结尾的动词变成过去分词形式时,规则是当该动词之前是辅音字母时

​ 例如:

​ ● Study(基本形式)变为Studied(过去分词形式)
​ ● Try(基本形式)变为Tried(过去分词形式)
​ ● Carry(基本形式)变为Carried(过去分词形式)

​ 然而,当动词以“y”结尾且之前是元音字母时,在添加“-ed”之前不会将“y”改为“i”。在这

​ 例如:

​ ● Play(基本形式)变为Played(过去分词形式)
​ ● Enjoy(基本形式)变为Enjoyed(过去分词形式)
​ ● Say(基本形式)变为Said(过去分词形式)

​ 因此,总结起来,“y”结尾的动词需要变成“ied”形式的原因是因为在英语中,如果“y”之

​ The past tense of regular verbs 小试身手

Part 1:Please complete the following sentence.(请完成以下句子)
book a reservation

1) She ____(watch) a movie last night. ed

reserve a reservation

2) He ____(paint) the walls of his room yesterday. book a booking


3) I ____(walk) to school this morning. ed

4) She ____(type) the report on her computer yesterday.

5) He ____(play) basketball with his friends yesterday.


6) The children ____(learn) a new song in music class. learned

7) We ____(clean) the kitchen last night. cleaned

8) She ____(cook) dinner for her family yesterday. cooked

9) He ____(book) a flight for his vacation next week. ed

10) They ____(dance) at the party last night.

11) She ____(live) in London for two years.

12) He ____(travel) to Japan last month.

13) We ____(decorate) the Christmas tree last week.

14) They ____(bike) to the park this morning.

Part 2:Please answer the following question.(请回答下列问题)

1"I _____ (study) for three hours yesterday."

a) studied
b) studyed
c) stude
d) study

2"He _____ (walk) to the store earlier today."

a) walk
b) walked
c) walkt
d) walken

3"She _____ (watch) a movie with her friends last night."

a) watched
b) watcht
c) watch
d) watchen
4"They _____ (play) soccer for two hours yesterday afternoon."
a) played
b) playd
c) play
d) playen

5"He _____ (clean) his room before dinner."

a) cleaned
b) cleant
c) clean
d) cleanned

6"She _____ (cook) dinner for her family last night."

a) cooked
b) cookt
c) cook
d) cooken

7"They _____ (dance) all night at the party."

a) danced
b) dance
c) dancen
d) dancet

8"He _____ (jump) over the fence to get the ball."

a) jumped
b) jump
c) jumpt
d) jumpen

9"She _____ (live) in New York City for five years."

a) lived
b) live
c) livet
d) liven

10"They _____ (laugh) at the comedian's jokes."

a) laughed
b) laugh
c) laughen
d) laught

Part 3 :Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence(选择动词的正确形式来

1) I __________ (play/played) tennis with my friends yesterday.

2) He __________ (try/tried) to fix the car himself, but he couldn't do it.
3) They have __________ (study/studied) French for three years.

4) She has __________ (carry/carried) the groceries inside the house.

5) We have __________ (enjoy/enjoyed) our vacation in Hawaii.

Part 4 :Rewrite the following sentences in the past tense using the correct form of the verb(
enjoyed playing
1) She enjoys playing soccer. → She __________ soccer yesterday.
2) He tries his best in every game. → He __________ his best in the last game.
3) They carry their groceries in reusable bags. → They __________ their groceries in
reusable bags last week.
4) The birds fly south for the winter. → The birds __________ south for the winter every
5) She copies the document for me. → She __________ the document for me last


Lesson 2: Irregular verbs in the past tense

1-1 Unlike Regular Verbs, the past tense of Irregular Verbs is not formed by simply adding
-ed to the base form of the verb. Instead, the past tense of Irregular Verbs is formed through
changes to the root form of the verb.

1-1 不像 Regular Verbs 过去式可以直接在动词后面加上 -ed ,Irregular Verbs 的过去式则需

要另外学习。 Irregular Verbs 的过去式是由原形动词的字根变化,而不是直接在动词后面加
上 -ed。

There are many different types of changes that can occur to form the past tense of Irregular
Verbs. Some common changes include:


1. Changing the vowel sound in the base form of the verb: For example, the base form of
the verb "sing" changes to "sang" in the past tense.


2. Adding an -en or -n ending to the base form of the verb: For example, the base form of
the verb "speak" changes to "spoke" in the past tense.


3. Changing the spelling of the base form of the verb: For example, the base form of the
verb "catch" changes to "caught" in the past tense.

4. Using the same word for both the base form and past tense form of the verb: For
example, the base form and past tense form of the verb "put" are the same.


For example (例如):

● go – went (走)
● eat – ate (吃)
● speak – spoke(说)
● catch – caught (接)
● run – ran (跑)
● see – saw (看)
● swim – swam (游泳)
● take – took (拿取)
● drive – drove (开车)
● write – wrote (写)

Irregular verbs in the past tense 小试身手

Part 1:Please complete the following sentence.(请完成以下句子)

1) She _______ (see) the movie last night.

2) He _______ (take) the train to work yesterday.

3) They _______ (break) the vase by accident.


4) I _______ (eat) breakfast at 7 am this morning.

5) She _______ (buy) a new dress for the party.

6) We _______ (drive) to the beach last weekend. drove

7) He _______ (throw) the ball to his friend in the park. threw

8) They _______ (choose) the wrong path and got lost. chose

9) She _______ (teach) English at a language school last year. taught

10) He _______ (wear) a suit to the job interview. wore

11) I _______ (find) my lost keys under the couch.

12) They _______ (give) a present to their teacher on Teacher's Day. gave
13) She _______ (leave) her phone at home this morning.

14) He _______ (forget) his wallet at the restaurant last night.

15) We _______ (meet) our old friends at the reunion party last month. met

Part 2:Please answer the following question.(请回答下列问题)

1. "I ____ (drink) a cup of coffee this morning."

a) drink
b) drank
c) drunk
d) drinked

2. "She ____ (sing) a beautiful song at the concert last night."

a) singed
b) sang
c) sung
d) sing

3. "He ____ (go) to the beach with his friends yesterday."

a) went
b) gone
c) go
d) goed

4. "The children ____ (break) the vase by accident."

a) break
b) broke
c) broken
d) breaked

5. "The cat ____ (catch) the mouse and ate it for dinner."
a) catch
b) caught
c) catched
d) cought

6. "She ____ (see) the movie twice because she loved it so much."
a) saw
b) seen
c) see
d) seed

7. "He ____ (take) the wrong bus and got lost."

a) took
b) taken
c) take
d) taked

8. "We ____ (buy) a new car last week."

a) buyed
b) bought
c) buy
d) bough

9. "He ____ (run) a marathon last year."

a) run
b) ran
c) running
d) runned

10. "They ____ (swim) in the ocean for hours."

a) swim
b) swam
c) swum
d) swimmed

11. "I ____ (eat) sushi for dinner yesterday."

a) eat
b) ate
c) eaten
d) eating

12. "The cat ____ (jump) off the table."

a) jump
b) jumped
c) jumping
d) jumps

13. "We ____ (play) soccer after school every day."

a) play
b) played
c) playing
d) plays

14. "She ____ (write) a book last year."

a) write
b) wrote
c) written
d) writing

15. "He ____ (build) a treehouse for his kids."

a) build
b) built
c) building
d) builds

16. "They ____ (travel) to Europe last summer."

a) travel
b) traveled
c) travelling
d) travels

17. "Yesterday, he ____ (drive) his car to work."

a) drove
b) drived
c) driven
d) drive

18. "We ____ (eat) dinner at that restaurant last week."

a) ate
b) eated
c) eaten
d) eat

19. "She ____ (go) to the gym every day last month."
a) went
b) goed
c) gone
d) go

20. "He ____ (catch) a fish in the lake yesterday."

a) caught
b) catched
c) caughten
d) catch

21. "The cat ____ (hide) under the bed during the thunderstorm."
a) hid
b) hided
c) hidden
d) hide
Reading Section
My first job
When John graduated from college, he was excited to start his first job as a software
developer. He had always been interested in technology and programming, so this job was a
dream come true for him. On his first day of work, he was nervous but eager to learn.
The company he worked for was a fast-paced start-up that was developing a new mobile
app. John quickly learned the ins and outs of the app and contributed to its development. He
spent long hours coding and debugging, but he loved the challenge and the feeling of
accomplishment when he fixed a problem.
As time went by, John became more comfortable in his role and began to take on more
responsibilities. He worked well with his team and learned a lot from his colleagues. He was
grateful for the opportunity to work in a dynamic and innovative environment.
After a year on the job, John was promoted to a higher position with more responsibility. He
was proud of his achievements and looked forward to continuing to learn and grow as a
software developer.

Graduated (毕业) Comfortable (舒适的)

Software developer (软件开发者) Responsibilities (职责)
Technology (技术) Team (团队)
Programming (编程) Colleagues (同事)
Dream come true (梦想成真) Grateful (感激的)
Nervous (紧张) Opportunity (机会)
Fast-paced (快节奏的) Dynamic (充满活力的)
Start-up (初创公司) Innovative (创新的)
Mobile app (移动应用) Promoted (晋升)
Ins and outs (来龙去脉) Higher position (更高职位)
Contributed (贡献) Proud (自豪的)
Coding (编码) Achievements (成就)
Debugging (调试) Continuing (继续)
Challenge (挑战) Learn (学习)
Feeling of accomplishment (成就感) Grow (成长)

1. What was John's dream job?

2. How did John feel on his first day of work?
3. What kind of company did John work for?
4. What did John contribute to the development of the mobile app?
5. How did John feel about working long hours coding and debugging?
6. How did John's role change over time?
7. What did John learn from his colleagues?
8. How did John feel about being promoted to a higher position?
9. What did John look forward to after his promotion?
10. What kind of environment did John work in?
11. Read the passage above and identify regular verbs and irregular verbs. Write them
down in a list.
12. Create three sentences using regular verbs and irregular verbs from the list in
question 11.
13. Write a short paragraph about your first job, using the regular verbs or irregular
14. Recording yourself introducing your dream career.

当约翰大学毕业时,他很高兴开始他的第一份软件开发工作。 他一直对技术和编程很感
兴趣,所以这份工作对他来说是梦想成真。 上班第一天,他很紧张,但又渴望学习。
他工作的公司是一家快节奏的初创公司,正在开发一款新的移动应用程序。 John 很快了
解了该应用程序的来龙去脉,并为其开发做出了贡献。 他花了很长时间编码和调试,但他喜欢
随着时间的推移,约翰越来越适应自己的角色,并开始承担更多的责任。 他与他的团队合
作得很好,并从他的同事那里学到了很多东西。 他很高兴有机会在充满活力和创新的环境中
工作一年后,约翰被提拔到更高的职位,承担了更多的责任。 他为自己的成就感到自豪,

1) 约翰梦想的工作是什么?
2) 约翰第一天上班感觉如何?
3) 约翰在哪家公司工作?
4) John 为移动应用程序的开发做出了哪些贡献?
5) 约翰对长时间编码和调试工作感觉如何?
6) 随着时间的推移,约翰的角色发生了怎样的变化?
7) 约翰从他的同事那里学到了什么?
8) 约翰对晋升到更高职位有何感想?
9) 升职后约翰期待什么?
10) 约翰在什么样的环境中工作?
11) 阅读上面的文章,识别规则动词和不规则动词。 将它们写在列表中。
12) 使用问题 11 中的规则动词和不规则动词创建三个句子。
13) 写一段关于你的第一份工作的简短段落,使用规则动词或不规则动词。
14) 录音介绍自己的梦想职业。

Lesson 3: Basic question words

3-1 Basic question words, also known as interrogative words, are words that are used to
form questions in English. These words are essential for asking and gathering information in
conversations and written communication. The most commonly used basic question words

3-1 基本疑问词,又称疑问代词,是用来在英语中形成问题的词语。这些词语在对话和书面交

1. What - used to ask for information about a thing or an idea, e.g., "What time is it?" or
"What is your favorite color?"

What - 用于询问事物或想法的信息,例如,“现在几点了?”或“你最喜欢的颜色是什

2. Who - used to ask for information about a person or people, e.g., "Who is your best
friend?" or "Who are you talking to?"

Who - 用于询问有关人或人群的信息,例如,“你最好的朋友是谁?”或“你在和谁说

3. Where - used to ask for information about a place or location, e.g., "Where is the
nearest gas station?" or "Where did you go on vacation?"

Where - 用于询问有关地方或位置的信息,例如,“最近的加油站在哪里?”或“你去哪

4. When - used to ask for information about a time or date, e.g., "When is your
birthday?" or "When did you start working here?"

When - 用于询问时间或日期的信息,例如,“你的生日是什么时候?”或“你什么时候开

5. Why - used to ask for a reason or explanation, e.g., "Why are you late?" or "Why did
you choose this restaurant?

Why - 用于询问原因或解释,例如,“你为什么迟到了?”或“你为什么选择了这家餐

6. How - used to ask about the way or manner in which something is done, e.g., "How
do you make coffee?" or "How did you learn to play the guitar?"

How - 用于询问某事物的方式或方式,例如,“你如何制作咖啡?”或“你是如何学会弹

Basic prepositions 小试身手

1. _____ is your name?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where

d) When

2. _____ did you eat for breakfast this morning?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where

d) Why

3. _____ do you live?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where

d) How

4. _____ do you plan to visit Paris?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where

d) When

5. _____ did you choose this restaurant?

a) What
b) Why

c) Where

d) Who

6. _____ do you speak Spanish?

a) What

b) How

c) Who

d) Why

7. _____ is your favorite color?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where

d) Why

8. _____ did you go on your last vacation?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where

d) When

9. _____ are you going to do this weekend?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where
d) How

10. _____ is the nearest coffee shop?

a) What

b) Who

c) Where

d) Why

1) I __________ (walk) to the store yesterday.

2) She __________ (talk) to her boss about a promotion.

3) They __________ (play) basketball after school.

4) He __________ (watch) a movie last night.

5) We __________ (clean) the house on the weekend.

6) She __________ (dance) at the party last weekend.

7) He __________ (cook) dinner for his family.

8) They __________ (study) for their exams for weeks.

9) She __________ (live) in London for two years.

10) We __________ (plant) flowers in the garden last spring.

11) He __________ (visit) his grandparents in the countryside.

12) They __________ (like) the movie they saw last night.

13) She __________ (paint) a picture for her friend's birthday.

14) We __________ (walk) the dog every evening.

15) He __________ (play) the guitar at the party.

16) She _____ (buy) a new car last week.

17) They _____ (eat) dinner at the restaurant last night.

18) He _____ (see) his old friend at the party last weekend.

19) I _____ (go) to the gym this morning before work.

20) We _____ (meet) our new neighbors yesterday.

21) She _____ (find) her lost keys in the couch cushions.

22) They _____ (drink) a bottle of wine at dinner.

23) He _____ (drive) his car to the beach last summer.

24) I _____ (wake) up early this morning to watch the sunrise.

25) We _____ (fly) to New York for the weekend.

26) She _____ (hold) her baby brother for the first time.

27) They _____ (begin) their vacation last Friday.

28) He _____ (teach) his son how to play chess.

29) I _____ (catch) a fish on my fishing trip last weekend.

30) We _____ (run) a marathon last month.

31) 我们是好朋友。 (We ___ good friends.)

a) are

b) were

c) is

d) have been

32) 他昨天晚上去睡觉了。(He ___ to bed early last night.)

a) go

b) goes

c) went

d) going

33) 她学习很努力,所以她 ___ 考试了。(She studied hard, so she ___ the test.)
a) pass

b) passed

c) passing

d) passes

34) 他喜欢在沙滩上散步。(He likes to ___ on the beach.)

a) walk

b) walked

c) walking

d) walks

35) 他们昨天去爬山了。(They ___ mountain climbing yesterday.)

a) go

b) went

c) going

d) goes

36) 我和他在一起度过了一个美好的夏天。(I ___ a great summer with him.)

a) have

b) had

c) having

d) has
37) 我们去看了那部新电影。(We ___ the new movie.)

a) watch

b) watched

c) watching

d) watches

38) 昨天晚上他在家里休息。(He ___ at home last night.)

a) rest

b) rested

c) resting

d) rests

39) 我昨天晚上没做作业。(I ___ do my homework last night.)

a) don't

b) didn't

c) not do

d) haven't

40) 我上个月去了一趟巴黎。(I ___ to Paris last month.)

a) go

b) went
c) going

d) goes

41) 她昨天买了一条新裙子。(She ___ a new dress yesterday.)

a) buy

b) bought

c) buying

d) buys

42) 我们去了一个很棒的音乐会。(We ___ to a great concert.)

a) go

b) went

c) going

d) goes

43) 我昨天把我的房间打扫了一遍。(I ___ my room yesterday.)

a) clean

b) cleaned

c) cleaning

d) cleans

44) 我父母在二十年前搬到了这个城市。(My parents ___ to this city twenty years ago.)

a) move
b) moved

c) moving

d) moves

45) 他昨天晚上在家看电影。(He ___ movies at home last night.)

a) watch

b) watched

c) watching

d) watches

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