Lindsay Nat Rev DD 2003

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Strategies in target discovery

I N N O V AT I O N The various techniques applied in target
identification and validation can be grouped
into two broad target discovery strategies: the
Target discovery ‘molecular’ (FIG. 1a) and ‘systems’ approach
(FIG. 1b). In practice, however, both are used in
varying proportions within different thera-
Mark A. Lindsay peutic areas. The ‘systems’ approach dis-
cussed here should not be confused with the
Target discovery, which involves the cytomegalovirus retinitis2, which indicates that recent emergence of ‘systems biology’, which
identification and early validation of disease- the range of potential targets could in future be is an attempt to construct models that explain
modifying targets, is an essential first step in increased through modulation of protein biological responses using the vast amounts
the drug discovery pipeline. Indeed, the expression at the translational level3. of information being produced from the
drive to determine protein function has been The reasons for the low numbers of suc- molecular sciences4.
stimulated, both in industry and academia, cessful drugs against novel targets are contro- In recent years there has been a signifi-
by the completion of the human genome versial, although it is undoubtedly related to cant shift towards the molecular approach in
project. In this article, we critically examine their higher attrition rate during development, an attempt to identify new targets through an
the strategies and methodologies used for particularly from issues related to failures of understanding of the cellular mechanisms
both the identification and validation of on-target biological hypotheses and on- and underlying disease phenotypes of interest
disease-relevant proteins. In particular, we off-target safety concerns. To address these (FIG. 1a). For this reason, this approach is
will examine the likely impact of recent problems, there has been a recent emphasis on focused on the cells implicated in the
technological advances, including the ‘front-loading’ of research to tackle these disease and uses clinical samples and cell
genomics, proteomics, small interfering issues at an earlier stage in the drug discov- models. The molecular approach has been
RNA and mouse knockout models, and ery pathway. In particular, there has been driven by the enormous experimental suc-
conclude by speculating on future trends. increased interest in target discovery both for cesses of molecular biology, and in particu-
the identification of novel targets (target iden- lar genomics, the zenith of which so far is
In spite of increased spending on pharmaceuti- tification) and to reduce the subsequent failure perhaps completion of the human genome
cal research and development, which doubled from incorrect biological hypotheses through project. In terms of target classes, the mole-
in the United States between 1991 and 2001, early validation (target validation). cular approach is more likely to identify
the number of new drug approvals has This article aims to critically review the intracellular targets, such as regulatory,
remained relatively constant at 30 per year techniques and strategies used in target dis- structural and metabolic proteins, and has
(new molecular entities). Furthermore, the covery. With this in mind, the initial discus- been most extensively deployed in the area
emergence of molecular biology and the com- sion will be focused on the two main strategies of oncology.
pletion of the human genome project have used, which are the ‘molecular’ and ‘systems’ The systems approach is geared towards
failed to produce the expected flood of com- approaches. This will be preceded by an exam- target discovery through the study of dis-
pounds targeting new, or as often termed ination of the three areas of target discovery, ease in whole organisms (FIG. 1b). In general,
‘novel’, targets. So, with the licensing of only the provision of disease models and the tech- this information is derived from the clinical
two to three compounds per year against niques used in target identification and target sciences and in vivo animal studies in the
novel targets, the majority of approvals con- validation, before we speculate on future areas of physiology, pathology and epidemi-
tinue to be those directed against therapeuti- requirements and trends. In reviewing the ology. The systems approach has tradition-
cally validated targets1. Moreover, these drugs ever-increasing number of novel and innova- ally been the main target-discovery strategy
are still predominately small molecules or pro- tive technologies for target discovery, lack of and this remains the case for many diseases,
tein/ antibody biopharmaceuticals that exert space has meant concentrating on those in including obesity, atherosclerosis, heart failure,
their action through modulation of protein general use. Furthermore, as a result of the stroke, behavioural disorders, neurodegen-
activity and which are therefore restricted to large differences between therapeutic areas, erative diseases, hypertension and dislipi-
the ‘druggable’ targets. An exception to this this will by necessity be approached in a broad daemia, in which the relevant phenotype
trend is the recent licensing of formivirsen way and we shall concentrate on common can only be detected at the organismal level.
(Vitravene; ISIS), an antisense treatment for chronic and not infectious/acute disease. For these historical reasons, the majority of



Disease model Target identification Target validation such as atherosclerosis, CNS disease and
cancer. The ultimate effect of these interac-
a Molecular tions is to produce an often permanent shift
in phenotypic response with the corres-
Disease tissue
ponding pathophysiological and anatomical
Clinical samples expression changes that are characteristic of the disease.
In undertaking target discovery, one would
Genomics, proteomics, ideally perform clinical studies and obtain
genetic association cell/tissue samples using normal and diseased
human patients. In reality, this is normally
Modulation in cell models unethical and/or impractical, which means
Cell models Forward genetics (messenger RNA knockout that we must use cellular and/or animal mod-
protein overexpression)
els. These models, which are designed using
information derived from clinical studies,
b Systems normally attempt to reproduce one or more
phenotype(s) that have been implicated in dis-
Modulation in ease. Unfortunately, they often suffer from a
Patients Clinical sciences animal models
(KO/transgenic mice) number of significant problems that can make
them poor predictors of human disease13. In
the case of cell models, the central problem is
Forward genetics
Animal models reverse genetics in simulating the complexity of the in vivo
biological interactions, particularly as many of
Figure 1 | Overview of molecular- and system-based approaches to target discovery. Target these are unknown. This problem of complex-
discovery is composed of three steps: the provision of disease models/tissues, target identification and ity makes it increasingly difficult to predict the
target validation. The ‘molecular’ approach (a) uses techniques such as genomics, proteomics, genetic role of a protein as you proceed from the level
association and reverse genetics, whereas the ‘systems’ approach (b) uses clinical and in vivo studies to of the cell to the tissue and organism. In addi-
identify potential targets. During validation, modulation of gene expression and/or protein function in both cell tion, the use of immortalized lines to over-
and animal models is used to confirm the role of the target prior to passing into the drug discovery pipeline.
come the problems of availability begs the
usual questions regarding their biochemical
similarity with primary cells. To overcome the
current drugs were identified through this Disease models problems of complexity, we often use animal
strategy and include those that act against The incidence of many chronic diseases is models (BOX 1). However, although these
both disease phenotypes and intracellular/ strongly correlated with age, and such diseases models can reproduce a particular disease
extracellular targets. Interestingly, because are thought to be influenced by both genomic phenotype, genomic differences (related to
many of these drugs are directed against tar- and the environmental factors. The overall species and strain), and the difficulty of identi-
gets that were identified from physiological contribution of genomic factors is still fying and replicating the long-term environ-
studies, rather than being directly impli- unknown, although it is believed that many mental influences, means that underlying
cated in the disease mechanism, they would diseases are influenced by the presence of causes could be different13.
probably not been identified by the mol- susceptibility genes6, and it is known that
ecular approach. For example, although the development of many cancers results Target identification
changes in β2-adrenoceptor expression/ from alterations in the genetic material of Target identification attempts to identify new
activity in airway smooth muscle has not somatic cells7. Similarly, with the exception targets, normally proteins, whose modulation
been implicated in the mechanism of aller- of smoking8, the role of environmental fac- might inhibit or reverse disease progression
gen hyper-reactivity that produces airway tors is controversial, although a number of (FIG. 1). In recent years, the molecular strategy
contraction in asthma, these symptoms are studies have indicated the importance of infec- has predominated and led to the emergence of
commonly treated with β2-agonist5. tion/inflammation9–11 and diet12 in diseases technologies that attempt to correlate changes
in gene (genomics) and protein (proteomics)
expression or genetic variation (genetic associ-
Box 1 | Apolipoprotein E knockout model for the study of atherosclerosis
ation) with human disease (FIG. 2) . This
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that in its final form is characterized by cholesterol-rich approach is dependent on access to good clini-
lesions or plaques within the large and medium-sized arteries that are thought to contribute to cal samples with supporting medical data, and
acute manifestations of cardiovascular disease. These plaques start in the form of fatty streaks requires a strong bioinformatics platform for
containing lipid-laden macrophages that develop, over a period of decades, into fibro-lipid data processing and interpretation. To date,
lesions containing endothelial cells, monocytes/macrophages, smooth muscle cells and T cells. genomics and proteomics have proved to be of
Although wild-type mice are generally resistant to the development of atherosclerosis, this can limited utility in target identification, although
be induced in a number of inbred strains fed a diet that promotes hyperlipidaemia. However, they are increasingly being used in other areas
apolipoprotein E knockout mice, which lack the major carrier of plasma cholesterol, of drug discovery, including toxicology (toxi-
spontaneously produce lesions on a normal diet. The progression of these lesions develops with cogenomics) and the identification of disease
age in a way that resembles that seen in humans and has made this an ideal model for the study
biomarkers14. So, although these techniques
of the development of atherosclerosis and the effects of diet. However, as with many animal
identify large numbers of targets, the correla-
models the genetic background influences susceptibility to atherosclerosis66.
tive nature of the data they generate means

832 | OCTOBER 2003 | VOLUME 2


that it is not possible to determine whether a Genomics

changes in gene protein expression are a cause
or effect of the disease. In these circumstances,
time-consuming validation is often required
and the problem becomes one of assigning
priority among the large number of possible
targets. An alternative strategy has been phe- RNA sample Sample amplification and Hybridize sample Array reading
notype-orientated target identification that preparation labelling using the polymerase to chip and data analysis
chain reaction
can be broadly divided into the areas of
‘forward genetics’ and ‘reverse genetics’ (FIG. 3).
The former involves random modulation of b Proteomics

the phenotype and the subsequent identifica-
tion of the relevant affected gene (phenotype
to gene), whereas the latter entails gene manip-
ulation and examination of the phenotype
(gene to phenotype). +
Protein sample Two-dimensional separation Excise and Mass spectroscopy
Genomics preparation by isoelectricfocusing and digest protein analysis
A genomics approach attempts to identify
novel disease targets at the level of gene
expression through the comparison of normal c Genetic association
and diseased tissues (FIG. 2a)15–17. For these
studies, gene microarray chips containing a
collection of oligonucleotides are used for the
rapid and parallel determination of messenger
Selection of Detection of single Genotyping of Analysis
RNA expression in an RNA sample. Although candidate genes nucleotide polymorphism DNA collection of data
it is possible to produce personal arrays Figure 2 | Correlative technologies used in target identification. Techniques such as genomics (a),
through reference to genomic sequences or proteomics (b) and genetic association (c) attempt to identify novel targets through the measurement of
expressed sequence tags (EST), increasingly the differential expression of messenger RNA, protein or genetic polymorphisms in diseased and normal
these arrays are obtained from commercial tissue. SDS–PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
sources, because of increased quality and
selection, and decreased costs. Significantly,
the completion of the human genome project factors. However, as well as the correlative such as those that are associated with mem-
has resulted in the release of the Affymetrix nature of these data, the most significant brane, positively charged and hydrophobic,
U133 chips, which can be used to measure problem is that changes in mRNA level can- are often difficult to separate using two-
the expression of 32,000 human genes in a not always be automatically translated into dimensional gels. Furthermore, the lack of an
single experiment. Furthermore, the ongoing corresponding alterations in protein ex- amplification step, such as the polymerase
sequencing of the genomes of a range of other pression/activity. chain reaction used in genomic studies, means
species will increase the availability of chips that the detection of low-abundance proteins
for the determination of gene expression in Proteomics is problematic. The separation characteristics
organism such as rats, mice, Escherichia coli, In its broadest interpretation, proteomics of proteins are also affected by post-trans-
Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis attempts to understand cellular function lational modifications, including phosphory-
elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. through the measurement of protein expres- lation, glycosylation, lipidation, acetylation
As stated, these studies attempt to identify sion, activity and interaction with other and nitration. In light of these problems, the
novel therapeutic targets by virtue of the fact biological macromolecules19. This has been utility of proteomics in target discovery has so
that the gene(s) is differentially expressed in traditionally undertaken using two-dimen- far been limited.
disease tissue. The number of ‘hits’ is depen- sional gel electrophoresis to separate the
dent on the magnitude of change that is proteins, which are subsequently cut from the Genetic association
thought to constitute a significant biological gel, enzymatically cleaved into fragments and Mutations in just a single gene can cause
effect, but is typically in the range of hundreds possibly fractionated by liquid chromatogra- severe disease, as exemplified by rare genetic
of genes. For example, a recent differential phy before identification using mass spec- diseases such as Huntington’s disease 23,
expression study of 9,183 unique comple- troscopy (FIG. 2b)20. To increase the throughput Duchenne muscular dystrophy24 and cystic
mentary DNAs in normal and ductal breast of this process, there has been limited recent fibrosis25. Indeed, the identification of these
cancer cells demonstrated a twofold increase movement towards the production of various mutations has been useful in determining dis-
or decrease in the expression of 303 genes18. protein array chips21. ease mechanism and in aiding target identifi-
This isfurther complicated by the presence of At present, there are significant technical cation. For instance, the potential role of
large numbers of false positives/negatives, and biological problems associated with the increased plasma cholesterol in the develop-
which can be reduced (but never completely separation of proteins, which is a crucial step ment of atherosclerosis and coronary heart
eliminated) through careful experiments for both the identification of individual pro- disease was first noted from studies of
designed to reduce background noise gener- teins and for the comparison of different patients who were either homozygous or het-
ated by both technological and biological samples22. So, a number of protein classes, erozygous for a defective allele for the receptor



for low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the princi- a Forward genetics

pal carrier of plasma cholesterol (BOX 1)26. In Complementary Infection converts
general, the strict co-inheritance of specific DNA library in retrovirus library to intra-
retroviral vectors cellular cellular library
mutations and disease has meant that the
relevant genes were identified by linkage
analysis and subsequent gene identification
within this chromosomal region. Disease-relevant
phenotypic screen
However, it is believed that most common
diseases are complex disorders that are
influenced by multiple genes27. Because
mutations of no single gene segregates tightly of gene
with disease phenotype, this means that it is Exposure of cells
very difficult to localize such disease-related Chemical library to chemical library

genes to specific chromosomal locations.

Under such circumstances, the possible role
of a gene in disease can be investigated using
genetic association studies. These studies
attempt to determine the relationship between
a specific DNA variation (an allele), which is
normally a single nucleotide polymorphism Mouse mutagenesis Crossing with Phenotype
following exposure wild-type females analysis
(SNP), and disease28 (FIG. 2c). To embark on to ENU
these studies, it is first necessary to select your
gene(s) of interest, a decision that is normally
based on a hypothesis about the biological
function of the gene of interest. It is then
necessary to identify one or more SNPs,
which can be functional — such as those
producing amino acid changes — or appar-
ently non-functional but within the coding b Reverse genetics
or non-coding region. In the latter case, it is
assumed that the SNP might influence factors Mus
such as the rate of transcription of the gene,
or affect mRNA processing and stability.
When choosing these SNPs, it is normal to rerio
focus on common variants, many of which
have recently been catalogued29. In an attempt
to identify an association between the SNP Drosophila Knockout or mutation Phenotype
and disease, comparisons are then made of melanogaster of selective genes analysis
the distribution between the genotyped con-
trol and diseased populations, either through
examination of groups of case-controls, retro- Caenorhabditis
spective investigation of cohort studies or
family-based association.
As with genomics and proteomics, genetic cerevisiae
association shows only correlation between
polymorphisms within a gene and disease. Figure 3 | Phenotype-driven target identification. Technologies such as forward (a) and reverse (b)
genetics involve the identification of potential disease targets through modulation of a disease pheno-
Furthermore, because SNPs in nearby genes type. Forward genetics involves random modulation of the phenotype using in vitro biological and
are often inherited together, owing to linkage chemical library screen or in vivo chemical mutagenesis and the subsequent identification of the gene
disequilibrium, it is often not possible to (phenotype to gene), whereas reverse genetics entails gene manipulation and examination of the
identify a single gene that is responsible for phenotype (gene to phenotype). ENU, ethylnitrosured.
the observed association. In addition, the lack
of reproducibility in genetic association studies
often necessitates confirmation by several biological assay and a strategy for the identi- process of hit identification is laborious, being
independent studies28,30. fication of hits or novel targets (FIG. 3a). traditionally performed with labelled com-
Using cellular models, a library of ‘chemi- pounds, this approach has the advantage of
Forward genetics cal’ or ‘biological’ agents is used to randomly giving a lead compound for drug develop-
Forward genetics (that is, going from pheno- modulate the phenotypic response. Forward ment. Biological screening has been most
type to gene) can be performed using both cell ‘chemical’ genetics uses chemical libraries commonly performed using cDNA32 libraries
and animal models, and is dependent on the derived from a variety of sources, including constructed from a variety of sources, includ-
provision of a method to disrupt the pheno- commercial collections, natural products and ing diseased tissues, and delivered and
type, a reliable and normally high-throughput diversity-orientated synthesis31. Although the expressed from a viral vector. Because this

834 | OCTOBER 2003 | VOLUME 2


causes protein overexpression (gain-of-

function), such vectors are normally used for
the discovery of negative modulators of a
phenotypic response and the identification of Antibodies, RNA
secreted proteins/modulators. Gene mRNA Protein aptamers, peptides
In animal models, forward genetics has
been most extensively performed using the – or +

chemical mutagen ethylnitrosourea (ENU) to – or +

produce mouse mutations. Indeed, a number
of consortiums have recently undertaken a – or + –
systematic, genome-wide production and
phenotypic analysis of these mutant mice to Antisense (LNA/PNA), siRNA, Dominant negative/
identify both disease targets and models33,34. ribozymes, zinc fingers antisense wild-type protein
Figure 4 | Overview of the techniques used in target validation. The elucidation of target function can be
Reverse genetics undertaken using a variety of target-validation techniques. Expression of messenger RNA can be modulated
The advent of sophisticated genomic tools either directly (small interfering RNA (siRNA) or antisense) or at the transcriptional level (peptide nucleic acids
applicable to a wide range of model organisms, (PNA), locked nucleic acids (LNA), zinc fingers or ribozymes). Protein function can be modulated through
expression of dominant negative and wild-type protein or using blocking/stimulating antibodies or aptamers.
combined with their typically short life cycles
and the ease of generating large numbers of
individuals for study, has inspired the use of
organisms such as S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybri- mRNA modulation
D. melanogaster and Danio rerio (zebrafish) in dization, respectively. Although protein The inhibition of mRNA expression, and
target identification35 (FIG. 3b). Indeed, func- detection is the preferred option, this tech- subsequent protein knockdown (loss-of-
tional mutation studies, in conjunction with nique is often limited by the availability of function), is frequently used in cellular vali-
human homologue searching, has been suc- selective antibodies. For the second crite- dation studies. This can be accomplished
cessfully used to characterize the biochemical rion, a range of strategies exist for modulat- through the use of agents that target gene
pathways that mediate cell-cycle regulation, ing target expression at the protein and transcription, including peptide nucleic
p53 signalling, mitogen-activated protein mRNA levels, although their utility is often acids40, locked nucleic acids41, ribozymes42
(MAP) kinase signalling and apoptosis. In limited by a lack of effective cellular delivery and zinc-finger proteins43. However, the
addition, these types of studies can be used to technologies (FIG. 4). Animal studies, which most widely used strategy is the direct target-
identify hits from forward chemical genetics. are normally the decisive factor in the deci- ing of mRNA expression levels using anti-
In this case, the initial studies must discover a sion to proceed to drug development, pre- sense44 or small interfering RNA (siRNA)45.
phenotype that is affected by the compound; dominantly entail the use of knockout or The former approach uses DNA-based anti-
subsequently, the target is identified by screen- transgenic mice. sense sequences that hybridize to the target
ing a library of known mutants for resistance mRNA and induce RNase H/exonuclease-
to the compound35. Although studies in lower Protein modulation mediated degradation. Initially, antisense
organisms have clearly been useful for the The modulation of protein function can be molecules suffered from a number of limita-
elucidation of many important biochemical undertaken using either overexpression of tions, including their stability, toxicity and
pathways, the principal issue is their relevance wild-type dominant negative proteins or the difficulty in identifying active sequences,
to human physiology and disease. affinity reagents. Transient overexpression although these problems have been substan-
More recently, there has been a systematic of dominant negative proteins from plas- tially overcome following the development
attempt to apply reverse genetics approaches mids or viral vectors is commonly used, of novel chemistries and predictive sequence
in mice. Of particular interest has been the although its application is limited by the algorithms. The RNA interference (RNAi)
attempt by companies such as Lexicon Inc. to need for prior knowledge on how to disrupt response is an innate cellular response that is
construct and characterize 5,000 knockout the relevant functional domain. Further- involved in combating viral infection and in
animals, including all of the druggable classes more, these studies can produce misleading regulating mRNA expression46. RNAi is acti-
(see Animal Validation Studies)36. results because of the occurrence of nonspe- vated by siRNA molecules composed of
cific biological effects at the elevated protein double-stranded RNA of 21–23 nucleotides
Target validation concentration typical of these studies. As an in length, and mediates the degradation of
The role of target validation is to demon- alternative, a number of commercial and the corresponding single-stranded mRNA
strate the functional role of the potential academic groups have recently pioneered the using the RNA-induced silencing complex
target in the disease phenotype. Although use of affinity reagents — including anti- (RISC). As it seems to offer a number of sig-
this is ultimately dependent on human bodies37, peptides38 and RNA aptamers39 — nificant advantages, including low cost,
studies, validation in target discovery will that can be used to activate or attenuate increased selectivity and the availability of
normally require that the target is expressed protein function. However, because their good algorithms for predicting effective
in the disease-relevant cells/tissues, and that identification is time consuming and expen- sequences, siRNA is rapidly replacing anti-
target modulation in cell and/or animal sive, requiring repeated panning of the target sense as the method of choice for mRNA
models ameliorates the relevant disease against a library of affinity reagents, these modulation. Moreover, siRNA can be
phenotype (FIG. 1). The first criterion in- are rarely used for target validation studies expressed with a hairpin loop from plas-
volves the measurement of protein and/or alone, but often provide the starting point mid47 and viral vectors48,49, which offers the
mRNA expression in clinical samples using for a biopharmaceutical. opportunity for both transient and permanent



cellular transfection. However, this initial immunological responses. Electroporation The future of target discovery
enthusiasm has been tempered by recent involves exposing cells and tissues to short, Of all the biological disciplines, pharmaceutical
observations of ‘off-target’ actions50 (BOX 2). high-voltage pulses to produce a transient and science is the most rigorous in the sense that
The great advantage of protein knock- reversible breakdown of the plasma mem- the original biological hypothesis is ultimately
down through mRNA modulation is that brane, and has been used for the in vitro and in tested in man using either a small-molecule
only sequence information about the target vivo delivery of a variety of molecules, includ- inhibitor or a biopharmaceutical agent. The
gene is required. However, there are a number ing drugs, antibodies and oligonucleotides61. In high failure rate of drug development, even
of problems associated with this method- general, the in vitro electroporation conditions among those drugs that have undergone exten-
ology. For example, there is often no correla- must be optimized for each cell type and target sive validation before entering clinical trials,
tion between mRNA and protein levels, validation cargo, and its application is limited demonstrates the enormous complexity of
which is dependent on a number of factors by high levels of cell death and damage. biological systems and the difficulties faced in
including protein stability. Furthermore, making reliable predictions about the biologi-
even in the absence of a phenotypic change, Animal validation studies cal role of novel therapeutic targets. For these
it is difficult to completely eliminate a role Animal models continue to be the option of reasons, probably the most significant problem
for your target, because it is rarely possible to choice in target validation, because they repre- in target discovery, in particular with respect to
produce total protein knockdown. This can sent the best available model for examining target validation, is the provision of models
be particularly problematic with membrane the complex interactions that underline that are truly predictive of disease. In the case
targets, such as G-protein-coupled receptors pathophysiological responses. In target discov- of cellular models, molecular studies have been
(GPCRs) and cytokine receptors, which can ery, these studies are generally undertaken extremely powerful for the determination of
have a significant receptor reserve. using knockout or transgenic mice, either in biochemical pathways. Nonetheless, although
isolation or in conjunction with disease these seem to be conserved, both between cells
Cellular delivery models. An interesting recent development and species, the role these pathways subserve is
One of the key problems in cell- and, in partic- has been the systematic attempt by Lexicon strongly influenced by context. It is therefore
ular, animal-based studies is the availability of Inc. to produce knockout mice for all drug- necessary to have cell models that mimic the in
effective systems for the delivery of target vali- gable genes, including those encoding GPCRs, vivo milieu and take into account factors such
dation tools. Typically, this is undertaken using kinases, phosphatases, nuclear hormone as intercellular interactions (both direct and
cationic lipids51 and polymers52, which are not receptors, ion channels and proteases36,62. This indirect) and environmental factors. Similarly,
only able to package and neutralize the anionic has been made feasible through the use of although animal models permit the investiga-
oligonucleotides, but are also thought to facili- homologous recombination combined with tion of the disease as well as its development, it
tate endosomal release. However, these delivery viral gene trapping for the production of the is important that they not only manifest the
systems exhibit a number of severe limitations, embryonic stem cells that are used to produce relevant phenotype(s), but that the underly-
including the requirement for optimization the knockout animals63. This approach not ing changes are similar to the human disease.
with each cell type, low transfection levels, toxi- only promises to be of great use in target vali- The ability to perform this task will be depen-
city and, most importantly, the difficulty in dation studies but, for the first time, opens up dent on an understanding of the causes of
delivering these systems to primary and non- the opportunity of using knockout models for chronic disease achieved through longitudinal
dividing cells. For these reasons, considerable target identification. To this end, this company clinical studies that examine the changes at
excitement was generated following the obser- is undertaking long-term comprehensive phe- both the molecular and systems level in paral-
vation that short, cationic peptide sequences, notype screens to identify targets in areas such lel. This will permit not only the identification
called protein transduction domains (PTDs), as cardiology, central nervous system/neurol- of novel targets but also the development of
seemed to mediate rapid in vitro and in vivo ogy, metabolism/obesity, osteoporosis, repro- better cell/animal models, and the identifica-
delivery of peptides, proteins, antisense mole- ductive biology and oncology64. Moreover, this tion of biological markers for the accurate
cules and plasmids, via a receptor- and endo- approach can used to identify new disease and timely assessment of the effectiveness of
somal-independent mechanism53,54. However, models (BOX 1) and can provide information new drugs in patients.
recent observations show that only small quan- with regard to possible toxicity/safety issues. Following the completion of the human
tities of these PTD constructs reach the cyto- In addition to the time required to pro- genome project it could be envisaged that tar-
plasm, with the majority being localized within duce knockout and transgenic mice, the most get identification, in its broadest definition,
the endosomes; this indicates that the initial significant problems this approach faces are has been completed. In these circumstances,
observations were an artefact of the highly embryonic lethality and the induction of the dilemma has now become one of identify-
basic nature of the PTD55,56. compensatory mechanisms during develop- ing which of these many targets actually cause
An alternative to polycationic systems for ment. However, these can be substantially or modify disease. Although its impact on
delivery into primary and non-dividing cells is overcome through the construction of condi- target discovery is difficult to assess, the initial
the use of viral vectors and electroporation. tional expression systems. With transgenic optimism that molecular techniques such as
Viruses have been used for the expression of a animals, this is achieved by the addition of genomics and proteomics would revolutionize
range of target validation tools, including inducible promoters, such as those for tetracy- target identification has largely proved to be
dominant negative/wild-type proteins and cline or ecdysone, whereas for knockout mice groundless. This has resulted, in large part,
siRNA57. However, because infection is depen- these are produced by flanking the gene of from the problems of functional annotation
dent on the expression of specific receptors, interest between loxP sites that are excised in and, in particular, in confidently eliminating
this means that viruses such as adenovirus58, the presence of CRE recombinase. In the latter the large number of potential targets that are
lentivirus59 and herpes simplex virus60 can only case, CRE recombinase expression can be identified by this approach. So, although it is
be used with selective cells/tissues and are both spatially and temporally regulated using likely that many of these targets contribute in
often associated with unwanted cellular and tissue-specific and inducible promoters65. varying degrees to disease phenotypes, it is the

836 | OCTOBER 2003 | VOLUME 2


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Furthermore, our analyses indicate that
innovations around clinically validated mech-
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first-in-class counterparts (FIG. 1b). We charac-

Quest for Best terized the drugs launched by fifteen of the

top pharmaceutical companies during the
period 1991–2000 by their ‘mechanistic’ sta-
Bruce Booth & Rodney Zemmel tus at the time they were entering develop-
ment. For instance, drugs that entered devel-
By combining innovative science with years industry. Although conventional wisdom in opment against new pharmacological targets
of massive investment, drug makers seek to the pharmaceutical industry had often attrib- (those that had not yet been shown to provide
turn newly discovered chemicals into uted disproportionate value to being first in therapeutic benefits in the clinic) were termed
revolutionary blockbuster drugs that class, we and others have recently found that ‘novel’ agents. Those that targeted clinically
generate billions of dollars in revenue. So being ‘best’, rather than first, has historically validated mechanisms that had yet to reach
every year, they collectively spend tens of created more value1–6. Much of the industry’s the market (those, for example, that were still
billions of dollars on the high-risk pursuit of past value creation has come not from first- in Phase III trials) were classified as ‘fast fol-
the next Prozac or Viagra. But should they? in-class drugs against completely new targets, lowers.’ Last, those that entered development
This article analyses key themes around but from follow-on drugs that improve the after their mechanisms were already targeted
differentiation that we have found to be efficacy or reduce the side effects of existing by marketed drugs were considered as ‘differ-
common among blockbusters, and compounds. Most of the industry’s block- entiators’ or even ‘latecomers’. Novel drugs
examines the implications for creating future buster drugs have been developed as best-in- typically included those launched within zero
billion-dollar drugs. class clinical innovations, and only rarely were to two years of the first-in-class mechanism.
they ‘discovered’ as first-in-class agents. Fast followers were two to five years late to
“Pioneering don’t pay” was a favourite phrase market, differentiators were five to fifteen
of Andrew Carnegie, the renowned nine- First-in-class is not best-in-class years late and latecomers were launched more
teenth-century industrialist. Perhaps surpris- Commercial success is, of course, largely the than fifteen years after a drug with a given
ingly, what was true then of steel mills seems result of the discovery and development of mechanism of action was first brought to
to also apply today to the pharmaceutical clinically relevant and innovative products. market. These time lags to market are approx-

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