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A Model for Risk Response on Projects

by Lisa Young

Identifying and Assessing Using the previous example, if the

A risk is an uncertain, Risk: project manager is notified that the
vendor supplying that new technology
possible event that Managing risk is all about identifying has just gone out of business—that's
an issue. In other words, it is a
may positively or possibilities and deciding how to
certainty and needs an immediate
respond to those possibilities. To
negatively impact a manage risk, you want to start by asking course of action applied to resolve it.
yourself the question: “What can
project. Managing risk happen?”. This may appear to be an Coupled with the likelihood of risks is
awfully large undertaking until you zero the impact, or result, should that risk
enables us to keep our in on this key point—you only want to occur. The impact should be
understood in terms of what would
attention on delivering manage risks which are probable and
happen in theory, along with a rating
will have an impact. Managing risk costs
what we promised and people, time and money, so invest wisely representing the scale of the impact. A
and do not waste time on risks that are numerical scale of 1-10 with 10
increases clear highly improbable or have no real representing “devastating” is
impact. recommended.
communication and
Once you have the likelihood and
direction with the For example: Project A is a highly visible,
impact identified, you can determine
top priority project tied directly to the
project team and company's strategy. A highly improbable your exposure for the risk, which in our
risk is that the project's key development example using numerical scales, is the
project sponsor. This is resources would be assigned to another product of likelihood and impact.
project. Given that improbability, any Exposure quickly highlights the risks
because risks are being effort to manage risk would be better requiring the most focused attention.
Risks with greater exposure are like
identified and managed applied to something more probable,
the critical path of your project
such as delayed receipt of the cutting
with full support from edge technology, Sun SPOT, which is schedule—they require the most
critical to the project delivery. attention and the tightest
the sponsor, rather management. In order to tightly
Once you have identified a probable risk, manage, there must be a plan of
than being left to linger the next thing to consider is the attack, and this is where risk response
comes in.
and remain unclear. likelihood that the risk will happen,
making use of personal experiences and
Risks left unmanaged past project history if it is available. A Formulating A Response for
rating based on a pre-defined scale, Risk
spell disaster for a works best. This allows risks to be
measured individually, as well as against Risk Response is a strategy taken to
project. other risks. I have found the numerical manage a potential or manifested risk.
scale of 1-10 to be useful, with 10 The strategy contains the approach and
representing “almost certain”. specific actions, as well as whether that
ITX Corp. response is going to be planned
Keep in mind that if an event is (occurring prior to the risk manifesting),
1169 Pittsford-Victor Rd, Suite 100 determined to be a certainty then it is not or contingent (occurring once the risk
Pittsford, NY 14534 a risk. An event that is a certainty is an has manifested). Refer to the Risk
issue, and a course of action needs to be Response Model on page 3.
1-800-600-7785 identified to resolve the issue.
© 2006 ITX Corp. ITX and the ITX logo are registered
trademarks of ITX Corp. All rights reserved.
A Model for Risk Response on Projects cont’d Page 2

There are four different types of risk Examples: Avoidance: With this strategy, there
responses. For every risk you will could be a couple of approaches. One
want to decide which type of risk Again, using our original example of is to recognize early on that if this risk
response to utilize. The four types of the risk of delay in receiving the is very likely to occur, then an
risk response are: cutting edge Sun SPOT technology alternative approach to the underlying
necessary for the project to deliver its architecture/technology design needs
· Mitigation – Mitigation is reducing solution, here is how the various risk to be developed—one that avoids the
the probability of occurrence or impact responses would play out. use of this specific technology. An
of a risk, before it happens, to below alternative avoidance approach is to
an acceptable threshold. Mitigation Acceptance: Assume there is only one shield your project from the impact of
may also include contingency, in the vendor, Sun Microsystems, to provide a delay by specifically negotiating
event the risk still happens. this technology. We have a long early on in the project that the delivery
Mitigation requires action, resulting in standing relationship with this vendor of the total solution, in terms of time
some level of planned response prior and they have always delivered to us frame, will be promised once we have
to the risk manifesting and/or on time. In this scenario, we could do an actual delivery date of the
contingent after the risk manifests. nothing, relying solely on our strong technology.
relationship with the vendor. This is
· Acceptance – Acceptance is not the best strategy, but a possible Transference: To transfer this risk, we
deciding not to change the project one. could outsource the responsibility for:
management plan to deal with a risk. · ordering the Sun SPOT technology
This may be due to having no other Mitigation: With this type of response, · managing the relationship with Sun
appropriate response strategy. we could have a planned course of · receiving/installing the new
Acceptance is a passive response. action as well as a contingency technology
Acceptance entails no action on your response. Our planned course of · integrating and deploying the total
part, but also does nothing to change action, which would occur before any solution
the risk exposure. delay manifested itself, is to keep in
regular contact with Sun to assess And then what? - Ongoing
· Avoidance – Avoidance is their progress—ensuring our need is Monitoring and Control:
eliminating the risk, or protecting the always kept current in their mind, as
project objectives from its impact (i.e. well as guaranteeing the earliest Once you have successfully defined
If the risk were to occur, it would not possible detection of a potential your risk response, you monitor the
impact the project). Avoidance delay. Our contingent course of environment and invoke the response
requires more action, but provides the action, should we still end up with a plans as necessary to control the risk
biggest benefits in reduction of risk delay, could be to invoke a plan B, and/or impact. Risk Management is an
exposure—your risk is eliminated or which segments out the delivery of the ongoing effort throughout the life of
you have completely shielded your solution. In this case, rather than your project. New risks may materialize
project from any impact. delivering the total solution all at and existing risks which have been
once, we would instead deliver realized and responded to, or whose
· Transference – Transference is solution components not dependent probability has been eliminated, may be
shifting the threat of impact and on that technology earlier, and closed out.
ownership of response to a third party, schedule the other dependent
through a contractual agreement solution components later in the So now that you have your risks under
between the two parties. Liability for delivery cycle. control, you can get back to delivering
the costs of a risk is transferred to the what you promised!
other party. In other words, your risk
is eliminated and the risk now rests
with the third party.

1-800-600-7785 •
A Model for Risk Response on Projects cont’d Page 3

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