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HyperfineInteractions 78 (1993) 159-163 159

New determination of quadrupole coupling constants of

Li isotopes in single crystals LilO3 and LiNbO3
T. Minamisono, T. Ohtsubo, Y. Nakayama, S. Fukuda, T. Izumikawa,
M. Tanigaki, M. Matsui, S. Takeda a, N. Nakamura a, M. Fukuda,
K. Matsuta and Y. Nojiri
Department of PhysicsandLaboratory of Nuclear Studies, Facultyof Science,
Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka560, Japan
aDepartment of Chemistry, Facultyof Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka,
Osaka560, Japan

Quadrupoleeffectsin NMR spectraof 8Li(F~= 2+; 7"1/2= 0.84 s) in LiIO3and LiNbO3 sin-
gle crystals have been detectedby use of a modified 13-NMR.The couplingconstants for both
crystals are in agreementwith known ones. Field gradients in the crystals were measured by
detecting pulsed-Fourier transformed NMR of 7Li. The quadrupole moments deduced from
both samples agree,and IQ(SLi;2+)1 = 32.7 4- 0.6 mb has been determined.


The discrepancy between the two quadrupole moment values Q(gLi; I" = 2 +,
T1/2 = 0.84 s) reported by Ackermann et al. [1] and by Minamisono et al. [2], has
been an open problem in investigating the hyperfine interactions of 8Li implanted
in LiIO3 and LiNbO3. Therefore, it was impossible to use the values for extracting
new important nuclear information; e.g., neutron-halo effects. Applying "a new
nuclear quadrupole resonance (NNQR)" [3], this long standing problem could be
easily solved; the detection efficiency by use of this has been about 100 times higher
for the study of quadrupole interactions of nuclei with nuclear spin I = 2 com-
pared with that by the conventional 13-NMR [4]. We describe here successful
N N Q R detection of 8Li in both crystals. Measurements of the field gradients at the
7Li sites in both crystals are also reported.

2. E x p e r i m e n t a l

Recently, the 13-NMR technique has been modified as N N Q R technique in its

way of the spin manipulation [3]. The essential part of the experimental technique
and apparatus are the same used in the study of 17F in MgF 2 crystal [4] except the

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160 T. Minamisono et al. / New determination of quadrupole coupling constants

RF control system. For SLi(I~ = 2 +) in a unique field gradient, 4-RF transitions

are possible at high field. If a quadrupole coupling constant UQ = 3eqQ
/2I(21 - 1)h is given, the 21transitions can be calculated provided that the Larmor
frequency ~ , the asymmetry rl (--- 0 for the present case) of the field gradient and
its orientation are given. The transition frequency um for an m ~ rn - 1 transition
at high field is calculated in first-order perturbation theory as, Um= ~ + (UQ/2)
(m - 1/2) (3 cos2~ - 1 - rl sin2/~ cos 27), where/~ and 7 are the Euler angles that
describe the orientation of the field gradient relative to the high magnetic field.
As usual, the RF fields for equalizing the populations of the relevant magnetic sub-
levels were applied right after a beam-on-production time for 4 x (1 + 0.025)
× 10 ms before the following 13-ray counting time. In an RF time, a set of four RF
fields for a given UQ were applied in series and the set was repeated typically 10
times within the RF time. Typical time duration for a transition frequency was 1 ms
and the 0.025 ms was a switching time for each change of frequency. In a measure-
ment of the UQ spectrum, typically sixteen presumed UQ'S were mapped. At the
end of the sixteen beam-count cycles three extra beam-count cycles without RF
applied were added as renormalization cycles. The sets of 16 + 3 beam-count
cycles were repeated until sufficient counting statistics were attained. The N N Q R
effect of each UQwas extracted by comparing the counting-rate ratio of the up and
down counters to that of the ratio for the beam-count cycles without RF. In the
practical measurement, each RF was modulated in frequency as, IAvcl = const.
x l ~ - ucl, in order to cover a transition completely at the on-resonance condition,
where uc was the center frequency of each RF. A spread in the field gradient was
determined to be about 6q/q = 5%. A similar amount of spread was reported pre-
viously [2], and also for 17F in MgF 2 [4]. The RF system for the spin manipulation
was controlled by a micro computer as well as the data taking system.
The Larmor frequency ~ of 8Li in each crystal at the magnetic field H0
= 0.40 T was measured by detecting a sharp ~-NMR line at the orientation angle
/~ = cos -1 (1/3) 1/2, where all transitions were degenerated.
The field gradients at the Li sites in the crystals were measured by detecting
FT-NMR of 7Li(I~ -- 3/2-) in each crystal at high field H = 4.7 T and at room
temperature. All transitions were measured as a function of the orientation angle of
the crystal c-axis relative to H. Detections of 7Li in LiIO3 were very much dis-
turbed in the spectra by its piezo-electricity. Fortunately, each transition line
among three lines showed a clear dipolar split caused by the surrounding nuclear
moments. From the relative intensities of the dipolar split, the center of each transi-
tion could be measured. The experimental results are shown in fig. 1 as a function
of the orientation angle. The solid and broken curves are the best fitted theoretical
curve, (3 cos 2/~ - 1), to the data obtained using LiNbO3 and LilO3 crystals, respec-
tively, where axially symmetric field gradients (rl = 0) are also known. The quadru-
pole coupling constants at room temperature are determined as
[eqQ(7Li; LiNbO3)/h[ = 53.3 + 0.5 kHz and leqQ(7Li; LilO3)/h I = 36.4 -4-0.5 kHz.
1: Minamisono et al. / New determination of quadrupole coupling constants 161

60 i ~ i i i i i 1 i

o LiNbO3

/ , \,

~X 7
% /

r,./3 I I I I I I I I I
-30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Rotation angle between q and Ho (degrees)

Fig. 1. F T - N M R signals of 7Li in LilO3 and LiNbO3 are shown as functions of orientation angle of
the crystal c-axis relative to Ho = 4 T at room temperature. The solid and broken curves are the best
fitted theoretical curves to the data.

The previously reported value leqQ(7Li;LilO3)/h[ = 44 + 3 kHz, is in error in

whichthe piezo-electricitymay not be taken into account.

3. Results and discussion

The experimental results of NNQR of SLi in LilO3 crystals are shown in

figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The new coupling constants at room temperature,
leqQ (SLi;LiIO3)/hI = 29.24 :t: 0.36 kHz, and leqa(SLi;LiNbO3)/hI = 44.68
+0.88 kHz, are determined that are all in good agreement with the old values [1,2].

, , i I i

" ~ L I in L i N b O 3
~13 1.0




~ 1; 1; 2b 2~
vQ (kHz)

Fig. 2. A typical N N Q R spectrum of SLi in LilO3. The crystal c-axis is parallel to H0 ( = 0.40 T). The
solid curve is the best theoretical fit to the data. In the calculation, R F intensities, a spread in the field
gradient 8q/q, and double quantum transitions are taken into account. 5q/q = 5% was obtained
from the fit.
162 T. Minamisono et al. / New determination of quadrupole coupling constants

~ 1" T "1" "r--

.-. ~.5

f SLi in LiIO 3 "

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 3. A typical N N Q R spectrum of SLi in LiNbO3. The crystal c-axis is parallel to H0 (= 0.40 T).
The solid curve is the best theoretical fit to the data. In the calculation, R F intensities, a spread in the
field gradient 8q/q, and double quantum transitions are taken into account. ~q/q = 5% was obtained
from the fit.

Using the known Q(7Li; 3/2-) = +40.0 + 0.6 mb value [5], IQ(SLi; 2+)1 = 32.1
-t-0.8 mb and 33.5 ± 0.9 mb were determined from iodate and niobate, respectively,
showing a good mutual agreement. Finally we determined from the average of the
two values as, IQ(SLi; 2+)1 -- 32.7 + 0.6 mb.
The Cohen-Kurath wave functions with Woods-Saxon potential have been
well known for its power to be able to account for the physical quantities of the
deeply bound nucleons nicely [6]. The quadrupole moment of a nucleus with proton
and neutron numbers Np and Nn, respectively, is given using particle model as
Q(Np, Nn) = e~rfQ(Np)+ e~ffQ(Nn), where the effective charges e~ff = 1.3e and
ee,ff = 0.5 e are given by Sagawa and Brown [6] from the studies of the nuclear prop-
erties of sd-shell nuclei. Because the three protons are deeply bound with the
separation energy of 12 MeV, theoretical quadrupole moment Qth(3) = 8.5 mb
may reproduce the true value as usual. Then, an empirical quadrupole moment of
five neutrons with small separation energy of 2.0 MeV in 8Li is extracted as
0(5) = [Qexp(SLi) -e~ffQth (3)]/e~ff = 43.3 mb. The value is in good agreement
with the theoretical value Qth(5) = 39.4 mb, in which the neutron radial wave func-
tion is adjusted to reproduce the experimental separation energy. In the calcula-
tion, simultaneously, the root mean square (rms) radius for five neutrons is given
[7] (r2) 1/2 = 2.75 fm which is definitely larger than 2.20 fm for the deeply bound
protons. Since the present Q(5) is carried mainly by a valence neutron, we conclude
a neutron halo in 8Li covering the 7Li core overcoming the centrifugal potential.
It is noted that prominent signals were not found in the rms radius measured by use
of very high-energy radioactive beams of 800 MeV/nucleon [8]. Such a measure-
ment using a lower energy, 50-100 MeV/nucleon is required since the valence
nucleon may play an important contribution in the interaction cross sections.
7: Minamisono et al. / New determination of quadrupole coupling constants 163


The present work was partially supported by the Grant in Aid for Scientific
Research and Monbusho International Scientific Program given from the Ministry
of Education, Culture and Science. Support was also given from the USA-Japan
Collaborative Research, given by both the Japan Society for Promotion of Science,
and the National Science Foundation, USA. This was also partially supported by
the Yamada Science Foundation.


[1] H. Ackermann et al., Phys. Lett. 52B (1974) 54.

[2] T. Minamisono et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 34 (1975) 1465.
[3] T. Minamisono et al., Proceedings ofthis conference, Hyp. Int. 78-80 (1993).
[4] T. Minamisono et al., Nucl. Phys. A 236 (1974) 416.
[5] H.-G. Vflk and D. Fick, Nucl. Phys. A 530 (1991) 475.
[6] H. Sagawa and B.A. Brown, Nucl. Phys. A 430 (1984) 84.
[7] H. Kitagawa and H. Sagawa, private communications; Proceedings of this conference, Hyp. Int.
78-80 (1993); Phys. Lett. B 299 (1993) 1.
[8] I. Tanihata et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 2676; Nucl. Phys. A 520 (1990) 411C; Phys. Lett. B
206 (1988) 592.

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