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Black Box Test Case Designing

This document provides a comprehensive view of designing software test cases.

This document discuss the Objective, Purpose, Type, format and knowhow about test case and
gives tips on writting test cases for a successive testing of a software. The test case format is
suitable for manual system test cases. The test cases should be written in enough detail that
they could be given to a new team member who would be able to quickly start to carry out the
tests and find defects.

Who Should Read

Quality assurance engineers, test engineers, managers or anyone who designs or performs
software tests including Testers and Test Leads.

Eligbility of the person who designs the Test cases -> The Person / tester who designs the
test case should be well trained. Well trained in the sense he / she should know each and every
function of module whose test case has to be designed. He / She need to have a thorough
understanding of the application and business reason of the application. Person / tester need to
have a complete understanding of the project.

Topics Covered
1. Objective and Purpose of Black box testing.
2. Type of Black Box Test Case Design.
3. Definition of a Test Case.
4. Qualities of a Good Test case.
5. Format with an example of test case.
6. Features of the Test Cases.


The purpose of the Black Box Test Case Design (BBTD) is to discover circumstances under
which the assessed object will not react and behave according to the requirements or
respectively the specifications.

The test cases in a black box test case design are derived from the requirements or the
specifications. The object to be assessed is considered as a black box, i. e. the assessor is not
interested in the internal structure and the behavior of the object to be assessed.
• generation of equivalence classes
• marginal value analysis
• intuitive test case definition
• function coverage

1. Generation of Equivalence Classes

Objective and Purpose

It is the objective of the generation of equivalence classes to achieve an optional

probability to detect errors with a minimum number of test cases.

Operational Sequence

The principle of the generation of equivalence classes is to group all input data of a
program into a finite number of equivalence classes so it can be assumed that with any
representative of a class it is possible to detect the same errors as with any other
representative of this class.

The definition of test cases via equivalence classes is realized by means of the
following steps:

o Analysis of the input data requirements, the output data requirements, and the
conditions according to the specifications
o Definition of the equivalence classes by setting up the ranges for input and
output data
o Definition of the test cases by means of selecting values for each class

When defining equivalence classes, two groups of equivalence classes have to be


o valid equivalence classes

o invalid equivalence classes

For valid equivalence classes, the valid input data are selected; in case of invalid
equivalence classes erroneous input data are selected. If the specification is available,
the definition of equivalence classes is predominantly a heuristic process.

2. Marginal Value Analysis

Objective and Purpose

It is the objective of the marginal value analysis to define test cases that can be used to
discover errors connected with the handling of range margins.
Operational Sequence

The principle of the marginal value analysis is to consider the range margins in
connection with the definition of test cases. This analysis is based on the equivalence
classes defined by means of the generation of equivalence classes. Contrary to the
generation of equivalence classes, not any one representative of the class is selected as
test case but only the representatives at the class margins. Therefore, the marginal
value analysis represents an addition to the test case design according to the generation
of equivalence classes.

3. Intuitive Test Case Definition

Objective and Purpose

It is the objective of the intuitive test case definition to improve systematically

detected test cases qualitatively, and also to detect supplementary test cases.

Operational Sequence

Basis for this methodical approach is the intuitive ability and experience of human
beings to select test cases according to expected errors. A regulated procedure does not
exist. Apart from the analysis of the requirements and the systematically defined test
cases (if realized) it is most practical to generate a list of possible errors and error-
prone situations. In this connection it is possible to make use of the experience with
repeatedly occurred standard errors. Based on these identified errors and critical
situations the additional test cases will then be defined.

4. Function Coverage

Objective and Purpose

It is the purpose of the function coverage to identify test cases that can be used to
proof that the corresponding function is available and can be executed as well. In this
connection the test case concentrates on the normal behavior and the exceptional
behavior of the object to be assessed.

Operational Sequence

Based on the defined requirements, the functions to be tested must be identified. Then
the test cases for the identified functions can be defined.


With the help of a test case matrix it is possible to check if functions are covered by
several test cases. In order to improve the efficiency of the tests, redundant test cases
ought to be deleted.
1. A test case is a detailed procedure that fully tests a feature or an aspect of
a feature.

2. The smallest entity that is always executed as a unit, from beginning to


3. A good test case is one that has a high probability to find an error.

4. Test case is a set of

1. test inputs
2. execution conditions
3. expected results

developed for a particular objective.


• High probability of catching an error
• Is not redundant
• Is the best of its breed
• Is neither too simple nor too complex
• Is reproducible


Test Case Design should contain

Test Case ID:

It is unique number given to test case in order to be identified.

Test description:
The description of test case you are going to test.

Revision history:
Each test case has to have its revision history in order to know when and by whom it is
created or modified.

Function to be tested:
The name of function to be tested.

It tells in which environment you are testing.

Test Setup:
Anything you need to set up outside of your application for example printers, network and so

Test Execution:
It is detailed description of every step of execution.

Expected Results:
The description of what you expect the function to do.

Actual Results:
pass / failed
If pass - What actually happen when you run the test.
If failed - put in description of what you've observed.


Test case ID: B 001

Test Description: verify B - bold formatting to the text
Revision History:
3/ 23/ 00 1.0- Valerie- Created
Function to be tested: B - bold formatting to the text
Environment: Win 98
Test setup: N/A
Test Execution:
1. Open program
2. Open new document
3. Type any text
4. Select the text to make bold.
5. Click Bold
Expected Result: Applies bold formatting to the text
Actual Result: pass


Good test cases clearly state following components:

1. No iteration-> Any feature or case to be tested should not be repeated.

2. Completeness-> Test cases should contain all the features that have to be tested.
3. Detailed-> Test cases should contain detailed steps and all the requirement that are
needed to test a particular function.
4. Accuracy-> Test cases that have been written should be accurate or without any
drawbacks like spelling mistake, unclear case.
5. More Case should get failed-> There should be cases which have more probablility
to fail than pass. Test Cases must be Written for Invalid and Unexpected Cases as well
as for Valid and Expected Cases.
6. Meaningful case-> The case should contain proper Input, Action, Output and the
result of case. ( Pass / Fail )
7. Short and Simple language-> The case written should be short rather than lengthy
and it should be written in very simple language so that any person is able to
understand the scope of each case.
8. Append a unique number-> The name of each test case should be a short phrase
describing a general test situation. Append a unique number to each test for the given
test situation. For example: login-1, login-2, login-3 for three alternative ways to test
logging in.
9. Use distinct test cases-> When different steps will be needed to test each situation.
One test case can be used when the steps are the same and different input values are
10. Number of test case-> The advantage of having a large number of tests is that it
usually increases the coverage.The disadvantage to creating a big test suite is simply
that it is too big. It could take a long time to fully specify every test case that you have
mapped out. And, the resulting document could become too large, making it harder to
maintain. So the number should be neither too small or to large.
11. Focus on the test cases that seem most in need of additional detail. For example,
select system test cases that cover:

• High priority use cases or features

• Software components that are currently available for testing (rather than specifying
tests on components that cannot actually be tested yet)
• Features that must work properly before other features can be exercised (e.g., if login
does not work, you cannot test anything that requires a logged in user)
• Features that are needed for product demos or screenshots
• Requirements that need to be made more clear

12. Carefully selecting test data is as important as defining the steps of the test case. The
concepts of boundary conditions and equivalence partitions are key to good test data
selection. Try these steps to select test data:

• Determine the set of all input values that can possibly be entered for a given input
parameter. For example, the age of a person might be entered as any integer.
• Define the boundary between valid and invalid input values. For example, negative
ages are nonsense. You might also check for clearly unreasonable inputs. For example,
an age entered as 200 is much more likely to be a typo than a user who is actually two-
hundred years old.
• Review the requirements and find boundaries in the valid range that should cause the
system to behave in different ways. For example, the system might treat minors
differently than adults, so the boundary would be age 18.
• Choose one input value somewhere in the middle of each equivalence partition (e.g.,
-5, 12, and 44), one directly on each boundary (e.g., 0 and 18), and one on each side of
each boundary (e.g., 1, 17, and 19). Test data vales that are expected to cause errors
(e.g., -5) should be tested in separate robustness test cases.
• In functional correctness test cases, make sure that you have inputs that will force the
system to generate each possible type of response to valid input. And, in robustness
test cases, make sure to force the system to generate each relevant error message

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