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Task 1 – Confined Spaces Entry Permit

Access and review the building permit below.

Confined Spaces Entry Permit – New South Wales
Identify the following:
 the limitations of this permit.
 activity restrictions in this permit.

Up to how many spaces does this permit apply to?

Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page
Activity restrictions
Before someone is allowed to enter a confined space, they must have an entry permit.
List all the five details that this entry permit must include.

Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page
Task 2 – Permit for Building Waste Containers (Skips)

Access and review the following building permit.

Permit for Building Waste Containers (Skips) – New South Wales.
Identify the following:
 the limitations of this permit.
 all the conditions of this permit.
 activity restrictions in this permit.
For additional information that will help you answer this question, access, and review
the Building Waste (Skips) Application Checklist provided along with this workbook.


Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page
The Permit for Building Waste Containers (Skips) – New South Wales has 13 permit
conditions. List all 13 below.

Activity restrictions
Placement of skips will not be allowed (and the application for the permit will be
rejected) if ___________________.

Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page
Task 3 – Approval to Dispose of Trade Waste into a Public Sewer

Access and review the building approval from NSW.

Approval to Dispose of Trade Waste into a Public Sewer
Identify the following:
 the limitations of this building approval.
 the conditions of this building approval.
 activity restrictions of this building approval.
For additional information that will help you answer this question, access, and review
the Application for Approval - Section 68 LGA 1993& Section 138 Roads Act 1993
provided along with this workbook.

How is the duration of approval identified?

Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page
This approval has two conditions, list all of them below.

Activity restrictions

Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page
Task 4 – Controlled Activity Approval

Access and review the building approval from NSW.

Controlled Activity Approval
Identify the following:
 the limitations of this building approval.
 the conditions of this building approval.
 activity restrictions of this building approval.
For additional information that will help you answer this question, access, and review
the Guide to completing and submitting a new or amended controlled activity
approval provided along with this workbook.

Which property and controlled activities will this approval cover?

Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page
Identify below the condition on which the approval must be extended.

Activity restrictions
List the five controlled activities in which this approval is restricted to.

Lead College Pty Ltd RTO No: 41489 CRICOS Code: 03636F
Task 2 Templates – CPCCBC4009 - Apply legal requirements to building and construction
projects Page

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