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I would like to state that I’m greatly thankful to the guide of my assignment Mr.Praveen
(Assistance Professor of Management) and the Himachal Pradesh National Law University,
Shimla for helping me throughout my venture. I would be indeed failing my duty if I forget
to mention my peers, family and the once who supported me throughout the completion of
the following assignment. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have been able to complete my
assignment. It is solely the result of the combined effort that the taken-up work has been a

I hereby declare that the research paper titled “Legalisation of same sex marriage in India:
An inquiry from natural law perspective” submitted to HPNLU, Shimla, is a record of an
original work done by me under the guidance of Mr. Praveen, Lecturer for the subject of
Management The results embodied in this paper have not been submitted to any other
University of Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.


HRD MATRIX………………………………………





The HRD matrix shows the interrelationship between HRD instruments, processes,
outcomes and organizational effectiveness Instruments: These include performance
appraisal, counselling, role analysis. potential development, training, communication
policies, job rotations, rewards, job enrichment programmes, etc. These instruments may
vary depending on the size of the organization, the internal environment, the support and
commitment of the top management, the competitive policies etc

HRD Processes: The IIRD instruments lead to the generation of HRD processes like role
clarity, performance planning, development climate, risk-taking, dynamism in employees.
Such HRD processes should result in more competent satisfied and committed people that
would make the organization grow by contributing their best to it

HRD Outcomes: HRD instruments and processes make people more committed and
satisfied, where they tend to give their best to the organization enthusiastically.
Organizational Effectiveness: The HRD outcomes influence the organizational
effectiveness, which in turn, depends on a number of variables like environment.
technology, competitors, etc.
Herein we will be discussing the HRD matrix of Cadbury
Cadbury, formerly Cadbury's and Cadbury Schweppes, is a British multinational
confectionery company owned by Mondelez International (originally Kraft Foods) since
2010. It is the second largest confectionery brand in the world after Mars. Cadbury is
internationally headquartered in Greater London, and operates in more than 50 countries
It is known for its Dairy Milk chocolate, the Creme Egg and Roses selection box, and many
other confectionery products. One of the best-known British brands, in 2013 The Daily
Telegraph named Cadbury among Britain's most successful exports. Cadbury was founded
in 1824 in Birmingham, England, by John Cadbury (1801–1889), a Quaker who sold tea,
coffee and drinking chocolate.
Cadbury developed the business with his brother Benjamin, followed by his sons Richard
and George. George developed the Bournville estate, a model village designed to give the
company's workers improved living conditions. Dairy Milk chocolate, introduced by George
Jr in 1905, used a higher proportion of milk in the recipe than rival products. By 1914, it
was the company's best-selling product. Successive members of the Cadbury family have
made innovations with chocolate products. Cadbury, Rowntree's and Fry's were the big
three British confectionery manufacturers throughout much of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Cadbury was granted its first royal warrant from Queen Victoria in 1854. It held a royal
warrant from Elizabeth II from 1955 to 2022.Cadbury merged with J. S. Fry & Sons in
1919, and Schweppes in 1969, known as Cadbury until 2008, when the American beverage
business was split as Dr Pepper Snapple Group; the rights ownership of the Schweppes
brand had already differed between various countries since 2006.
In 1992, Sir Adrian Cadbury, chairman of the company for 24 years, produced the Cadbury
Report, a code of best practice which served as a basis for reform of corporate governance
around the world. Cadbury was a constant constituent of the FTSE 100 on the London Stock
Exchange from the index's 1984 inception until the company was bought by Kraft Foods
Inc. in 2010.
Human Resource Development Instruments: These tools encompass performance
evaluation, counselling, role analysis, potential development, training, communication
policies, job rotations, rewards, job enrichment programs, and more. The specific utilization
of these instruments can differ based on factors such as the organization's size, internal
environment, top management support and commitment, competitive strategies, and so on.

Human Resource Development Instruments in Cadbury :

Considering the increasing competitiveness in the business sector, organizations are in need
of maximizing its resources in order to operate successfully. One of these important
resources is the organizational workforce.
By means of determining the different approaches related to strategic human resource
management, workforce issues encountered by other companies may be resolved. In
addition, companies intending to operate of expand on the global level may achieve this
goal by assessing and improving their human resource strategies. This research may also be
of value to employees as this could encourage business companies in general to give due
value to their workforce so as to achieve better business outcomes.
This investigative study could also contribute to the human resource sector particularly by
increasing awareness on SHRM and the new approaches other companies could apply.
Clients or consumers may also benefit from this study as the increased awareness on SHRM
approaches can likely enhance both production and service provision of other companies.
This study aims to determine the role of strategic human resource management in the
achievement of Cadbury global growth and success.
Below are the specific objectives of this research study:
To determine the role if strategic human resource management in shaping the development
processes of Cadbury
 To analyze the performance assessment, training and potential-maximizing strategies
of the global company
 To identify and analyze the human resource strategies of the company that allowed it
to operate globally
 To relate various human resource management theories to the identified strategies of
the company

Maximizing Potentials One of the key personnel of Cadbury is its managers. Thus, in
order to optimize their skills, the company applied various strategic programs. One of which
is its Building Strategic Capabilities (BSC) program that was developed in 1998. This
program course was applied in order to maximize the potentials of the company’s managers.
The program is made up of three important elements. One is that the program course
involved the study of real strategic issues rather than hypothetical cases; this made the
course content more applicable to actual business problems the managers would encounter.
Another important element of this program course was that the process of strategic decision-
making is studied from goal-setting to performance-monitoring. This element of the
program aims to enhance the managers’ strategic language, in order for them to be equipped
with the necessary processes and standards for effective strategy implementation. Finally,
this program is also made up of an element, which exposes managers to practical or hands-
on training. This element is conducted by letting the program participants interact with the
members of the top management. For the past five years since this potential-maximizing
program has been implemented, Cadbury BSC program is still used as the main approach
for executive development (Morley & Hepplewhite 2004).
The company has continuously developed programs and strategies that would optimize the
skills of its staff. For example, in 2005, Cadbury pursued its People Strategy through its
Building Commercial Capabilities program. This strategy is a group learning and
development activity which is implemented to ensure that the full potential of all employees
are realized. The program aims to develop the participants’ marketing and sales expertise as
well as their commercial decision-making skills; this is done by studying the standard
Cadbury Schweppes marketing and selling technique. A total of 1,000 managers have
participated in this program

Training :
Training is an important aspect of the company’s SHRM strategy. Aside from ensuring that
all employees have equal access to the company’s training opportunities, Cadbury
Schweppes also develops training programs that improve the competency of its workforce.
For this year, the company developed Passion for People, a people management training
program. This aims to teach the standard approach used for managing people; it is also the
goal of this program to refresh such management approach among current employees Bob
Stack, Cadbury Chief Human Resources Officer, also explained that this program is also
conducted for the purpose of improving the drive performance skills of the managers.
Furthermore, it is the objective of this training program to instils among employees the
values and behavior that make up the company’s culture. The company does not only
provide training opportunities to the new employees but also offer regular updates of the
existing staff members. This strategy is also applicable in cases when one of its employees
becomes disabled. When this happens, Cadbury Schweppes sees to it that an alternative job
is offered. Moreover, re-training efforts are also provided to the employee if necessary .

Risk Management
In order to support the SHRM strategies of Cadbury Schweppes, the company include
appropriate HR policies particularly in the recruitment, selection and hiring of employees.
Other common work issues are also covered by the company’s HR regulations. Through
these strategic policies, the company is able to maintain its standards and meet desired
business outcomes. Patterned after its ethical business practices, the company’s policies
promote equal employment opportunities within its global businesses. Thus, Cadbury is a
company committed to selecting employees based on their abilities and potentials; it is part
of the company’s SHRM strategy to optimize the talents and experience the employees have
and help them realize their other capabilities.
The company believes that by shaping its HR policies with this ethical commitment, the
business will not only employ people of talent but it will also help is establishing a good
image in the communities where it operates (International Labor Organization 2002). In
recruiting and selecting employees, it is Cadbury Schweppes’ aim to hire the best people for
the position it offers and use methods that are free from bias and discrimination. For
employee selection, the company ensures that necessary criteria including skills, knowledge,
qualifications and experience of the applicants are clearly defined. Psychometric testing,
assessment techniques ad other selection methods should also be non-discriminatory. It must
be clearly described why the applicant was selected; for this, records for employee selection
decisions are kept and stored.
The advertisements of the company for the job positions it is offering should also be
patterned after the equal employment aspect. In particular, the company must ensure that the
advertisements present enough opportunities that most people can apply for. Moreover,
these advertisements must reach even underrepresented communities and groups
(International Labor Organization 2002). In order to improve its selection process, the
company had also recently used an online system for its testing procedures.
An electronic version of its psychometric tests has been installed so as to make this vital
phase of selection faster and more efficient (Graduate Recruiter 2006). The risks involved
in human resource management are also controlled by Cadbury Schweppes through relevant
policies. For instance, the company follows a compensation structure which is not
influenced by the employees color, race, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, religion,
disability or age. The career development of the employees is also dependent solely on their
merits and abilities. The access of the employees to training is also covered by the
company’s policies. Specifically, regardless of the employees’ race or origin, all employees
of Cadbury Schweppes have equal access to training.
Moreover, if certain employees are in need of educational or skill support, the company
provides them with the necessary training; this would allow them to progress equally with
other employees (International Labor Organization 2002). Fairness and equality are also
part of the company’s policies used for handling work issues, grievance matters and
discipline. When such issues arise, the company ensures that the situations are assessed
fairly and on the same basis as with similar cases. For bullying and harassment, the
company also requires all its business units to develop clear guidelines that would help
manage these human resource problems. These ensure that the employees are aware on how
to report and address these matters. The development and use of these guidelines also help
these issues from happening (International Labor Organization 2002).
Aside from preventing HR-related risks through policies, the company also develops
helpful programs that would promote the well-being of the employees. For example, the
company conducts education programs for the employees’ health and nutrition; whole-
family health management schemes are also implemented. In order to support these
programs, the company also provides nutrition-oriented on-site cafeterias. Medical facilities
are also made available in the company to meet the employees’ basic safety and health
requirements. Aside from the employees’ physical well-being, their mental health is also
cared for; this is done through the provision of counselling services. This aims to assist the
employees in handling personal and work-related issues.

Performance Assessment
The HRD application of the company also involves the assessment or measurement of the
performance of its employees. Specifically, the company uses a two-part performance
measurement system. The line manager is the one in charge of assessing the individual
performance of the employee every half and end of the year. Clearly developed performance
objectives are used for the evaluation. The line manager presides a formal meeting with the
employee to be assessed; during this time, the set objectives set at the beginning of the year
is documented by the line manager and signed by the employee The utilization of a
performance measurement system at Cadbury Schweppes allowed the company to fulfil its
goal of giving due value on its employees’ development, growth and performance
management. Through this system, the company is able to recognize and reward the
employees who have displayed exemplary performance and gave much contribution to the
company’s success. Having a designed system allowed the company to apply a consistent
approach for appraising the employees’ performance, even for those working in other
international offices.
This approach is composed of tools that facilitate the employees’ career development and
personal growth; Reward programs are also included. These programs generally help in
motivating the employees to contribute more for attaining business success The managers
of the company are also assessed using this system. Specifically, the company makes use
behavioural factors that support its global leadership needs, which include accountability,
adaptability, aggressiveness, forward-thinking capability, motivation, collaboration,
teamwork and company values. A separate assessment process is also used by the company
in order to evaluate other potentials of its managers; this enables the company to identify
other roles its managers could perform. Due rewards are also provided to the individual
based on the outcome of his or her performance appraisal
Aside from the individual performance of the employees and managers, the overall
performance of the business in relation to the people it serves is also assessed. For this,
Cadbury Schweppes uses the climate survey tool that has the ability to identify the relation
between overall business performance and employee engagement. This tool was initially
used for the company’s 10,000 global managers in 2004 and then applied too all employees
the following year .

Impact of the company’s HR strategies

The use of multiple strategies related to SHRM application has generally been beneficial for
Cadbury Schweppes. The performance measurement system of the company for example,
motivated the employees to work their best. This finding was further stressed when a study
finding showed that almost 90% of the company’s global employees are proud to be
employed by Cadbury. The survey conducted by the company also showed that the
employees are highly committed and engaged to good work performance.
The commitment of the employees represents the employees’ attachment to the company
while engagement indicates the level of effort the employees are willing to give for the
company; they key factors have been directly related to the survey’s key areas. The findings
clearly showed that Cadbury succeeds globally through its employees’ engagement and
commitment, which were brought about by its HR strategies. The outcome of the survey
was further stressed by the employee turnover records of the company. As of 2003, the
turnover rate was at low level of 2.5% at an annual basis; executive population has also
dropped minimally from 180 to 165 in 2003 to 2004. The number of women working in the
company on the other hand had increased from 11% in 2003 to 13% in 2004. Despite the
promising outcome of the survey, the company sees it necessary to continuously improve
the level of engagement employees have for good performance
The performance appraisal system also made the employees more aware of what the
company expects from them; this strategy also encouraged the employees to constantly seek
ways on how their performance can be improved. The utilization of the performance system
has also been helpful for the company as it becomes more knowledgeable with the operation
areas that need improvements
In general, having a performance appraisal system in the company’s SHRM strategy helped
it to become proactive in maintaining its good business practices and in developing ways on
how to be a better company. The training and programs of the company has also been
showing positive outcomes. Its communication-related programs for example, have been
able to enhance the employees’ communication and engagement level. These skill
developments in turn, enabled the company to accomplish several collective bargaining
agreements. The SHRM efforts of the company also encourage share ownership among the
employees. Specifically, the HR strategy of Cadbury made its all-employee share plan
arrangements accessible to its employees in UK, US, Spain, New Zealand, Mexico,
Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, France and Ireland. This achievement helped in
bringing the company’s global employees together
. The use of ethical practices in the recruitment and selection of the company’s employees
has also been of benefit especially in ensuring the high standard performance of the staff.
Improving the means of recruiting through information technology systems has also helped
the company in short listing the best applicants. Since this development has improved the
speed of the of the recruitment process, the company has more time to assess job-related
exercises. The improved psychometric test allows Cadbury to gain information that
emphasize the candidates’ distinct abilities (Graduate Recruiter 2006).

Strategic human resource management has been recognized by various companies as an

important factor for achieving business success. Cadbury is among those major companies
who have long been applying various human resource strategies to achieve good business
outcomes. This research was then conducted with aim of identifying the role of SHRM in
the achievement of global success using the case of Cadbury in UK. In order to achieve
this research aim, the researcher used the descriptive method of research.
A total of 30 respondents from the company’s human resource department were selected in
random. The survey questionnaire, structure in Likert-format, served as the main research
instrument for this study. In addition to primary information, the researcher also used books,
journals and other literatures as sources of secondary data. By means of weighted mean
computation and the Likert scale, the results of the survey were then analysed; relevant
literatures were used to discuss these results.
Data Requirement In order to achieve the objectives of this research, the researcher would
need data that would describe the role of SHRM to the global growth and success of
Cadbury Schweppes. For this, the researcher would have to contact people who are
knowledgeable of the HR strategies developed and implemented by the company; people
who are aware of how these strategies had impacted Cadbury Schweppes’ would also be
helpful in answering the needs of this study. Thus, the researcher saw it appropriate to use
some of the human resource staff from the company. Considering their participation and
experience with these HR strategies, they would be able to provide the data required of this
Research Design In this research, the descriptive method was utilized. The purpose of
employing the descriptive method is to describe the nature of a condition, as it takes place
during the time of the study and to explore the cause or causes of a particular condition. The
researcher opted to use this kind of research considering the desire to acquire first hand data
from the respondents so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and
recommendations for the study. According to Creswell (1994), the descriptive method of
research is to gather information about the present existing condition.
This research method is advantageous for the researcher due to its flexibility; this method
can use either qualitative or quantitative data or both, giving the researcher greater options
in selecting the instrument for data-gathering. The aim of the research is to determine the
role strategic human resource management in the global growth of Cadbury Schweppes; the
descriptive method was then appropriate for this research since this method is used for
gathering prevailing conditions. The research used human resource management employees
as respondents from Cadbury Schweppes based in UK in order to gather relevant data; the
descriptive method was then appropriate as this allowed the identification of the similarities
and differences of the respondents’ answers.

Research Philosophy
In order to carry out the research, the researcher ensured that a certain research philosophy
framework is followed throughout the process. In particular, as this study will make use of
human participants for data collection, ethical considerations were taken into account. This
is in line with the researcher’s aim of carrying out the entire process ethically. Among the
significant ethical issues that need attention include consent, confidentiality and data

Data Protection
The researcher protected the data obtained from the research process as well. In order to do
this, the researcher protected all files with passwords. This prevented unauthorized people
from accidentally accessing the confidential files of the study. All data collation and
analysis were done within the school or university premises so as to ensure that no data were
transferred at home or in any other unsecured places.

Research Approach As this research made us of a survey questionnaire to gather data,

the quantitative approach was used for this study. The quantitative approach is centred on
the quantification of relationships between variables.
Quantitative data-gathering instruments establish relationship between measured variables.
When these methods are used, the researcher is usually detached from the study and the
final output is context free. Measurement, numerical data and statistics are the main
substance of quantitative instruments. With these instruments, an explicit description of data
collection and analysis of procedures are necessary.
An approach that is primarily deductive reasoning, it prefers the least complicated
explanation and gives a statement of statistical probability. The quantitative approach is
more on the detailed description of a phenomenon. It basically gives a generalization of the
gathered data with tentative synthesized interpretations. Quantitative approach is useful as
it helps the researcher to prevent bias in gathering and presenting research data.
Quantitative data collection approaches create epistemological postulations that reality is
objective and unitary, which can only be realized by means of transcending individual
perspective. This phenomenon in turn should be discussed or explained by means of data
analysis gathered through objective forms of measurement.
The quantitative data gathering methods are useful especially when a study needs to
measure the cause-and-effect relationships evident between pre-selected and discrete
variables. The purpose of the quantitative approach is to avoid subjectivity by means of
collecting and exploring information which describes the experience being studied.
Quantitative methods establish very specific research problem and terms. The controlled
observations, mass surveys, laboratory experiments and other means of research
manipulation in qualitative method makes gathered data more reliable. In other words,
subjectivity of judgment, which is not needed in a thesis discussion, can be avoided through
quantitative methods. Thus, conclusions, discussion and experimentation involved in the
process are more objective. Variables, both dependent and independent, that are needed in
the study are clearly and precisely specified in a quantitative study.
In addition, quantitative method enables longitudinal measures of subsequent performance
of the respondents. Fryer (1991) noted that qualitative researchers aim to decode, describe,
analyze and interpret accurately the meaning of a certain phenomena happening in their
customary social contexts. The focus of the researchers utilizing the framework of the
interpretative paradigm is on the investigation of authenticity, complexity, contextualization,
mutual subjectivity of the researcher and the respondent as well as the reduction of illusion.
A total of 30 respondents were selected to participate in the research. In order to obtain data
that would be useful for this study, the human resource staff from Cadbury were asked to
take part in the process. As the researcher is based in UK, it will be most practical to have
respondents who are accessible to the one conducting the research. Moreover, using
respondents from an accessible locale is more cost-efficient. The staff members of the
company’s human resource department were asked to participate since they would be able
to provide the most important data that this study requires. In order to ensure that pertinent
data was gathered, an inclusion criterion was used by the research for selecting the sample.
As the available SHRM literatures of company were mostly within 1998-to-2006-time
duration, HR employees who had been employed by the company since 1998 are made part
of the population; this would ensure that the respondents have been exposed to the SHRM
strategies applied by the company. This also helped in limiting the sample to a manageable
size. As the age, job position and gender of the respondents would not contribute to the aims
of the research, these factors were no longer considered in the selection.

Sampling Technique
The 30 participants for this research were selected by means of the simple random sampling.
This sampling method is conducted where each member of a population has an equal
opportunity to become part of the sample. As all members of the population have an equal
chance of becoming a research participant, this is said to be the most efficient sampling
procedure. In order to conduct this sampling strategy, the researcher defined the population
first, listed down all the members of the population and then selected members to make the
sample. For this procedure, the lottery sampling or the fish bowl technique was employed.
This method involves the selection of the sample at random from the sampling frame
through the use of random number tables (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill 2003). Numbers
were assigned for each employee in the master list. These numbers were written on pieces of
paper and drawn from a box; the process was repeated until the sample size was reached.
Data Collection
Two types of data were used for this research: the primary and the secondary data. The
primary data were derived from the answers respondents gave in the survey questionnaire
prepared by the researcher.
The secondary data on the other hand, were derived from the findings stated in published
documents and literatures related to the research problem. These were based from the recent
literatures related to HRM theories, SHRM concepts as well as company’s HR strategies.
Secondary Research Books, journal, periodicals and other company information that were
related to the study were used. In order to support as well as explain the results obtained
from the survey, literatures derived from these sources would help add clarity and reliability
to the findings obtained. Statistical reports, program descriptions and previous company
survey results can only be obtained from secondary resources; hence, the use of literatures
can help in confirming survey results.
Primary Research For this study, a survey questionnaire was used for gathering primary
data. This has been distributed to the selected respondents. The questionnaire contained
questions pertaining to the impact of HRD strategies of the company to its global success
and growth. In order to use the questionnaire as an evaluation tool, the respondents rated
each statement or question in the survey using a Likert scale with a five-point response
scale. A Likert Scale is a rating scale that requires the subject to indicate his or her degree of
agreement or disagreement to a statement. In this survey type, five choices had been
provided for every question or statement.
The choices represent the degree of agreement each respondent has on the given question.
In order to analyse the results of the questionnaire, the weighted mean computed from each
survey item was computed. The weighted mean was used in order to obtain the average
values that would represent the sample’s response to each question in the survey. This
helped the researcher identify the general response of the participants to the given question
or statement.
The Likert survey was the selected questionnaire type as this enabled the respondents to
answer the survey easily. In addition, this research instrument allowed the research to carry
out the quantitative approach effectively with the use of statistics for data interpretation. In
order to test the validity of the questionnaire used for the study, the researcher tested the
questionnaire to five respondents. These respondents as well as their answers were not part
of the actual study process and were only used for testing purposes. After the questions have
been answered, the researcher asked the respondents for any suggestions or any necessary
corrections to ensure further improvement and validity of the instrument. The researcher
revised the survey questionnaire based on the suggestion of the respondents. The researcher
then excluded irrelevant questions and changed vague or difficult terminologies into simpler
ones in order to ensure comprehension.
Data Analysis After gathering all the completed questionnaires from the respondents, total
responses for each item were obtained and tabulated. In order to use the Likert-scale for
interpretation, weighted mean to represent each question was computed. Weighted mean is
the average wherein every quantity to be averages has a corresponding weight. These
weights represent the significance of each quantity to the average. To compute for the
weighted mean, each value must be multiplied by its weight. Products should then be added
to obtain the total value. The total weight should also be computed by adding all the

In summary, Cadbury currently employs various training and development practices: the
Lead to Succeed program, on-demand training etc. These practices vary in terms of their
scope, target phase in the employee life cycle, and short-term or long-term focus. To address
HRM challenges, the company can expand coaching opportunities to all employees,
including new hires, and incorporate international training and development options for
managerial career progression Additionally, the existing digital capabilities, such as the
Cadbury Data Academy and Data Fellowship programs should be extended to a broader
range of candidates in the future to enhance the digital competencies of the Cadbury
workforce. Every organization strives for success, which relies heavily on its employees.
However, success should not be measured only in the short term, but rather in the long term.
A thriving organization is one that can sustain itself and the well-being of its employees
should be a key indicator of success. For Cadbury it is crucial to leverage its existing
strengths while proactively addressing potential challenges brought about by change.
Organizational learning plays a significant role in enabling companies to effectively manage
change in a timely manner.
The focus on learning and individual development emerged as a response to the need for
organizations to remain competitive and survive in an ever-evolving environment. Despite
the advancements in management practices, many organizations still rely on a closed
systems perspective, emphasizing planning and implementing change through top-down
approaches. However, Cadbury recognizes that its current situation requires a commitment
to learning new approaches, acquiring new skills, and building new capacities. While
Cadbury has a commendable track record in change management and HRM practices, the
current tensions and changes they face present a substantial challenge even for an
organization with their level of expertise.







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