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Is you company pursuing any of the efficiency – enhancing practices discussed

in this chapter?
In 1996, in order to maximize efficiencies through synergies, the shareholders of
Backus, CNC, Sociedad Cervecera de Trujillo and Cervecería del Norte decided
to merge the companies through their incorporation into Backus, thus modifying
their name to Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston SA. (Unión de
Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A., 2020). These improvements in
its efficiency were achieved with the application of practices such as Efficiency,
flexible production systems and massive customization, since it had an increase
in productivity, caused by improvements in internal processes, which arise when
all the components of a company do not they only know what they have to do,
but they are also oriented to do it towards greater economic use. Also, there was
a reduction in defective products, waste and rework, with the consequent
reduction in costs through better control over operations. Likewise, in 2006 they
implemented a Performance Management process, through which the business
strategy is translated into individual goals and by teams that our collaborators
must achieve with the help of the immediate higher level and under permanent
monitoring. The performance of a line collaborator impacts on the higher level
results, a process that is repeated in an ascending way until the goals are
reached, translated into the business results achieving an improvement of the
internal organization, achieved through a more fluid communication, with
established responsibilities and objectives; greater emphasis on knowing and
working around the concerns and needs of workers, through the Organizational
Climate Improvement Program and greater awareness of teamwork as a way of
developing activities in every area and level of the organization. On the other
hand, the evolution of Backus since its constitution has given it facilities to
improve its infrastructure, since it acquired bottling companies that provided
specialized equipment and technology for its best production. In this way we can
say that Backus implemented most of the main roles of the different value
creation functions to achieve superior efficiency.
2. Is you company pursuing any of the quality – enhancing practices discussed in
this chapter?
Since 1992 Backus began the Continuous Improvement Process of Total Quality
(PMCT), advised by the company Holos de Venezuela. Subsequently,
development in this field was expanded, with the approval of annual
management quality plans and implementation of the full participation system.
(Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A., 2020). In this sense,
Backus, by implementing ISO 9001, achieved Total Quality Management
(TQM), since since its certification in 1996 it has been possible to add better
elements and approaches that helped the company to meet the objectives
proposed in its management plan that is currently based on the C + C + C
strategy which consists of concentrating more and winning with our "Clients and
Consumers", Increasing "Collaboration" in order to accelerate learning and
extraction of synergies, and Strengthen our reputation as corporate citizens and
engage more effectively with our “Community” and our stakeholders.
Among the achievements that were obtained when implementing the quality
management system with respect to consumers: Improvement and innovation in
products and services through a wide Portfolio of Brands that meets the expectations of
all market segments, Network of Distribution that ensures the availability of our
products and their desirability through an adequate cold infrastructure, Development of
our customers through new business opportunities (Sustainable Development Approach
"Prosper") and greater customer satisfaction. Regarding its personnel: Greater
understanding and internalization of the management quality philosophy and one
hundred percent participation of the personnel, through its projects and activities of
assurance, improvement and innovation. With the community: Implementation of
Sustainable Development (SD) programs, under the new approach of "prosper", where
we are convinced that when local communities, economies and the environment
prosper, the company also prospers. These DS programs are aligned with the business,
and focused on environmental issues, capacity building and promotion of
entrepreneurship with our value chain, revaluation of cultural heritage to generate local
development, promotion of responsible consumption and infrastructure development
through investments under the mechanism of works for taxes. And for the organization:
Market volume participation of 95.8% as part of our customer focus, Improvement of
the business image by International Certification in ISO 9001, opening of new markets
and Improvement of the competitive position, expressed in increased revenue and
market share. (Union de Cervecerias Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A.)

Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. (2020). Memoria Anual 2019. Reporte
Anual, Lima. Retrieved september 13, 2020, from

Union de Cervecerias Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. (n.d.). CDI. Retrieved September 13,
2020, from

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