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International Project

Chapter 9 – Chapter 10 - Conclusion

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1. Introduction
2. Meaning of International Project Management International
Diversity Project Risk
3. General Framework
4. Managing Globalization
5. Sustainability
6. Conclusions
8. Complexit
9. y
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1. Some Examples

• (Find the constraints
of an international project management versus a national one, explain
why is necessary to perform international PM,)

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2.What is International Project
Based on the examples we saw, we can define the International
Project Management as a set of tools or a framework to handle,
organize and manage projects that involves multi nationals
resources and international teams working together to achieve the
project goal.

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• Attitudes are influenced by • Need to hire high qualified and
culture, that might jeopardize skilled people
the success of the project • Purpose to leaner and flatter
• Rapid change of international organizations in the aim to
markets reduce costs
• High economic pressure to •
decrease costs and increase •

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3. General Framework (Standard)
• Standard is a set or rule that define, describe, organise, implement and schedule
some tasks with the aim to organize and uniform different project.
• According to Thesaurus dictionary the meaning as criterion is: something
established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example.
• In Project Management we can refer to four authorities in terms of
standardization: Project Management Institute, International Project
Management Association, Association of Projects Managers, Projects in
Controlled Environment

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4. Managing Globalization
• It refers to the interconnectedness of the • From one side, the opening of markets
world’s economies and cultures, it has increased standard of living and
concerns everything from wages of a wide part of the countries
international trade and investment to in the world
communication and cultural exchange. • From the other the benefits of
• The technology's progress has opened the globalization are concentrated in the
door to globalization, since have made hands of few companies.
it easier than ever before for people • In Project Management Globalization
around the world to connect with one implies: bigger access to resources,
another. decrease prices, higher risk of conflict.
• Globalization has very balanced effects.
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4. Managing Globalization

1. Understand market trends, local culture, ethics, religions, believes, legal context and
competitive landscape
2. Define excellent communication tools
3. Prioritize diversity and inclusion within is workforce

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5. Sustainability

According to HBC “Sustainability in business refers to a company's strategy to reduce negative
environmental impact resulting from their operations in a particular market. An organization’s
sustainability practices are typically analyzed against environmental, social, and governance
(ESG) metrics.”

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5. Sustainability

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6. Conclusions

Customer satisfactions: your conclusions

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