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Kilogram based calculations (with pounds/kilogram converter)
© Robert M. Stein, DVM, PC

Patient Name Date 3/12/2011

Patient Wt. 34.5 kgs Lean body estimate
For pounds to kilogram conversion see bottom of calculator.
Patient weight only needed for total fluid rate & drug loading dose calculations.
Only drug dose rate, fluid administration rate, and fluid bag size determine amount of drug added to IV bag.

IV Bag Size 1000 ml

Fluid Rate 1 ml/kg/hr = 34.5 ml/hr

Drug dose rate Total drug Drug Volume Drug/ml fluids
Buprenorphine 0.0030 mg/kg/hr 3.0 mg 10.00 ml 0.003 mg/ml

Lidocaine 1.50 mg/kg/hr 1500.0 mg 75.0 ml 1.50 mg/ml

Ketamine 0.60 mg/kg/hr 600.0 mg 6.00 ml 0.60 mg/ml

Drug CRI Dose Range

BUPRENORPHINE - 0.0025 to 0.0075 mg/kg/hr (0.042 to 0.125 ug/kg/min).

LIDOCAINE - 0.6 to 3.0 mg/kg/hr (10 to 50 ug/kg/minute).

Dogs can be given up to 3.0 mg/kg/hr (50 mcg/kg/min)
Cats should be limited to a maximum dose rate of 1.5 mg/kg/hr (25 mcg/kg/min)

KETAMINE - 0.12 to 1.2 mg/kg/hr (2 to 20 ug/kg/minute).

Loading Doses
BUPRENORPHINE - 0.010 to 0.020 mg/kg IM, IV (buprenorphine onset is slow even when given IV)

At 0.010 mg/kg this patients needs a loading dose of: 1.15 ml

At 0.020 mg/kg this patients needs a loading dose of: 2.30 ml

LIDOCAINE - 0.25 to 1 mg/kg IV

At 0.25 mg/kg this patients needs a loading dose of: 0.43 ml
At 0.5 mg/kg this patients needs a loading dose of: 0.86 ml
At 1.0 mg/kg this patients needs a loading dose of: 1.73 ml
CATS - Limit cats to 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg loading dose
DOGS - 1.0 mg/kg is the normal loading dose

KETAMINE - 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg IV

At 0.25 mg/kg this patients needs a loading dose of: 0.09 ml
At 0.5 mg/kg this patients needs a loading dose of: 0.17 ml

Drug Concentrations
LIDOCAINE - 20 mg/ml
KETAMINE - 100 mg/ml

Maintenance Fluids Calculator

(BW kg * 30ml/24 hrs)+70ml

Maintenance Fluid Rate 1.33 ml/kg/hr = 46.0 ml/hr

Rate Multiplier 1.5 2.00 ml/kg/hr = 69.1 ml/hr

Drip Rate Converter

CRI fluid rate from above 34.5 ml/hr Value from F14 above
Drip set (drops/ml) 10 drops/ml
Seconds per drop 10.43 sec/drop
Drops per second 0.10 drops/sec

Weight Converter
For those that prefer to weigh in pounds. You will need to manually transfer the patient weight in kilograms into the patient weight field
above - it will not be transferred automatically.
Enter patient weight in pounds 13 lbs = 5.9 kgs
Note - patient weight is only needed for fluid delivery rate calculations. The drug dose rate, fluid administration rate, and fluid bag size
determine the amount of drug added to the IV bag.

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