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IN Agricultural Crop Production NCII (Agri-, Fishery Arts)

Production NCII (Agri-, Fishery Arts)

At the end of the 45- minute lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify different methods of seed testing;

2. Demonstrate proper seed testing methods; and
3. Appreciate the value of planting


REFERENCE: K-12 Basic Education Curriculum for Agri-Fishery Arts,
Agricultural Crops Production NC II (Horticulture)
Module I Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
Teacher’s Guide

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Projector/TV Screen, Laptop, Markers, Seeds, Tissue,

Plate, Glass, Water, White board, Cutter

VALUES: Cooperation, Honesty and Work Ethics


Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

1. Greetings & Prayer: -Good morning/
- Good morning/ afternoon class afternoon Ma’am,
- To start please stand up for the prayer (The teacher leads the prayer) Good morning/
- Thank you, you may now take your seat afternoon


2. Checking of Attendance
- Who is absent today -None Ma’am!
- Thank you, class, for being present every day!
3. Setting the classroom standards 1. Observe social
- All right class, kindly observe our classroom standard. distancing
- _____________ Please read the first one 2. Always Wear
- _____________ Next Facemask
- _____________ Next 3. Sit properly
- _____________ Next 4. Listen
- And the last one _____________ attentively
- Approve class? 5. Keep quiet, raise
your hand if you
Thank you, class, for being present every day! want to talk
6. Cellphone off
7. Participate

- Approved
- I have here shown scrambled letter; I will give a clue and if you - Yes, Ma’am
already know the answer please raise your hand, Get it class? Okay
let’s start:
2 GNITNLAP - The students
3 TSET answer

- Clap

- Its all about

several methods of
seed testing

- Very good class you answer each correctly, let’s give

ourselves a PAKNAPAK CLAP
- Who can guess what will be our topic for today based on the
words we had answer in our activity a while ago?
- _______________Yes? Exactly nice!


1. Presentation of the Lesson Objectives 1. Identify different
(Present the Objectives of the Lesson) methods of seed
- __________ Please Read objective number 1 testing
- __________ Number 2 2. Demonstrate proper
- And _____________for the number 3 seed testing methods;
3. Appreciate the value
- Thank you, class! of planting
- Then let’s find out later if everyone can achieve our

2. Activity
- As I have said, we will discuss and perform several methods
of seed testing.
- I am going to divide you 4 groups. - Okay Ma’am
- Group 1 please stay here, group 2 here, group 3 there and
group 4 there.
- I have here some pictures, each group will be given one and
observed. I will give you five (5) minutes to discuss and will
call the leader in your group to tell in the class your
observation. Choose your leader and secretary on your

- Guide questions:
1. What are the materials used?
2. Why they need to do it?
3. How it was done?
3. Analysis - Student recite the
- Based on the given pictures, what is your observation? Observation
- Group 1
- Very Good
- How about group 2?
- Yes, very good
- Next Group 3
- Nice?
- Last group 4
- Very good
- Give yourselves a PAKNAPAK clap - Clap
- Which among the methods of testing is more convenient to - Student recite the
use or practice? answer
- Great answer!
4. Abstraction
- Our topic is all about Methods of Seed Testing
- Before seeds are sown or planted in the field they must be tested
to determine if these are viable, clean, true to type, disease free
and to find out percentage of germination
Methods of Seed Testing
- Breaking the Seed Coat- This method is practiced with seeds that
have a hard seed coat which impermeable to water and oxygen
- Winnowing- Seeds are placed in a shallow woven basket or “bilao”
to winnow the seeds. All seeds being blown away are empty and
are not viable. Those that remain in the “bilao” are good seeds.
- Germination Test- This may be done in seedbeds, seed boxes,
seed trays, petri dishes, recycled materials, polyethylene bags or a
piece of cloth (RAGDOLL METHODS)
- Floating in the Water- When seeds are placed in water, it could be
observed of that some of the seeds sink and some float. Seeds that
sank are expected to have higher germination rate. It can be
expected that the floating seeds is not filled well and may not
germinate as readily as the sinking seed.

- Does having seed testing important?

- Off course it is very important.
Because by doing such, growers will find out the number of
seeds/seedlings to plant in given area. In that case, sowing the
right amount of seeds will economize labor and expenses in re-
5. Application
- Each group will perform one method. Group 1 will do Breaking the
seed coat, Group 2 will do Winnowing, Group 3 will do
germination test- (Ragdoll) and Group 4 will do the floating in the
- Class, please observe our rubrics. - Okay Ma’am

RUBRICS of Performing Seed Testing

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
(5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts) (1 pt)
Following Follows Follow some Fail to Did not
Procedure steps of steps of follow follow steps
procedure procedure steps of of procedure
Collaborative Willingly Needs Requires No
Effort and participates encouragement prompting Improvement
Behavior in the group to participate to work
work with group with the
mates group
Safety Use of PPE Use PPE Requires No PPE to
Measures all the time sometimes prompting use
to use
Skills or Proper use Good use of Needs No attempts
Process of the the materials assistance to handle
materials in handling tools
- You may now start and you will have 10 minutes to perform.
- (Teacher will score the activity based on the Rubrics)
- Any Question? - None Ma’am
- Since none, let us have a short quiz
6. Evaluation

- Kindly get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the question of the following items within five minutes.
- Match Column A with Column B. Identify the methods of seed testing. Please write the letter
1.Uses seeds that have hard seed coat a. Floating in water
2.Seeds are placed in Bilao b. Germination test
3.Maybe done in seed beds, petri dishes or with use of cloth (ragdoll) c. Winnowing
4.The seeds which sank will identify as good seed d. Breaking the seed coat
5.Done to determine the seeds viability, clean and disease free e. Seed Testing
- Pass your paper class

‘7. Assignment - None

- For your assignment, please do research about Characteristics of a
Good Seeds.
- Any question or clarification with your assignment?
- Since you have no more questions, please stand up for our closing
- (The teacher leads the closing prayer)
- Goodbye class - Good bye

Prepared By:

Mercy Bonggo Parallag


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