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FP002 – Observation and Research in the Language Classroom

The assignment consists of completing the Initial Proposal (D1) of the final master's or
Postgraduate’s degree project. The submission must be done through the Panal1 on the
official date of delivery of the evaluation activities of the subject (see the calendar on the
Virtual Campus). During the course period, more detailed information will be provided by
the teaching staff.
In order to prepare the Initial Proposal, the student must follow the instructions below:
General instructions
This Initial Proposal should be presented in 4 to 5 pages. Longer or shorter documents
will not be corrected. Students are advised to keep the headings for the sections and
substitute the blue text for the relevant information.
This file must be named according to the following model:
For instance, a student named Jan Torres Ruiz from group 2012-02 would name this file
as follows:
Proposals that do not follow these instructions will not be corrected.
The Initial Proposal must be approved by the Final Project supervisor for students to
proceed with further submissions (Advance 1).

1 Students who are enrolled in the Certificate in Applying the Principles of Language Teaching and Learning
(CTEFB) must submit the Initial Proposal in the usual way, that is to say, through the icon “Assignment” of the
subject. Once the document has been uploaded, they will have to contact the teacher of the subject to let him/
her know. The Initial Proposal developed by the students enrolled in the CTEFB will be graded as the other
activities of the subject, with a score from 0 to 10 points. However, in the specific case of the CTEFB, the
teacher will not return the feedback, considering that the students enrolled in this certificate don’t have to
develop a Final Project.

1. Program: Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

2. Personal and academic information:

Student Name: Group:

Jennifer Verly Velásquez Martínez FP_TEFL_2022-10

Email address: Date: 25/11/2023

3. Final Project Supervisor:

[I haven’t been assigned a Final Project Supervisor]

4. Title and topic of the Final Project:

“Teacher Training Needs for Blended Learning Environments”:

Assess the preparedness and training needs of English language teachers (UEC) for
effectively implementing blended learning methodologies.

5. Justification of academic and personal interest in the topic:

I want to do research on this topic because currently, I am currently working at a

university, specifically at the Uda English Center, which has been applying this
methodology for several years. It is a methodological topic that I have to interact with on a
daily basis.

This research could be useful both for me and for my colleagues, in terms of identifying
areas in which we need more training to correctly implement this methodology. This would
result in a significant improvement in my professional development and that of my
colleagues, and in turn, it would have a direct impact on the approximately 1300 students
we serve.

The potential readers that this research could have would be in the first place my
university colleagues and secondly any other teacher in the world who would like to
improve his/her teaching practice with the B-learning methodology.

I want to finish this project by contributing with a new piece of knowledge that can give us
orientations, tips, and useful information about how to train teachers in the implementation
of the B-learning strategy, so in that way, I could help myself and my colleagues and my
University to improve our teaching practice

6. Type of Final Project:

 b) Action Research

7. Research question

Perceived Barriers to Implementation:

What are the perceived barriers and challenges that English language teachers (UEC)
encounter when attempting to implement blended learning methodologies, and how do
these factors influence their training needs?

8. Aims of the study:

Gathering specific information about the needs and real problems that UEC teachers
encounter when implementing the B-learning methodology. The information will be
collected by me, and the people who will collaborate and provide relevant information will
be my colleagues.

● Main aim of the Project:

To provide a guide to improve the preparedness of UEC teachers for implementing

successfully the B-learning methodology

● Specific aims:

a To gather qualitative data on teachers' experiences, opinions, and attitudes

regarding the challenges they face in implementing blended learning methodologies.

b To offer practical recommendations for addressing the identified barriers and

challenges to enhance the effectiveness of training initiatives for English language
teachers (UEC).

c To contribute to the existing literature by shedding light on the common obstacles

hindering the successful integration of blended learning in English language teaching.

9. Theoretical background:

Introduction to Blended Learning.

Benefits of Blended Learning.

Implementation Challenges in Educational Settings:

Specific Challenges for English Language Teachers:

Perceived Barriers for UEC English Language Teachers:

Impact on Teaching Strategies:

Training Needs of English Language Teachers:

Influence on Professional Development:

Emphasize the relevance of understanding these theoretical aspects to address the

research question.

This structured theoretical background will provide a solid foundation for understanding
the context, challenges, and potential training needs related to the implementation of
blended learning methodologies for English language teachers at UEC.

10. Context for the project and methodology:

The context for the Project:

The project focuses on investigating the perceived barriers and challenges faced by
English language teachers at UEC when implementing blended learning methodologies.
The study aims to provide valuable insights into the factors influencing the successful
integration of technology into language education. Understanding these challenges is
crucial for enhancing teaching practices and ensuring effective language-learning
experiences for students.


Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing literature on blended learning

in language education, with a specific focus on challenges faced by English language

Identify key concepts: theoretical frameworks, and previous research findings to inform
the study.

Survey Design: Develop a structured survey questionnaire to gather data from English
language teachers at UEC. Include questions related to perceived barriers, challenges,
and training needs when implementing blended learning methodologies. Utilize a
combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions to capture both quantitative and
qualitative data.

Participant Selection: Define the criteria for selecting participants, ensuring a

representative sample of English language teachers from various backgrounds and
experience levels. Obtain ethical approval from relevant authorities to ensure participant
privacy and consent.

Data Collection: Administer the survey to the selected participants, utilizing online or in-
person methods based on feasibility and participant preferences. Collect responses and
ensure data accuracy and completeness.

Data Analysis: Employ both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze survey data.
Utilize statistical tools for quantitative analysis, such as frequency distribution and
correlation analysis. Apply thematic analysis to identify patterns and themes in qualitative

Comparison with Best Practices: Compare the identified challenges and barriers with
best practices in blended learning implementation in language education. Determine
areas of alignment and divergence, providing a basis for recommendations.

Recommendations and Implications: Synthesize the findings to generate practical

recommendations for addressing identified challenges. Discuss the implications of the
study for the professional development of English language teachers at UEC.

Report and Dissemination: Compile the research findings into a comprehensive report,
including key insights, recommendations, and potential avenues for future research.
Disseminate the results through presentations, workshops, or publications to contribute to
the broader educational community.

11. Viability analysis

I have access to the necessary people, materials, and resources to carry the Project out.

12. Work planning:

Month 1: Preparation and Literature Review

Define research objectives and scope.

Develop a concise literature review on blended learning challenges in language


Identify key concepts and methodologies used in previous studies.

Month 2: Survey Design and Ethical Approval

Develop a streamlined survey questionnaire based on the literature review.

Collaborate with stakeholders to ensure survey alignment with UEC's context.

Obtain ethical approval for the research project.

Month 3: Participant Selection, Recruitment, and Survey Administration

Define participant criteria and sampling strategy.

Develop a participant recruitment plan.

Administer the survey to selected participants.

Monitor survey responses and address any issues.

Month 4: Data Analysis, Recommendations, and Finalization

Begin quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

Extract insights from survey responses.

Compare challenges with best practices.

Generate practical recommendations for addressing challenges.

Compile research findings into a concise report.

Prepare and deliver presentations summarizing the research.

Finalize the research report based on feedback.

Submit the research report


1. Garrison, D. R., & Kanuka, H. (2004). Blended learning: Uncovering its

transformative potential in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education,
7(2), 95-105.

• This seminal work explores the transformative potential of blended learning in

higher education, providing insights into the benefits and challenges associated with the
integration of online and face-to-face learning.

2. Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation
of evidence-based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and review of
online learning studies. U.S. Department of Education.

• This meta-analysis provides a comprehensive review of evidence-based practices
in online learning, offering insights into the effectiveness of different instructional
approaches and highlighting potential challenges.

3. Stockwell, B. R., Stockwell, M. S., Cennamo, M., & Jiang, E. (2015). Blended
learning improves science education. Cell, 162(5), 933-936.

• Focusing on science education, this study explores the positive impact of blended
learning, shedding light on the challenges faced and the potential improvements in
educational outcomes.

4. Inan, F. A., & Lowther, D. L. (2010). Laptops in the K-12 classrooms:

Exploring factors impacting instructional use. Computers & Education, 55(3), 937-

• This research investigates the factors influencing the instructional use of laptops in
K-12 classrooms, providing valuable insights into challenges faced by educators when
integrating technology.

5. Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust, T., & Bond, A. (2020). The difference
between emergency remote teaching and online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.

• This article distinguishes between emergency remote teaching and online learning,
offering insights into the challenges faced by educators during unforeseen disruptions and
the importance of effective training for successful implementation.

13. Student compliance:

[Jennifer Verly Velásquez Martínez], who is enrolled in the academic program [Master
in Teaching English as a Foreign Language], agrees with the above-detailed proposal
to complete the Final Project and hereby commits himself/herself to carry out a personal
and original work.

In [Copiapó, Chile], on [November] [25], [2023]


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