Weese Et Al-2015-Journal of Veterinary Internal Me1

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ACVIM Consensus Statement

J Vet Intern Med 2015

Consensus Statements of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) and European
College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM) provide the veterinary community with up-to-date infor-
mation on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of clinically important animal diseases. The
ACVIM Board of Regents oversees selection of relevant topics, identification of panel members with the
expertise to draft the statements, and other aspects of assuring the integrity of the process. The statements
are derived from evidence-based medicine whenever possible and the panel offers interpretive comments
when such evidence is inadequate or contradictory. A draft is prepared by the panel, followed by solicita-
tion of input by the ACVIM membership which may be incorporated into the statement. It is then sub-
mitted to the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, where it is edited prior to publication. The authors
are solely responsible for the content of the statements.

ACVIM Consensus Statement on Therapeutic Antimicrobial Use in

Animals and Antimicrobial Resistance
J.S. Weese, S. Giguere, L. Guardabassi, P.S. Morley, M. Papich, D.R. Ricciuto, and J.E. Sykes
The epidemic of antimicrobial resistant infections continues to challenge, compromising animal care, complicating food
animal production and posing zoonotic disease risks. While the overall role of therapeutic antimicrobial use in animals in the
development AMR in animal and human pathogens is poorly defined, veterinarians must consider the impacts of antimicro-
bial use in animal and take steps to optimize antimicrobial use, so as to maximize the health benefits to animals while mini-
mizing the likelihood of antimicrobial resistance and other adverse effects. This consensus statement aims to provide
guidance on the therapeutic use of antimicrobials in animals, balancing the need for effective therapy with minimizing devel-
opment of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from animals and humans.
Key words: Antibiotics; Antimicrobial stewardship; Public health; Therapeutics.

evelopment of antimicrobials was one of the land-

D mark achievements in medicine. Availability of
effective antimicrobial therapy has had a profound
AMR antimicrobial resistance
impact on human and animal health, improved human
CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
and animal welfare, and fostered production of safe and
ESBL Extended spectrum beta-lactamase
economical production of food. Antimicrobial therapy
EUCAST European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility
has allowed for medical advances such as surgery and Testing
chemotherapy that would otherwise be impossible, and FDA food and drug association
without these drugs, human and veterinary medicine FDA-CVM FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine
would bear little resemblance to their current states. ICU intensive care unit
However, as warned by Sir Alexander Fleming in his MDR multidrug resistant
MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MRSP methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius
From the Department of Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary MSSA methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
College, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON Canada (Weese); the PK-PD pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic
Department of Large Animal Medicine, The University of Georgia USP united states pharmacopeia
College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, GA (Gigu ere); the Faculty
of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Guardabassi); the Department of Clinical Sciences, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO (Morley); the Department of Molecular Nobel Prize address,1 use of antimicrobials can, and
Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, NC State will, lead to resistance. While warnings of the end of
University, Raleigh, NC (Papich); the Lakeridge Health, Oshawa, the “antibiotic era” might be excessive, antimicrobial
ON Canada (Ricciuto); and the Department of Medicine & resistance (AMR) poses important challenges and has
Epidemiology, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA (Sykes). resulted in tremendous impacts on human and animal
Corresponding author: J.S. Weese, Department of Pathobiology,
health, and the economics of both medicine and agricul-
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G2W1, Canada; e-mail: jswe-
ese@uoguelph.ca. ture.
Submitted December 1, 2014; Revised January 21, 2015; Concern has been expressed about the use, and per-
Accepted January 27, 2015. ceived overuse, of antimicrobials in animals and the
Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal consequences for animal and human health, just as
Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the Ameri- there are concerns about antimicrobial use and AMR in
can College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. humans. This highly contentious and complex area will
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative
not be easily resolved, but it is clear that there is a need
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original for improved antimicrobial use practices in veterinary
work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes. medicine, human medicine and animal production, to
DOI: 10.1111/jvim.12562 reduce the prevalence and implications of AMR. While
2 Weese et al

it is important to engage other sectors, it is equally antibiotics are used both in animals and humans, most
important for veterinarians to focus on areas where of the resistance problem in humans has arisen from
they can have the most direct impact, that being antimi- human use”.5 The Committee agrees that antimicrobial
crobial use in animals. In 2005, the first ACVIM con- use in a single animal species (or humans) is the main
sensus statement on antimicrobial therapy was force behind development of AMR in bacteria infecting
published.2 The principles put forth in that statement or colonizing that species, but that does not mean that
still apply. However, new issues continue to arise and interspecies transmission is not important. Indeed, trans-
knowledge continues to advance, giving rise to the need mission of resistant bacteria from animals to humans is
to expand on those principles. Accordingly, the objec- an important concern, albeit one that is inadequately
tive of this consensus statement was to provide guid- understood.
ance on the therapeutic use of antimicrobials in
animals, balancing the need for effective therapy and Does Therapeutic Antimicrobial Use (Prudent or
minimizing development and dissemination of antimi- Otherwise) in Humans Contributes to Resistance
crobial resistance in bacteria from animals and humans. Among Animal Pathogens?
While direct evidence is often lacking, there is key
Statement Development Process circumstantial evidence indicating human origin,
The statement was developed using an iterative pro- human-to-animal, or both modalities of transmission of
cess with various Committee members leading discus- some antimicrobial resistant pathogens, particularly in
sion and drafting initial text. This was then discussed horses and household pets,6–8 but also in livestock.9
and revised by the broader Committee. After develop- Yet, once human-to-animal transmission occurs, this
ment of the final draft, an objective evaluation process creates the potential for further transmission back to
was used for each statement. Committee members used humans or to other animals. Examples include the pres-
a 5-point Likert scale to rank each statement. For a ence of human epidemic clones of methicillin-resistant
statement to be adopted, ≥75% of members must have Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in household pets10–12
indicated that they strongly agreed (score = 1) or agreed and in horses,7,13,14 identification of contact with
(score = 2) with the statement.3 human hospitals or children as risk factors for MRSA
and Clostridium difficile acquisition by dogs,15 identifi-
cation of antimicrobial exposure of an owner as
Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance increasing the risk of C. difficile shedding in dogs,15 the
presence of common human clones of multidrug resis-
Any use of antimicrobials, whether considered thera-
tant enterococci, such as clonal complex 17, in pets16
peutic or not, and prudent or otherwise, exposes bacte-
and multidrug resistant Gram-negative pathogens from
rial pathogens and the commensal microbiota to
dogs, cats, horses and people carrying the same resis-
varying concentrations of antimicrobial drug for vari-
tant genes.17,18 Human-animal transmission of MDR
able times. This creates a selection pressure that can
pathogens should not be taken as an indication that
result in emergence of resistance or, if a resistant sub-
human influences are greater than veterinary influences,
population is present, an increase in the abundance of
but rather as an indicator of the complexity of the
resistant bacteria.
This statement was not created to ascertain the rela-
tive roles of antimicrobial use in humans and animals
on AMR. This is a complex area that is hampered by Does Therapeutic Antimicrobial Use (Prudent or
important data gaps, although it is undeniable that anti- Otherwise) in Animals Contribute to Resistance
microbial use can result in AMR in the species that is Among Animal Pathogens?
being treated and that some resistant pathogens or
Some data indicate that therapeutic antimicrobial use
resistance via plasmids can be transmitted bi-direction-
in various animal species contributes to antimicrobial
ally between animals and humans. While the emphasis
resistance among animal pathogens, but there is a rela-
of this statement is on clinical aspects of antimicrobial
tive paucity of information compared to that in the
use in veterinary medicine, some discussion of other
human literature and a profound lack of information
aspects of antimicrobial use and AMR is required.
on specific drugs and drug classes that produce the
greatest risk. The emergence of methicillin-resistant
What is the Relative Contribution of Therapeutic Use Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) perhaps pro-
of Antimicrobials in Animals to Resistance among vides the most compelling argument about the potential
Human Pathogens? for emerging resistance in dogs, with profound increases
in MRSP carriage and infection and evidence of a role
There is strong evidence that antimicrobial use in ani- of antimicrobials in selection for this resistant oppor-
mals can promote resistance in some zoonotic patho- tunist.19–22 Similar evidence of a role of antimicrobial
gens,4 yet data are far from conclusive and the relative exposure has been reported for methicillin-resistant
impact of antimicrobial use in various animal species on S. aureus (MRSA) in horses.23,24 As another example,
AMR in human pathogens is inadequately quantified. the cumulative incidence of macrolide and rifampin
It has previously been stated that, “Although some resistance in Rhodococcus equi has been increasing over
ACVIM Antimicrobial Consensus Statement 3

the past 10 years and foals infected with resistant iso- their susceptible counterparts have not shown signifi-
lates are more likely to die than foals infected with sus- cant differences in outcome once appropriate antimicro-
ceptible isolates.25 In recent years, strains of bial therapy was administered.41,42
Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida that Veterinary data evaluating the clinical impact of anti-
are resistant to several antimicrobials in clinical use microbial-resistance are limited. No difference in
have been isolated from cattle with respiratory dis- outcome has been reported in studies of methicillin-
ease;26–28 however, there are issues with sampling bias resistant versus methicillin-susceptible staphylococcal
and regional differences that hamper any broad conclu- infections in dogs,22,42,43 yet those studies have been rel-
sions. Yet, there are also specific examples where treat- atively small or dominated by conditions that are unex-
ment has not typically been associated with pected to develop severe complications or death, for
development of resistance, such as the predictable sus- instance, pyoderma in dogs.
ceptibility of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi and The Committee recognizes that infection with antimi-
S. equi subspecies zooepidemicus. crobial-resistant organisms might be associated with
More information is needed on the effect of antimi- worse outcomes in some instances; however, this is most
crobials on the emergence of resistance in nontarget likely because of delayed onset of appropriate antimi-
bacteria, particularly the vast intestinal microbiota that crobial therapy and not because of increased inherent
contains myriad opportunistic pathogens and reservoirs virulence. Most infections caused by MDR pathogens
of antimicrobial resistance. Resistance can develop in should be no more virulent than those caused by their
these reservoir populations, as demonstrated by detec- susceptible counterparts if the resistant pathogen is
tion of cefotaxime-resistant or cefovecin-resistant fecal promptly identified and appropriate antimicrobial therapy
E. coli strains in dogs treated with cephalexin or cefove- is initiated. Thus, it is critical for proper diagnostic test-
cin, respectively.29,30 There are inconsistent results ing, including bacterial culture and susceptibility testing,
regarding AMR that might result from drug exposures to be performed early in disease, whenever possible, to
used for treatment of clinical disease in cattle. Some facilitate rapid initiation of appropriate therapy. Fur-
experimental work suggests there can be profound shifts ther, the Committee emphasizes that simple identifica-
in the resistance prevalence for E. coli and increased tion of a resistant pathogen does not necessarily mean
identification of resistance genes when cattle are treated that the bacterium is the cause of disease or that a dif-
with ceftiofur.31,32 However, it is unknown whether ferent treatment response is required (aside from selec-
these changes represent transient or permanent shifts in tion of an appropriate drug). The presence of a
the microbiota, and the effects of antimicrobial expo- multidrug resistant pathogen alone is not an indication
sures in experimental settings have not always been for the use of more recently developed drugs versus ear-
completely predictable.33 Further, associations between lier antimicrobials to which the bacterium might be
exposure and resistance have not been as strong or pre- susceptible, or longer durations of the treatment.
dictable in studies conducted under field conditions.34,35 The economic impact of antimicrobial resistance
These various studies of resistance in cattle highlight remains to be adequately investigated. It is likely that
the complexity of factors affecting microbial ecology, infections caused by resistant pathogens will increase
and the impacts of antimicrobial exposures are not fully the cost of treatment for animal owners, at least in
understood at this time in any host species. some situations. Increased costs occur because of the
expense related to follow-up visits, follow-up culture
Are MDR Pathogens More Virulent than their and susceptibility tests and for costly treatments that
Susceptible Counterparts? must be used to treat some multidrug resistant patho-
gens where no other alternatives exist. In addition,
It is commonly accepted that infections with antimi- some antimicrobials that are required for the treatment
crobial-resistant organisms are generally associated with of MDR pathogens, such as chloramphenicol, might
increased morbidity, increased case fatality risk, and have greater risk of injury to the kidney, liver, or bone
increased treatment costs when compared to their anti- marrow, necessitating monitoring for adverse effects of
microbial-susceptible counterparts. However, the rea- treatment.
sons behind this are complex and not entirely explained
by available data, which are mostly from human stud-
ies. For example, various studies suggest that infections What Action should be Taken to Reduce the Risk
caused by resistant bacteria, such as MRSA, are associ- and Occurrence of Antimicrobial Resistance
ated with increased case fatality, morbidity and costs Related to Therapeutic Use of Antimicrobials in
compared to those caused by susceptible strains, such Veterinary Medicine?
as MSSA.36–38 However, much of the discrepancy in General Methods to Reduce Antimicrobial Resistance
outcomes between antimicrobial-susceptible and antimi-
crobial-resistant organisms is related to ineffective initial There are 3 main general approaches that have been
(empirical) antibiotic therapy, resulting in a delay in the recommended for limiting AMR; preventing disease
control of infection, and not necessarily because of occurrence, reducing overall antimicrobial drug use and
increased virulence of resistant organisms.39,40 Further- improved antimicrobial drug use. Preventing disease is a
more, some studies that have compared outcomes of critical aspect of antimicrobial stewardship and one that
infection with resistant organisms to that caused by is often overlooked. Quite simply, if disease occurrence
4 Weese et al

can be reduced, the pressure to use antimicrobials thera- pursue appropriate diagnostic testing, whenever possi-
peutically can be similarly reduced. This involves aspects ble, and to counsel animal owners and producers about
including good animal care and husbandry, including the importance of diagnostic testing. Ultimately, time
appropriate use of efficacious vaccines, use of infection and money spent on diagnostic testing can likely reduce
control measures in veterinary hospitals and on farms morbidity, case fatality and overall treatment costs in
and other basic disease prevention and control many situations.
approaches. Difficult-to-treat, resistant infections often Even when bacterial infections are identified, systemic
occur in association with invasive therapies and intensive antimicrobial therapy might not be the optimal
treatment of sick animals, and veterinarians must take approach. Incision and drainage is the preferred method
increasing notice of the importance of practices that can for treatment of localized abscesses, with no evidence
decrease risks for infection in these animals. Full discus- that concurrent antimicrobial therapy is necessary for
sion of disease prevention methods is beyond the scope resolution. Local therapy with biocides or antimicrobial
of this Statement but the importance of these measures drugs might be equally (or more) effective in some situ-
cannot be overemphasized. ations, such as the use of chlorhexidine bathing for
Efforts to reduce and improve antimicrobial drug use treatment of superficial folliculitis in dogs. Additionally,
are receiving increasing attention, particularly in human the prudence of treating moribund animals with antimi-
healthcare. It is reasonable to assume that reduced anti- crobial drugs must also be questioned. Antimicrobial
microbial use in animals might reduce emergence and drugs, especially those of critical importance to human
dissemination of AMR in some situations, something health, should never be used without reasonable expec-
that has been suggested through voluntary or manda- tation that they will favorably impact the course of
tory restriction of certain antimicrobials in food ani- disease.
mals.4,44 However, the association is not absolute and
unintended consequences must be considered. For Should Access to Some Antimicrobials be Restricted?
example, use of high levels of dietary zinc as an alterna-
tive to antimicrobials for prevention of postweaning The Committee strongly supports a recommendation
diarrhea in pigs can result in as strong a selection that all antimicrobials intended for use in animals
pressure for MRSA as administration of tetracycline, (excluding ionophores) should be available only by pre-
because of colocation of zinc and methicillin-resistance scription by a veterinarian with a valid veterinarian/cli-
genes.45,46 Further, if reduced prophylactic use of anti- ent/patient relationship. Over-the-counter (OTC) access
microbials results in increased disease rates and thera- to antimicrobials from sites such as feed supply stores
peutic use of newer antimicrobials with more profound or pet stores is contrary to basic concepts of prudent
impacts on the commensal microbiota, the net benefit and effective antimicrobial use and could constitute an
of overall antimicrobial reduction can be lost. The animal welfare concern if sick animals do not receive
Committee emphasizes the need to reduce the reliance proper veterinary care. Furthermore, nonprescription
on antimicrobials but also the need to study the impacts use of some drugs can presumably increase the risk of
and ensure that there are no unintended increases in resistance, result in ineffective therapy and unnecessary
resistance associated with interventions. animal suffering and increase the risk of drug residues
in food animals.
Controlling Disease without Antimicrobials In some regions of the world, prescription and use of
selected antimicrobials are restricted or banned in veteri-
Not all animals that are ill have bacterial infections nary medicine based on residue or antimicrobial resis-
and not all bacterial infections require treatment with tance concerns, and willingness of regulatory bodies to
systemic, or indeed any, antimicrobials. Further, wors- restrict veterinary access to certain antimicrobial classes
ening disease states of critically ill animals is not neces- appears to be increasing, particularly in northern Europe.
sarily a reason to escalate antimicrobial treatments. This is a highly contentious topic because of the need to
Consideration of these basic points can reduce overall balance animal health and welfare, the human-animal
antimicrobial use while optimizing animal care. Viral bond and public health, most often with limited objective
infections, immune-mediated conditions, inflammatory data. These factors are vastly different in food animals
conditions such as pancreatitis and neoplasia can cause compared to companion animals and horses, yet these
fever and other signs often attributed to bacterial infec- differences are often not considered. Additionally, postre-
tion. Early diagnostic intervention as a substitute for striction surveillance data are often lacking to determine
the empiric use of antimicrobials can help to resolve whether these restrictions will have an impact on resis-
this question. Further, it is uncommon for most types tance in animal and human pathogens, which translates
of bacterial infections to occur without a predisposing to adverse impacts on public health. Whether or not
condition, and repeated treatment with antimicrobial restriction or prohibition policies are scientifically justifi-
drugs without attention to the underlying cause might able is a subject of considerable debate because of the
ultimately be futile clinically and lead to increased risk lack of evidence or conflicting evidence, a debate that gets
of AMR. Attention to the underlying cause alone might complicated with concerns about animal welfare, food
lead to resolution of a secondary bacterial infection, safety, the “right” or responsibilities of veterinarians to
without the need for antimicrobial drugs. Therefore, the use antimicrobials in an off-label manner and perceived
Committee emphasizes the need for veterinarians to overuse in human medicine.
ACVIM Antimicrobial Consensus Statement 5

The Committee considers regulatory restriction or Related to this is the often-discussed concept of
prohibition of use of selected antimicrobials by licensed avoiding or limiting the use of “critically important an-
veterinarians to be a complex and unresolved issue that timicrobials” because they are important from a public
is lacking in adequately rigorous scientific data. In the health standpoint. However, as mentioned above,
absence of clear evidence, the Committee supports a excluding the use of drugs on the current World Health
cautious approach (the “precautionary principle”) to Organization list of critically important antimicrobials
the use of antimicrobials in animals but emphasizes the is not practical because it encompasses most of the anti-
need to consider animal welfare, economic and human- microbials that are used clinically, including older drugs
animal bond issues, new evidence and unintended con- whose use should be fostered. The Committee recom-
sequences. Any restrictive policy should be accompanied mends that the concept of critically important antimi-
by a robust surveillance plan to evaluate the impact of crobials be reviewed to develop categories that are
the intervention on antimicrobial resistance, as well as practical in the context of therapeutic antimicrobial use
animal health and welfare and public health. Further, in companion and food animals, yet maintain the
clear data are lacking regarding antimicrobial use in principles of antimicrobial stewardship.
companion animals in most regions with respect to both
overall volume and drug-specific use, and better track- Is On-label Use Equivalent to Prudent Use?
ing mechanisms are required to facilitate assessment of
the risk to public health of antimicrobial use in food Prudent use of antimicrobial agents is often defined
and companion animals. broadly as the optimal selection of drug, dose and
The Committee believes that voluntary restriction is a duration of antimicrobial treatment along with reduc-
preferable approach as it can allow for regionally rele- tion in inappropriate and excessive use, as a means of
vant approaches that balance animal care and antimi- achieving the best clinical outcome while minimizing
crobial resistance concerns. The exceptions are those the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.49 Because of
antimicrobials for which the regulatory authorities (e.g, regulations prohibiting the extra-label use of certain
FDA-CVM in the United States) have banned in food- drugs, there is a common misconception that the use
producing animals because of concerns of harmful resi- of antimicrobial agents according to the label is always
dues (eg, chloramphenicol, nitroimidazoles and nitrofu- consistent with the principles of prudent use of antimi-
rans) or are restricted because the agency believes that crobial agents. However, the label dose, dosing interval
they pose a risk for causing antimicrobial resistance and indications for older drugs are not always consis-
that can be transferred to people (eg, glycopeptides, tent with current principles of antimicrobial drug use.
extra-label use of fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins Some approved labels provide information that is over
and extra-label use of sulfonamides in dairy cattle). A 30 years old and not based on solid evidence. For
voluntary approach is only effective if guidelines are example, procaine penicillin is widely available in the
adequately rigorous, based on sound evidence, and if United States and many other countries for intramus-
there is good compliance. Therefore, if veterinary medi- cular injection at a dose of 6,700 IU/kg q24h. This
cine cannot, or will not, take serious measures to foster dose is much lower than current recommendations
prudent use of certain drug classes, regulatory restric- (22,000 IU/kg q12h) and the dose that forms the basis
tions would be justifiable. To avoid mandatory restric- of CLSI breakpoints.50 Dosage recommendations for
tions by regulatory bodies, the Committee believes that most antimicrobial agents approved more recently are
the veterinary profession must be proactive in its typically based on more comprehensive scientific data.
approach to control the use of antimicrobial agents in Nevertheless, even use of more recently approved
animals. This could take the form of national, regional agents according to label is not always consistent with
(state/province) or practice-specific guidelines and anti- all principles of prudent antimicrobial drug use. Most
microbial stewardship programs to foster reduced over- antimicrobial agents approved in recent years were
all antimicrobial use and to provide specific criteria that approved for a narrow indication, but these drugs,
must be fulfilled before a “critically important antimi- such as fluoroquinolones and later generation cephalo-
crobial” might be used. To facilitate this, a clear under- sporins, possess activity against a wide range of bacte-
standing of what constitutes a “critically important ria and potential far-reaching effects on the
antimicrobial” is needed. The current World Health microbiota. There can be increasing conflict between
Organization definition47 is not useful in this context the use of newer drugs with label claims versus “older”
because it encompasses most of the antimicrobials used options which do not necessarily have label claims
in veterinary medicine, including drugs whose use consistent with modern clinical practice. Thus, while
should be encouraged over other options. Some guid- label indications must be a consideration when choos-
ance is available from efforts such as the FDA’s “Eval- ing an antimicrobial agent, particularly in food ani-
uating the Safety of Antimicrobial New Animal Drugs mals, this cannot be done at the exclusion of broader
with Regard to Their Microbiological Effects on Bacte- aspects of prudent use.
ria of Human Health Concern”.48 However, much of
the difficulty revolves around a lack of evidence, so Compounding of Antimicrobials
while expert opinion and regulatory guidance can be
useful, those recommendations are still made with a Compounding is usually performed for ease of
paucity of high quality data. administration to improve compliance, but has also
6 Weese et al

been done to create a lower cost alternative to an method or route of drug delivery is practical. This can
approved product. Compounding can also include the include crushing tablets to combine the drug with syrup
process of combining a drug with one or more active or another substance for palatability and ease of deliv-
ingredients to create a final formulation in an appropri- ery. This must be done on a animal-by-animal basis by
ate form for dosing. Examples of appropriate com- an individual with adequate knowledge of compounding
pounding in veterinary practice include mixing 2 practices, compound stability and other relevant issues.
approved drugs, preparing an oral paste or suspension Currently, the Committee sees no legitimate reasons for
from crushed tablets, or adding flavoring to an the compounding of antimicrobial agents in food pro-
approved drug. Compounded preparations are not ducing animals. The Committee strongly urges regula-
equivalent to generic drug products, as generic products tory authorities to enforce existing regulations on
are approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities compounding and to abolish the practice of compound-
(eg, FDA) based on evidence of bioequivalence in com- ing antimicrobial agents from bulk chemicals or active
parison to the innovator product (approved reference pharmaceutical ingredients. The Committee also dis-
formulation). Compounded preparations lack approval courages compounding of antimicrobials into transder-
from regulatory authorities. mal preparations unless there are data to support the
Regulatory bodies must be cognizant of the impor- maintenance of adequate drug concentrations and effi-
tance of compounding in veterinary practice, but also cacy, because the potential for inadequate drug concen-
must ensure that compounded drugs do not cause harm trations raises concerns for both animal care and
to the treated animals, produce ineffective potency, or antimicrobial selection pressure.
lead to residues in food animals. In the United States,
FDA regulations permit the compounding of formula- Use of Generic Antimicrobials
tions from approved animal or human drugs (Federal
code 21 CFR 530.13), but compounding from bulk The use of generic antimicrobials is acceptable if
drugs or unapproved drug substances is not allowed approached with the same stewardship principles as
except for a few compounds that are not subject to reg- brand-name drugs. While manufacturers of generic
ulatory action, none of which are antimicrobials. Yet, drugs are not required to replicate safety and efficacy
compounding from bulk drugs is commonly practiced studies, properly manufactured generic antimicrobials
by some pharmacies. are bioequivalent to their brand name counterparts and
Although there are legitimate reasons to compound similar efficacy is expected. However, use of a related
antimicrobials for individual animals, on an as-needed human generic drug in lieu of a licensed veterinary drug
basis, there are reasons for concern. Unless specific (eg, use of ciprofloxacin in dogs as a cheaper alternative
studies have been conducted, compounded products to licensed veterinary fluoroquinolones) is not recom-
have uncertain pharmacokinetic profiles and unknown mended when efficacy or bioavailability data are lacking
stability, potency, and safety. Many antimicrobials are for the generic drug compound or where bioavailability
subject to instability and inactivation when mixed with is known to be poorer or less predictable than for the
incompatible excipients or exposed to light. The pH of licensed veterinary drug.55
the resulting suspension or solution might not be com-
patible with stability or solubility of the antimicrobial. How should Veterinary Internal Medicine Specialists
A drug solution or suspension might be stable for days, Interact with Diagnostic Laboratories to Facilitate
weeks, or even years in its original formulation, but Prudent Use of Antimicrobials?
when mixed with another liquid that changes the pH, it
might degrade in minutes or days. Some studies on Veterinarians should have a relationship with their
veterinary compounded products have found tested diagnostic laboratories so that they can discuss test
products to be both under- and over the mandated results with the microbiologist. Veterinarians should feel
range of +/ 10%.51–53 There can also be inadequate comfortable asking questions about appropriate testing
bioequivalence compared to brand name products.54 standards, and asking for follow-up susceptibility
The beyond-use-date for aqueous (water-containing) information (sometimes called extended-panels) and
oral formulations stored at controlled cold temperatures discussing unexpected results.
is 14 days, but this is frequently exceeded on labeling Veterinarians should rely on a laboratory that
from compounding pharmacies. Furthering concern was uses appropriate standards for testing. These include
a study of compounded doxycycline that identified (but are not limited to the European Committee
profound decreases in drug concentration after 7 days on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST,
of storage,51 indicating that even this 14 day limit might http://www.eucast.org/organization/) and the Clini-
be excessive for some products. Extreme potency varia- cal and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI,
tion can result in administration of sub-therapeutic http://clsi.org/). Currently, only the CLSI has testing
antimicrobial doses, which has the potential to increase standards and methods for veterinary isolates,50,56
the selection of antimicrobial resistant bacteria, or which are prepared by the Veterinary Antimicrobial
overdosing, which might result in adverse effects. Susceptibility Testing subcommittee. It is important for
The Committee recognizes that there are situations in laboratories to use the most current document because
selected animals for which compounding from approved breakpoints are revised and added with each new
animal or human drugs is necessary because no other edition.
ACVIM Antimicrobial Consensus Statement 7

Should Diagnostic Laboratories Test and Withhold clinical sensitivity and specificity. Clinicians must con-
Culture and Susceptibility Results for Certain sider whether they are using these tests to recover iso-
Antimicrobial Drugs or Isolates? lates for subsequent identification and testing by a
microbiology laboratory or whether they desire (or
Data reporting from diagnostic laboratories can require) identification in-house, as would be the case for
impact whether antimicrobials are prescribed and which in-house susceptibility testing. At least one of these
drugs are selected. In human medicine, laboratories do assays offers a limited ability to determine antimicrobial
not typically report the isolation of bacteria that are drug susceptibility, but this component of the kit was
deemed to be contaminants, including bacteria consis- found to generate inaccurate results in one field study.59
tent with commensal microorganisms that are present at Another common practice in some regions is inocula-
the sampling site. In veterinary medicine, there are no tion of bovine mastitis isolates onto penicillin-impreg-
standards and the approach is variable between labora- nated agar, to determine whether the isolates are
tories. The Committee encourages diagnostic laborato- penicillin susceptible. Accuracy of testing can be evalu-
ries to withhold reporting of isolates that are deemed ated by routine proficiency testing, as is done in Den-
clinically irrelevant based on the bacterial species identi- mark. In regions where bovine mastitis isolates are
fied and the site of infection. However, for this to be widely penicillin-susceptible, a simple and cost-effective
effective and not potentially impact animal care, it is approach like this could foster the use of this drug.
critical that this determination be made by a microbiol- However, these simple tests are in contrast with more
ogist, preferably a veterinary microbiologist, with an substantive approaches to antimicrobial susceptibility
adequate clinical background. Clear reporting guidelines testing that require rigorous testing and quality control
are needed to facilitate this process and are currently practices, and care must be taken when performing tests
lacking. and interpreting results.
Similarly, in human medicine, diagnostic laboratories Veterinarians and clinics considering in-house culture
often do not report results for all tested antimicrobials. must evaluate the costs and benefits, and whether they
Rather, drugs that are typically effective against the can perform quality testing in a safe manner. If not per-
pathogen and which are recommended for initial use formed properly, in-house culture can be clinically
are reported, while other drugs are tested but results are misleading, if not harmful, and pose a risk to personnel
withheld, so that clinicians do not unnecessarily pre- through exposure to large numbers of drug-resistant
scribe those drugs in situations where they are not bacteria, bacterial pathogens that require enhanced lab-
required or where the drug is not appropriate, such as oratory biosafety practices (eg, Brucella spp.) or unex-
nitrofurantoin in isolates not from urine. Some labora- pected isolation of pathogenic fungi. Notably,
tories use cascade reporting, which is another form of erroneous bacterial identification and antimicrobial sus-
selective reporting. Cascade reporting of antimicrobial ceptibility testing results can contribute to antimicrobial
susceptibility test results is a strategy in which second- drug misuse or treatment failure. Commercial diagnostic
ary agents are only automatically reported if an organ- laboratories typically have experienced personnel, spe-
ism is resistant to primary agents within a particular cialized facilities and equipment, structured testing prac-
drug class. Each laboratory typically makes decisions tices, and comprehensive quality control and biosafety
about which drugs to report and in what situations, ide- programs. While it is unrealistic to expect a veterinary
ally in consultation with relevant clinical experts. There clinic to replicate those practices, the general concepts
are no standard approaches in veterinary medicine. The must be maintained and clinics must ensure that they
Committee supports the use of selective reporting as a have adequate facilities and equipment, adequately
measure to both optimize animal care and foster anti- trained staff, a proper quality control program and a
microbial stewardship. Dialog between laboratories and biosafety program. If a clinic cannot meet standard
clinicians is required to ensure there is adequate containment level 2/biosafety level 2 protocols, they
understanding of the laboratory’s testing and reporting should not attempt culture. Clinics must consult with
protocols. local authorities to determine legal requirements, since
culture is more strictly regulated in some jurisdictions.
In-clinic Culture In-house culture might be best used a screening tool
(at least for urine and milk specimens), with identifica-
Performing bacterial culture in a veterinary clinic (in- tion and susceptibility testing of isolates performed at
house) can be useful because of a shorter turnaround an external veterinary diagnostic laboratory because of
time, less chance of loss of viability or overgrowth dur- the need for added expertise. Clinics must ensure that
ing storage and shipping, and potentially lower costs. they can fulfill pathogen shipping regulations if this
Simple, in-clinic culture kits have become widely avail- approach is taken. Susceptibility testing must only be
able in recent years, particularly for culture of urine performed on bacteria that have been properly identi-
and milk specimens. While potentially useful to rule out fied, and must be performed according standard guide-
infection, limitations in specificity and accuracy of bac- lines. A quality control program must be in place,
terial identification57 have also been identified, in con- including the use of quality control strains. This is
trast to a study of a different assay in humans.58 This beyond the ability of most veterinary clinics and consid-
highlights the need for continued species-specific valida- ering the importance of accurate susceptibility data, the
tion of these assays in field studies to determine their Committee believes that antimicrobial susceptibility test-
8 Weese et al

ing should be performed only by appropriately ment durations in many infectious syndromes, including
equipped laboratories that comply with standard (eg, pneumonia, skin-soft tissue, pyelonephritis and UTIs in
CLSI) guidelines. men.66–69 In lieu of proper trials, there should be con-
sideration of the animal’s condition, recommendations
De-escalation of Antimicrobial Therapy from veterinary resources and data from human medi-
cine. While the Committee recognizes that direct com-
It is preferable to commence antimicrobial therapy parisons with human dosage regimens should be done
using an approach targeted towards the known or likely with care, treatment durations are typically shorter in
pathogen(s). However, in some situations, use of anti- humans compared to corresponding veterinary recom-
microbials that are effective against a wide range of mendations,65,70 with little apparent justification for
pathogens might be required or initial treatment might longer therapy in animals. Shorter durations of treat-
have been started at another facility. This is typically in ment reduce exposure of commensal bacterial popula-
animals with life-threatening disease such as sepsis, sep- tions to antimicrobial drugs71 and are likely to be
tic peritonitis or pneumonia, yet even in cases such as associated with improved client compliance, reduced
these, transition to more targeted treatment for longer cost and inconvenience to the client, and a reduced like-
term therapy can often be achieved based on culture lihood of adverse drug effects. While study has been
and susceptibility testing results, additional diagnostic limited in veterinary medicine, recent data have indi-
information and clinical progression. In some cases, the cated lack of inferiority of short courses of antimicro-
initial treatment is unnecessarily continued because of a bial therapy compared to typical long-term therapy for
failure to consider alternatives, even when a pathogen is urinary tract infections in dogs.72,73 Investigation of
identified and its susceptibility determined. Also, situa- shorter durations of therapy for other species and
tions can arise whereby antimicrobials are added to an conditions is needed.
existing antimicrobial treatment regimen without con- A common misconception is the need to complete a
sidering whether all drugs are compatible or must be minimum duration of an antimicrobial drug to prevent
continued. Both of these scenarios can result in use of the emergence of resistance. The Committee is aware
excessively broad regimens that have no clinical benefit of no foundation to this and antimicrobials should
over more narrow approaches but which can increase never be continued once there is clinical and microbio-
the risks of adverse effects, drug–drug interactions, drug logical evidence that an infection has been eliminated
cost and antimicrobial resistance selection pressure. or once an alternate diagnosis has been made, simply
While high level data are lacking,60 in humans, de-esca- because of a perceived need for a minimum duration
lation has been associated with either no negative clini- of administration.
cal impact61,62 or improved patient outcome, including
for life-threatening conditions such as sepsis.63 Use of Periodic Antimicrobial Dosing
In human medicine, considerable efforts are under-
way to promote de-escalation, based on both patient Some animals are periodically treated with antimicro-
care and antimicrobial resistance concerns. This bials to prevent disease, typically recurrent infections.
involves a variety of approaches including education, Examples include single daily (usually night-time) dos-
pharmacist intervention and restricting automatic con- ing of amoxicillin for prevention of bacterial UTI, peri-
tinuation of antimicrobial prescriptions, as well as novel odic short courses of cephalexin for prevention of
approaches such as automated “best practice alerts” to superficial folliculitis in dogs and intermittent adminis-
alert clinicians about the need to re-consider therapy tration of azithromycin for prevention of Rhodococcus
(i.e., de-escalation or discontinuation).64 This range of equi pneumonia. In the absence of strong evidence sup-
approaches should be considered in veterinary medicine. porting these practices, the Committee discourages such
The Committee recommends that the antimicrobial approaches because these approaches fail to adhere to
treatment regimen be assessed regularly during therapy, sound PK-PD concepts and the lack of evidence of effi-
and that de-escalation be considered whenever possible. cacy or the impact on antimicrobial resistance. While
Before addition of antimicrobials to a animal’s regimen clinical impression suggests that these approaches might
consideration should be given of whether the currently be effective in some animals with complicated and diffi-
administered antimicrobials should be discontinued. cult-to-control disease, this approach should not be
used in lieu of comprehensive investigation of underly-
Duration of Therapy ing causes and the use of other preventive measures,
along with careful consideration of potential costs and
There is limited evidence to guide duration of therapy benefits.
for most conditions in animals. While recommendations
are available in clinical guidelines,65 review article or Use of Antimicrobials for Nonantimicrobial Activity
general (eg, textbook) references, these have limited sci-
entific foundation. The Committee emphasizes the need Antimicrobials might have properties beyond that of
for properly designed randomized clinical trials to pro- their antimicrobial effect, such as anti-inflammatory,
vide guidance on optimal duration of therapy. That is immunomodulatory or prokinetic properties.74–77 The
particularly true in light of recent randomized trials in clinical relevance of these is poorly understood, with
humans that have provided support for shorter treat- compelling evidence of efficacy lacking and no data per-
ACVIM Antimicrobial Consensus Statement 9

taining to potential adverse effects. While not discount- without re-examination of the animal. In addition,
ing potential beneficial nonantimicrobial effects, until when antimicrobial drug therapy is discontinued, cli-
strong evidence is available the Committee does not ents should be encouraged to return unused antimicro-
support the use of antimicrobials for their nonantimi- bial drugs to their local veterinary hospital or
crobial effects. pharmacy for disposal so that clients do not store old
prescriptions that they might subsequently use (inap-
Use of Screening Cultures in Animals propriately) at their discretion.

The Committee strongly supports the use of bacterial Moving Forward

culture to guide diagnosis and treatment of disease.
However, isolation of potential pathogens in the absence Many fundamental questions remain. In this State-
of clinical evidence of disease can lead to unnecessary ment, use of “narrow spectrum” and “broad spectrum”
antimicrobial use and might only promote colonization was avoided because, while they are commonly used,
or infection by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. There- there are no clear and logical definitions for these terms.
fore, the Committee recommends that clinicians refrain Indeed, some antimicrobials often referred to as “nar-
from requesting culture when clinical signs of disease row spectrum” have wide-reaching effects on the bacte-
are absent (with the exception of testing done as part of rial microflora? Further, from the standpoint of
structured infection control surveillance programs). antimicrobial resistance pressure, spectrum is only one
While it might seem counterintuitive, the concept of aspect and the amount of active drug that reaches sites
“knowing less leads to doing less”78 has been discussed populated by the commensal microbiota might actually
in human medicine, “doing less” (ie, less unnecessary be a greater concern.
testing) being a positive outcome (ie, less unnecessary Similarly, the use of antimicrobial “tiers” was
antimicrobial use) in many situations. avoided. While the Committee supports the concept of
Isolation of bacteria from the urine of clinically nor- assigning drugs to tiers and focusing use on “first tier”
mal individuals (“subclinical bacteriuria”) is a leading drugs, it is difficult to assign drugs to different tiers with
example of this. Although routine screening of selected any degree of confidence and objective data. Tiers
populations for bacteriuria such as animals with diabe- should be assigned based on the spectrum of activity,
tes mellitus or those treated with immunosuppressive activity of the drug at commensal microbiota sites, like-
drugs has been suggested,79,80 evidence that these ani- lihood of resistance emergence and importance of the
mals should be treated is lacking. As a result, it has drug for treatment of serious infections in humans and
been recommended by others that animals with subclini- animals, yet data required to make these determinations
cal bacteriuria not be routinely treated.65 Human guide- are typically lacking. While limiting use of classes such
lines recommend against treatment of subclinical as the 3rd generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinol-
bacteriuria except in specific circumstances, such as ones is widely accepted and consistent with principles of
pregnant women or before invasive urological interven- antimicrobial stewardship, the relative impact of many
tions.81,82 There is also evidence that treatment of sub- other commonly used drugs on antimicrobial resistance
clinical bacteriuria might increase the likelihood of is poorly understood. For example, recent data indicate
recurrent UTI in humans.83 In addition to strong rec- that cephalexin, a drug typically assigned to the “first
ommendations against treatment of subclinical bacteri- tier”, might contribute to the spread of extended spec-
uria in antimicrobial use guidelines and antimicrobial trum cephalosporin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae.29
stewardship programs, other approaches in human med- These points are not raised with a goal of stopping the
icine include discouraging routine culture submission use of tier-based antimicrobial selection, but as an indi-
and having laboratories withhold urine cultures reports cation that more information is required to properly
until results are specifically requested by the physi- assign drugs to tiers.
cian.78,84,85 Similarly, culture of sites usually colonized
by commensal organisms where clinical interpretation Conclusions
of results is difficult or impossible, such as bacterial
culture of nasal or vaginal swab specimens, is not Antimicrobials are among the most important treat-
recommended. ment options available in veterinary and human medi-
cine. Yet, antimicrobial resistance has progressively
compromised their efficacy. This has affected patient care
Other Issues (in both humans and animals) and heightened awareness
There are many situations where veterinarians might and concern about the use of antimicrobials in animals.
be able to reduce antimicrobial use, in addition to It is critical for the veterinary community to engage in
those described above. This would include reduction in discussions pertaining to prudent and effective antimicro-
the use of antimicrobials to treat healthy animals with bial use and to consider ways to improve antimicrobial
positive serologic tests for tick-borne pathogens or pro- use practices, to optimize animal care, reduce antimicro-
phylactic treatment of animals after tick removal, nei- bial resistance selection pressure and maintain access to
ther of which imply the presence of infection. important antimicrobial agents. There are no simple solu-
Veterinarians should also be discouraged from pre- tions to this complex problem, yet veterinarians must
scribing antimicrobial drugs for a recurring problem consider the influence of the decisions that they make on
10 Weese et al

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fit of their patients and society as a whole. dence of acquisition of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,
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16. Damborg P, Sørensen A, Guardabassi L. Monitoring of
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the following sources of research grants, speakers’ fees, ampicillin-resistant Enterococcus faecium clonal complex 17. Vet
consultation fees or other funds as follows: JSW: Zoetis Microbiol 2008;132:190–196.
and Merck; SG: Bayer Animal Health, Merial, Zoetis, 17. Dierikx CM, van Duijkeren E, Schoormans AHW, et al.
Merck; LG: None; PM: None; MP: Novartis, Bayer Occurrence and characteristics of extended-spectrum-b-lactamase-
Animal Health, Zoetis, Merck, Putney, Pennfield; DR: and AmpC-producing clinical isolates derived from companion
None; JS: IDEXX, Bayer Animal Health, Zoetis. animals and horses. J Antimicrob Chemother 2012;67:1368–1374.
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