Communicable Disease

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Disease Causative Incubatio Pathogno Sign and Medical Vaccinati Nursing Nursing
Organism n Period monic Symptoms Management on Care Diagnosis

Measles Paromyxo 10 - 12 Koplik’s ● high fever (may -MMR -ensure -a widespread skin
Virus days sign spike to more vaccine adequate rash that appears
- Penicillin G three to five days
than 104°), intake of
● cough, Antiviral after exposure and
fluid lasts up to one
● runny nose
(coryza), and
● red, watery -Vitamin A (100,000 IU)
for 6 to 12 months and precaution
● Tiny white spots s
(200,000 IU) for those
(Koplik spots
over 1 year old up to 5 -educate
years old. patient how
to do
proper skin


German Rubella 2-3 Froschauer ● Low-grade -The medical -MMR -ensure -Impaired social
Measles Virus weeks spot fever, management is vaccine adequate interaction related
● Sore throat symptomatic and to isolation from
● Rash that starts supportive with intake of
on the face and antipyretic and fluid
spreads to the analgesics. -Risk for impaired
rest of the body. -maintain skin integrity
isolation related to raking
precaution pruritus.
-High risk of
-educate infectious related
patient how to the host and
infectious agents.
to do
proper skin



Chicken Pox Varicella-zost 10 - 21 Enanthem ● Fever -Acyclovir or Zovirax to -Varicella -educate -Hyperthermia
er days – exanthem ● Tiredness slow down vesicle Vaccine patient related to viral
● Loss of appetite formation and speed up infection.
Virus (VZV) – ● Headache skin healing. about
centrifugal ● Stomach ache -Antipyretics, avoiding importance -Impaired skin
distribution ● The red, itchy NSAIDs or aspirin due of vaccine integrity related to
of rashes skin rash to the risk of Reye's mechanical factors
usually starts on syndrome
the belly or back -use non-aspirin
-promote (eg stress, tear and
nutritional friction).
and face. medications such as
acetaminophen to intake
relieve fever. -Disturbed body
-Antihistamines, image related to
-educate lesions on the skin.
Calamine lotion, and
soda baths for client for
alleviating itching. trimmed -Deficient
fingernails knowledge about
the condition and
treatment needs.
skin -Risk for infection
integrity related to damaged
skin tissue.
Influenza Influenza 3 - 10 None ● Fever Influenza A, -Quadriv -maintain -Ineffective airway
Virus days ● Chills -Amantadine HCl patent clearance related
● Myalgia (Symmetrel) for alent to tracheobronchial
● Headache respiratory tract Inactivat airway
and nasal
● Malaise infections ed secretions.
● Nonproductive -maintain
cough -Antibiotics for Influenza
normal -Ineffective
● Sore throat secondary infections or Vaccines breathing breathing pattern
● Rhinitis pulmonary bacterial (IIV4) pattern related to
inflammation from
-AH1N1 can be treated viral infection.
with Oseltamivir normal
(Tamiflu) and Zanamivir -Hyperthermia
(Relenza). temperatur related to exposure
-Use vaporizer to reduce e to infection.
irritation to the respiratory
mucosa. -reduce -Deficient
knowledge related
pain and to lack of
discomfort knowledge about
the disease
-educate process (influenza).
of vaccine

COVID 19 Severe acute 5 - 14 Loss of ● Fever or chills -No specific vaccines or Pfizer-BioN -restore -Infection related
respiratory days smell ● Cough Tech and normal to failure to avoid
● Shortness of FDA-approved Moderna pathogen
syndrome and/or taste breath or breathing
treatments COVID-19 secondary to
coronavirus 2 difficulty vaccines pattern exposure to
(SARS-CoV-2 breathing Clinical management which are COVID-19
) ● Fatigue mRNA -maintain
● Muscle or body -infection prevention,
vaccines. normal -Deficient
-control measures Novavax body knowledge related
● Headache
● New loss of
COVID-19 temperatur to unfamiliarity with
-supportive care (oxygen vaccine disease
taste or smell e
● Congestion or which is a transmission
supplementation and
runny rose protein information.
● Nausea or mechanical ventilation) subunit -reduce
vomiting vaccine. patient -Hyperthermia
● Diarrhea anxiety related to increase
in metabolic rate.
-enforce -Impaired
strict hand breathing pattern
hygiene related to
shortness of
proper -Anxiety related to
nutritional unknown etiology
intake of the disease.

Pneumonia Streptococcus 1 - 3 days Rusty or ● Chills with rising Antibiotics -maintain -Ineffective airway
pneumoniae prune juice lower than - Penicillin G Na (Drug patent clearance related
normal body of Choice), with to copious
(pneumococc sputum temperature (in alternatives such as airway
us) adults older Clotrimazole, clearance secretions.
than 65 and Tetracycline, and
people with Erythromycin. -promote -Activity intolerance
weak immune -Bronchodilators
systems) aminophylline and
effective related to impaired
breathing respiratory
● Chest pain salbutamol,
(stabbing( expectorants, and pattern function.
● Cough ( analgesics address
paroxysmal and symptoms. -Risk for deficient
-reduce fluid volume related
choking) which
may produce Specific treatments for acute pain to fever and a rapid
phlegm pathogens include and respiratory rate.
● Rusty or prune Aminoglycosides and discomfort
juice Cephalosporins for
sputum-pathogn Klebsiella, Nafcillin or
omonic sign. Oxacillin for 14 days for
● Abdominal pain Streptococcus, and medication
● Nausea Cotrimoxazole for as
Pneumocystis carinii prescribed
rest and


Diphtheria Corynebacteri 2 - 5 days Thick gray ● A thick, gray Antibiotics -improve -Hyperthermia
um membrane membrane Penicillin – is the drug of airway related to the
covering the choice and Erythromycin release of an
Diphtheriae that covers throat and as an alternative clearance
the throat tonsils. - if allergic to penicillin.
and tonsils ● A sore throat -maintain -Imbalanced
and -Passive nutrition: less than
hoarseness. immunization diphtheria normal
body requirments
● Swollen glands antitoxin and body related to painful
(enlarged lymph tracheostomy if laryngeal temperatur swallowing.
nodes) in the for infant and children are e
neck. present. -Ineffective airway
● Difficulty
-increase clearance related
breathing or
rapid breathing. oral fluid to
● Nasal pseudomembrane
intake blocking the airway.
● Fever and chills.
● Tiredness. -promote
proper food

Pertussis Bordetella 5 - 10 Rapid, ● Runny or Antibiotics -promote -Ineffective airway

Pertussis days violent, and stuffed-up nose. -ampicillin or effective clearance related
● Low-grade fever erythromycin (drug of to copious and
uncontrolle (less than choice) for 5 to 7 days to coughing
tenacious bronchial
d coughing 100.4°F) treat pertussis. secretions.
fits ● Mild, occasional -encourage
cough (babies -Sinecod, an antitussive, increase in -Impaired
do not do this) is recommended for an
● Apnea extremely dry cough.
oral fluid breathing pattern
related to decrease
pauses in -maintain airway patency.
breathing) and patent
cyanosis breathing
(turning blue or
purple) in
babies and -administer
young children. prescriptio
n as


Pulmonary Mycobacteriu 2 - 10 Chronic -isoniazid (peripheral -promote -Risk for infection

● Breathing
Tuberculosi m weeks cough and airway related to
difficulty neuritis, hepatotoxicity), inadequate primary
s Tuberculosis nocturnal ● Chest pain -pyrazinamide (gouty clearance defenses and
sweating ● Cough (usually lowered resistance.
arthritis, hyperuricemia),
with mucus) -maintain
ethambutol (optic -Ineffective airway
● Coughing up patent clearance related
blood neuritis), breathing to thick, viscous or
● Excessive bloody secretions.
-rifampin (hepatotoxicity,
sweating, -promote
nephrotoxicity, purpura, activity and -Risk for impaired
particularly at
adequate gas exchange
night orange-colored related to decrease
● Fatigue nutrition in effective lung
● Fever surface.
● Weight loss -streptomycin -administer
medication -Activity
● Wheezing (vestibular ototoxicity). s as intolerance related
prescribed to imbalance
Directly observed
between oxygen
therapy (DOT) may be supply and
recommended to ensure
complete treatment and
nutrition: less
avoid drug resistance. than body
Multidrug resistant TB related to inability
to ingest adequate
(MDR-TB) is resistant to
topical antibiotics,

isoniazid, and rifampin.

Mumps Paramyxoviru 14 - 25 Parotid ● Discomfort in -no specific treatment for -educate -Face swelling
s days swelling the salivary mumps only supportive patient
glands (in the and symptomatic medical -Headache
front of the treatment about
neck) or the mumps -Fever
parotid glands -analgesic, antipyretic
(immediately in -encourage -Anxiety
front of the Try to ease symptoms
ears). Either of with cold compresses
rest and -Muscle pain
these glands and otc pain relievers
may become hydration
swollen and -ibuprofen (Advil, -Malaise
tender. Motrin IB, others) and -educate
● Difficulty acetaminophen -Cough
chewing. (Tylenol, others). proper
● Pain and handwashi
tenderness of ng
the testicles.
● Fever.
● Headache. -take
● Muscle aches. medication
● Tiredness. s as
● Loss of


Cholera Vibrio Few Rice-watery ● profuse watery - oral rehydration -maintain -Deficient fluid
Cholerae hours - 5 stool diarrhea, solution (ORS) to adequate volume related to
sometimes replace lost fluids and excessive fluid loss
days described as salts. Severe cases hydration
through the stool or
(average “rice-water - fluid replacement. -Swift emesis.
of 3 days) stools” rehydration reduces -prevent
● vomiting. cholera mortality to less onset of -Imbalanced
● thirst. than 1%.
● leg cramps. -antibiotics tetracycline
infection nutrition: less
than body
● restlessness or
irritability. -maintain requirments
related to loss of
skin fluids through
integrity diarrhea,
inadequate intake.
acute pain -Risk for infection
and related to
discomfort that penetrate the
-prevent tract.
anxiety -Impaired skin
integrity: perianal,
related to irritation
from dirrhea.

-Anxiety related to
separation from
parents, unfamiliar
environment, a
Amoebic Entamoeba 2-4 Diarrhea ● Loose feces -treated with antibiotics of -monitor -Altered nutrition:
Dysentery Histolytica weeks with blood (poop) metronidazole as drug fluid Less than body
● stomach pain of choice requirement
or mucus ● Stomach balance
cramping. -Alteration in bowel
● stomach pain -manage elimination
● bloody stools acute pain
● fever
and -High risk for
discomfort infection

adequate -Altered body
nutrition temperature



and health

Bacillary Shigella, 1 - 4 days Diarrhea ● severe diarrhea -cotrimoxazole is -manage -Inadequate fluid
Dysentery Salmonella, with blood ● fever typically prescribed. acute pain balance
● stomach pain
Campylobacte or mucus ● nausea and Note: Avoid and
r and ● vomiting antidiarrheal drugs like discomfort
Escherichia loperamide or atropine, -Anxiety
coli (E. coli). as they may worsen the -fluid and
condition. -
Antibiotics can shorten
electrolyte -Inadequate
replaceme nutrition
severe infections
-oral rehydration -Fatigue
solutions -encourage
. Severe dehydration -Ineffective control
requires hospital proper of bowel
treatment with iv fluids for nutritional movements
a faster recovery. intake
-Fluid volume
-Risk for decreased
cardiac output
measures -Activity intolerance



Typhoid Salmonella 1-3 Rose spots ● Weakness. -antibiotics, with -maintain -Risk for fluid
Fever Typhi weeks, ● Stomach pain. normal volume deficit
● Headache. chloramphenicol as the related to less
average ● Diarrhea or fluid
drug of choice, or intake, nausea,
of 2 constipation. volume vomiting, and
weeks ● Cough. alternatives like diarrhea.
● Loss of -improve
appetite. Ciprofloxacin,
intake of -Imbalanced
Azithromycin, or nutritional nutrition: less than
requiremen body requirements
Ceftriaxone. related to less
ts intake due to
-Intravenous fluids
nausea, vomiting,
correct dehydration, -reduce anorexia or
pain and diarrhea related to
-Paracetamol discomfort excessive output.
for fever, and oral
-Acute pain related
-improve to inflammation of
-rehydration therapy
normal the small intestine.
(oresol, hydrites) body
temperatur -Activity intolerance
Alternative choices like
e related to
Azithromycin and mandatory bed
related to increase
in metabolic rate.

Hepatitis A picornavirus 2-6 ● Yellow skin or -there is no specific - -practice -by discussing your
eyes treatment to cure symptoms and
weeks ● Not wanting to hepatitis A infection. -Mild proper ordering a blood
eat cases do not require hand test that can tell
● Upset stomach treatment, and they whether you have
● Throwing up resolve without any hygiene
been recently
● Stomach pain permanent liver damage. infected with the
● Fever -promote virus that causes
● Dark urine or -Hepa A vaccine to isolation hepatitis A.
light- colored prevent infection after
stools being exposed to the precaution
● Diarrhea virus. s
● Joint pain
● Feeling tired -educate
proper use
of PPE

mouth care

rest and
fluid intake

Hepatitis B hepatitis B 6 -24 Jaundice, ● Fever -Antiviral -assess Health care

weeks icteric ● Fatigue entecavir (Baraclude), skin provider will
virus (HBV) ● Loss of appetite tenofovir (Viread), examine you and
mucous ● Nausea lamivudine (Epivir), integrity
look for signs of
membrane, ● Vomiting adefovir (Hepsera) and liver damage, such
dark urine, ● Abdominal pain telbivudine (Orally) -encourage as yellowing skin or
clay-colore ● Dark urine -can help fight the virus rest and belly pain.Tests
● Clay-colored and slow its ability to
d stool bowel damage your liver.
minimal that can help
activity diagnose hepatitis
movements -Interferon injections
● Joint pain Interferon alfa-2b
B or its
● Jaundice (Intron A) is a man-made complications are:
(yellow color in version of a substance adequate
the skin or the produced by the body to - Blood tests can
eyes) fight infection. fluid intake detect signs of the
-Liver transplant and hepatitis B virus in
nutrition your body and tell
your provider
whether it's acute
strict or chronic. A
handwashi simple blood test
ng can also determine
if you're immune to
the condition .
oral -Liver ultrasound.
hygiene all A special
times ultrasound called
elastography can
show the amount of
liver damage.

-Liver biopsy. Your

provider might
remove a small
sample of your liver
for testing to check
for liver damage.
This is called a liver
biopsy. During this
test, your provider
inserts a thin
needle through
your skin and into
your liver and
removes a tissue
sample for
laboratory analysis.
Hepatitis C hepatitis C 2 weeks - ● fever A combination of -encourage
virus (HCV) 6 months ● fatigue antiviral medications are mouth care
● loss of appetite prescribed -A serological test
● nausea daily
is used to test for
● vomiting -Interferon, ribavirin
● abdominal pain sofosbuvir,simeprevir -encourage hepatitis C
● dark urine daclatasvir adequate antibodies,
● yellowing of the
skin or eyes
fluid intake produced by the
(jaundice). body to fight the
d to eat
frequent -A nucleic acid test
meals to is used to test for
hepatitis C
ribonucleic acid to
confirm chronic
infection. This test
is needed because
about 30% of
people infected
with hepatitis C
whose infection
clears up by itself
will still test positive
for hepatitis C
antibodies long
after they are no
longer infected.

Hepatitis D hepatitis D 2-8 ● fever -Currently, there's no -reduce -Cases of hepatitis

virus (HDV) weeks ● fatigue cure for HDV. pain and D are not clinically
● loss of appetite, distinguishable
● nausea - pegylated interferon discomfort
from other types of
● vomiting alfa (peg-IFNa), but its acute viral
● dark urine effectiveness varies, and -assess hepatitis, diagnosis
● pale-coloured it can lead to side effects skin can be confirmed
stools such as fatigue, weight integrity only by testing for
● jaundice (yellow loss, flu-like symptoms, the presence of
eyes) and even and mental health issues antibodies against
fulminant like depression. -maintain
adequate HDV and/or HDV
hydration RNA. HDV
infection should be
considered in any
-encourge person with a
eating positive hepatitis B
nutritional surface antigen
requiremen (HBsAg) who has
t severe symptoms
of hepatitis or acute

Hepatitis E hepatitis E 2-9 ● an initial phase There’s no medication . -promote -Cases of hepatitis
virus (HEV) weeks of mild fever, In most cases, hepatitis E adequate E are not clinically
reduced goes away on its own in distinguishable
appetite about 4-6 weeks. fluid
from other types of
(anorexia), balance acute viral
nausea and hepatitis, diagnosis
vomiting lasting These steps can help -prevent can be confirmed
for a few days; ease your symptoms:
● abdominal pain, Rest, Eat healthy
skin only by testing for
breakdown the presence of
itching , skin foods,Drink lots of
rash, or joint water,Avoid alcohol. and antibody against
pain; HEV or HEV RNA.
● jaundice (yellow Check with your doctor integrity
colour of the
skin), dark urine before you take any
and pale stools; medicine that may -provide
and. emotional
● a slightly damage your liver, such
support for
enlarged, tender
as acetaminophen. patient

Meningitis 2 - 10 Stiff neck ● fever -Antibiotics: Bacterial -maintain -Ineffective tissue

Streptococcus days ● very bad meningitis is treated with normal perfusion related to
headache intravenous antibiotics. cerebral edema as
pneumoniae, ● stiff or sore neck -Cefotaxime, body
evidence by
Haemophilus ● sensitivity to Ceftriaxone temperatur hypercapnia.
influenzae, light -Antifungals: Used to e
Neisseria ● nausea and treat fungal infections. -Hyperthermia
meningitidis vomiting Clotrimazole, -encourage related to infection
● tiredness and Econazole patient to as evidence by
drowsiness Miconazole,Terbinafine body temperature
● irritability prevent
above the normal
● confusion -Antivirals: Antivirals from range.
● muscle and joint can be prescribed by scratching
pains doctor -Acute pain related
● seizures Amantadine,Rimantadi
-maintain to increase
skin intracranial
-Corticosteroids: integrity pressure as
Corticosteroids are evidence by
and headache.
prescribed for moisture
non-infectious type of
meningitis. -Disturbed sensory
Prednisolone, -encourage perception related
Triamcinolone, adequate to decreased loss
Methylprednisolone oral fluid of consciousness
as evidence by
intake altered sensorium.

-prevent -Deficient
from knowledge related
exposure to lack of exposure
to heat to information as
evidence by
request for
information about
medications, signs
and symptoms and
behaviors to report.

-The risk for injury

related to the
internal factors of
altered neurologic
regulatory function.

-Impaired physical
mobility related to
infusion, nuchal
rigidity and
restaining devices.

-Interrupted family
processes related
to the critical nature
of the situation and

-Ineffective airway
clearance related
to neuromuscular
damage as
evidence by difficult
in breathing.

Poliomyeliti Poliovirus 7 - 10 Flaccid ● fever -No cure for polio, -maintain -Imbalanced
s days paralysis, ● fatigue treatment focuses on patent nutrition: less
● headache comfort, recovery, and than body
weakness, ● vomiting prevention of breathing
and ● stiffness of the complications. related to anorexia,
reduced neck and pain in -maintain nausea and
muscle the limbs. -Supportive treatments normal vomiting.
include pain relievers
tone (aspirin, codeine) for
temperatur -Ineffective
e thermoregulation
-Sedatives such as related to the
phenobarbital infection process.
pain and -Ineffective airway
discomfort clearance related
to muscle
-encourage paralysis.
eating -Acute pain
nutritional related to the
requiremen infection that
t attacks the nerve.

physical mobility
related to paralysis.

-Anxiety in
children and
families related to
disease conditions.

Leprosy Mycobacteriu 5 - 20 Infection of The disease can cause -treated with a -assess skin -Hansen’s disease
m leprae years the nerves skin symptoms such combination of integrity for can be recognized
as: antibiotics, typically using lesions by appearance of
by acid-fast two or three patches of skin that
organisms ● Discolored simultaneously, -improve may look lighter or
patches of skin, -dapsone with mobility darker than the
usually flat, that rifampicin, and enhancement normal skin.
may be numb clofazimine for certain Sometimes the
and look faded types. This approach, -promote affected skin areas
(lighter than the known as multidrug proper skin may be reddish.
skin around) therapy (MDT) care to Loss of feeling in
● Growths -For paucibacillary form, maintain these skin patches
(nodules) on the daily dapsone and moist is common.
skin monthly rifampicin are
● Thick, stiff or dry used. -ensure
skin -Multibacillary form adds adequate
● Painless ulcers daily clofazimine. intake of fluid
on the soles of
feet -ensure
● Painless proper
swelling or treatment of
lumps on the eye
face or earlobes inflammation
● Loss of
eyebrows or

Symptoms caused by
damage to the nerves

● Numbness of
affected areas
of the skin
● Muscle
weakness or
(especially in
the hands and
● Enlarged nerves
those around
the elbow and
knee and in the
sides of the
● Eye problems
that may lead to
blindness (when
facial nerves
are affected)

If left untreated, the

signs of advanced
leprosy can include:

● Paralysis and
crippling of
hands and feet
● Shortening of
toes and fingers
due to
● Chronic
ulcers on the
bottoms of the
● Blindness
● Loss of
● Nose

Other complications
that may sometimes
occur are:

● Painful or
tender nerves
● Redness and
pain around the
affected area
● Burning
sensation in the

Leptospirosi Leptospira 2 - 30 Conjunctiva ● High fever -antibiotics, such as -assess -Risk for fluid
s days l suffusion ● Headache doxycycline or patient volume deficit:
● Chills penicillin(given early in thoroughly relates to the
● Muscle aches the course of the potential for
● Vomiting disease.) -maintain decreased fluid
● Jaundice strict hygiene intake, increased
(yellow skin and -Intravenous antibiotics fluid loss, or altered
eyes) may be required for -promote fluid distribution,
● Red eyes persons with more patient’s
leading to
● Abdominal pain severe symptoms. comfort
● Diarrhea
dehydration. Signs
● Rash -give of dehydration may
medications include dry mucous
as prescribed membranes,
decreased urine
output and
increased thirst.

Leptospirosis often
presents with fever,
chills and
diaphoresis. This
nursing diagnosis
imbalance in the
body’s temperature
mechanism, which
may require
interventions to
maintain normal
body temperature.

-Acute pain:
Leptospirosis can
cause muscle pain,
headaches, and
discomfort. This
addresses the
experience of acute
pain and the need
for appropriate pain

Tetanus Clostridium 3 days - 3 Sardonic ● Jaw cramping. -Tetanus is a medical -prevent -Ineffective airway
tetani weeks smile ● Sudden, emergency requiring further toxin clearance related
involuntary hospital care. release to accumulation of
muscle spasms secretions results
— often in the -Immediate treatment -ineffective of damage to the
stomach. involves human tetanus airway muscles of
● Painful muscle immune globulin (TIG), clearance swallowing.
stiffness all over ATS, TAT for passive
the body. immunization, and TT -monitor body
-Acute pain related
● Trouble and DPT for active temperature
swallowing. immunization. every 2 hrs
to injury
● Seizures agents(biological).
(jerking or -Muscle spasms are -give cold
staring) controlled with drugs, compress if -Risk for aspiration
● Headache. including sedatives like no seizures related to loss of
● Fever and Diazepam. consciousness,
sweating. -Antibiotics such as -encourage swallowing
● Changes in Penicillin G and hydration disorders.
blood pressure Metronidazole
and heart rate. -Ineffective tissue
perfusion related to
transport oxygen
through the
alveolar and

-Risk for injury

related to an
increase in muscle

nutrition, less than
body requirements
related to
reflexes, less

-Risk for infection

related to immune
primary, invasive

swallowing related
to neuromuscular
damage swallowing

-Impaired urinary
elimination related
to damage to
sensory motor.

-Self care deficit

related to
weakness, illness.
-Knowledge deficit:
about the disease
and treatment
related to lack of
exposure to
sources of

-Impaired verbal
related to
decreased blood
circulation to the

Anthrax Bacillus 2 - 7 days Inhalation - ● A group of small -Antitoxins -improve -Ineffective airway
anthracis painless blisters or -should combine with patency of clearance
bumps that may other treatments. airway
skin sore -Antibiotics such as
itch -Ineffective
with a black Penicillin, Doxycycline, -improve
● Swelling can breathing pattern
center Tetracycline, swallowing
occur around Erythromycin,Chloramp
the sore henicol, and
-eliminate swallowing
● A painless skin Ciprofloxacin.
sore (ulcer) with
a black center -improve
that appears tissue -Impaired tissue
after the small integrity integrity
blisters or
bumps -Hyperthermia
● Most often the
sore will be on
the face, neck,
arms, or hand
● Fever and chills
● Chest
● Shortness of
● Confusion or
● Cough
● Nausea,
vomiting, or
stomach pains
● Headache
● Sweats (often
● Extreme
● Body aches

Bubonic Yersinia pestis 1 - 7 days Painful, ● Fever -Antibiotics encourage

-- - by taking samples
Plague acute ● Headache Streptomycin, proper from the patient,
● Chills Gentamicin, handwashing especially blood or
regional Doxycycline,
● Weakness part of a swollen
lymphaden Ciprofloxacin -promote lymph gland, and
● Swollen
opathy -Oxygen, intravenous clean submitting them for
● Painful lymph fluids, and respiratory environment laboratory testing.
nodes (called support
-maintain -possible exposure
standard to the disease
precautions during recent
outdoor activity or

-contact with a
dead or sick

-known flea bite or

known exposure to

Helminthes nematodes, 6 - 12 ● Abdominal pain, -reduce pain -acute pain related

Ascaris weeks ● Diarrhea, Enterobiasis and itching to mucosal irritation
lumbricoides, ● Blood and
protein loss -Mebendazole (100mg -improve -ineffective tissue
Trichuris immediate dose) tissue perfusion related to
● Rectal prolapse
trichiura, and perfusion blood loss.
● Physical and
hookworms Note: Bedding and
cognitive growth
(Necator clothing should be -protect skin -impaired skin
americanus boil-washed or ironed integrity integrity related to
with a hot iron to kill the persistent
and eggs. scratching of the
Ancylostoma affected area.
duodenale) Ascariasis
Adults aged over 18 knowledge related
years after positive to the disease
diagnosis of A. process and

-Albendazole 400mg
(immediate dose) or

-Mebendazole 500mg
(immediate dose)

Children aged 1–2 years

-Mebendazole 100mg
(twice daily) for 3 days

Children aged 2–18


- Mebendazole 100mg (
twice daily) for three days
or 500mg (immediate

- Pyrantel or Pipirazine

Note: drug is also safe for

pregnant women and
permitting peristalsis
producing red stools

Taenia saginata

Adults aged over 18


-Niclosamide 2g
(immediate dose)

-Praziquantel 10 mg/kg
( immediate dose)

Taenia solium

Cerebral T. solium

anticonvulsant therapy

- Antiepileptic

levetiracetam or

Note: In cerebral
infection, Antihelminthic
treatment is not
considered urgent.

For calcified cysts

-No treatment is

Ventricular cysts

-Endoscopic removal
however, this is only
recommended in
moderate infections with
viable cysts.

Adults aged over 18


-Albendazole 15mg/kg
(once daily) for eight

- Praziquantel 50
mg/(once daily) in
divided doses for 15

-For patients who are not

pregnant or

(dexamethasone or
Pediculosis Pediculus 7 - 10 Pruritus ● Tickling Oral Ivermectin -prevent -visualization of at
humanus days and Children must weigh at infection least one louse on
feeling of least 33 pounds. -Reduce pain visual inspection.
pyoderma something Side effects: nausea, and itching
of clothing vomiting. -restore skin
moving in the
covered Malathion (Topical): integrity
areas hair. -Applied to hair,
● Itching, flammable, not for
pregnancy or
caused by an breastfeeding.
allergic Note: Not for children
reaction to under 2, safety unclear
for 2 to 6-year-olds.
the bites of
the head Benzyl Alcohol Lotion:
Applied to the scalp,
louse. possible side effects:
● Irritability and irritation, numbness.
Not for children under 6
head lice are Ivermectin Lotion (lice):
most active -Applied to dry hair,
in the dark. possible side effects: eye
irritation, dandruff.
● Sores on the
head caused Note:Not for children
by under 6 months.
scratching. Spinosad Topical
Suspension (Natro

-Applied to dry hair,

repeat after seven days if

Possible side effects:

redness, irritation of eyes
and skin.

Note: Not for children

under age 4.

Permethrin (Nix)
for Body Lice:

-Bathe, apply before

bedtime, shower in the
Rabies Lyssaviruses 10 days - Hydrophobi ● Cerebral No specific treatment -maintain -ineffective
15 years a -Prevention is the best normal body breathing pattern
dysfunction temperature
treatment and related to asphyxia.
● Anxiety Anti – rabies -improve
● Confusion vaccination of breathing -Imbalanced
animal and exposed pattern nutrition: less than
and -improve
individual. body requirements
agitation. nutritional related to
● As the intake decreased
-perform swallowing
disease wound care reflexes.
the person -Hyperthermia
related to viremia.
experience Anxiety of the
delirium family related to
exposure to
● Abnormal
behavior -Risk for injury
● Hallucination related to seizures
s and weakness.

● Hydrophobia -Risk for infection

(fear of associated with
water) open wounds.

● Insomnia.

Schistosomi Blood Flukes 2-6 Lower ● Fever Safe and effective drugs -administer -Examination of
asis weeks genital tract are available: antiparasitic stool and/or urine
● Chills -Praziquantel medications for ova
sandy ● Cough -Other drugs include -encourage
patches (for Oxamniquine (vansil) fluid intake
● Muscle
female) and metrifonate. -eliminate
aches pain and

Candidiasis Candida 7 - 14 Creamed ● Fever Antifungal medicine -relieve -Impaired oral

albicans days colored -prescribed without discomfort in mucous membrane
● Chills affected area
endoscopy. integrity related to
patches ● White -demonstrate
-Mouth, throat, or oral swelling and
in the proper
patches on esophageal ulcers as evidence
mouth hygiene by burning and/or
the inner candidiasis practices pain.
-suggest a
cheeks, Mild to moderate soft food diet
infections in the mouth for
tongue, roof severe
or throat
of the mouth, -clotrimazole, dysphagia
and throat miconazole, or
● Redness or nystatin for 7 to 14
soreness. days.
● Cotton-like Severe infections
feeling in the -fluconazole(oral or
mouth. IV)
● Loss of taste.
● Pain while candidiasis
eating or -fluconazole

Chlamydia Chlamydia 7 - 25 Dysuria, ● pain when Antibiotics -encourage -Acute pain related
trachomatis days pus or -Doxycycline safe sex to: burning, odor or
urinating. practice
1time dose or itching caused by
watery ● unusual -administer
daily/multiple times a the infection.
discharge antibiotics as
vaginal day for 5-10
from penis ordered -Anxiety related to:
discharge. Days -educate the length of the
● pain in the patient about healing of disease
-Abstain from sex infections
tummy or during treatment.
-Sexual dysfunction
● pain during -Sexual partners related to: the
require treatment,
sex. limitations allowed
even without by the symptoms (
● bleeding symptoms, to prevent fatigue, decreased
after sex. transmission. libido, depression)
● bleeding sense of rejection
by a partner.
periods. -Low self-esteem
related to: feelings
of shame because
of illness,
ineffective indivual

-Risk for infection

exposed to disease

-Knowledge deficit
related to: the
disease process.

Herpes herpes 2 -12 small ● Headache No Cure -assess skin -Acute pain related
simplex virus days painful -Focuses on managing integrity to inflammation
● Chills -manage
sores and limiting /local lesions along
(HSV) vesicles on ● Upset acute pain
outbreaks. sensory nerves
an -promote
erythemato infection -Deficient
● blisters on or -Acyclovir, control and
us base famciclovir, and knowledge related
around the prevention
involving a valacyclovir -provide
to learning needs
mucocutan genitals, Oral (pill) or topical patient
eous site pathophysiology,
rectum or (cream) education
-administer therapy and
mouth. -Injection for severe potential
outbreaks. ordered
● Flu-like medications complications.
-Risk for infection
related to
(e.g., fever, immunosuppressio
body aches, n,
or swollen
e therapy, or the
glands) status of the host’s
immune defense

-Impaired skin
integrity related to
open lesions and

-Risk for impaired

oral mucous
membrane integrity
related to oral
cavity involvement
with vehicles

Infectious Epstein-Barr 4-6 Swollen ● extreme -encourage -White blood cell

Mononucleo virus (EBV) weeks lymph -No specific treatment hydration count, which is not
fatigue -Antibiotics ineffective -prevent diagnostic, but the
sis nodes, ● fever against viral infections sharing presence of certain
tonsils, like mono. personal
● sore throat types of white
liver, or -Usually resolves on its -prevent blood cells
spleen ● head and own. patient (lymphocytes) may
body aches Treatment focuses on engaging support the
● swollen comfort and symptom heavy diagnosis
relief. physical
lymph nodes -Rest, fluids, cold drinks, activities -Heterophile
in the neck and saltwater gargle. -administer antibody test or
and armpits Fever and Aches: medications monospot test,
-Ibuprofen or ordered which, if positive,
● swollen liver acetaminophen
indicates infectious
or spleen or Tonsil Management:
-Prednisone for swollen
both tonsils.
● rash Secondary Infections:
-Caution with penicillin
derivatives to prevent

Gonorrhea Neisseria 2-3 massive ● Urethral Uncomplicated -promote -Acute Pain related
gonorrhoeae days, 4 - recruitment Gonorrhea practice of to the infectious
infection in (Nonpregnant): safe sex process secondary
bacterium 6 days of men include -Ceftiaxone (Rocephin) -encourage to gonorrhea as
neutrophils and Doxycycline. proper
dysuria or a evidenced by
to the site Pregnant Women: nutrition painful urination,
of infection white, yellow, Ceftiaxone (Rocephin) intake pain and swelling
or green and Erythromycin. -administer
leading to Co-infection with medications
of testicles in
the urethral Chlamydia: ordered
males, and pelvic
formation of or abdominal pain
discharge -Ceftiaxone (Rocephin)
injection and Doxycycline in females.
a pustular ● Testicular or
discharge or Azithromycin.(DOSE
scrotal pain. -Hyperthermia
related to
● Most women
with reactions
gonorrhea secondary to
gonorrhea as
evidenced by
asymptomati increased body
c temperature
● Bladder or beyond the normal
infection -Impaired Urinary
● Women Elimination related
to the
include inflammatory
dysuria, process secondary
increased to gonorrhea as
evidenced by
painful urination.
discharge, or
vaginal -Anxiety related to
threat to
between interpersonal
periods transmission and
● Discharge
separation from
● Anal itching support system,
● Soreness and fear of
transmission of the
● Bleeding
disease to family/
● Painful loved ones
bowel secondary to
gonorrhea as
evidenced by
● Rectal increased tension,
infection also apprehension,
feeling of
may be
asymptomati insomnia,
c sympathetic
● Pharyngeal stimulation,
restlessness, and
infection may
fear of unspecific
cause a sore consequences.
throat, but
usually is -Deficient
Knowledge related
asymptomati to lack of
c exposure/recall,
misinterpretation of
cognitive limitation,
and unfamiliarity
with information
sources secondary
to gonorrhea as
evidenced by
for information,
follow-through of
statement of
misconception, and
development of

Syphilis Treponema 10 - 90 Macupapul Primary and Secondary -promote -Risk for infection
pallidum weeks, 3 - ar rash that Primary syphilis Syphilis: practice of transmission
-Penicillin injection. safe sex related to contact
6 weeks affects the
(first stage): Penicillin - Drug of -reduce pain transmission
palms and Choice: and itching exposure , multiple
-Administered with -administer sexual partners,
● usually lasts probenecid to slow penicillin as unprotected sexual
penicillin excretion. ordered intercourse
around 21 Alternative Antibiotics: -restore skin secondary to
days Allergic to penicillin: integrity
syphilis infection as
● a round, evidenced by
azithromycin, ceftriaxone.
painless, Neurosyphilis -Daily iv positive blood for
of penicillin, may require syphilis, reports of
usually hard
a brief hospital stay. multiple sexual
sore Late Syphilis partners, and
(chancre) Damage irreversible, unprotected sex.
appears on treatment focuses on
pain and discomfort
the genitals, relief.
anus or
● the chancre
may not be
noticed and
will heal in
3–10 days
● progresses
to the
second stage
if untreated.


● includes a
rash, usually
on the palms
and soles of
the feet
● white or grey
appear in
warm and
moist areas,
such as the
labia or anus,
at the site of
the chancre
● symptoms
will go away

Latent syphilis:

● often has no
● progresses
to the third
and final
stage of
(tertiary) after
years if
● Tertiary
syphilis can
lead to brain
ar diseases,
among other

Babies born with

syphilis can

● rashes
● inflammation
in the organs
● anemia
● bone and
● neurological
● development
al delays
● seizures.

AIDS human 1-6 infection Main symptoms of -No cure for -assess skin -Impaired skin
immunodeficie weeks and viral AIDS HIV/AIDS. turgor, integrity related to
-Medications can mucous cutaneous
ncy virus after replication membranes,
significantly slow manifestations of
(HIV) exposure within Neurological and thirst HIV infection,
disease progression.
of HIV, 10 T-lymphocy -Encephalitis -encourage excoriation, and
- 15 years tes -Meningitis Therapy (ART):
fluid intake diarrhea. Diarrhea
expressing -administer is related to enteric
-enables long and
the CD4 Lungs medication pathogens of HIV
healthy lives. as ordered
antigen -Pneumocytes infection. Risk for
-prevents HIV -provide infection related to
(helper-ind -Tuberculosis transmission to sexual frequent oral immunodeficiency.
ucer (Multiple Organ) partners. care
lymphocyte -Tumors Prevention Methods: -auscultate -Anxiety-related to
Pre-exposure bowel sounds diagnosis and fear
s -promote
Skin prophylaxis (PrEP)
and post-exposure adequate -Deficient
-Tumors nutrition knowledge about
prophylaxis (PEP).
Common Drugs: the HIV disease
Gastrointestinal Reverse
- Esophagitis -Imbalanced
- Chronic diarrhea nutrition less than
inhibitors (ZDV,
body requirements
- Tumors Havid, Zerit, Epivir,
Viramune, Videx).
Minor sign: Protease Inhibitors -The risk for
1. Persistent cough (Invarase, Norvir, Deficient fluid
for one month Crixivan). volume related to
decreased fluid
2. Generalized intake and
pruritic dermatitis transcriptase diarrhea.
3. Recurrent inhibitors (Efavirenz,
herpes zoster Delavirdine).
4. Oropharyngeal Highly Active -The risk for
infection related to
candidiasis Antiretroviral Therapy
altered immune
5. Generalized (HAART):
lymphadenopathy Combinations of at
least three drugs from
different classes.

Classes of Anti-HIV
Major sign: Drugs:
NNRTIs: Efavirenz,
1. Lose weight - 10 Rilpivirine, Doravirine.
NRTIs: Abacavir,
percent of body Tenofovir,
2. Chronic diarrhea Protease Inhibitors
(PIs): Atazanavir,
for more than one Darunavir,
Integrase Inhibitors:
Bictegravir sodium,
3. Prolonged fever Inhibitors: Block HIV
entry into CD4 T cells.
for one month

● Adult: 2
major & 1
● Child: 2
major & 2

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