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% Define material properties

K_Ic = 30; % Fracture toughness

C = 1e-11; % Paris law constant C
m = 3; % Paris law exponent m

% Initial crack length

a_0 = 1;

% Define loading conditions (stress range)

delta_sigma = 10; % Stress range

% Number of cycles
n_cycles = 100;

% Initialize arrays to store crack length and cycles

a = zeros(1, n_cycles);
N = zeros(1, n_cycles);

% Paris law for crack growth

for i = 1:n_cycles
da = C * (delta_sigma / K_Ic)^m;
a(i+1) = a(i) + da;
N(i+1) = N(i) + 1;

% Plot the crack growth curve

plot(N, a, 'b.-');
xlabel('Number of cycles (N)');
ylabel('Crack length (a)');
title('Crack Growth Simulation');
grid on;

% Calculate the total crack growth

total_crack_growth = sum(a);

fprintf('Total crack growth: %.2f mm\n', total_crack_growth);

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