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Lesson Plan #1: Introducing your family members

CLASS: Garces Foundation M&W 10:30 am-12:00 pm DATE:


Teachers: Pax & Mark Teaching Topics: Introducing family members to others

Learners and teaching context:

At the Garces Foundation, all of my students are newly-incoming immigrants to America
from Spain. Before coming to the US, they had no opportunity to use English in any formats and
contexts. So, they are purely novice users of English, which should be approximately novice to
lower-beginner level (some of them have slightly higher proficiency level, which should be
approximately beginner to higher-beginner level). They come to the Garces Foundation to learn
English for daily usage. At the Garces Foundation, the general themes are determined by the site
supervisor, and we as teachers can self-adjust the specific topics and teaching focus.
Before this lesson, my learners are taught the pronunciations and written forms of
different alphabets and the vocabulary of family members and some simple workplaces (e.g.,
bank). For this lesson, the major focus is grammar teaching, on third person singular. By the end
of the lesson, students are expected to use third-person-singular sentences to introduce their
family members’ basic information including jobs and addresses.

Course Rationale:
First, I chose to teach this topic because of the regular Coffee Social events organized at
the Garces Foundation. Coffee Social is designed for all Garces students to meet new community
members and practice their spoken English. During the events, students are permitted to bring
their relatives, and actually many students want to bring their relatives there, as far as I know.
So, it is highly possible and common that students need to briefly introduce their relatives to
others. This is the foundation of building a close relationship with others. So, knowing what
information should be included and what sentence structures should be used is necessary. Given
that they are beginners of English, I decided to teach third person singular because this is a
simple and basic grammar point, which should be more understandable to my learners, compared
with other grammar. Then, jobs are the commonest information people want to know when
meeting new people for the first time. So, I mainly focused on introducing jobs. The reason for
adding addresses is that they learned how to describe addresses last lesson. So, it is more like a
reviewing technique.
In this lesson, I provided some scaffolds on completing sentences, asking students to use
third-person singular verbs to complete the provided sentences in a handout. I did this because it
helped learners to build a more direct sense of different rules of third person singular, which will
help them to pave their ways to the further comprehensive output stage. Before the oral output, I
asked students to draw their own family trees and write down some sentences/words they want to
share with others. For beginners, regular reviewing is necessary. Although they learned some
vocabulary previously, they still need to review them to deepen their memorizations. Then,
moving from writing to speaking eases learners’ anxiety of L2 speaking.

Lesson Objectives: SWBAT

● differentiate rules of changing third-person singular (e.g., works vs. watches vs. studies)
by completing the provided sentences/writing the grammatically correct sentences
● use the correct third-person singular form to orally introduce their family members'
workplaces and addresses in pairs
● Draw a family tree using the vocabulary of family members individually
Activity Activity Steps Technolo Key Materi Different Assessment Time Used
gy Used Language als iation

Warm-up Ts greeting Computer Vocab: Slide HERE HERE 15 mins

learners and lead at the father,
Ss reviewing the Garces mother, son, pp 4-6 (Page 1) (Page 1)
previous Foundatio daughter, etc.
learning content n
(vocabulary of classroom WH-
family members, questions
WH questions)

MFI Ss watch the Computer N/A Slide HERE HERE 10 mins

YouTube video at the pp 7-9
twice: Garces Ask students (Page 2) (Page 2) Foundatio to watch the YouTu n video be
v=PmRutmcBb classroom together and Video
A0 I will write
down some Board
Once without sentences on and
the subtitle and the board markers
once with the
subtitle. Show a Sample
sample of a of
family tree and Family
let students build Trees
a more direct
sense of
among different
family members.
Ts Play the
video again,
pause the video
and ask Ss to
write down the
sentences with
grammar (I will
also show the
subtitles here).

LL Computer Vocabulary Slide HERE HERE 20 mins

Ts lead Ss to at the on the family pp. 10-
brief review on Garces tree sample 18 (Page 3) (Page 3)
vocabulary of Foundatio
different family n Board
members (as I classroom Different and
mentioned rules of third markers
previously, I person
will only focus singular
on teaching Handou
grammar) E.g., work- t for Ls
Ts Ask Ss to works
underline the
verbs and the wash-washes Handou
subject, letting t for O
students study-studies
discover the
differences on be-is
their own and
discuss their I will show
thoughts with these rules
their partners (I using sample
will pre-show sentences
the initial verb and ask Ss to
form) P.S.: all self-discover
Ss know the the rules with
first-person my hints
Ts briefly
lecture on
differences in
adding "-s," "-
es," and "-ies."
and distribute
the handout for
students to finish
the practices
Ts and Ss check
the answers
together (Since I
will use the
same verbs in
two versions of
the handouts. Ls
can join into the
answer checking
as well.)

MFO Ts ask Ss to Computer vocabulary Slide HERE HERE 28 mins

draw their own at the of family pp. 19-
family trees with Garces members and 21 (Page 4) (Page 4)
associated Foundatio third person
nouns; write n singular
down their classroom sentences
family members'
using the
Orally share
what they wrote
previously in

FD Ts re-group Computer vocabulary Slide p. HERE HERE 12 mins

students and set at the of family 22
up the 3-2-1 Garces members and (Page 5) (Page 5)
activity for Foundatio third person
students and ask n singular
them to finish classroom sentences
the introductions
more quickly Timer
each new round.
Wrap-up Ts tell Ss to Computer Third-person Slide N/A N/A 5 mins
keep working on at the singular rules pp. 23-
EnGen (the Garces 26
online platform Foundatio
for self-learning) n
Ts and Ss briefly
review the rules
of third person

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