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Multiple Intelligences Theory

Multiple Intelligences Theory

Multiple Intelligences Theory states that intelligence

is not only a homogeneous component based on single
indicators, but there exist several different types of
intelligence and additional abilities approved in
intelligence tests

Multiple Intelligences Theory is a cognitive model that

shows a person's ability to use his/her multiple
intelligences to solve problems in different ways, and
focuses on the content of any situation until achieving
the desired solution

Pioneers of Multiple Intelligences Theory

Howard Gardner




Types of Intelligences

Logical-Mathematical intelligence is used in the

analytical part of problem-solving, sorting, and
analyzing in order to discover patterns and establish
connections and relationships between separate pieces
of information

Linguistic intelligence is closely connected with form

and has to do with being sensitive to sounds, rhythms,
and meanings of words and to language

Spatial intelligence is connected with the perception

of space and sense of orientation. It also enables
thinking in pictures and seeing things in relationship
with others

Musical intelligence includes the ability to perceive,

appreciate, and produce rhythms, tones, pitches,
volumes and direction of sound

Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence is known by the

ability to use the body in very different and
expressive ways. It makes physical expressions and
playing games possibe

Intrapersonal intelligence involves self-knowledge and

understanding of our own feelings. It also enables to
reflect on and learn from one’s experiences. The ones
who are strong in this intelligence need to spend time
by themselves and suffer when they have to socialize

Interpersonal intelligence implies the ability to

observe and discern among the moods, temperaments and
tempers of other individuals and enables working with
others along with listening effectively

Naturalist intelligence means being capable of

organizing and categorizing the natural world

Principles of Multiple Intelligences Theory

Human intelligence is not a single type but many

different types

There are not two people with the same intelligence,

even if they are twins

Every individual deserves the opportunity to know and

develop his/her intelligence

Using a particular intelligence contributes to the

improvement and development of another intelligence

Intelligence is a multiple set of intelligences that

can grow and develop

Each person has a unique set of multiple intelligences

The growth of intelligence varies within the individual

as well as from one person to another

Using Multiple Intelligences Theory in the Classroom

A successful teacher is the one who learns from his/her

students how to teaches them, taking into account their
multiple intelligences. It is also important for the
teacher to try to coordinate his/her learning style
with the one of the students. As long as there is

agreement, there is interest and demand for the lesson

and this may help prevent frustration and boredom that
might affect students if their methods conflict with
their teacher’s, and the teacher should take into
consideration that some methods and strategies are
convenient for a group of student but not with the rest
due to differences in abilities and tendencies which
must be taken into account to deliver information to
students in a correct manner. Here, it may not be good
for the teacher to repeat the same methods and teaching
strategies when teaching the same lesson to different

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