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Anglia Examinations

Preliminary L ry Level
Speaking Tes ng Test

2020 Set 2

Instructions for As
© Anglia Examination Syndicate Ltd. Reg. in
England Co. No. 2046325
LOCATION: a quiet place in lace in the school.

DURATION: 6−11 minutes.

PARTICIPANTS: two candidates; assessor; usher.

MATERIALS: Pictures supplied f d for picture story (task 2)

RECORDING: The examination is t s to be r e recorded as

an MP3. The r e recording is
sent to nt to Anglia E a Examinations, Chichester College, f
or moderation.

BEFORE the can e candidates en es enter the r e room,

record their full n ll names, n , numbers
and level of t f the ex e examination clearly.

AFTER the examination, the usher must ensure that

the candidates do not
return to the ar e area w ea where can e candidates y es yet
to take t e the test are st e still waiting.

Task 1 k 1: Introduction, 2 minutes maximum. Introductory


The assessor welcomes an es and reassures the candidates.

It is r is recommended you say,

‘Hello. My name is ame is xxxxx. This is the Preliminary S

peaking test. Are y e you ready?
Good, l , let’s begin.’

The assessor encourages t es the ca e candidates t es to

introduce t e themselves. If the can e candidate
has clear as clearly prepared a sh a short introduction and s
ets off t ff to recite it, allow him/her to
go through it and ask a q a question at the en e end. Be
p e prepared to kindly interrupt if t if this
goes on f n for too long. Otherwise, conduct t t the introd
uction w n with three or four simple,
specific q ecific question prompts fr s from the fo e followin

1. Family

- Have y ave you got any brothers an s and sisters?

How old are t e they?
Who is t is the eld e eldest/youngest?
Have y ave you got any cousins?
Where d e do they live?
Have y ave you got grandparents?
Do you s u see them often?
Have Tell me ab ell me ab ell me about your pets/cat/dog/
ave hamster, etc.
ot a

2. Home

- Can you describe y e your house?

What is your favourite p e place/room?
Why is it is it your favourite r e room?
Anglia Examinations Preliminary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document
- Have you got a bedroom of your own or do you share it?
Which is the b e biggest/smallest room?
Where is t e is t e is the t e television/computer/sofa, etc? (encourage u e use of
prepositions o s of p f place: near, next to, in, etc.)
- Have y ave you got a garden?
What do y do you do in the garden?

3. Free time

What are y e your hobbies?

- What is your favourite sp e sport?
What do you l u like watching on television?
What do you do on Saturdays? (encourage present simple)
What did you do yesterday after school/last weekend? (encourage p e past

Task 2 k 2: 3 minutes maximum.

The st e students ar s are given individual p al picture prompts which, as a seq

quence, form a
simple n le narrative. The assesso e assessor asks o s one o e or two past simple
estions to elicit
answers, such as ‘ as ‘Where d e did Steven go last weekend?’ (picture o e of a p f a p
ark) ‘What did
he d e do there?’ (picture o e of b f boys p s playing football). The assesso e asse
asks eac s each of t f the
students in turn to say what happened in the st e story. The assess e assessor
ask ill ask as ma as many
questions n s necessary to facilitate this.

For example: The assessor says,

‘I have so ave some p me pictures h s here. They tell a st ell a st ell a story. The st e stor
ppened last week. You can
look at the pictures and I have some q me questions fo s for you. OK? Remem
to use t se the
past tense. Now, [<name>]. Last weekend, Jack went camping in the mo e mountains w
his family is family.’

Then ask the q e questions fr s from t m the p e prompts below.


A: [< : [<name>]. H ]. How did they go to the mountains? ( ? (picture of car)

C: Car.
A: Yes. Can you tell m ell me a sen e a sen e a sentence? How did he go there? He….
C: H : He go there b e by car.
A: He went there by car.
Anglia Examinations Preliminary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 4
Questions to a s to a s to ask: Last M st Monday was th s the start of t of the
summer holidays. James

6. What did James and his si s sister find on d on the ground?

Task 3: 3 minutes maximum.

Information gap task, to be done as a p e as a p e as a p e as a pair. The c

andidates are g e given one p e picture
each of find-the-difference set. They talk to each o h other to find where t
differences are in e in the t e two pictures. They should not show each other their pi
but q ut question each o h other to work out the d e differences.
The assess e assessor says,

‘You each have a d ave a d ave a different picture. Only look at your picture, OK? I wa
nt y nt you to u to ask
questions t s to find some d e differences b es between the pictures.


A: OK, [<name>]. Ask your partner, ‘How many people are t e there in e in your pict
C1 to C o C2: How many people ar le are there in e in your picture?
C2: [There ar e are] five.
A: Thank you. [<name>], do you have five p ve five p ve five people t le too? (response)
Now, [<name B>].
Anglia Examinations Preliminary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 4
Encourage candidates t s to ask about objects, colours, actions etc. Question
may be provided a d as prompts. If t f the t e task is n is not going well, h
owever, it might be
facilitated by letting them see each em see each em see each other’s pictures. The can
e candidates sh es should not get
stressed about the fac e facts, but take t e the pictures as p es as p es as prompts t s to
use t e their English.



How ma w many…?

Task 3a: Optional E l Extension ( n (where a e appropriate) 2−3 minutes maximum.

The ex e examiner may ask the students to perform a ch m a ch m a chant, rhyme, so

ng or poem t em they
know. This is o is is o is is optional for the students. Stay cheerful and encouraging, an
d when th n the
test i t is over, thank the students and say, ‘Goodbye’.


This is n is is n is is not a co a compulsory word-for-word script but a st a strong recom

mendation for how
the test s t should be conducted. Circumstances will mean that the words sh s should
slightly changed to get the t the best f t from the candidate. As an assessor you have
right to do this. Conversations o s often do not run exactly as p as planned and some
flexibility is allo s allowed to keep the test as st as stress-free an ee and natural as al
as possible. The
Anglia E lia Examinations moderators will t ill take a e account of t f this when m n monito
ring the

However, remember to k o keep all meta-language simp e simple. Name t ame the candi
frequently. Do not be tempted to chat or add extra i a information about yourself, f
example. This co is confuses t s the can e candidate an e and takes valu es valuable t le t
esting time.
Anglia Examinations Preliminary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 4
Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 1

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 2

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 3

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 4

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 5

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 6

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 7

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 8

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 9

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 10

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 11

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 12

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 13

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 14

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 15

Picture Se ictur
e Set 1 t 1
Question 16

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 1

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 2

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 3

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 4

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 5

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 6

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 7

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 8

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 9

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 10

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 11

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 12

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 13

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 14

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 15

Picture Se ictur
e Set 2 t 2
Question 16

Preliminary Task 3, Picture A1, Set 2 2020
Preliminary Task 3, Picture A2, Set 2 2020
Preliminary Task 3, Picture B1, Set 2 2020
Preliminary Task 3, Picture B2, Set 2 2020

Clearly und The student i nt is clear
erstandable ly at e t ease with the t
The student und nt understan throughout t h the basic words and
M ds the examiner most o t ut the test. grammatical structures
he time of the level.
Sufficiently ade
and gives a s a correct answ
quate to be The student knows t s the basic w
er to t o the majority of
understandable. sic words an s and grammatical str
uctures of s of
Poor, but und
the level. There m ere may be a b
e a few errors.
least ha t half The student knows t s the most b
e time. asic w c words an s and grammar n
eeded for
the level although the h there are
obvious errors / omissions.
The student c nt cannot b The student knows in s insufficient basic w c words o
understood most of the r grammar to
participate in the test.

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