Synopsis (Pg6756921) Comments JKH 085015

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(INDEX NO: PG6756921)

JULY 2022


Youth unemployment has been a bane to the economic progression of nations across the world
and Africa and Ghana in particular is no exception. Some scholars in the field of security have
touted it as a major threat to the national security of countries since young adults who are
unemployed are easily susceptible to being coerced into all sorts of social vices.

(Ibid: 189) as cited in (Gyampo, 2012) Gyampo (2012)postulates that, inasmuch as the labour
market receives about 250,000 young people annually, only a meagre percentage of 2% are
absorbed and engaged by the Public sector, leaving a huge number of 98% of able youth on their
own to struggle for a living within the informal sector of the economy.

48% of Ghanaian Youth representing about 5 Million young people according to the World Bank
report (2016) were unemployed as reported by (Ampadu-Ameyaw et al., 2020).

This alarming situation has attracted various researches by scholars across board into various
aspects of the subject youth employment. Mention could be made of scholarly attempts to
unravel the degree of involvement of the youth in the formulation of youth targeted employment
policies and programs; (Gyampo (2012), 2012), investigations into the employability status of
beneficiaries of some government youth employment schemes; (Atiemo et al., 2020), the study
of the success and implementation challenges of some specific youth employment programs;
Kwarteng (2021) etc.

In spite of all these, other scholars have also attributed the success or otherwise failure of these
government social protection programs aimed at youth employment to other contributing factors.
(Baah-Boateng, 2013, 2019) as cited in (Jumpah et al., 2022), identified some challenges to
youth employment with emphasis on factors such as the illiteracy or low level of education
among the youth and the mismatch of education qualification. They explained in their work that
though institutions continue to churn out graduates in various fields such as the arts which rarely
provide employable skills or employment opportunities, majority of available jobs are skewed
towards science, technical and vocational skills.

Governments of Ghana since independence have rolled out several social interventions all aimed
at providing some sort of cushion to the ever teeming youth from various tertiary campuses
annually with some employment interventions. Mention could be made of the National Youth
Employment Program, the Youth in Afforestation Programme, the Rural Enterprises Program,
the National Entrepreneurship and Innovational programme etc. These projects are however
almost always overshadowed by lots of challenges which ends it not fulfilling the very mandate
for its inception.

(Jumpah et al., 2020) explains that issues such as aid sustainability, scalability and
innovativeness are not considered in the designing of youth employment initiatives. Thus, though
these initiatives have the potential to create employment opportunities, it mostly ends up not
achieving its purpose in its entirety.

(Dadzie et al., 2020) indicates that the lack of coordination among stakeholders in the sector has
led to the duplication of such youth employment programs and if regular exchanges are
improved as well as a comprehensive categorized database on youth information developed, it
could lead to the design and implementation of effective programs.

Other policy analysts have critiqued the situation of the non-existence of continuation in
governance as a bane to the progress of some of these youth employment programs as new
governments fail to continue to support initiatives started by erstwhile administrations upon
assuming political office.

The Nations Builders Corps (NABCO) programme was launched by President Nana Addo
Dankwa Akufo-Addo on May 1, 2018 as an intervention to addressing the rising level of
graduate unemployment in Ghana.

Objectives of the program as stated on the institutions website ( includes the
provision of temporary employment to unemployed graduates, improving the skills and
employability for transition from the programme into permanent employment, improving public
service delivery, improving government revenue mobilization as well as to provide the needed
infrastructure to improve the access to public services.

Subdivided under 7 modules namely, Educate Ghana, Heal Ghana, Feed Ghana, Revenue Ghana,
Digitize Ghana, Civic Ghana, and Enterprise Ghana, the programme was to run for a period of
three years after which its trainees would have garnered the requisite skills to be transitioned into
full time jobs either provided by government or for these trainees to develop business ideas to
embark on their own entrepreneurship journeys. It was targeted at employing some 100,000
graduates at its inception.

Just like most government youth targeted initiatives, the NABCO programme has been hit with
equal challenges in terms of its impact. Various readings into scholarly works of other academics
have revealed researches into various government targeted programs. However, little has been
done on the NABCO programme which is the ‘Newest baby’ in terms of government youth
employment programs.

This therefore begs the question as to what could be the most suitable intervention towards
finding a lasting solution to the menace of youth unemployment in Ghana as a whole with focus
on the challenges of implementation of these programmes.


(Atiemo et al., 2020) Atiemo et al. (2020) analyzed the employability status of NABCO trainees
for the job market with their target population being trainees of the program within the Kumasi
Metropolis. Their research was targeted at investigating the employability status of NABCO
trainees after their first year of enrollment on the program in their preparedness for the job
market before their exiting in the 3rd year. It therefore sought to ascertain the training and skill
development levels and experiences trainees of the programme were acquiring. The research
findings indicated a positive perception about the success of the program in terms of its
operations in the first year of its implementation.

With the programme coming to an end in 2021, a lot of issues have erupted, revealing the cracks
in the system just like all other youth employment programs in times past such as the delay in the
payment of trainee allowances and this desires a comprehensive assessment into the possible
implementation challenges of the program as well as the possible contributing factors accounting
for them and this study seeks to expand on this area of academic interest.

This study seeks to run a comprehensive assessment of challenges encountered with regards to
the implementation of Government Youth targeted Employment Programs with special emphasis
on the Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) Programme.

This is aimed at delving into the causative factors of these challenges which would aid policy
makers with the knowledge in the formulation and implementation of future Youth targeted
Employment Programs.


In furtherance of seeking knowledge into this desired area of study, the following underlying
objectives would guide the work of this academic study.

 To ascertain the processes of implementation of Government Youth targeted employment


 To assess the frequent and any likely challenges encountered in the implementation of
Government Youth targeted employment programmes.

 To identify the causative factors of these implementation challenges.

 To identify the most practical way of overcoming these challenges in order to ensure the
successful implementation of these programmes and its lasting positive impact.


The following questions would guide the collection of data for this study.

 What are the processes of implementation of Government Youth targeted programmes?

 What are the challenges encountered in the implementation of Government Youth
Targeted Programmes over the years?

 What factors are likely attributable as the causes of these implementation challenges?

 How best can these challenges be overcome to ensure the successful implementation of
these programmes and its lasting positive impact?


This academic study would focus on various youth targeted employment programmes in the
world and what scholars have said concerning its implementation challenges. Findings of the
study will help zoom into the Nations Builders Corps (NABCO) programme in the Ashanti
region of Ghana to ascertain and access the implementation challenges encountered on the


Creswell (2007) explains that a case study research involves the study of an issue explored
through one or more cases within a bounded system (that is, a setting, a context).

For the purposes of this study, sample responses will be picked out of the population of the
Ashanti Region of Ghana with a focus on the Forty-Three (43) Metropolitan, Municipal and
District Areas of the region. Targeted responses will be collated from beneficiaries of the
NABCO Programme through quantitative data analysis. Again, structured interviews from
Senior Officers directly involved in Policy Implementation in the various MMDA’s as well as
interviews from some selected Policy Analysts will be solicited for in this study. With their first-
hand experience with the tenets of the subject matter, these groups are best fit to provide the right
information to guide the outcome of this research in tandem with its set objectives.


Since the establishment of the Fourth republic of Ghana, various governments have continuously
attempted finding lasting solutions to youth unemployment. Various initiatives have been rolled
out to mitigate the issue. However what seems to persist has to do with the challenges in the
implementation of these programs to ensure its sustainability. Various scholars have attempted
identifying various contributing factors accounting for the setbacks in the successes of these
youth employment programs. However much has not been done into researching about the
causative issues that account for the implementation challenges of these programs which tends to
having a direct effect in the outcome of these programs. This therefore necessitates the need for
further research into this lacuna in Academic literature. It is worth noting that scholars in the
field of academia continue to seek continuous knowledge and discover new ideas into various
areas of academic interest whiles sharing these knowledge in articles, journals, and working
papers. This makes the field an ever-evolving one. This academic research therefore seeks to add
on to already existing literature by contributing to the body of knowledge and scholarly debate
on the implementation of youth targeted employment programs. Key amongst the discussions
would also include the debate on the most effective measures policy makers could adopt in the
implementation of social intervention policies in the area of youth employment to ensure its
lasting impact on the citizenry.
The outcome of the research would have enormous significance for different levels of
stakeholders particularly academics, Policy analysts and Policy implementers within various
Government Ministries, Agencies and departments in Ghana.
In conclusion, knowledge acquired from this study would also enhance government efforts at
solving the challenges of youth unemployment in Ghana and securing the future of its youth.


To ensure validity of the findings of this research, this study would ensure that responses
gathered are based on the voluntary decision of respondents. Respondents would also be briefed
on the nature and purpose of the research before questionnaires are administered. If at any point
any respondent feels uncomfortable to progress with the answering of questions, they would be
allowed to opt out of the exercise without giving reasons. Finally the anonymity of respondents
would be protected and respected throughout the research.

Some underlying critical assumptions of this research include the following;

 All respondents in this research are persons who have acquired a higher level education
and have a fair idea of Public Policy Implementation
 Respondents in this research are beneficiaries or have direct relation to the
implementation of the NABCO program
 Respondents are within the 43 governmental administrative areas (MMDAs) within the
Ashanti Region of Ghana.
 Youth Targeted Employment initiatives in Ghana over the years has been marred with
implementation challenges.


The study is made up of Five Chapters. Chapter one includes the background of the
study, the problem statement, aim of the study, the research objectives and questions,
scope of this study, the significance of the study, ethical considerations and Critical
Assumptions of the study. Chapter Two entails an extensive review of secondary sources
of literature of intellectual discourse on the subject. Chapter Three covers the research
methodology used for the collection of data. Chapter Four provides details on data
presentation and analysis. Chapter Five gives a summary of the findings of the study,
conclusions, and recommendations.

Ampadu-Ameyaw, R., Jumpah, E.T., Owusu-Arthur, J. Boadu, P., & Fatumbi, O.A.,
2020. A review of youth employment Initiatives in Ghana: policy perspective.

Anyawu, J.C., 2013. Characteristics and macroeconomic determinants of youth

employment in Africa. Africa Development Review, 25(2), pp. 107-129.

Atiemo, P., Quaynor, D. & Asante, Y.S.P., 2020. Employability Status of NABCO
Trainees for the Job Market, 8(1), pp. 01-08.

Ampadu-Ameyaw, R., Jumpah, E., Owusu-Arthur, J., Boadu, P. and Fatunbi, O., 2020. A
review of youth employment initiatives in Ghana: policy perspective.
Creswell, J.W. (2007).Qualitative inquiry & research: choosing among five approaches
3rded.Thousand oaks, CA: sage publication

Dadzie, C.E., Fumey, M. and Namara, S., 2020. Youth Employment Programs in Ghana.
Washington, DC: World Bank.

Ghana Statistical Service. (2021). Ghana 2021 Population and Housing Census, General
Report Volume 3E, Economic Activity, [Online]
Available on [Accessed 27th July, 2022].

Gyampo, R.E., 2012. Youth participation in Youth Programmes: The case of Ghana’s
National Youth Employment programmes. The Journal of Pan African Studies, 5(5), pp.

Hope SR, K.R., 2012. Engaging the Youth in Kenya: Empowerment, Education, and
Employment. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 17(4), pp. 221-236.

Ile, I. and Boadu, E.S., 2018. The paradox of youth empowerment: Exploring youth
intervention programme in Ghana. Cogent Social Sciences, 4(1), p. 1528709.

Ismail, Z., 2018. Lessons learned from Youth Employment Programs in Developing

Jumpah, E.T., Owusu-Arthur, J. and Ampadu-Ameyaw, R., 2022. More youth

employment programmes, less youth in work: A relook at youth initiatives in Ghana.
Cogent Social Sciences, 8(10), p.20566053.

Jumpah, E.T, Ampadu-Ameyaw, R. and Owusu-Arthur, J., 2020. Youth employment in

Ghana: economic and social development policies perspective. World Journal of
Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.

Kwarteng, B.O, 2021. Youth Policy Development in Ghana. A Study on the

Implementation Success and Challenges of the Youth Employment Agency. Journal of
African Political Economy and Development, (06) pp. 46–58.

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Available on
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in Mpumalanga Province: An Evaluation of the National Youth Service (NYS)
Programme Implemented by the Department of Public Works (Doctoral dissertation,
University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate
School of Public and Development Management).

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