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In this negotiation between Pampas Leather Company and West Coast Appareal about an order

of jackets, these are the statements that we agreed on:

1. The jackets will be produce in Argentina so that the we can garantee of their quality.
2. The West Coast Appareal company will place an order of 3.000 jackets instead of 2.300
of which 1.100 will be Look jackets; 1.300 of Nightrider; and 600 of Clubman.
3. Due to then West Coast Appareal is a new costumer, the Pampas Leather Company will
give them a 4% discount on their first order. However in their next orders, they'll only
have a discount of 2%.
4. The delivery will arrive within one week since the agreed date.
5. About guarantee, all models except the Clubman will have 2 years, while the Clubman
will have 4 years.
After this negotiation, they are glad to confirm that they will continue their relationship, so they
expect to agree further orders in the near time. In conclussion, altought there have been some
dificulties in the process because of the differents points of view of the representatives of both
companies, they resolved all points and completed this deal.

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