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P4500 Assignment I Time: 1 Hours November 2023 Total Marks: 25

1. Answer all questions.
2. Symbols retain their usual meanings unless stated otherwise.

3. Wherever necessary, draw a schematic diagram for illustrative purposes.

1) Mention any two basic different properties between fermions and bosons. [4]
V 2 V 3/2 1/2
2) If g(p)dp = h3 4πp dp, show that g(ε)dε = h3 2π (2m) ε dε
where ε is the internal energy of the particle. [8]
h   i−1
3) The Fermi distribution function is given by f (ε) = exp ε−ε F
kB T +1 ,

a) Plot f (ε) as a function of ε at the following temperatures T = 0K and T > 0K on the same graph. [3]
b) Give physical explanations of these graphs. [2]
4) Derive the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function for an assembly of N distinguishable classical particles in
thermal equilibrium. Hence write the expression for total number of particles N and total energy E distributed
among closely energy levels. [8]

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