Q&A E. Gary Gygax Part 59

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[Were any of the adventure ideas included in the Greyhawk boxed set (Werewolves of Menowood, the Mist
Golem, Jungle of Lost Ships, etc.) ever played in your campaign?]

We never did play them, and when the World of Greyhawk left my perview, I was not about to base any work
on what was contained therein, so those springboards are virgin territory. [EGG]

Actually, no, I never really worried aboiut the ethnic origination of my human PCs. I would assume that
Mordenkainen would be mainly of Oeridian stock and that Bigby is from Flan-Suloise background. [EGG]

[On thouls]

What's so bizarre about a ghoul troll? They just are not in ther general undead pantheon, if you will, but they
make great monsters that paralyize and regenerate and are much tougher to turn that are ghouls or even
ghasts. [EGG] http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=121380&page=18&pp=15

[Do all of your OD&Dgames take place in/around Castle Greyhawk, or have you made many other dungeons
(of like size) for your regular game?]

I have only the 40 or so levels of the original Caslte Greyhawk for A/D&D play. I am using seven of them in a
separate format for this particular mini-campaign. In play-testing the Well of Shadows game adventure, my
veteran players found the number of levels, seven therein, about as demanding and intense as enjoyable.
Seven dungeon levels for a crawl is about twice that number in a formal module, so I know I have plenty of
material to keep the group delving. [EGG] http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?

I planed to use the dwow as villainous antagonists in many an adventure into the fastness of the Underdark.
such is life that sometimes plans gang aglay. [EGG] http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?

The Drow have no political agenda, do not desire to do more than enslave, pillage, loot, and send sacrificial
victims to Lolth. [EGG] http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=121380&page=24&pp=15

[I have a question about Castle Zagyg. Will it contain the room that's depicted on the front cover of the
AD&D Players Handbook - the horned idol with the jeweled eyes? Or was that room just invented by DAT?]

That particular scene was indeed the creation of the fertile imagination of Tramp. [EGG]

[Speaking of your Marvellous Adventure, do you remember how Mordenkainen & Company fared against Eli
Tomorast, himself? How about against the demon Kerzit?]

Those were additions that we didn't actually play out. Ain't module writers sneaky? [EGG]

Rob was both an excellent player and DM. Jim Ward was playing in my OD&D group last night when
someone remarked that it seemed impossible that Rob could have found his way through my dungeon levels
sans map. Jim shook his head and allowed he did it with remarkable ease until I created levels with
transporters and all manner of other nasty devices to prevent that from happening...which was true.

Anyway, Rob was excellent in creating adventure material on the spot to challenge the players...especially
me. [EGG] http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=121380&page=26&pp=15

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