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I have DMed a cleric PC in a party that used an iron mace to harm a demon, a low level one of Type I or II, I
don't recall which it was. [EGG]

[I heard that in your original Greyhawk campaign the island of Japan was located on Oerth. Where exactly
was it located? Anywhere near the Flanaess? How about Aquaria?]

That is so, but Oerik was not as as it is, rather it was North America with a Western European flavor east of
the Mississippi and other cultures to the west of it. So Japan was where it is on earth. [EGG]

Mordenkainen has not ventured forth from his citadel for about five years [as of May 2005]. The last
adventure he assisted with was to deal with a pair of ancient white dragons. Of course he is still available for
action if there's the proper occasion. I am playing a Metamorphosis Alphacharacter now that was created
back around 1977, and it is a blast! [EGG]

As for creating items, that was basically what retired PCs of magical persuasion were allowed to do in my
campaign. I left that to other DMs to decide for themselves, but the clear message is that such things should
be discovered by adventures and quests, not created in the magical lab. Never could much in the way of
magical gear be found for purchase either--maybe +1 arrows or a few healing potions if I were in a most
generous mood. [EGG]

This is not to say that I do not develop special antagonists for the PCs to get to know and fear, loathe, and
seek to be rid of. Obmi the dwarf was my favorite for a time, and of course I made sure that the players
would not be able to have their characters end his career. The "Old Guard" kobolds were a lot of fun too

Mordenkainen has two red ones [dragons] in his citadel's subterranean complex... [EGG]

I was the constant GM, but as Jim Ward has recently joined the group, he takes over periodically to manage
those duties, and I get to play

The main requirement for a newbie with the group is available space. We have about nine persons now, but
fortunately a couple are usually absent for one reason or another. the table is comfortable for six, seven in a
pinch, but when there are eight or nine, some have to take chair nearby. [EGG]

The final (third revision) first level was 17" x 22", as were some of the "side levels." Also, some levels were
done on 5, 6, or 8 squares to the inch graph paper, one on a hex sheet.

Otherwise, all the material will be new, with kEy areas recreated on them, just as I said [EGG]

When Mordenkainen and Bigby were laid low by that iron golem that could levitate, breathe fire, and had a
whip of petrifaction and a poison sword I was at the time personally pretty sure that not much worse an
opponent could come down the pike [EGG]

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