Notes 1

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What are the pros and cons of using each of the four major representations of
a function? (graphical, algebraic, numeric, verbal)

Graphical is good for analyzing things like local maxima and minima, as well as
for making rough estimates of the function and its tendencies. It can be
inaccurate however, as you are not dealing with the actual values of the function.

Algebraic is good for specificity, as well as for finding things like the derivative. It
can be hard to visualize a function algebraically.

Numeric is good for finding patterns and for finding the limit of certain point of a
function. It is however limited to the points that have been plotted and therefore
lacks scope.

Verbal is the least accurate but the most useful. Using verbal expressions of
functions can help to communicate how a function works to others or even to try to
understand it more thoroughly by yourself.

2. How can you tell if a relation is a function of x for each of the above four

Graphical: Since a graph requires both a x and y axis, we can see that there is a
relation to x if y changes as x does too

Algebraical: Since the algebraical functions follow a pattern of f(x)=y. We know

that there is a relation to x because the function itself is based around x.

Numerical: Much like graphical, for every value of x, there is a corresponding

value of y. The relation of the function to x is therefore the change in y compared to the
change in x.

Verbal: With verbal, it becomes a bit more tricky. Sometimes you don't have a set
x value, instead having an independent variable and a dependent variable. With verbal
representations, you must assume that the independent variable (Eg the temperature)
will be x and the dependent variable (Eg the amount of chirps per minute) will be y.

3. Explain what it means for y=f(x) to be increasing on an interval (a,b) and decreasing on an
interval (c,d) using the words domain and range.
For a function to be increasing between the interval (a,b), during the domain between a and
b, the range must grow towards positive infinity. That is to say, it must start at a lower y value and
rise to a higher one. For a function to be decreasing between the interval (c,d) the domain between
points c and d must have a range that is increasing towards negative infinity. That is to say, it must
start at a higher y value and drop to a lower one.

Textbook Section 1.2: Exponential Functions

1. Define concave up and concave down. How can you tell the difference

between those two properties from the graph of a function? From a table of its

Concave up is defined as a curve that bends upwards as we move towards the


While concave down is a curve that bends downwards as we move towards the

Graphically it is very easy to determine its concavity, simply follow the curve and
see if it bends upwards or downwards.

To gather this information from a table of values you need to observe how the rate of the
growth increases or decreases. If the values are positively increasing more and more
every point, or the values are decreasing in difference while lowering in value, it is
concave up. The opposite applies for concave down.

2. You are given the graphs of two functions and are told that one is linear and
the other is exponential. How can you tell which is which?

A linear function follows a constant growth rate, which means that it will grow
linearly forever, while an exponential function has an exponential growth rate,
which means it will grow more and more quickly as x increases. Therefore the
exponential graph will be curved, and not linear.

3. Explain how the half-life and doubling time are reflected in the formula that
describes an exponential function of the form 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑏 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏 > 0

The half life of the formula would be defined as the time (x value) in which y = ½
of y(initial). The doubling time of the formula would be when y = 2 of y(initial). The
values for the halflife and doubling times would therefore be:
Half Life = 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑏( 2

4. Why does one of half-life or doubling time apply to any given equation?

Because all exponential equations grow and decrease, and there will always be a point that
is half or twice of the initial value.

Textbook Section 1.3: New Functions from Old

1. Draw the graph of a function that has at least two hills and a valley between
them and then describe in words the functions domain, range, intervals where
it increases, intervals where it decreases, intervals where it is concave up,
intervals where it is concave down, whether or not the function is even, odd, or
neither, and whether or not it has a inverse function.

2. Given a function, how can you find its inverse graphically, algebraically, and
from a table of values?

To find the inverse of a function graphically, we must flip it over the y and the x
axis, so that the function seems to have rotated 90 degrees.

Algebraically, by solving for x, we can get the inverse function.

From a table, you just switch the columns with each other so that you have your
y value as the first value column and the x as the second.

3. Give examples of functions f, g, and the composition f∘g algebraically, numerically,

graphically, and verbally. You can use the same examples for each of the four
representations or you can make up new ones for each of the representations.
𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥
𝑔(𝑥) = 𝑥 + 4
2 3 2
𝑓 ◦ 𝑔 = 2𝑥 ◦ 𝑥 + 4 = 2𝑥 + 8𝑥

x f(x) g(x) f(x) •g(x)

1 2 5 10

3 18 7 126

5 50 9 450

7 98 11 1078

9 162 13 2106


There is a population of seagulls in Galveston, Texas. The seagulls reproduce and grow at a
constant rate of 2x^2, however, they also gain immigrant seagulls at a rate of x+4. The more
sexually produced seagulls mingle with the immigrant seagulls and produce new seagulls at a
rate equal to both populations multiplied. How can you model this population’s growth?

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