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NAME: Alyssa D.

Magpantay COURSE: Business Analytics and Marketing


SECTION: MAR223 PROFESSOR: Mr. Manuel Logatoc

1. Retail – Retail analytics can help business owners make better decisions and lower risk
by predicting demand, measuring customer loyalty, and even optimizing store layout.

Ex.: The owner of Forever21 is considering whether he should spend money on a

different line of bags. To investigate retail trends, their customer base, general bag
pricing, and other aspects, they may employ a qualified data analyst. The owner can
then be informed by the analyst as to whether increasing the number of bags in their
inventory would be a wise decision or a foolish risk.

2. Banking – This helps banks identify fraudulent activity, evaluate credit risk, and make
data-driven decisions. By using predictive analytics and focused marketing campaigns to
customize financial products and services to each customer's needs and preferences, it
improves the customer experience. Banking organizations can use data analytics to
contextualize and personalize their offerings to better serve their customers and take a
direct, customer-focused approach to expanding their business.

Ex.: Using data science and logistic regression, BDO can offer their customers predictive
expense forecasts, consumer behavior insights, and transaction categorization that is
done automatically through the introduction of Smart Accounts. To improve overall
financial management, the Smart Account also enables users to anonymously compare
their spending with that of other users with similar profiles and receive customized
product recommendations based on their unique needs.

3. Food and Beverage Industry – Via virtual market testing and consumer preference
analysis, big data analytics helps the food industry develop new products. By
streamlining in-store operations and optimizing routes based on customer data, it
improves operational efficiency in delivery services. Businesses can also accommodate
customer preferences by optimizing their menus and using data-driven insights to
address allergen concerns.

Ex.: Big data analytics is used by McDonald's to enhance its menu selections.
McDonald's continuously modifies its menu to satisfy shifting consumer demands by
examining customer preferences, purchasing trends, and seasonal trends.
4. Transportation – Transport data analytics can, among other things, enhance vehicle
performance, lower expenses, streamline procedures, create plans, optimize routes and
timings, and anticipate and spot issues.

Ex.: “Routing optimization” Business analytics can be used to optimize routes for
transportation vehicles. This can help to reduce fuel consumption, improve delivery
times, and avoid traffic congestion.

5. Human Resource Management – Making data-driven decisions to increase employee

productivity can be aided by HR analytics. It makes it easier to comprehend how various
business divisions operate. You also gain knowledge about the ways in which
departments work together. in addition to elements that influence worker performance
and motivation.

Ex.: By identifying the factors that contribute to employee turnover, performance-based

analytics can predict employee attrition. Contrary to popular belief, McKinsey & Co.
suggests that supervisory and managerial quality matters more than financial incentives.
A case study on a U.S. insurance company showed that little progress was made in
keeping employees happy even after a bonus program was put in place. The
organization discovered a link between attrition and elements like smaller teams, longer
promotion intervals, and lower-performing managers by using data analytics to identify
at-risk employees. As a result, the organization decided to put more of an emphasis on
developing managerial skills rather than just financial incentives.

6. Entertainment – Within the media and entertainment industry, data analytics is a potent
instrument. It is employed to monitor viewer preferences, comprehend how viewers
engage with material, and forecast box office performance. Data analytics can also be
used to manage rights and contracts, target advertising, and prevent piracy.

Ex.: Streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime leverage business analytics and
big data to personalize user experiences. By analyzing user data, including chosen
genres and watch history, they optimize recommendation systems for a more enjoyable
interaction. Similarly, music-streaming platforms like Spotify suggest songs based on a
user's listening history, enhancing their overall experience.

7. E-commerce – Businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers' needs,

preferences, and behavior by utilizing data analytics. They can use this data to tailor
their advertising, make product and service recommendations, and improve customer

Ex.: Shopee analyzes a customer's past browsing and purchase activity using machine
learning algorithms. The platform makes tailored product recommendations based on
this data, which raises the possibility that the user will make more purchases.
8. Education – Connecting academic, operational, and financial data, tracking student
performance across cohorts and courses, keeping an eye on attendance, mobility, and
intervention patterns, effectively analyzing instructor development and curriculum, and
gauging the return on investment are all made easier with the correct set of analytics.

Ex.:The use of data analytics in education can enhance organizational resource

allocation and administrative decision-making. For instance, they are able to determine
which school facilities students enjoy the most or least. It can also give administrators at
the school feedback.

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