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3 steps to manifest your perfect day.

The Hugh Jackman Method:


Hugh Jackman is an award-winning actor

and all-around icon.

On the Tim Ferriss show, he revealed his

brutally-effective morning practice to
design the perfect day.

The best part?

It only takes 2 minutes.

Here’s the technique:


Step 1.

When you wake up, spend a few

moments visualizing the end of your day.

Imagine that you’re getting back in bed at

night… and everything went perfectly.

What did you do? How did you feel? What

went even better than expected?

Get specific.

Step 2.

Now write a text describing exactly what


Yep, in the past tense.

Something like:

“I hit a new deadlift PR in the gym,

delivered a strong presentation at work
(and got positive feedback from my
manager), and went out to dinner with a
friend that I feel way closer to now.”

Step 3.

Send that text to someone who will hold

you accountable.

At the end of the day, re-read what you

wrote and report back to that person how
accurate your text was.

It won’t always be spot on.

But your day will go better than if you

didn’t visualize it at all.

—Why it works—

When you’re able to picture your day

going well (in extremely vivid detail),

you’ll make micro-decisions throughout

the day that guide you to that outcome.

They might even be subconscious.

(the things you say, the last-minute risks

you decide to take, the confidence you
have walking into a room…)

“Your thoughts have consequences so

great that they create your reality.”
—Dr. Joe Dispenza

Whether you believe your day will go well

(or believe it will go poorly),
you’re right.

Try it out. Let me know how it goes.

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