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1031 Est. 1935

April 2023.
No. 1031. (113) £6.99

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AEROMODELLER 1031 April 2023 – Next issue published on 20 April 2023.

Issue 1031 April 2023

(Issue 113 since relaunch)
Tel: 01525 222573

07 UP & COMING 46 BEGINNERS’ SERIES Editor: Andrew Boddington
Publisher: Alan Harman
SIMPLE ALL-SHEET CLOUD TRAMP. Administration: Gordon Angus
08 TUNING ENGINES Editorial Design: Peter Hutchinson
The Granary, Doolittle Lane,
Totternhoe, Beds, LU6 1QX
Tel: 01525 222573
Select Publisher Services, 3 East Avenue,
20 IVAN’S JAGUAR Bournemouth, BH3 7BW
Aeromodeller, Doolittle Media,
24 EXHIBITIONS The Granary, Doolittle Lane,
Tel: 01525 222573
FINISHED THE LMEE. Worldwide £115

AeroModeller is published monthly by
ECO-FLYER Doolittle Media, The Granary, Doolittle
MODEL OF WHAT COULD BE THE FUTURE OF 1QX. Entire Contents © 2023 Doolittle
Media Reproduction in part or whole
of any text, photograph or illustration
without written permission from the
publisher is strictly prohibited. While due
care is taken to ensure the content of
AeroModeller is accurate, the publishers
and printers cannot accept liability for
errors and omissions. Advertisements
are accepted for publication in
AeroModeller only upon Doolittle Media’s
standard terms of acceptance of
advertising, copies of which are available
from the advertising sales department of

The twin rubber

powered Eco-
Flyer Free Plan by
Gareth Evans.

AeroModeller 1031 - 3



his may be the April issue square was formed. I have a feeling this
but I promise I’m not trying piece is from an old stash of balsa that I
to fool you. Reaching for a inherited from my father, so have no idea
length of ¼” square balsa how long ago this happened.
for my latest build I noticed art of me is horrified at the idea that
there was a small hole in the side. I used our models could be destroyed from the
a razor saw to cut through to discard inside without our knowing, although a
this to find that there was a burrowed search through other pieces of thicker
hole continuing along the centre of the balsa could find no similar holes. nother
balsa – after various trial cuts I found that part of me is impressed by whatever
some little critter had hollowed about insect(?) made the holes and I wonder
50cm/20inches and then exited! whether we can train it to lighten at will?!
As the hole is so well placed in the
centre of the strip, I’m pretty sure this Regards, Andrew Boddington.
wood worm must have eaten after the ¼”

radio assist from single channel to three it’s not possible anymore. I said if we
‘BUCKY’ POWER STRUGGLERS function in vintage and retro models fitted some radio to our models, we can
Andy Brough of the informal Buckminster - no full house aerobatic or fast/noisy fly them at uckminster plus fly smaller
Power Strugglers group has released the models here. We get the use of BMFA ones free flight. o, in October 1 we
flying dates for this year. Buckminster as a subgroup of SAM had our first meeting and this year dates
We are a group of vintage sports and fly on occasional ondays and are 1 16 ay, 6 une, uly, 1
flyers flying some free flight but mostly Tuesdays. You don’t have to be a SAM 1 ugust, eptember . ith no
member to fly but we hope you ll oin competitions we can fly from 1 . am
having experienced the fun we have. We until dark! There is a great atmosphere,
are also happy for quiet control line flying and everybody is friendly.
in the same spirit such as aerobatics. e operate light touch regulation at
Why the name? We write a monthly our meetings. ou book in at the o ce
column in the SAM magazine, SAM 35 and come and find me or one of my
Speaks, called the Power Struggle and colleagues. There is no requirement to
most of the group are the readers of said have an certificate but you should be
column. This group was the result of a a competent flyer there are people who
chat between a group of flyers at Old can help if you need it. Only .
arden in 1 . e were reminiscing radio is allowed. We have a pilots brief at
about the days we all used to fly our 1 . am each day. or more information
Andy Brough is the co-ordinator of the Bucky
Power Strugglers group of retro and vintage style large free flight models at arkston, contact ndy rough on acbrough
model ers such as the diesel po ered iss . Middle Wallop and other venues and how


avin anion and tuart armon are organising the irmingham uration lassic to be held at O orth u enham on 16th
April 2023. April is traditionally a bit showery, so much so that they write songs about it… If the forecast is for VERY INCLEMENT
weather, then they WILL POSTPONE the event to the alternate date of 23rd April.
lasses will be pre 1 oupe incl. intage oupe , lassic 1, ombined 6 1 power both second run , lassic
Glider (50m line) and Mini Vintage. Please register your interest by email beforehand as the decision whether they go ahead will be
notified by the evening of Thursday 1 th pril. avin anion gavin.manion

4 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

Mike Smith has been in touch to in two ways; Either 60 seconds from
point out that the website of the STC a hand launch or 50 seconds from an
(Scale Technical Committee) has been O . Total flight score now the best two
considerably updated at flights from your nine attempts added
Through the work and research of Paul together. Limitation on covering materials
Rich and Danny Fenton the STC has now now lifted – mylar is now OK – but a new
got a much more fle ible way of updating static judging category has been added
the site. of “Surface Realism” with the “Surface
The new 2023 Scale rules have just Finish” marks being removed.
been published. The highlights from OPistachio Scale - Same changes as
ike tuart s scale eanut e cept no 1 second bonus for
summary of the indoor FF changes which ROG.
will be used at the Indoor Nats on 23 To see the full 2023 rules for this and
April are: other FF, CL, and RC scale models, go
OKit Scale – Motive power now back to the BMFA website Downloads section
to rubber, CO2 or electric, regardless of ( and select Rule
what was shown on the kit plan. Books, and then choose ‘2023 BMFA
ike tuart ffscale oo is the contact
O eanut cale a time for class Scale Rule Book.pdf’. for information on the ndoor ationals
now 60 seconds which can be achieved cale ompetition held in alsall on pril.


Thanks to Dick Hart for compiling this powered by a ooling . lan embarked Morrissey Speed Team set National
obituary for speed flyer lan ee 1 on a science and engineering degree at records for , Open . cc, cc, , 6
2023 after talking to his lifelong friend John Dalton Polytechnic as it was then, and Jet.
Ken Morrissey. Manchester Metropolitan University as it Alan had completed his studies by
Alan Lee, his elder brother Trevor and is now. now and had taken a job at UMIST in
en orrissey started flying together Alan went to the World Championships the engineering department. His interest
in 1 6 , learning to fly control line with at winderby in 1 6 and met ill in engines continued unabated, helped
Keil Kraft Champs powered by ED Wisniewski and saw the TWA engine by the innovative ideas that surrounded
Bees. They joined the Sharston MFC which was a watershed moment for him, him. It was at this time that a couple of
which thrived in Northenden Greater and he determined to build competition things happened, firstly the harston
Manchester at that time. They met engines, particularly for speed. Some of lub got permission to fly at the ellvue
regularly in the old hall which had a his earlier engines were the Rattlers that Speedway and Stock car track on a
flying site at the back and was also he built for Derek Heaton and Malcolm Sunday and secondly Alan acquired a
roomy enough to permit indoor round Ross to use in class B team race. He Juggernaut pulse jet. A model was built
the pole flying too. s their flying skills followed up with a bar stock TWA design which ran on petrol, Trevor manned the
improved, they flew combat and team with a magnesium pipe which he and air pump, Ken was on the handle and
race. en used to come th in the Team Trials Alan would start and hand launch the
Alan became interested in the behind Bill Firbanks, Brian Jackson and model in spectacular fashion. Alan would
engines and started repairing them for Alan Woodlow. be wearing an old trench coat with a
lub members. is first ob was in the By the 70’s Alan had made record layer of asbestos sewn on the front, a
engineering department of the Northwest breaking piped and motors for the pair of welding gloves and a helmet.
Electricity Board and that allowed him team. He also built a bar stock piped Often the trench coat would catch fire
to start making engine parts too. Around 60 motor which took the record at the which was then put out by Trevor with
this time the Lee - Morrissey Speed hurch enton ationals at 1 mph. a fire e tinguisher. The whole noisy
Team was born and their first model was Over the ne t few seasons the ee spectacle would draw a crowd from
round about which one time included
the manager of the Speedway, who far
lan ee ri ht from being horrified asked the lads to
ith en
orrisse in the fly the model on speedway nights in the
s ith their interval for £25 an appearance. As you
speed model. might imagine this was quite a hit with
the crowd and the team were a regular
attraction for several months until the
attrition rate of models and pulse jets just
became too much.
Not many people know that Alan also
made the prototype rvine engines for
Ron Irvine. Ron saw their potential and
with Peter Halman hired onto the Irvine
Engines team began a long and very
successful UK engine manufacturing
Alan is survived by his wife Polly and
their children Abigail and Joel.

AeroModeller 1031 - 5
Ray Cox with his Speed CL
NEWS, VIEWS AND EDITORIAL models at the 2008 Nationals.


adly, another luminary of the peed community has passed. hilarity, I proved all
Thanks to artin adcli e, with assistance from ay s sister aki, these handle variations
for putting together this obituary of afael ay T. o , 1 6 O owever,
. needing two hands for
first came across ay at the end of 1 6 . One lunch hour the handle one would
went to enry icholl s shop at olloway oad ondon have held on to the
and got talking to enry s son ichard about control line speed pylon with one s third
flying and the blanket silencer rule. commented that someone hand o oooo
had put a classified advert in ero odeller, selling all their speed In the early 1960s
equipment, engines and models. person who was standing while in the T
by the counter, who heard this said es, that s me and m club ay pursued
not selling them now because the blanket silencer rule has flying c oy 6
been rescinded. That person was ay o , and this started a powered speed
friendship that lasted through to his passing. models, with some
ay s father was a boat enthusiast. e made steam engines, success, in the
and model boats, and he also wrote articles for the odel company of other T lub
ngineer maga ine. ay and his sister aki were always being members such as us ohnson, on inckert and ank i on.
taken to water events such as the round pond in yde ark. e also got involved with pulse et models with alph ould. This
ay s father encouraged both ay and aki to make balsa tissue continued up to 1st anuary 1 6 when the blanket silencer rule
covered rubber powered planes that they flew in their garden. came into force. hen the blanket silence rule was rescinded in
ay s lifelong involvement with pulse et models came about 1 6 , he started flying again. e was one of several people flying
when ay and his family went to the model air rallies at adlett in the 6 class and at one ationals won the 6 class at well over
erodrome. t was here he saw and heard pulse ets for the first 1 mph.
time, not a sound you would easily forget ay said the sound or a long while after 1 6 ay was pretty much the only
reminded him of the doodlebugs 1 that he had seen go person flying ets in . ith the advent of the caged circles at
overhead during the war, and lead to him building pulse et speed Three isters he started regular et flying there between 1
models later in life. and 1 and set a ational record at, in his words, a lowly
n 1 6 ay oined the . . .T. . club irst ll peed Team 1 . mph with a standard yna et. ith the introduction of nets
urope and his sister aki embroidered the letters . . .T. on at the ationals he started flying ets there and was oined by
a shirt for him. The T lub was set up by and an ander. hen ick and atthew art came back from the
personnel and other like minded flyers in ast nglia. hile in tates and flew ets in it brought about a resurgence in
the T lub ay learnt to fly monoline. eing right handed et flying that ay took advantage of, building several et models
he thought it would be best if he flew clockwise, like many other and achieved his best ever et run at 1 mph.
right handed people at that time. e also tried the backwards t the 1 ationals ay tripped over his own feet and fell
pump handles that were being used for monoline in the class over while flying his ast et. ay decided that at the age of
at that time. e tried them out on a O profile model with he was no longer fleet footed enough to fly the fast models and
the pump assembly laying alongside his arm, vertically above the terminated his speed flying and eventually all aeromodelling. e
handle and hori ontally to the handle. and reported that after a then took up model hydroplane racing. ay passed away in his
number of test sessions, and a lot of divot digging, and general sleep on 1 th ecember , at a nursing home in Thetford.


On Wednesday 26th April, Gildings are local rantham club, regularly flying his
proud to o er the single owner collection models at arkston eath. e was a
of the late ack aw of ewark. long standing member of and
Consisting of more than 600 engines, close friend to members of other ast
this is one of the most impressive (and nglia clubs.
ordered collections of aero engines is engine collection also includes a
that have come to auction for some back library of ero odeller maga ines,
years. ore information will be available from 1 until uly , and those with
for readers in the April issue as to the a keen eye can pick him out of the front
composition of the sale. cover of the ovember 1 1 issue.
ack formally named ohn made ou can register your interest now
model aircraft from a very young age, on the ildings website, when you ll
and collected engines from the end be informed as soon as the catalogue
of the econd orld ar. e was still is published. otential buyers will be
buying them until a few weeks before he able to view and attend the auction
died in eptember , at the age of on the sale day, with bidding in the
. n avid member of the aeromodelling room available. iewing in person on
community, he ran the ewark club until the onday and Tuesday prior to the
it had to close down when the field they auction.
More than 600 engines from the collection of the
flew on was sold. e then oined the late Jack Law will be sold at Gildings on 26th
pril . ack is standin rst from the left on
this November 1971 cover.
6 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

lease note that the events listed are compiled weeks in advance of publication, so please check in case of change specifically O venues
such as Barkston Heath can be cancelled at short notice. For inclusion of your event, please send an email with date and details in a format similar
to those shown below to

MARCH 8 April for Indoor Fly-In (micro RC & FF) to 20.00.

Tonbridge Gassers & Rubber Fanciers Indoor, Mick Lawson
15 March Kings Sport Centre, 601 Maidstone Rd, 07739584913
Flitehook Indoor FF, West Totton Community Rochester ME1 3QJ. 18.30 to 22.00. FF, LW
Centre, Southampton SO40 8WU. 12:00 to RC, & 3D RC timed sessions. 16 April
16:00. Flyers £8. Spectators & Juniors Free. Steve 0208 942 5000 or Eric 07763 398416 Rochdale Indoor, Kingsway Park High School,
Cafe, Parking. Turf ill d, ochdale O 16 . 11 to
8 April 1600. All indoor inc FF with slots.
19 March Indoor Flying Fun, Stalham High School, Martyn Kinder 079890 25198
BMFA SW Area Indoor Flying, Birds Of Prey Norfolk, NR12 9DG. 12:00 to 15:00. FF only.
Centre, Winnard’s Perch, St Columb TR9 6DH. Flyers £10, watchers £3.
1200 to 1600, FF, micro RC & electric CL. Richard Crossley, 01692 407936 17 April
Ron Marking E20 Competition by Peterborough MFC,
BMFA Buckminster, Sewstern, NG33 5RW.
26 March 10 April E20 Competition as rules on
3rd Area FF - Gamage Day, Area Venues. CG, roydon akefield 1 66 ay, alisbury. £3 entry, cash prizes. Weather dependent so
CR (Gamage)F1C (Halfax, Plugge), F1Q, 1/2A, roydon lub omps o akefield o check on riday before after 6 pm to confirm.
E36, Vintage G (Plugge), Mini Vintage, P30, akefield 1 in rounds arcus s . Peter Gibbons 07394521820
H/CLG (Plugge), Tailless. BMFA Area Comp 1 66 omps int lass lider ini int. Luke Goymour 07752236645
Secs, Ray Elliott 0208 9977745
Roger Newman 02392 550809 19 April
APRIL Flitehook Indoor FF, West Totton Community
Centre, Southampton SO40 8WU. 12:00 to
1 April 16:00. Flyers £8. Spectators & Juniors Free.
15-16 April
Heave Ho FF Glider 12th Postal, start for 1 Cafe, Parking.
SAM35 Spring Gala, Buckminster, Sewstern,
month. Indoor & outdoor CLG/HLG, free entry, NG33 5RW. Includes Tether Car, Sat
Juniors & Adults prizes. 21-24 April
am Voetsak Tribute racing Steve Betney
Len Surtees 1st F1E, venue TBD. Team Selection 1, 1 or 2 . Phantom ‘75’ Racing days according to weather.
Brian Lever 01733 252416 Ian Kaynes, 01252 512538
1 April kaynes
F2E Diesel Combat, BMFA Buckminster, 15 April
Sewstern, NG33 5RW. 09:30 to 17:00. Pre 22 April
Vintage Stunt (Mick Taylor Trophy),
entry required, see CFA Website Scale Indoor RC Nats, Wolverhampton
Buckminster. University Sports Centre, Magdalene Road,
Chris Maggs
Gordon Price alsall. 1 T . adio ontrol cale, 1,
Tim Hobbins 2, & 3.
15 April Paul Rich 07403 494161
1 April
Nostalgic & Open Speed, BMFA Buckminster,
Nostalgic & Open Speed, BMFA Buckminster, Sewstern, NG33 5RW. 09:30 to 17:30. F2A
Sewstern, NG33 5RW. 09:30 to 17:30. 23 April
team Selection.
Also reserve day for F2A team Selection. Scale Indoor FF Nats, Wolverhampton
Tony Goodger (Nostalgic) 07802724402
Tony Goodger (Nostalgic) 07802724402 University Sports Centre, Magdalene Road, Walsall. WS1 3TA. Free Flight Scale classes:
Peter Halman (Open) 07909594963
Peter Halman (Open) 07909594963 Open, Intermediate, Kit (Rubber, CO2 or electric), Peanut, & Pistachio.
16 (or 23!) April Mike Stuart scale
2 April
‘Petit Classique de Birmingham’ FF, North
Vintage Combat 1st Round, BMFA u enham. ate weather dependent. flights,
Buckminster, Sewstern, NG33 5RW. 09:30 to no rounds. lasses pre 1 oupe incl int 23 April
17:00. F2B 1st Centralised, BMFA Buckminster,
Coupe), Classic A1 glider, Comb E36 + 1/2A
Tony Cookson 07801947531 Sewstern, NG33 5RW. CL Aerobatics, incl
power (both 8 second run), Classic Glider team selection.
(50m line), & Mini Vint.
Tim Hobbins 07940730202 Mervyn Jones
Gavin Manion Stu Darmon 01858 882057
26 April
2 April Gildings Aeroengines Auction, The Mill, Great
16 April
OFMAC Indoor Flying, Abbey Centre, Furlong Bowden Rd, Market Harborough LE16 7DE.
Vintage Combat 2nd Round, South Bristol
reen, erinsfield O 1 . to 1 . The Jack Law Collection Sale of 600 engines.
MAC, Berkeley. 09:30 to 17:00.
Indoor FF, FunFly & Scale. Viewing on previous Monday & Tuesday.
Ian Melville 01858 410414
Tony Cookson 07801947531
7 April 29-30 April
Tim Hobbins 07940730202
Northern Gala (Good Friday), Barkston Heath. London Gala FF, Salisbury Plain. Sat: CG, CR,
CG (CMA), CR (Caton), CP (Hamley), CE, F1H, CP, CE, Mini Vintage. Sun: F1H, F1G, F1J,
1/2A, SLOP (Falcons), Mini Vintage, P30, H/ P30, H/CLG, E30, CO2. Club Champs for CG,
16 April
CLG, E30. CR, CP, CE.
Swapmeet Derby Aero MFC, Community
John Carter 07725 164372 Simon Dixon 0776 408765
Centre, Station Rd, West Hallam, DE7 6HP.
nordicf1a di onfamily1
Start 08.00 Traders, 09.00 Public. Finish @16.00

Full details of BMFA events can be found at:

AeroModeller 1031 - 7

Tuning & Customising

Redfin Engines
Stan Pilgrim explains modifications he has made to various Redfin Engines to increase performance and
make them suitable for control line work

Editors note – Readers of February

2023’s AeroModeller will now know some
of the design approaches that Alex Phin,
the man behind RedFin and SAM diesel
engines, uses to produce his range of
engines. Alex is contacted by many users
of his engines around the world, and he
introduced me to Stan Pilgrim who has
taken standard RedFins a step or two
further to suit his needs. Over to Stan

have played with all sorts of engines,
both model and full size (car,
motorcycle and aeroplane) over the
years and most of what I have learnt
has come from trial and error with
those of the model aeroplane variety.
will never know it all but find learn
something every time I experiment.
I mainly work on engines in the 1.25cc
up to and including the 1.8cc range as
I specialise in those. I have at least one
of each produced by Alex Phin in that
range and have modified most of them
to increase the power output. Not all
the modifications carried out could be
readily reproduced by all modellers and I
would suggest that some users leave the
engine alone and carefully run it in and
use it as supplied, rather than risk ruining
a good engine.

Stan Pilgrim with his Wolverine Vintage A Class

team racer po ered b a hi hl modi ed and
radially mounted FROG 250. “I built it to run-in
low-key club events where I felt others were more
likely to compete against you if they think you are
using something they can readily beat! I radially
mounted the engine so I could use it without
cuttin off its e haust stacks. he co l slides off
in a forward direction after removing the spinner.”

8 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

The Ukrainian manufactured SAM
125 (1.25cc) engine is very well made
although some have criticised it for
a lack of performance, but when one
understands that the design brief was to
produce a modern Mills 1.3cc you will
realise that peak performance was not
being sought. I wanted to use my SAM
125 in a control line model, so made the
following modifications to show how
easily the engine could be uprated.
I adapted the SAM 125 by removal
of the integral fuel tank plus it has
been e tensively modified internally to
increase performance. Inlet duration
was 110 degrees initially. The original 2
inlet port holes in the cylinder have been
joined by removal of metal between them
plus the total overall width of the port
has been increased and the bottom edge
lowered in the cylinder, increasing the
inlet duration to 120 degrees.
The inlet window in the crankcase
was then altered slightly to match the
cylinders enlarged inlet port.
Later, after all the other listed
modifications had been carried out along
with a successful test run session, the
piston skirt was shortened very slightly
but only directly in front of the inlet port
which then increased the inlet duration
li htl lar er than most of tan s modi ed en ines his O uses all ori inal parts ith the
by a further 1 degrees to give a final e ception bein piston contra piston prop dri er and spra bar. ne er ot to race the aeroplane but
inlet duration of 130 degrees. ha e o n it and it is e tremel fast for hat it is. he O is super hot and is capable of rpm close
to the mark on an prop. t had a problem hich ne er ed hence althou h fast it is
Exhaust duration = 160 degrees (as non competiti e due to the en ine bein hard to start hen mounted in erted in the aeroplane. am
initially supplied) is a bit on the high side. sure m enturi setup is the problem but am et to take the en ine from the plane and tr to rectif it.
ue to a e no lon er compete in the e ent but as hi hl competiti e hen did.
A maximum of 150 degrees would have
been more appropriate.
Transfer Ports in the piston liner.
Originally the engine had only two ports
with just over 100 degrees duration
but a third central port has now been
added with a curved top edge that
starts to open around 70 degrees before
bottom dead centre. The third port
consists of an angled hole through the
cylinder wall from the outside (refer to
picture), centrally located between the
two existing internal ports. It is fed by a
channel milled up the inside front of the
The piston crown has the land
removed from between the two original
transfer cutaways plus the piston skirt
also has a small section removed from
the bottom in line with the transfer ports.
The Venturi has the original spraybar
set up, but it’s bore has been increased
he diesel ri ht as desi ned as a modern da alternati e to the enerable ills . diesel.
from standard to 5/32 inches (3.97mm) hoto b ill ells

AeroModeller 1031 - 9

CAD drawing of the

standard SAM 125
from the Power Trip
review in April 2022

This third port has been machined in the

piston liner and consists of an angled hole
through the cylinder wall from the outside
centrally located between the two existing
internal ports. It is fed by a channel milled
up the inside front of the crankcase.

diameter. to the case to suit the smaller OD rear the front smaller diameter section of the
The original 19mm OD X 6mm wide race. A 1mm wide steel spacer has been crankshaft prior to inserting it into the
rear ball race has been replaced with a fitted to the crankshaft prior to the rear front ballrace to ensure the front ballrace
freer one of 16mm OD and 5mm wide ballrace to allow the crankshaft to remain was unseated when installed. The inside
with the forward end of the new race in its original fore and aft position relative of the crankcase has been opened up
positioned in the same location as the to the cylinders vertical axis. slightly around the crankshaft web area
original race. sleeve had to be fitted . mm steel spacer was fitted to to give more clearance between the web
and the crankcase.
The crankshaft has been slightly
SAM 125 engine number 099 which reduced in diameter forward of the rear
has been adapted for control line use
by removal of the integral fuel tank race, leaving a short section forward of
plus internal modi cations to increase the rear race at the original diameter, to
performance. peci cations ore
. mm. troke . mm. apacit allow for crankcase seal. The crankshaft
. cc. ass . as pictured. balance has been improved by removal
of metal from the front of the web around
the crankpin area.
The conrod now has an oil feed hole in
its big end approx. 40 degrees from the
bottom and facing to the right when the
engine is viewed from the front.


Using 7 x 4 APC propeller:
O(1) 12,150 rpm after about 15 minutes
total run time with the inlet duration at
120 degrees.
O(2) 12,200 rpm after the inlet duration
was raised to 130 degrees.
O propeller was then fitted
and 11,130 rpm was reached.
OThe engine drops rpm very slightly

10 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

s supplied the manufactured ed n diesel a classic side port in ternall the modi ed has a ne prop retainin spinner the prop
the st le of a ills. dri er as reshaped plus a socket head cap scre replaced the ori inal
compression scre . he c linder as also painted e ternall ith hi h
temperature black enamel.

after it has reached operating Overall a nicely made engine of high new prop retaining spinner was fitted
temperature, noticeable when flat out quality and a delight to use. and the prop driver reshaped plus a
on the 7 x 5 prop indicating the piston/ socket head cap screw replaced the
cylinder fit is still too tight but the REDFIN RETRO SP 090 original compression screw. The cylinder
maximum rpm has increased very slightly The edfin . ci, 1. cc ide was also painted externally with high
with each consecutive run on both props. ort is one of le s earlier engines temperature black enamel.
ODue to the excellent quality of the manufactured by of hina. hen The piston fit was left as original fitted
piston/cylinder combination the engine received this engine engine number a bit too tight at T and would initially
will take a long time before ideal running was tight and had a lot of internal require some careful running in. I ran
clearances are achieved and I think when drag plus the exhaust opening was way the engine for close to 25 minutes prior
that occurs the engine will be good for too high at 166 degrees. to the test runs and found the engine to
close to another 500 rpm on the 7 x 4 I dropped the exhaust timing to 150 be easy to start if the compression was
prop. A very cautious lap job would help degrees duration by replacing the original backed o slightly after each top speed
but I will leave as is. 24mm between centres conrod with a run.
OOne flick starts were common and the new one that is 26mm between centres The end result yielded a maximum of
exhaust note is noticeably very sharp and has a 1/8 inch dia. hole for the 12100 rpm with a short burst to 12200
plus the exhaust gas colour was perfect gudgeon pin which allowed me to press before the engine heated up. It would run
at all times. The engine is also easy to fit a new gudgeon pin to the piston. very consistently if backed o slightly
tune and very forgiving in that respect The piston has been lightened a lot by to 11 rpm. ore running is required
and has excellent fuel draw. completely removing the transfer step as the piston fit was still too tight to run
OFuel used: 20% Castrol A747 Oil + from its crown. I then turned the piston consistently at full speed.
35% Ether + 40% Kerosine to which was through 1 degrees when refitting it to
added 1.5% IPN. the cylinder. Because the gudgeon pin is ADDITIONAL SP 090
now pressed into the piston, I was able MODIFICATIONS
SAM 125 OUTCOME to remove the land between the original I then removed the original venturi and
The engine will unload quite a bit more twin transfer flutes in cylinder and raised opened it up to 3.84mm diameter for the
when flying, particularly on the the top of the now single port plus incline full inlet tract length and only flared it out
prop, when using the 130 degree inlet it upwards. on the bell mouth end of the tract prior to
duration as opposed to the 120 degree fter all the modifications the transfer the fuel needle position.
setup. ue to the design, fits and quality timing ended up at 125 degrees and the The same prop was used for a new
of the internal components it should also inlet at 120 degrees duration. The top of test and the rpm initially went up to
last a very long time. the inlet port OT uncovered by the 12480 rpm and after some more running
The only thing I would be cautious of piston crown when the piston is at BDC. 12540 rpm was reached, although the
is the cylinder alignment as it has not rankshaft end float was minimised engine would only then sit constantly
got a location device. The fins should be and oil feed holes were added to the around the 12400 mark when hot due to
checked for tightness and also check via crankcase to lubricate the 6.5mm the still tight piston fit. think with some
the exhaust ports that no rotation of the diameter crankshaft journal plus more running when the piston beds in a
cylinder has taken place after running the lubrication holes were added to each bit more somewhere around 12800 rpm
engine for a while. end of the new aluminium alloy conrod. might be possible.

AeroModeller 1031 - 11

close up ie sho in clear plastic standard

reed in its seat. ncomin mi ture enters
crankcase throu h unco ered portions of the
t o milled slots. urin compression stroke
crankcase pressure pushes reed a ainst seat at
base of enturi block.

he ed n in in diesel as supplied. ee u ust o er rip for the full re ie .

12 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023


The SAM 125 diesel and others in the SAM

range are available from the SAM 35 Treasurer
Kevin Richards, phone +44 1609 7772818 or

edfin ngines can be contacted on ale

rop used was a Thunder Tiger .

and the fuel contained 35% ether, 15%
castor oil, 10% Castrol A747, and 40%
ndustrial erosene to which was added
1.5% IPN. Possibly slightly less IPN
might have been beneficial.
uel needle was a bit too sensitive but
motor was a delight to use, was strong
and would idle at a very slow speed. The
engine piston cylinder unit was fitted on
the tight side and if others are the same,
and I imagine they are, running in to
eventually achieve ma imum power will
take quite a long time.


inally, an e ample of a small but
specialised modification to the krainian
manufactured twin cylinder ed in.
made a special reed valve induction
system for the Twin in . t is very
comple and not what the average
modeller could manufacture, but in its
favour the rpm increase was substantial.
The reed block made for my Twin in
increased the rpm by 1 without doing
anything else. The reeds are not shown
in my jet block picture but are from 0.005
inch thick mylar film and held in place by
the 1 screws shown. There is also
a narrow aluminium retainer strip, not
shown, for the reeds. t stretches across
the top edge of each reed and has 2
holes for the two screws to pass through.

ll the modifications have done are
probably above the capabilities of the
average modeller but if someone is
willing to try, the bridge removal from
the inlet port on a single cylinder side
port engine is a good starting point, T
before doing so a pressed in, or circlip
retained, gudgeon pin is a necessity. It
is also important to completely remove
any burrs from the cylinder after the
modification work has been completed
prior to refitting the piston.
If you are an average modeller then
the best improvement to performance is
The reed block I made for my TwinFin increased the rpm by 1000. The two reeds (not shown) mounted gained by methodical running in of the
either side of the central ton ue are from . inch thick m lar lm and held in place b the engine from new, rather than machined
screws shown. There is also a narrow aluminium retainer strip, not shown, for the reeds. It stretches
across the top ed e of each reed and has holes for the t o scre s to pass throu h. changes. ■

AeroModeller 1031 - 13


he last time that I made this be done! I wanted to get back to Arizona conditions of wall-to-wall sunshine,
trip to the US was three years as this was to be my first ma or trip out pleasant temperatures, and flat calm.
ago in 2020, directly before of the UK in three years. Once I’d arrived The organisers arrived and we soon
the Covid-19 pandemic. I’ve in the there were some internal flight got into a debate about the weather that
reported several times in the issues caused by problems with the FAA was coming down from California. Two
past on this event and have eulogised at systems, but access through US security storms bringing both wind and rain were
length about the quality of the weather caused no issue for me or the model on there way and would arrive on Sunday
and how it was the ideal break away box. and Monday. A heavy snow fall had
from the English winter. However, in 2023 already been reported in lagsta , which
things were somewhat di erent and for a TEST & SET-UP is on higher ground and well to the North
big chunk of my time there the weather On riday s arrival at the flying site of the facility we enjoy at Eloy, halfway
was just like being at home in the UK. all was how I remembered it, and the between hoeni and Tucson. The first
The first thing that became apparent weather was perfect, so I set about day of the three-day event, the Saturday,
with this trip was the significant increase getting some test flying done. wasn t was expected to be overcast but calm.
in all aspects of the costs; from getting the first there, ud omak from The site used at Eloy is half a mile
there as well as being there. But it had to California was also enjoying the ideal square and in normal conditions is more

14 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

harlie ones in on the
single competition day.

Hardly a breath of wind and clear skies on the Ron Felix F1B with wide turbulator made from masking tape addon applied after advice from Alex
Friday, but much worse was forecast for later Andruikov.
in the weekend.

AeroModeller 1031 - 15

Bud Romak prepares to wind a model designed by Wally Simmers, a larger he of harlie ones odel upplies aits for a test i ht.
Gollywok also by Wally.

than adequate. O the field there are others remained at home. few that had
paddocks bounded by barbed wire, got there decided to cut and run.
these are negotiable, the worst ha ard is was primarily interested in the and
the catclaw acacia bushes. The claws as predicted the weather that dawned
on the bushes grab hold of lines as well on aturday was O it was chilly, but
as giving a few punctures in covering. the drift was low. n these conditions,
The other real issue is the surface of the as would be e pected, the ma es rolled
site which is marginal desert that soon in. uring the middle of the day, when
becomes soggy in rain. n the normal it became flat calm, several in 1 had
anuary conditions the site is perfect di culty towing and keeping models
but in wind and rain it becomes rather aloft on the line. rian van est, who is
di cult to use on the glider team for the orld
hampionships, was unable to get
CONDENSED EVENT su cient launch tension on the line and
The organisers had faith in the forecast recorded a ero on the last two rounds.
and thus truncated the length of the n 1 only one person dropped a
event from three days into a single day, flight during the rounds and that person
with all the and classes being was me The variable tail incidence stuck
Stepan Stepanchuk wing being used on an flown as best as was possible. s a result in power mode, and had to decide to
F1Q by Jack Murphy. of the forecast and recent bad weather either allow the model to crash or save
the entry was already reduced with no model through radio eThermalising.
shows, some unable to get there whilst decide to save the model and recorded

Bud Romak, now 96 years young, discussing

Mulvihill design with Walt Ghio.
A Korda cabin model also from Bud Romak.

16 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

alt hio inds his for a rst round ma . alt stopped in as time as ti ht durin the
weather truncated event.

An F1S sized “Satellite” by Larry Norval.

Despite an absolutely cracking climb it failed
to reach the off.
A larger IC powered “Satellite”.

24 seconds - an attempt is 20 seconds. conditions with both 1 and 1 the rest of the field the way home. n
In combined F1C/P Faust Parker had a going to two rounds. n the 1 fly o the conditions that are regular on this
complete system failure in the first round the flappers of ndrew arron and im field, all the locals trim their models
and piled in very hard destroying his arker had problems. im had a one flap to a much wider turning circle that
folded F1C. Not deterred Faust changed stick which tightened the glide whilst we do here in the , thus enabling
classes and took first in 1 . ndrew arron pushed his model little a better glide performance. One thing
too hard to stall all the way down to the that was blatantly obvious in the dull,
FLY OFFS ground. dead overcast late afternoon, wide was
The fly o s were held in near perfect n 1 and 1 erry itch showed the ideal trim. erry itch s 1 only

rank enanno ulie aust arker at rest bet een i hts. Mike Rule with AMA Class A power winning model.

AeroModeller 1031 - 17

F1S from Jack Murphy.

Not a sight one sees in the UK!

executed one glide circle during its ground to record a winning seconds. known thrower of 1 s, former orld
superb minute winning fly o time. The alt hio who has made both the 1 hampion erry itch, has cut back the
timing of all the flights of the 1 s was and 1 team for this year s orld power in favour of a steady and more
enhanced using flashers. fterwards hampionships in rance this ugust, accurate procedure.
erry itch had the flight profile of his was launching his rubber powered 1 s we are finding in the , 1 6
winning fly o from his idus system in power model style as the arthritis in his is getting more popular as the electric
displayed on his phone to show a steady hands now makes the traditional avelin power plants and systems improve, and
let down from the 1 metre climb to the style launch di cult. ven the hardest it took a reduction in the motor run down

18 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023


F1A (11 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 Enes Pecenkovic 180 180 180 180 180 360 304 1564
2 Andrew Barron 180 180 180 180 180 360 76 1336
3 Risto Puhakka 180 180 180 180 180 316 1216
4 Ken Bauer 180 180 180 180 180 278 1178
5 Jim Parker 180 180 180 180 180 222 1122
6 Jasminka Pecenkovic BIH 180 180 180 180 180 173 1073

F1B (8 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 Jerry Fitch 180 180 180 180 180 360 425 1685
2 Charlie Jones 180 180 180 180 180 360 360 1620
3 Walt Ghio 180 180 180 180 180 360 350 1610
4 Larry Norval 180 180 180 180 180 360 320 1580

F1C/P (3 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 Guy Menanno 180 180 180 180 180 900

F1G (5 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 Jerry Fitch 120 120 120 120 120 240 840
Ti aney O ell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Geralyn Jones 120 120 120 120 120 180 780

F1H (3 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 Blake Jensen 120 120 120 120 120 600

F1J (2 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 Faust Parker 120 120 120 120 120 600

F1Q (2 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 Julie Parker 180 180 180 180 180 280 1180

F1S (13 FLEW) 1 2 3 4 5 F/O F/O F/O TOTAL

1 George Morris 120 120 120 120 120 120 183 903
2 Charlie Morris 120 120 120 120 120 120 158 878
3 Frank Menanno 120 120 120 120 120 120 135 855
4 Rick Pangell 120 120 120 120 120 120 102 822
4= Jack Murphy 120 120 120 120 120 120 102 822
6 Julie Parker 120 120 120 120 120 116 716

to 5 seconds to decide a winner in the of atellite . hoeni and the flight home.
fly o . As you would undoubtedly have Check out the SWR website for more
I saw little of the depleted ranks of the guessed, after the late weekend s information, images, and an entry form
flyers e cept for the regular roar atrocious weather the Tuesday turned for ■
and spectacular climb from various sizes out a nice day for the drive back to

err itch s innin aits for the off. ll black carbon sa e for a little eral n ones inds under the atchful e e of husband harlie for nd
da lo for isibilit . place in off.

AeroModeller 1031 - 19

EDF Jaguar

t was awful. ubsequent trimming

efore I start on the Jaguar workshop.
some of you may recall photos Although my other EDF jets had been sessions tested my patience.
of my replacement F-16 in easy to trim the first 16 was not, but The issues were similar to that of the
2022 AeroModellers. The eventually flew well. o, was sure some first model but far more aggressive. was
first one disappeared at Old minor changes to the replacement would unable to find longitudinal stability despite
Warden, (I hate to use the word stolen.) do the trick. aving confidence that using all the tricks we know. When I built
The new one was showing signs of being with some minor work and a couple of the new model I re-drew the fuselage
very di cult to trim on the first session. trimming flights all would be well, took outline for better static marks. It was not
I was sure a few adjustments would it to the cale ats for my electric far out before, but trying hard I moved
solve the problem and went back to the entry. the motor 25mm higher so that the outlet

20 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

an a lor in his ori inal in cale at the ats. hoto b ndre oddin ton

would come central at the rear. to build. He has already purchased the 1954 just 2 miles from my home.
This meant that that the angle of the electronics. I do not intend to go into great detail
inlet tract had increased by about 4 The Jaguar is another safe layout with with the construction of this model as my
degrees. Most of the ducting is in front of low CG, plenty of sweep back and the techniques are the same as described in
the CG so the air pressure on the inclined generous tail that the more recent jets previous AeroModeller articles for you to
duct (forcing the nose down) was variable have. The motors are further apart than refer to, if you wish. The great joy for me is
during the power/glide phases. This the TSR2 but nothing like a Meteor (a jet I that the weight comes out at 305g which
e plains why the first model was di cult just love). Unfortunately, I saw one crash in is 49g lighter than the TSR2. The wing
to trim and the new one impossible (for
To resolve the problem, I lowered
the motor and installed new ducting
tubes front and rear. Unfortunately the
scale accuracy of the rear end has been
compromised but I would rather have a
nicely flying model.
The above shows how these free flight
scale models can occasionally get you

The Jaguar
The TSR 2 proved to be a successful
model and I fancied another twin.
There are many to choose from and the
Phantom was a strong contender. I will be
he replacement had the motor mounted hi her than on the ori inal but this altered the
drawing this up for a good friend of mine i ht trim.

AeroModeller 1031 - 21

The wings, the usual Dbox, using light 1/32

and 1/16 ribs.

This shows the timer, switch, battery box and

the two ESCs. The battery box is positioned
under the CG, this is the best aerodynamic
position (helping keep the extremities as light
as possible) and proved to be OK when the
model as nished. Ob iousl the batter
position can be used to get the CG in the
right place without resorting to extra ballast.

The fuselage structure with the two motors

and ducts installed. The majority of the wood
in this model is quarter grain. Straight grain is
used for block areas and fuselage curved areas.
The blocks are split after shaping and then

area is virtually the same, the span of the photographs of an Indian air force Jaguar. respect. hen it has flown shall attack
Jaguar is 30"and it's 46"long (without the My disappointment is that it looks too it with some thin transparent washes of
probe, which I have omitted for safety.) much like a model than a real aeroplane. acrylic etc. a technique which I can handle
This is interesting, the photos of the full- and should do the trick. It will no doubt
Clean size show a very clean example. need some patches after encountering
I have based this model on some good y earlier scale e orts were better in this the elements during the trimming process.

Other components including the canopy mould plug top right. The all moving My method of making decals - painted on tissue and applied to the model
tailplane is ideal for trimming. The wheels are fun to make. To replicate the with spray adhesive.
incredibly complex undercarriage faithfully would not be beyond me, but I
will leave it to those with more commitment and patience.

22 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

o a oid the star ed horse effect on the cur ed areas black tissue co erin he nished a uar is too clean at present and once test o n ill be
and sanded li ht ei ht ller. he bare ood areas can no be painted ith dirtied .
acr lic black. ll the unco ered areas ha in had man coats of sandin
sealer usin talc dope. ee ecember for more details.

This will be a good starting point for some can be ad usted to alter the incidence of breakable soft balsa dowels on his scale
distressing. The watercolour of some one half of the wing to the other. This can models. This is a system, that unlike mine,
Jaguars which I painted in the 70's is more be part of my trimming procedure. could be described as true knock o
convincing than the model! ecause the dowels are kept relatively Piano wire dowels in brass tubes in the
s well as scale model flying have short the wing can move away from the top wing of a biplane does give me the
committed myself to a busy season fuselage in a bad landing. In practice shivers, but it does save repairs if you
flying duration. ork has to be done this works well. eorge oster has used crash a lot. ■
with those models but will do as many
scale contests as possible. do like the
stopwatch for deciding the result!

One Piece
The aguar and all my previous scale
models all 1 of them, it s too many are
one piece. ith the ets this have never
been a problem, and the rubber models
have plug in wings which don't damage
the fuselage in a crash. The biplanes have
su ered but repairs are part of the fun.
have been ama ed at what ike mith
and ill ennis get away with their ric
oates inspired but heavy systems. am
lucky in having a trimming area covered in
heather, and of course gyro models don t
lon term fa ourite an a lor s atercolour of a uars from .
land with one wing down!
All the low wing models, both rubber
and power, have wings which plug into
the fuselage via tubes in the wing and
protruding dowels in the fuselage. These
dowels not designed to be sacrificial
are either alloy tubes or carbon rod and
go straight through the fuselage and are
well secured on a former. The wing tubes
are well supported and glued behind the
The wings plug onto the dowels. The
rear dowel tube near the T is very small
and is there to support the wing and keep
the angle of incidence. The rear tube
in the fuselage does not go all the way
through but is 2 tubes one each side, these

Model Aircraft

of attending with my late father, first at

or many years, this issue of and see new products, and a chance to
AeroModeller would have Earls Court and later at ‘Ally Pally’ in that catch up with friends from around the
seen coverage from indoors early New Year lull – from the 70’s up to country during the o season. There was
at a large hall gathering the turn of the century it was a wonderful even the chance to fly, with hantom
enthusiasts and trade stands spectacle with the best of aeromodelling racing and ad flying two or three
for the Model Engineering Exhibition and model engineering craftsmanship, function RC PAW 0.55cc diesel powered
and its like. I have treasured memories the opportunity to stock up on items sports models indoors! We’re not likely to
ero odeller ma a ine as the insti ator of the ational odel ircraft hibition the rst of hich as in anuar .
en in the s the odel n ineerin hibition had a lar e in lo el ran e of ills replicas ith a capacit of . cc to cc produced b
models component. enr icholls ud in the static competition entries. erek iles and on sho at the hibition. hoto b a id oddin ton
hoto b a id oddin ton

ho can for et the li hter than air blimp oatin o er the e hibition he kept aeromodellin in the public e e at the .
stands o n b on oulton seen under the n. hoto b a id oddin ton

get that opportunity again… nfortunately, it seems that another

The 21st Century has seen a gradual victim of the ovid pandemic has been any
decline in the model aviation component sort of the last was in and
at the London Model Engineering there appears to be no plans to resurrect
Exhibition (LMEE), although the BMFA it. loss not ust for aeromodellers but the
and specialist groups such as the LMA whole of model engineering whether on
d ert from ecember for the rst
(Large Model Association) have kept the land, water or in the air.
ational odel ircraft hibition held at flag flying for build and fly aeromodelling.
orland all in o er e ent treet ondon.
lso teve idson, under the umbrella of Glory Days
the BMFA, did a sterling job introducing The post years of the late s and
young people to the oys of indoor foam s probably saw the peak numbers
aeromodelling. for people taking up and participating in

arch and pril sa full e hibition

co era e in ritten b a rence pare .
r rocter s rst pri e innin uration
lass model.

he inclusion of electric po ered

ound he ole as a bi dra . his iles
a ister as in in the opposite direction
to normal con ention it apparentl ore
out a pair of heels and t o electric motors
to co er miles of in AeroModeller 1031 - 25

The guide for the Second Exhibition is well put

together with a colourful card cover, and includes
adverts from the likes of Astral and FROG.

oth uides include uirk cartoons b aeromodeller art teacher a almstr m.

aeromodelling. Being ‘air-minded’ was ough and his father avid that can
seen as a positive thing, with building share with you a snapshot of those times
and flying model aircraft a formative with uides from ritain s ational odel
e perience which would ready a youth ircraft hibition.
for an interesting and productive ooking back m surprised to find
professional life. t is thanks to ick that the first of these e hibitions took

Much as D A Russell is to be admired for

organizing these events, I think it shows
an ama in amount of self con dence to
put together this page in the guide entitled
‘Leaders’, comparing himself with (middle)
Lord Brabazon England’s pilot No 1, and
belo ord ake eld.
The text in the second guide makes a special note of the new “Diesel Engines” explaining ‘these are
really compression ignition engines, and do away with all the electrical paraphernalia that have done
so much to add weight and complications to the petrol model.’

The report in February 1946 AM includes this striking photo of the twin engine RTP Vickers Viking
takin off from a erspe landin strip no seen to be rotatin in the normal anti clock ise direction.

26 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023 he third and nal odel ircraft hibition
was a joint endeavour between AeroModeller
and The Daily Express.
One of the RTP circles was a pool containing nother inno ation as this model of a ampire po ered b one of the rst s stems
ater to facilitate the in of oatplanes. (described as an ‘electric air jet’) – it even had retracts!

place in January 1945, when the war in Association.

Europe was still raging. Despite rationing The exhibition ran again the following
of most of the essentials for everyday two years with the third exhibition
life, D A Russell the editor and publisher being a joint event, still at Dorland Hall,
of AeroModeller (as well as publishing with The Daily Express newspaper. It
Harborough Books, and the setting up of is interesting to see the development
Eaton Bray Model Aircraft Sportsdrome) of aeromodelling technology even in
believed he could make a success of the this short two year period with diesels
exhibition. I don’t have the guide from appearing in the December 1945 to
this first e hibition, but the arch and January 1946 guide for the second event The Dorland Hall venue lent its name to this
AeroModeller design which was the subject of a
April 1945 AM’s have a full report on the (but no mention of glows), and a pool for competition which attracted 2,500 examples built!
event, some of which is reproduced here. floatplanes being available at the third.
The major components of aeromodelling can find no details of subsequent
as we know it today were beginning Model Aircraft Exhibition events
to appear, although it was still too organized by D A Russell, and can only
early for CL and RC. There was an hazard a guess that problems with the
emphasis on research and development Eaton Bray expansion were beginning to
of aeromodelling, with 1st prize in the impact some of his activities. While they
Experimental class competition going lasted, it was an amazing achievement to
to a wind tunnel built by members of bring aeromodelling to the wider public
the Low Speed Aerodynamics Research through these events. ■

inall lor da s for ero odeller. his is a

photo of a dedicated displa of ero odellers in
ei hton u ard mith ne sa ents.
iesels no had their o n corner and models made their rst appearance.

AeroModeller 1031 - 27

here is nothing quite like
setting fire to a flammable
liquid especially if you want
to get somewhere fast or
travel long distances. lectric
flight may be aeromodelling s free gift
to the world of full si ed aviation, but
when it comes to that asy et flight to a
hen night in rague, batteries ust don t
cut it. hat we need is an energy dense
replacement for kerosene, that burns
cleanly in a gas turbine engine, and emits
absolutely no carbon dio ide, and there
is one at hand

kilogram of liquid hydrogen packs
three times the punch of ordinary et
fuel for the same weight. The gas phase
can be produced by cracking water
apart using direct solar radiation and a
catalyst, or from renewable electricity by
passing a current through it. bit more
electricity from wind turbines or solar
panels to drive a oule Thomson cooler
and you have your carbon free liquid fuel
ready to go. urning the stu ust turns
it back into water vapour, along with
perhaps a smidgeon of nitrous o ide
which can be managed down by engine
tuning. t s literally rocket fuel so why are
we not etting o abroad with it already
There s always a catch. iquid
hydrogen might be lightweight, but
alas, our kilogram of fuel takes up
multiple times the volume of its kerosene
equivalent. n fact we need to plan our
fuel tanks to be four times larger . Oh,
and did mention that the liquid phase
only e ists below minus degrees
elsius. That s a chilly twenty degrees
above absolute ero. Only liquid helium
is colder more about that later . ou

28 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023
The 66cm span twin rubber powered Eco-
Flyer is your own No-Carbon prototype of
future air travel.



AeroModeller 1031 - 29

or most of the fuel trying to boil away,

we need something better than foam
round our fuel tank. n fact, we need
the device used to keep your tea warm
on a day trip to Old Warden. Invented
in 1 by ames ewar, the vacuum
flask is old technology. f you live in a
large town, chances are you are sitting
not a few miles away from a chilly
cauldron of liquid helium used to cool the
superconducting magnets in the local
hospitals scanner. ewar flasks are
great for keeping things cold as well as
Now we have worked out how to
contain the stu , we need to think about
where on the aircraft to put it. With the
wing compulsorily empty, our fuel tank
becomes extra wetted area. No matter
what we do, there has to be an increase
in parasitic drag over a conventional
Eco-Flyer designer Gareth Evans has 30 years’ experience of working in aerospace, an involvement in aeroplane.
HPA (Human Powered Aeroplanes), and an interest in CAD, maths and physics as well as being a full- Breguets famous range equation
sized hang glider pilot. He previously worked with John Edgeley at Edgeley Sailplanes, and is seen here
with his Ebenezer model of the Edgeley Optica. (Photo by Andrew Boddington) contains terms (unsurprisingly) for fuel
consumption, lift drag ratio, and a
can forget about just opening a cap and in minutes. eanwhile, back in the logarithmic term for the weight of the
pouring it into the wing internal space… real world, our regional airline flight to machine with a full load of fuel divided
NASA gets away with coating space Newcastle has been sat on the runway by the weight with all fuel used up. As
rockets with that orange foam to keep fully fuelled with liquid hydrogen for a paper e ercise, we tried converting
their hydrogen propellant from boiling an hour, while the baggage handlers a wings-worth of conventional jet fuel
away. aunchers are filled up ust before struggle to close a cargo door. To stop from an ATR 42 turboprop transport into
blast o , and the contents is used up our steed getting encrusted in frost, the energy equivalent volume of liquid

ou can nd out
about NASA’s us
d the
of hydrogen an
thermal protectio
systems on the
149-foot-long tan
for the Space La
System rocket at

Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) is a joint

industry and government initiative which
aims to create the technology strategy for the
UK aerospace sector and funds world-class
research and development. Their FlyZero
aircraft concepts together with technology
roadmaps set out the pathway for the
accelerated introduction of hydrogen powered
aircraft. Go to website
FIG. 1.

A possible dual hydrogen tank per

boom con uration.

hydrogen, then estimated the wetted a wide range of percentages, hydrogen tabs on the overall mass of each tank in
area and therefore percentage increase gas leaks form a flammable mi ture 1 flight, and calculate how much fuel
in drag incurred by an external tank. with air, and in the case of complete we have left over than rely on a float.
Now you are going to remind me that tank rupture, they might be chipping These tanks need to be replaceable
the liquid hydrogen is substantially lighter you out of your seat fish finger fro en periodically via “bomb doors” on the
than the jet fuel, so the increase in drag passengers! boom fairings as an aspect of routine
is cancelled out by a weight reduction. maintenance. They are almost drop
Not so, we found. Conservatively scaling Twin tanks. Liquid hydrogen after all, is just
up the empty weight of typical aluminium Legendary designer Burt Rutan showed a big wet puddle of protons. The stu
laboratory ewar flasks, we discovered us how to manage such a range and can work its way out through all sorts
that the mass di erence between fuel volume challenge in his round the of gaps, including the crystal lattice
hydrogen and kerosene is probably world Voyager and Virgin Global Flier structure of metals. The e ect is called
cancelled out by the empty weight of designs: The answer’s a twin boom hydrogen embrittlement. Repeated
tank and pipework. Range/Payload of course. Much better we think to filling and emptying of such tanks also
equivalence between kerosene and liquid have four identical Dewar tanks, two fatigues the metal through expansion
hydrogen is not worth pursuing. in each boom; one in front of the CG and contraction. Think about it; room
Damage limitation to our aircraft’s and one behind, with a well protected temperature to liquid hydrogen is more
performance might best be achieved undercarriage bay between them, and all than twice that of boiling the kettle.
by putting our hydrogen tank inside the the fuel paraphernalia away from people, andily our keel beam also connects
fuselage cabin, preferably on top of the duplicated in each boom. To hell with the to the undercarriage gear bracket. The
centre of gravity… where it would block parasitic drag! diameter of the boom allows space for
the route to one or other of the two heck out my cross section view of a parallelogram landing gear like the
compulsory emergency exits! Putting it what one of these twin booms might Westland Wasp helicopter. Deployed,
behind the rear pressure bulkhead would contain in Figure 1. At the top of each this puts the wheels out of line with the
make the aircraft more and more nose aerodynamic fairing, running fore and aft boom, preventing tyre shed or runway
heavy as the journey progressed. You’d of the main wing spars, we have a sti debris flung up, from hitting our fuel
need a big tailplane to compensate, and cantilevered keel beam. This carries both system. All pipework from the rear tank
trim drag would wipe out your wetted tanks, suspended from mounting lugs goes up and over the landing gear bay,
area minimisation plan in the second half via load cells. an you imagine a float inside the keel beam itself.
of a flight. ow do you feel about sitting type liquid level indicator bobbing up For easy maintenance we suspend
in front of, underneath, or behind a huge and down reliably at minus 253 degrees our specially tuned turboshaft engine
simmering can of liquid hydrogen? Over Celsius? Much better, we think, to keep at the very front of the keel beam,

AeroModeller 1031 - 31

FIG. 2. no air can get in. Notice that we attempt

Hydrogen tank details.
not to waste the boil o gas. have
included a T oint so some of it can be
diverted to the aircrafts auxiliary power
unit, which could be a conventional
turbine or perhaps a fuel cell. Liquid
natural gas tankers at sea actually use
this trick as well for propulsion.
efore we fill up our aeroplane, the
whole system will be full of air. You notice
that our friend helium is useful here. It’s
piped from a small tank to purge the
system before we put liquid hydrogen in,
and is the only gas that doesn’t liquefy
or freeze solid in the presence of liquid
hydrogen. aboratory ewar flask often
have tapered necks so that frozen plugs
of nitrogen get blown out by any boil o
Tank aspect ratio is important too.
Ideally, we’d use spheres, which have the
lowest weight, cost and surface area for
their volume. Great for ballooning only.
The ne t best thing is a cylindrical tank
with identical length and diameter, plus
the industry standard elliptically domed

To investigate further, we compiled wing
geometry and max fuel load data from as
many regional turboprops as we could
find on ikipedia. f you know a fuel
using it to transmit thrust loads into centrifugal pump is completely immersed volume, an average chord and a span,
the wing. Notice that we have chosen in liquid hydrogen, with the fuel sloshing you can calculate an average wing tank
to put the heat exchanger, converting about inside it to lubricate the bearings. depth, thus simplifying any conventional
liquid hydrogen into gas, in the air inlet, We have arranged for the maximum fuel load into a cuboid. From our Excel
not, as you might think, in the exhaust. possible head of fuel to exist above the spreadsheet we derived a simple
Cooling down the inlet air acts like a impeller inlet to avoid bubbles forming equation predicting the equivalent liquid
supercharger, making the air denser and prevent any cavitation problems. hydrogen volume for any wing design
before it is further compressed in the We have also avoided any kind of gland you like. Then we added formulae which
engine. n e ect this means our plane to an e ternal motor. The impeller shaft calculated dimensions for cylindrical
can use a physically smaller power plant. has permanent magnets around it and Dewar tanks of any chosen aspect ratio
We just need an air-side to hydrogen- is magnetically coupled to an armature to match.
side area ratio for the heat exchanger big in the vacuum space of the Dewar tank. ow check out igure . That 1 1 tank
enough to prevent icing. Innovative? Not really, this is how your makes for a very chubby twin boomed
Getting our fuel to that heat exchanger washing machine pump works! aircraft with lots of wasted internal
is another problem with an unusual Like a control line tank, we also space. In contrast, a tank aspect ratio
answer. Check out Figure 2, where I have include a vent, but that’s not to allow air of 1 places the engines well ahead of
sectioned a tank. It’s not unlike a control to replace lost fuel. Heaven forbid! We the cockpit, and gives the machine a
line stunt job, complete with a chicken need to keep the whole system free of dreadful atan s trident look The best
hopper to make sure fuel is captured air. oil o hydrogen gas is unavoidable, compromise seems to be the 1 aspect
during manoeuvres. It has a fuel pick-up and its production will just outpace the ratio. The surface area to volume ratio is
where you most expect the fuel to get consumption of liquid fuel pumped to hardly worse than the ideal.
flung. Trying to suck the fuel up using the heat e changer. The vent uses a By now you are scratching your
an e ternal pump would be futile. The lightly loaded non-return valve to ensure heads. Haven’t I seen something like
stu would boil the instant it struck an the tank maintains a miniscule positive this before? An aeroplane with a carbon
impeller at ambient temperature. Our pressure irrespective of flying altitude, so neutral power source, distributed

AeroModeller 1031 - 33

FIG. 3.
The boom cross-section implications of
different tank aspect ratios.

A compass cutter with a sharp blade is a

useful tool for cutting formers.

The main undercarriage wire is sandwiched

between two half formers.

Once the boom half formers are stuck on the

crutch, you can sheet the nose cone.
longitudinally, with equal stored energy cuts to take in cutting out parts if you
fore and aft of the CG? Our hydrogen first have to hand a compass cutter, and
powered job emerges from exactly the a piece of 5/8 inch diameter K&S brass
same rules used to design a traditional tube - sharpened at one end to a bevel
rubber powered model. We used our edge. Let’s tackle one of the booms.
spreadsheet to do just that. The twin Cut out the crutch from 1.5mm light
booms on this month’s Free Plan balsa. This is the inner line on the plan.
really are accurately sized to represent With your sharpened 5/8th tube cut
hydrogen volume equivalent to jet fuel a circle as shown at either end, and
in that tissue covered wing. Many of carefully make this into a round ended
you remember when the future of flight slot by joining the two holes with a
was embodied in the sleek arrow of stroke of the scalpel against a steel
Concorde. Today it looks like a toasting rule. How does the rubber motor exit
fork with three Frankfurters on it. Let’s the boom at the front, if we are only
build one now. cutting a slot atience you will find
out in a few paragraphs time. Next,
The Build using your compass cutter for the outer
This is not quite a beginner’s model, and diameter and sharpened tube for the
quite fiddley in places. oth fuselage inner diameter, make six identical donuts
and booms are built using half formers from 1. mm balsa. t s handy to first cut
on a sheet balsa crutch. All the external these from a copy of the plan and spray-
surfaces are cones or cylinders, meaning mount them to the balsa. The width of Sheet the rear end cone next, and when that
that sheeting can be done in “one shot” the crutch can then be accurately cut is set complete the half shell with the centre
in most cases. There are some short away to make these into half donuts.

36 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023


The boom has had the missing half-formers added including the You can use rubber bands when completing the boom nose sheeting.
undercarriage wire. Note you have a central space for the rubber.

The fuselage construction is similar to the booms, and has a nose wheel sandwiched between the half formers.

Two of these donut halves sandwich the paper template, due to the nature of the other truncated cone section at the
undercarriage. Prick through to mark the balsawood. ut out your particular shape tail end first. herever the forward edge
wire groove position before peeling o and use it to rough cut the lightest, of the balsa ends up for the tail cone
the paper template. Solid circles of balsa most fle ible . mm sheet balsa in your will determine e actly how you trim the
are cut for the nose former, tail former collection. trial fit should reveal it s rectangular sheeting to go in the middle.
and one intermediate former where the slightly too big. e are aiming to create a n all cases, try cementing ust one
leading edge of the tailplane will sit. ledge for the adjacent sheet to sit on, so edge to the crutch and the boiling kettle
Divide these as before. that just one half of the crutch thickness method to persuade the sheeting to form
Bend up the undercarriage wire. I and one half of the donut thickness round the curve. Tidy up any blobs of
used 19 SWG (1mm) wire and broached needs to be covered at a time. Trim and glue or mismatched edges. You have
the hole on a 1 inch Guillow’s wheel to sand back your sheeting piece, noting now made a very small rowing scull. t
fit perfectly. etain with a few turns of that an overlap of the nose former does just remains to repeat the whole process
button thread dabbed with cyano. ith not matter; it can be cut back later. on the other side of the crutch. I bet all
the point of a needle file, scribe a groove ement the upper edge only over half the sheeting does not line up perfectly.
to bury the undercarriage between the crutch thickness and wait for the glue obody will notice from ten yards away.
two of your half donuts, and cement to dry. ow boil the kettle and waive the ow we have the clever bit. Trim o
them together. As marked on the plan, area being sheeted through the steam, any overhang of sheeting from the nose
cement one sides worth of half formers taking care not to burn your fingers. to leave the first half formers flat and
onto the crutch. Try and get these as The sheeting piece will curve round square. Cut out the nose reinforcement
perpendicular as possible, perhaps using nicely, all by itself. quee e cement onto disc from . mm ply sheet, complete
a square block to prop them while the the formers and roll the sheet round with square nose block hole and cement
glue dries. to cover half the opposite edge of the this in place. With a sharp No 11 craft
Take a sheet of paper and wrap it crutch using masking tape to secure. blade, cut through the square hole
round the nose half former and the first You should have created one half of a removing the solid half formers and
half donut. Mark the outboard edges truncated cone. a piece of the crutch, as if one were
with a propelling pencil, with the lead It’s tempting now to repeat the rescuing a person bricked up into a room
extended to get inside the curves. No e ercise for the central cylindrical in some horror movie. The inside of the
two builders will create e actly the same sheeting. recommend actually making boom does not need to be pretty, as long

38 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

as there is now space for a motor hook nose blocks, carved and sanded to blend
to turn. to the forward sheeting. We used some
Make a second template for the rear plastic injection moulded prop buttons
tapered end by wrapping paper around, into which the 19SWG prop shaft was
between the sheeting joint lines top and a rattling good fit. On our model this
bottom. Cut this half cone out and fold takes out a little bit of the built in down
it in half along its length. Use the plan to thrust as the motors are tensioned. Try to
locate and mark the motor peg position find wire and buttons which are a good
on the crease line. Prick through with fit. The down thrust is quite important.
a pin into the balsa, and then carefully We chose IGRA six-inch propellers and
work the motor peg holes out, testing for made a pigtail in the wire to engage the
Cement the ply nose disc on boom nose F6 tightness against a piece of 3mm dowel moulded freewheel dog and provide a
then cut through to allow passage of rubber peg. The sheeting alone won’t bear loop for stretch winding.
and prop shaft.
motor tension, so a small ring cut from The fuselage woodwork also has a
0.4mm ply, using sharpened brass tubing carved nose block, which must have
is cemented on either side. The diameter a cavity cut in the first lamination to
is small, and the ply does not need to be contain lead shot for balance. Cut the
pre-curved to the boom diameter at that cavity out with a convenient piece of
location. sharpened brass tube. Exact size is not
Follow the same procedure to make critical but we used the 5/8 tool again.
the fuselage. The compass cutter is Make sure there is a groove connecting
used to add some lightening holes to this cavity to the outside world big
the central crutch. These, incidentally, enough to load shot through.
are very useful if you need to access the There is not much to say about the
inside of the half-built job to add a dab of wings, if you have already built rubber
Prepared nose block and prop assemblies. cement to sheeting that has come drift. powered models before. We made a ply
Fuselage covering pieces are from light template for the centre section where all
0.8mm sheet as before, but are wide the ribs are the same, but cut out and
enough to require edges to be joined spray mounted paper templates to the
fore and aft. It’s easier to do this before wood for the other ribs. Cut from card or
application, laying two shop bought balsa the template on the plan to set the
edges together and running sticky tape end ribs to the dihedral angle. Where the
along to make a hinge. Flip your sheets fuselage and booms are attached, cut
over, open the hinge and then run a bead runners from 1.6mm sheet and fit these
of cement down it before closing up and flush with the ribs, leading edge, trailing
leaving to set for twenty minutes. Don’t edge and wing under surface where
forget to bend up and sandwich your shown.
nose gear to the first half former before The three wing mounts are rectangular
The fuselage nose block has a cavity to closing up the space with sheeting. frames with the sides cut to give three
accept weight shot when balancing the The finishing touches to the boom degrees angle of attack relative to both
woodwork consist of two classic push fit booms and fuselage. Make the front and

A 90 degree metal extrusion is a handy jig when constructing the wing mounts.

AeroModeller 1031 - 39

A trial assembly held together by sheering

elastic to ensure everything aligns.

back of each frame with the crescent cut last. It really is easy to make from light In contrast, we used traditional banana
out a little under size. Glue everything mm square balsa. t the ape of ust oil on the fuselage and booms, leaving
together square and then wrap some one half of the V, add an additional length them in natural wood, just adding tissue
fine sand paper round a boom or the of 3mm square, and use this to set a trim and the all-important “HYDROGEN”
fuselage, then sand the wing mounts right angle between the two. Sand the logo.
to fit the curvature e actly. arefully leading and trailing edges round, but If I had chosen to design a model even
measure and mark the centre of each nothing else of course. slightly bigger than this, I’d have been
mount and cement them symmetrically over the wings and tailplane and forced to rubber band it all together
over the sheeting join line on the booms dope them before trying to assemble for practicality, creating some kind of
and fuselage. the model. We used Japanese tissue une ploded elastic bomb which might fly
I’ve left that inverted V tailplane until and Eze Dope thinned 60/40 with water. apart on every arrival. At 660mm span,
it’s sensible to make a one-piece model
though. efore finally cementing the
booms, wings, fuselage and tail together,
I recommend lashing it all up with some
sheering elastic, lining everything up
carefully by eye and checking symmetry
with a steel ruler. Then make some pencil
marks here and there before applying
cement. Once it’s together, it’s too late
to correct a misalignment. The top of the
V tail needs to be at zero degrees, the
wings at plus three degrees.
fter some e perimentation we settled
on four strands of 3/32 inch rubber in
o er and decorate the components before nal assembl . each boom, about 310mm (one foot)

40 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

long. I recommend installing these spatula which can be gripped between booms. Try to imagine it with a normal
motors by standing the model, nose up, my knees while I squat down. Wind tailplane. ou can see it might fly even
balanced on the inverted V-tail. Stretch about 150 turns to begin with onto the better than it does. What our experiment
the motor over a stick just long enough port boom. Use the loop of ribbon to really shows is that hydrogen, as a
to tension it and feed it down through all hold the propeller stationary while you fuel, will work for passenger aircraft,
those donuts. Take your time to capture apply 150 turns to the starboard boom. but that government legislation will
both loops through the motor peg. Push Are you right-handed? Thought so! have to mandate its use over kerosene.
weight shot, easily found in fishing tackle With your left hand holding the starboard There is a tipping point, where so much
shops, through the hole you remembered propeller, use your right hand to press renewable electricity is required for
to cut, into the nose block, until the the port propeller to your chest and allow electrolysis of water, it makes more
model balances where shown on the the ribbon loop to fall to the grass. Now sense to invest in an electrified rail link
plan. walk to your launch point, pick your where one can be built. The future of
moment, and in one smooth motion, air travel beyond the mid-2030s might
Flying turn the model into wind and launch, ust be a lot more trains, and a fleet of
I thought I would have to make a releasing both propellers simultaneously. Eco Flyers, carrying (maybe?) 40 to 100
Monique Lyons style multiple propeller Your 150 turns will give you an passengers each on domestic routes,
retaining yolk to fly a twin rubber ob extended glide. Once you work up to flying low enough and slow enough to
single handed, until I spotted a YouTube 200 turns, you will notice the torque on avoid creating giant contrails from all that
video of Mike Stuart demonstrating his this model is tremendous. Another good burnt hydrogen.
Malmstrom, Handley Page Herald at Port wheeze here is to add a few more turns Your model is guilt free however. It’s
Meadow. With the addition of a single to the port motor, just to widen out that made of wood and paper, sealed and
clever wheeze, Mike’s technique works left turn. With approximately 300 turns, stuck together with cellulose resins,
perfectly for the Eco Flyer too. my Eco Flyer does two wide circles, with engines made of natural rubber,
Tie a loop in some brightly coloured using slightly unmatched turns to trim containing the energy stored from that
ribbon (so you can spot it in the grass) the circuit. bowl of breakfast cereal you ate today.
just long enough to go around the nose our model should fly as well as mine From twisted rubber to lithium polymer
gear and reach one of the propeller does, but pause a moment on your cells, aeromodelling is the ultimate
blades. or lone flying, have my night retrieval walk, and take a good look at pioneer of sustainable flying. ■
and Pridham winder, lashed to a kitchen it. Try to visualise it without the twin

The Eco-Flyer is zero-emission thanks to

your hand winding of the rubber!

AeroModeller 1031 - 39
Engine & Kit Auction

BMFA Auction 2
– the Sequel! Never mind the
quality, feel the bandwidth!
NIGEL MONK GIVES A PERSONAL VIEW scrutiny how should we assess this new

K, one or two comments
in my previous review service o ering from the e
OF THE SECOND BMFA MODEL ENGINE (January 2023 AM) may should consider each interested party s
AND AIRCRAFT AUCTION WHICH WAS have been a bit harsh but I perspective.
A TWO DAY ONLINE ONLY SALE IN have a viewpoint which I’ve f the organisation previously was
EARLY JANUARY 2023 discussed with the BMFA and on some good, the performance this time was
we ve agreed to di er. lease insert your very good. f the system performance
own e clamation marks henceforth. previously was ok was in person
equels to successful entertainment on th October so only had the
are often given intense even critical auctioneer s monologue to udge

ust a fraction of the kits a ailable at the second odel n ine and ircraft uction lar e kits mostl radio small kits mostl free i ht

42 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

survive at even 20% +VAT gross margin,
but it will be a poorer hobby when they
have all been put out of business. So
it is fortuitous that the winter period,
when all but the most robust models and
modellers have hibernated, allows the
BMFA auction team capacity to organise
these auctions. Their costs, in some
economic models, would be considered
sunk . suspect the total person hours
input to the venture will be of the same
order as 11 times 1 hour, but with some
helpful economies of scale.

Online Only
Rare cats; collection of relatively unknown Jaguar engines. They respectively made £120, £90, £80, £80, This auction was online only, for good
all +12%. reasons, so all bidders were in the same
cauldron. ‘The IT equipment we have
online bidding by, but there were many houses generally are not. The BMFA is what we have to work with’ works
rejoinders to bid more quickly – this time auction team aim to o er a sympathetic, both ways but I am happy to dispel my
it was very good, from my own online as well as expert, service. assertion that slow bidding might equally
experience. If the photographs and be caused by internet speeds anywhere
descriptions were good before, these Buyer’s View between a bidder’s ‘client’ and the
were very good, as befits an online only Prices, from my perspective, were auction software. I started the day using
auction. Two photographs per lot were strong, but still well below eBay prices. a indows 1 hard wired to my
adequate and were well composed There is easily margin to outbid the router on the cheapest Virgin broadband
and detailed, and frankly better than collectors and resellers if you’re buying but the webpage curled up its toes as
commercial auction houses often for yourself, but they will know what each soon as the live streaming video started.
provide. All bidders received an itemised engine is worth or can be sold on at. In contrast, my older W7 laptop coped
VAT invoice via email in a timely fashion – Come and join in – the more the merrier, via WiFi perfectly well. I note that other
perfectly matching commercial practice. and the higher the prices, but look on the bidding platforms such as the saleroom.
Seller’s Choice? positive side that benefits your , com or manage
Sellers should be well pleased with the and the sellers. to turn o my video but keep sound
BMFA Auction. The unsold rate reduced As we’ve noted, the BMFA commission and progress live when there is a weak
from 10% of lots to only 21 lots or 4%. rates are well below commercial rates. I signal slow speed. That s great service.
Of these, some were of high value like doubt many businesses – model shops, Of the potential bidders I’ve managed
the Ridley Major and Cornell .061 that manufacturers, publishers, etc could to discuss the situation with, 7 out of
failed from the last bidder standing issue.
28 of the 36 previously unsold lots were
re entered and of those or sold,
generally after slightly reduced estimates.
Naturally, from a seller’s perspective,
prices felt weak, but it would be di cult
to find anyone else to sell your items
on your behalf at such low cost (£2
T per lot . ven e y charges
12.6% to sellers. Commercial resellers
only o er around of an engine s
value. lus find it takes in total an hour
per item on average to e ecute an e y
sale. How should one accomplish that if
there are 400 items in your collection?
It’s regrettable to note that most large
collections committed to any auction are
via a deceased aeromodeller’s estate. This is (most of) what your browser window will look like if you follow the auction live. My screen, at
1600x900 resolution, could not display the top of the two images and the bidding buttons at the same
The same was true here, as it will be at time. he latter are off the bottom . he ome bout s ore... banner needs to be oatin ith the
a planned Gildings auction in the spring. te t abo e it so it scrolls out of the a . lso the en ine ima e doesn t uite t ithin the indo
ecutors and or relatives may not be although Bruce is elegantly arrayed. One can click through the engine image but will still need to grab
and move the image to view each corner. Not really practical in the 45 seconds each lot is live but
aeromodellers, as commercial auction probably OK once get used to it, now you know how.

AeroModeller 1031 - 43
Engine & Kit Auction

villages. I don’t currently know the state

of high-speed internet connection across
the UK; certainly BT City Fibre or other
fibre networking has not penetrated to
all suburbs yet let alone further afield. f
you su ered di cult on line conditions,
it might be useful to drop the BMFA an
email with details, so they can continue
to enhance their service. Is there any
real need for the video live image
at the e pense of more definite bid
I was wondering, given the level of
pre-bidding on-line before the auction
started, whether it had become an eB*y
style auction and there would be little
for our Bruce to do on the day beyond
record the results. 296 lots had good
pre bids although this tailed o in the
higher lot numbers due to that well
known ailment, bidder pre-bidding
fatigue. It’s not possible to calculate
how many of these were successful
because the max pre-bid is not visible
Ten bidders took home half the lots between them; more than 100 shared the remainder. to other bidders. Thankfully the autobid
option worked in the eB*y ‘max-bid’
10 achieved a clearly instant response sandwich. That will have saved me a few style, where the system bids on your
after their button-pressing. Any bids I bob! behalf only enough to outbid the other
missed were entirely due to slow mental So what caused the slow response bidders. A certain online salesroom will
faculties, usually from thinking ‘that looks time for the two bidders I know of who accept your max pre-bid as a single bid
cheap’ on a lot I hadn’t planned to bid struggled to such an extent it was and send your figure direct to the auction
on... infeasible to bid? (Another was so slow house in one amount when the lot arises.
Bruce Collinson, our experienced, as to produce a noise not unlike Gollum Good old BMFA.
expert and volunteer auctioneer, FRICS swallowing his Jakemans whole, but I However, my experiment with pre-
and lifelong aeromodeller, aimed at and couldn’t identify where the sound came bidding was ‘wrong-footed’ because
met a rate of 80 lots per hour. It didn’t from.) I have checked for consistency of live bidding arrived at the same value.
feel rushed to me; the regular ciggy potential causes across; browser, client In theory, time precedence should give
breaks helped all us ageing gentlemen (PC, phone, tablet, laptop), client age, me the win, but the auctioneer has
and ladies manage our toilet breaks. geographic distance from Buckminster, authority over precedence between
Mind you, I thought the last such at connection, but the only apparently live, pre, commission and telephone
1.00pm would be longer for lunch common denominator is that the three bidders. The software could be tweaked
so missed a few lots while having a were bidding from smaller towns or to ump to final pre bid and note the

Stunning collection of Oliver marks and clones. The cheapest by CS A K12 Oliver Tiger Mk IV clone made in the oth ell Oli er st le
was 1/10th the price of the dearest (Rothwell – front right corner). ro factor in harki kraine current status much improved. £680 +12%.
unknown. The emblem is regularly seen in
the ne s on resident elensk s shirt for
example. Made £180 +12%
accept simultaneous bids and run up besides myself and my chau eur
the bidding in the background so you thanks, oug chose to view the lots
may have clicked to bid on £20 only to before bidding. ossibly the quality of
find you re in the lead at . The e y lots on o er gave confidence, or
solution is to install an e y clock on 1 of lots feature or similar in
each client to precisely time each bid, the description , or the impracticality
presumably via a cookie. ometimes, of viewing as many as normal when
ruce indicated who was in the lead they have to be retrieved from storage
by talking to bidders via their paddle specially. On the other hand, it s fair to
Several NIB (NEW IN Box) tuned PAW .15
examples were sold. Available by request number, and I think the technician say that if I happen upon an auction
from the factor this one is speci call tuned corrected the situation, whereupon the that s miles away, won t pre view
for inta e eam ace. he i aenders use
these to innin effect. i e me a tuned usurped bidder received a red ‘your bid simply because of the fuel cost will rely
.15 TBR over an Oliver any day. has been re ected warning banner. on the often unremarkable photos and
ind you, it was di cult to know when reduce my bids to match the heightened
you were being addressed because risk accordingly.
no-one had been advised of their bidder tar of the day was the othwell
number apply your own punctuation . . cc combat motor, made from
One had to sort of guess and couldn t be unobtainium and hammered away at
sure you d won until the invoice arrived. 66 1 . hope it shows good
That was a ma or drop o but m sure fortune in competition - perhaps a future
the will address all these, and detectorist will feature it on day time
the other management opportunities- T or maybe it will simply be displayed
to improve ve fed back to them, to to be admired and well insured. winner
continue to enhance this innovative either way.
initiative. Only 1 ills and replicas of various
si es featured, ranging from 1
Highlights for a rvine . cc, down to 6
o, what of the business of the day. for a pair that were stuck and thus of
nother i aender pecial a s There were a couple of wows amongst indeterminate condition.
re introduction. the lots. ike the 1 varieties of Oliver parkys were selling well sold
engines and clones of all types and averaged 1 topped by a 1
easyliveauction platform o ers a 1 marks nearly e amples were for sale ooling .61 1 cc spark ignition in very
feature to solve this issue. including ubs, Tigers and a ors. ave good condition, all original and showing
ndeed, the idlogi platform did so many types ever been in one little evidence of running.
not appear to discern between two place together before, apart from in the ontrol line flyers were very well
live bids for the same sum arriving in seller s display case our ero odeller served with 6 kits in lots. adio
the same time interval. everal times scribe beat a path to photograph these flyers had a choice of largely classic
, and others, thought we were in the for your enjoyment, courtesy of Manny kits, mainly in single lots, while free flight
lead only to discover someone else had illiamson s time and security. The types could chase after kits in lots.
been allocated the win when ruce read hammer price of those on the table ear perfect impartiality that s what we
out the winner s paddle number. ve totalled , 1 . like to see.
mentioned before that other platforms find it odd that only one other person o overall, we should congratulate
the auction team for instigating a
valuable service to the membership and
look forward to the ne t episode. There
are likely to be 1 1 lots available
to fill, which may sound plenty, but there
are collections around that could fill
those on their own, so recommend you
plan ahead if you re inclined to sell via
this channel. nd don t forget ildings
in the spring how is your pocketbook
t the time of writing the full
catalogues for anuary th and th
were still available on the ational
entre website
The Hobbs .75cc, in the style of an
under the uction tab. ■
Aeromodelling heritage. Very rare classic kit of Westland
early Mills 1.3, with display stand. Lysander by S. Smith of Warrington, quite possibly the only one
sho s its rarit . in existence. These plans need preserving but digitising and
cop in costs nearl as much as the hammer at . ot
AeroModeller 1031 - 45
for re-selling…



ast year in my October AM our Editor Andrew Boddington has also this to modern materials and adhesives,
article ‘Small Field Flying’ I been encouraged, so here goes. We with progression through various aspects
put out a request to see if have had several chats as to content of Free Flight, including at a later stage
any of you would benefit from over the past few months, and on a joint Radio Control. Your Editor is looking for
a series of articles related trip to visit the Vintage Model Company an individual or group to do a similar
to Beginners and Returners to our (VMC – see last month’s AM), we started introduction and progression with Control
wonderful Hobby and Sport. I have been to plan the framework for the series of ine flying.
pleasantly surprised at the amount of articles. I need to cover traditional build I have an image of Parents
feedback, all positive (thank you!), and and covering techniques as well as relate and Children, Grandparents and

Stuart Marsden’s Grandson Max Green ready to go with his Cloud Tramp built from a VMC kit.

46 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

Brian Waterland of Peterborough MFC Mass launch of Cloud Tramps at the start of the 2016 Flying Aces Scramble competition where one gets as
in his loud ramp in one of the man much airtime as possible in a 20 minute period.
competitions suitable for this model at
Flying Aces 2020.

Grandchildren, people across all age explanation, for the more experienced world, the date being the first aturday in
groups having a go. Many of your please bear with me. August. I took a group of my youngsters
communications have come from older and older members to Old Warden to join
readers returning to aeromodelling after CHARLES HAMPSON GRANT in the fun. The idea was to send in your
40 or so years, so it will be a broad Charles Hampson Grant, the designer flight times to the organiser and these
church. of the Cloud Tramp, was an American would be published in the modelling
As a beginning, I have selected the designer of model aircraft who was also press throughout the World, and what
Cloud Tramp and there is a reduced size involved in full size aviation. He was born fun we had. I will point you to a website
plan included here for photo enlarging, in 1 and died in 1 . first became called Endless Lift (www.endlesslift.
it is available as a free plan (there are aware of him when I was running a night com , where you can find out so much
many websites o ering free downloads class for aeromodelling back in the more about this founding father. As a
e.g. Endless Lift and Outerzone), it is 1990's, something he had done back last point, he was the editor for Model
also available as a complete kit from in the Twenties. I believe it was in 1995 irplane ews from 1 1 to 1 , and
VMC (www.vintagemodelcompany. when the first rant O T emorial in August 1954 they published the Cloud
com) and my description will focus on International Mass Launch Of Cloud Tramp plan version which is shown here
building from this kit as it is the easiest Tramps!) challenge was run, this was for and is to be found on the web. (To give
way to start for someone with no prior all interested to build a Cloud Tramp and a time scale, this was one year after my
experience. Once built the model can fly it on the same day in any part of the birth!)
be used to learn the basics of trimming
(never to be overlooked), but more of this
later. The Cloud Tramp may be relatively
simple, but it attracts all manner of
competitions; Peterborough Model Flying
Club (, always
has a competition for this model at its
Flying Aces meeting (this year on 2nd
September), and has an annual event
competing against a flying club in ew
Zealand. SAM35 also have competitions
which include Cloud Tramps. You can
of course ust fly this model for fun on
a relatively small field, ust keep the
number of turns on the rubber down!
Just to keep the experienced among
you interested, I am including some tips
which should allow you to get this model
to compete at the highest level, without
straying from the original design or
spending any extra money.
At each stage where we come across
The Vintage Model Company Cloud Tramp kit provides an easier start for beginners. Contents of the
unfamiliar vocabulary, I will put an box, very good laser cutting and balsa selection

AeroModeller 1031 - 47
A reduced size image of the original Cloud Tramp plan from August 1954 Model Airplane News. It can
be photocopy enlarged to full size by ensuring the wing chord (the width from leading to trailing edge)
is 3 inches. As a beginner you will probably want to use a commercial 8 inch diameter plastic propeller
rather than carve your own. Alternatively you can download a plan from the Endless Lift website (www. and nd useful articles includin ho to build a better loud ramp.

THE BUILD - WING when building; most PVA glues are not
If you have ever built a model of any kind sandable, however Deluxe Materials
from a kit, you may or may not remember Speed Bond is, and also has a fast
the usual opening to the Instructions, it ‘grab’ time, meaning you can move on
goes something like this: Please check more quickly. You can use other glues;
everything in your kit for completeness Aliphatic glues are sandable but at this
and read the INSTRUCTIONS before stage I am trying to keep your costs
starting to build the model. PLEASE down without compromising quality, you
DO THIS, I CANNOT EMPHASISE THIS will find elu e aterials are used by me
ENOUGH. for good reason. Once the two pieces
Warnings over, look at the plan again of trailing edge (cut to length by you),
(it comes as part of the VMC kit). We are are prepared, stick these to the Dihedral
AeroModeller had a smaller (70% sized) going to start with the wing’s Dihedral block to form a raised V like a house
Cloud Tramp the CT-70 by Nigel Monk as & Incidence block, in this case it joins roof. Leave to dry thoroughly and then
the free full-size plan in November 2020.
the two wing halves together to give a sand as per plan to achieve the ever so
dihedral of 3 inches at each wing tip. important dihedral. You will see in the
Pay particular attention to this as the kit and on the plan the small Incidence
dihedral is critical if you want your model block to be stuck to the rear of the now
to fly to its potential. prepared Dihedral block, this is supplied
In the VMC kit we are supplied with laser cut in the kit to be 1/8th of an inch
a laser cut dihedral block base and a in depth; you can now stick this in place.
length of tapered trailing edge stock. If e aware that when test flying the model
you are cutting your own pieces you we may slightly adjust the thickness of
will need to shape your own balsa. I the Incidence bock - I have found on
recommend using a sandable white glue a couple of my Cloud Tramps that the
A simple set of quality tools will help with
this and a lifetime of builds; 12 inch metal
rule, metal L set-square, sanding block,
razor saw, sharp craft or scalpel knife.
Incidence block needs to be of a larger warp free structure, and the next stage
depth, so you may well need to add will challenge that statement again.
another piece of trimming balsa at the Remove the four wing ribs from the
point of trimming your model. sheet and clean the laser marks o with
Once your centre wing section is fine sandpaper without changing the
sanded to size you can join the two profile by taking too much away, we are
wings together, please take your time looking for a good bonding surface on I made some rectangular sheet supports
to give 3 inches dihedral at each tip. These
before committing to glue. Use a the top edge of the ribs. Take the rib need to be supporting the wing at the
sanding block to create an angle on each forming templates which are in ply and leading and trailing edge, so make these
about 2.5 inches in height and place inboard
wing centre, you only need a few fine carefully push one of the wing sides of the tip to give 3 inches of dihedral; this
strokes. Block up each wing tip, using through, about a finger width. One helps to keep things twist free.
two equal blocks, I sometimes make two template needs to be inwards of the
using scrap balsa, there is enough spare inner most rib and the other a finger
on sheet 5 in the kit to do this, but it is width towards the wing tip. As an extra
not mentioned in the instructions. Time to the kit supplied instructions, I found
spent here is invaluable, you want to the need to use a clothes peg at the
make sure at this stage there is no twist open end of the former to close it tight
Once the wing halves have been joined at
being built in. Once we put the wing ribs to the wing, so making the perfect shape the centre (you will need to use weight and/
in, the wing will be under tension so we to accept each rib without any air gaps, or pins to hold this while the glue sets), then
shape and glue the dihedral block.
must make sure everything is left to dry the supplied photo should make this
overnight before moving onto this next easy to follow. Stick the ribs in place
stage. using Speed Bond, allow to dry for
Incidence: Most aircraft have an several hours and repeat on the other
incidence in the wing, the front of the wing panel. At this stage keep checking
wing is in e ect acked up by a few the wings are not distorting but holding
degrees, as an example 4 degrees. their profile in line with each other, you
The Incidence block at the back of the don't want one side dipping down or up
wing together with the position of the against the other, once satisfied allow to
tailplane/stabilizer helps to correct any dry overnight.
nose up or down pitching tendency.
Dihedral: This is used to aid stability FUSELAGE - THE BODY OF YOUR
in flight, most rubber powered models AIRCRAFT Middle is shown the balsa wing ribs, the
have dihedral, in this case it is 3 inches In this instance the fuselage is a ¼ x ¼ one at top left has been lightly sanded.
Underneath are the ply formers that help
at each wing tip. The V Dihedral helps inch stick, however it isn't any old stick! set the correct aerofoild section. I use
correct the model if it starts to roll. In the kit this stick is perfectly selected, Perm-Grit tools such as this sanding block
ith coarse and ne nish sides. he last a
I have found the best way to join the sti , straight grained and relatively light lifetime; I have had mine at least 30 years.
wings together is initially without trying for its sti ness. f building from the plan
to fit the ihedral block at the same time. you will need to select the right balsa for
Jack the wing tips up to give 3 inches each component. Whilst on this subject
at each tip, while using Speed Bond to the wings need to be light and straight
each wing edge to be joined. I use a grained but not so sti they won t curve
piece of tape stuck down to my building to an aerofoil section, the same for the
tile first and oin the wing over this, so tail plane or stabilizer,as the Americans
that it releases easily once fully cured. If say, and also the same for the fin. s
needed, you can use a weight to keep this is article is instructional, I referred
This shows the ply wing jigs temporarily in
the wing join hard down at the point of to the Stabilizer for a reason, as this place and held with pegs ready to stick the
the join. term describes the main purpose of this balsa ribs.
Once this is fully stuck and cured you component.
can now adjust your Dihedral block by On the original plan you will see we
sand the exact angle to create a really have a bent piece of alloy for the propeller
snug fit. Once completely satisfied with mount and this works very well. The VMC
this you can commit yourself to glue kit uses a sandwich of balsa containing a
once more, remember only just enough motor bush instead of the bent alloy, the
glue is required, too much glue equals purists may prefer the original mount, for
unwanted weight! this build I am showing the VMC version
Taking time on this wing construction, as I believe at such a low cost for the kit
which let’s face it appears to be as many of you will opt for the kit. You can Cloud Tramp wood components showing
the required placement measurements for
simple as it gets, is time very well spent. of course make an original alloy mount if the wing platforms.
Our aim is always to create an unwanted using the kit.

AeroModeller 1031 - 49

ire bendin is de nitel a learnt skill althou h the ua e of ire used on nder carria e bound to the stick fusela e nose and restin on the sandin
the loud ramp is thin and is relati el eas to manipulate. f ne to this block hile the lue sets. lso sho n is one pre tensioned rubber motor.
it ma help to practice on some scrap ire rst. t the top is the under
carria e and middle is the rear motor hook.

he tail skid and motor hook ha e been bent from ire in one piece and lternati e prop shaft arran ement. ust bent thin piano ire attached to a
bound to the rear of the fusela e stick for securit . hin ooden do els brass tube bearin ith copper ire hich is then soldered. he piano ire
ha e been lued to the in platform for the in retainin bands. is lashed to the fusela e stick nose ith thread. he shaft for the propeller is
then added ith a lass bead as a bearin . he main thin to remember is
keep the prop shaft a centimetre abo e the motor stick so as not to impede
the rubber motor as it un inds.

Build up the sandwich of the balsa gives piece of mind. Do the same for the not supplied and then the supplied
motor bush mount starting with the first rear motor hook and bind to the motor 8 inch prop. To make the retaining 90
piece, glued squarely to the motor stick, stick in the same way, that's if you wish degree bend in the motor hook wire, get
allow this to fully dry before building up to follow my method, the original plan a narrow but strong pair of pliers and
the other pieces. If desired, lightly clean shows the rear motor hook going over grip tight to the motor wire and using
up the laser scars on the piece. the stabiliser once it is stuck to the motor another pair of pliers or the tip of a hard
Bend the supplied wire to form the stick, again the purists my wish to follow screwdriver, push the motor wire down
under carriage, follow the original plan this method. I came up with these mods as far as you can. Release the pliers and
for si es and lay this flat on your building through experience, when you have let the props free wheel device engage
board and adjust until completely happy twenty children flying their models with with the wire shaft at the 90 degree bend
with the squareness of each bend to one you and bits like your motor hook comes and finally cut o the e cess wire. do
another. Take your time on this, as it is loose, it spoils the flying en oyment not this to avoid bending the wire along the
likely you will form many undercarriage just for one child but for all, as you the shaft, so check the prop is freewheeling
legs in this way with future models. teacher tries to make a rapid repair. when not engaged with the bent over
Using a drop of cyanoacrylate glue such Fit the wing support platforms as per wire end.
as Roket Hot, tack the under carriage instruction and my photographs and then
to the motor block as shown in the add the 40mm long thin dowel rubber BALANCE THE PROPELLER
instructions and once set, only seconds, band securer's. alancing a propeller prop can add
bind with cotton thread. Once happy, Fit the supplied plastic thrust bearing e ciency but more importantly
rub in a fingertip full of peed ond not at the nose, feed the supplied motor an unbalanced prop will give poor flight
cyanoacrylate!) all over the exposed hook wire through the rear of the nose performance, you can do this in a couple
threads; it doesn't add much weight but block, add a glass bead, or PTF washer of ways, ideally you will balance your

50 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

prop before you join it to the motor shaft, stick my tailplane/stabilizer over the base
however in this case it is acceptable of the motor hook. This is now the time
to balance in situ. You can buy prop to stick these two last building elements
Closer look at the tail showing the central balance kits of all manner of sizes to in place, once again my choice is peed
slot modi cation to the tailplane so that it
sits at on the fusela e motor stick around
cope with small free flight props to large Bond.
the ire skid and the trim tab slits cut to radio controlled engine powered aircraft,
allo sli ht bendin of the trailin ed e to
impro e the i ht pattern.
if you do this follow the instructions. PUTTING THE MODEL TOGETHER
alancing at the point we have got to in y go to motor is 1 grams of Tan11
the build is principally the same method: rubber, made up of 4 strands of
making sure your propeller is free on 1 th pre tensioned. That is a lot of
the motor shaft and not engaged to the information for a beginner so will
prop itself, ust, while holding the model elaborate. The rubber supplied with the
straight and level, let the prop settle in kit is 16th width, so more weight
its natural position. Unless your prop per foot. f you want to use this, suggest
settles at a quarter to three as a clock weighing 1 grams and knot to make a
face, it is not balanced; there are two single long loop this is a metre length
ways to correct this. ssuming one of of rubber strip 16th , and you could
the blades consistently settles lower pre tension using the same method as
than the other we can be sure that blade used for the 1 th rubber. put one end
rom the top the three sta es in knot t in
for a rubber motor.
is the heavier, to change this we either of the loop with the knot onto a hook, it
remove some of the front face of the could be a door handle. tretch out to
blade or add an equivalent weight to the double the original length and wind on
other blade to bring it level. enerally turns slowly letting the tension ease
prefer to use a fine sanding block to rub as you go. ou can buy a readymade
away some of the plastic, it can take winder with counter or use a hand brace/
a while. f the model is tail heavy it is drill with a wire hook in the end. Put your
acceptable to add some epoxy resin to finger through the loop at the winder
the lighter blade. f use the add weight end and place it over the door handle or
The knotted motor at the bottom as it method, usually use lu Tack and use whatever you are using and let go. The
appears after pre tensionin .
my micro scales to get a weight and then motor will bunch up, don't worry, tease
add an appropriate amount of epoxy the clumps out to make an even twisted
to the front of the lighter blade. n any double loop. lide a cocktail stick
event do please balance your propellers through the handle end and also at the
at all times, don't be tempted to just use other end and you have a pre tensioned
the supplied prop, think have only ever motor the correct length so it doesn t
once had a prop o the shelf which was sag to much thus altering the entre of
balanced. ravity often shortened to of or ,
The photographs show modified the where the model statically balances in
o methods of keepin the heels on
ust bendin the ire end o er or usin tail surfaces to include trim tabs for fine flight. efore you take the cocktail sticks
insulatin plastic tube to push o er ire and tuning the flight profile of the model, and out, use very small elastic bands or cut
retain ith c ano.
also removed a small part of balsa to pieces from a non inflated party balloon

a in launch mode ith the nose ust sli htl raised abo e the le el. On initial i ht ith reduced number of turns a nice smooth climb out
turnin left ith a lide to match. hin s ma chan e as e increase the
number of inds on the motor more trimmin ad ice in comin articles.

AeroModeller 1031 - 51

and wrap these so when the sticks come o , so you might ask why does it need out at about 100 feet in height to a wider
out it doesn't all unravel. wheels? We are always trying to keep glide in the same direction.
If you are stumped I will cover this the weight down but much of the time I intend to give you more guidance in
preparation of rubber motors more the models are tail heavy and need extra coming articles with regard to trimming.
thoroughly in later articles, so don't be weight at the front. Dangling wheels also As a starting point the CofG, the balance
alarmed! Just knot the 3/16th rubber and o er some flight stability and there is the point, wants to be between a third to
make 4 strands without pre-tensioning, need to protect your propeller, especially halfway back from the wings leading
one end over the rear motor hook and if you have hand carved a balsa one. edge. Hold the motor stick/fuselage
the other on the prop hook. It will sag The kit wheels provided are fine, as an lightly between thumb and forefinger
and it might need some finger winds to alternative I decided to make a pair from and move position until the model sits
take up the tension, but it will fly. discarded light ply left for a laser cutting level to find the of . The balance point
Knotting correctly and lubricating job. Securing the wheels so they don't is adjusted by moving the wing back
your motor are essential. The knots are disappear in the flights can be an issue. and forth on the wing support platforms
double fold over, I lick the rubber near have shown a simple method of bending and in extreme cases by adding weight
where I expect the knot to be and make up the wire so the wheels can t come o to the front nose bearing to bring the
my first knot, pull this very tight, the and a slightly tidier method of using wire CofG forward or to the tail if you need
spit being the lubricant. I lick again and insulation to grip the piano wire, adding a to move it back. You will be most likely
make the second knot and then pull drop of cyanoacrylate glued to be sure. be able to work within the margins of the
this tight to the first, once happy trim wing platforms. As a beginner I suggest
the ends to leave no more than 3mm or TO THE FLYING FIELD setting the CofG forward to a third back
1/8th of an inch. Once this is done, I My Grandson Max had been nagging me from the wing leading edge by using Blu
fully lubricate with EZE WIND and work to go flying but the weather ust hadn t Tack or the like this is the best starting
the lubricant well in. Store your rubber been fit. This weekend although free ing position if you are not used to trimming.
motors out of the light and in a cool cold saw minimal bree e o we went the Get building and join in the fun!
place, I use old tablet plastic bottles. local park with two Cloud Tramps and This series of articles is aimed at
There are many rubber lubricants and winder in hand. beginners and returners so if you want
many individual ideas but I know EZE All went well and with just 500 wind/ to see more information on a particular
WIND works. turns on the rubber which is about a third topic in future, please email me Stuart
Wheels are another exhausting to half of capacity, Max let go and as you Marsden on
subject, a Cloud Tramp isn't design to can see this one ust flew out of his hand ■
O That s ise O round, to take to a nice brisk climb to the left, opening

Yet another Cloud Tramp seen at Flying Aces. See how

the wing is retained under the fuselage stick with elastic
bands and can be moved forwards and aft.

52 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

Readers’ Letters

Do let us know your thoughts on AeroModeller and

aeromodelling in general. We’re happy to receive post
to the Doolittle Media office address, or emails to editor@ – all are read although you may not
get a reply. Featured letters may be edited. Regards,
Andrew Boddington


Dear Sir, Dear Andrew,
The unnamed inline engine shown in the January read with great sympathy the i o fire incident e perience by raeme ogg in the
coverage of the BMFA Swapmeet was made ebruary issue. had a similar e perience but fortunately was in my house to tackle the
in Russia and sold by Mejzlik Modellbau. MMB blaze when it happened.
abbreviation consists of capitals of Mejzlik Modell I am writing because there are two other precautions that I should like to mention.
Bau. DF must be capital letters of designer’s name. 1. emoval of flammable products e.g. paint aerosols from near the charging site and
103 means 1.03 cu. in. placing them preferably in a fireproof cabinet or metal bo .
ou can find an original catalogue from by . aving e tinguishers on hand suitable for metal fires.
using this web link: have taken advice from my own company fire e perts who also maintain them regularly. atos e matos me lik.html Yours sincerely,
Sincerely, Levent Suberk ohn ristow. elu e aterials td. ufaude usiness ark, ramley, 6
Bursa - Turkey
Hi John,
Hi Levent, Since running the article I have heard from more people who have had near misses with
Thanks for the engine identification. From searching problem battery packs. I think vigilance while charging and careful storage is the only way
online it seems that the Mejzlik family were originally whatever type of battery is used.
aeromodellers who started making competition Regards, Andrew
standard model propellers and now have a company
producing propellers for drones of 1.5m diameter and
larger. See
was browsing through ay 1 issue and would like to o er advice regarding the kit
review of the ookie , and the following article on cheap hinese flying toys. uch
models invariably do a coupe swoop through lack of dihedral. Using foam safe or hot
melt glue to give tip dihedral transforms them into e cellent flyers. o doubt a flat wing
is cheap to produce but is absolutely no use on a free flight model. ithout this a flat
wing model will only bring ine plicable frustration to a beginner and will be ust a cheap
toy for a couple of outings. The reviewer recommends a touch of rudder to counteract
straight flight, something that will guarantee a coupe swoop by producing a yaw without
Regards, Jim Paton

Hi Jim,
Thanks for your prescient observations on flat wing models. I’ve passed on your email to
Chris Ottewell who had also come to a similar conclusion.
Regards, Andrew

From Chris Ottewell,

That’s interesting in so far as the Rookie tends to end up with dihedral when built (as
a result of the way the camber is formed) so flies well! So whilst Jim is totally right in
principle = you do need the slight dihedral; the Rookie he mentions does in fact have it.
I call that a draw! By the way, last month’s Aero Scout XL is improved by its addition, as
you would expect – see my update in this issue’s Tail End Charlie.
Best wishes, Chris

This MMB inline engine was

available from Mejzlik Modellbau
and was listed in their catalogue.

The Rookie has a slight curved dihedral for stability because of the way the wing camber is formed.

Richard Evans, Bea and Alberto Parra at the Club Tamarán

in site. t s a reat facilit on ran anaria.

54 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023


ver the last fifteen designer of the fabulous arra engines. e were staying in the south of ran

and taly
years or so ve been
lucky to e perience
great hospitality from
aeromodellers abroad,
particularly in ustralia, ew ealand,
lberto has been running a winter
combat competition in ran anaria for
some years. ritish flyers have attended
and won this event in the past, but
personally hadn t been there before.
hen say know in fact d only met
lberto a few times and said hello at a
anaria sland so took a bus to os
almas where lberto was there to meet
us as soon as we alighted. On the way
to his e cellent lub Tamar n flying site,
we collected ea, lberto s wife. oon
we were laying out lines and inspecting a
number of models and motors.
O n ustralia my wife and have been number of ombat events and our
put up by and put up with the likes ationals. icky ust said hy not drop Parra Engines
of teve othwell, oy ummersby, him an email, you might be able to go lberto had the pre production models
avid ailey and en ai er. flew in flying of new arra T and T engines. Of
their ontrol ine tate and unter o did drop him an email and we did course, by then we all knew of the fate
alley hampionships there. go flying of the krainian factory that was building
OOld friend ob organ welcomed us
to two combat events in ew ealand.
O ichelle alea o and lessandra
ucido took us into their home and laid
on a flying session and on site banquet
near adua in taly. onderful
O ergio Tomelerri arranged our
accommodation and gave us a tour
of his beautiful hometown of erona
before taking us to a sumptuous dinner
in a country restaurant. d known
ergio since the mid seventies.
O ntonio iandrini found
accommodation for us in ilan and
took us for meals.

This last year has been a complete

surprise. fter a fairly miserable grey
and damp winter icky decided we
needed some sunshine in pring ,
so booked us up for a few weeks in ran
anaria temperatures of or better
most days, all year mentioned did in
Soon after the start of the increased hostilities against the Ukraine in 2022 the wreckage of a Russian
fact know lberto arra, the well known hter aircraft dama ed much of the factor that produced arra and ed in en ines.

AeroModeller 1031 - 55

Pre-production models of the new Parra T4 19 (3.2cc) engine for U.K. Vintage Combat, and the T3 15 (2.5cc) with slightly shorter crankcase and shaft. See
the Parra website for latest details

the engines for him. The same factory performing with a fast model with a In fact, we had three whole days with
also made the RedFin engines. A photo screaming Parra motor up front. Blimey - Mr and Mrs Parra. They were the most
of the destroyed factory and updates Impressive! charming and easy-going guides. On
have been published in recent issues I had no real expectations for the rest the final day he again drove us back to
of AeroModeller. Amongst the things of the day but then we were treated to our hotel and accepted OUR hospitality
destroyed were forty new boxed T4 a walking tour of the old town, a stroll there with an excellent 5 Star meal.
motors due to be sent to Los Palmas. along os almas best beach and finally On this last day Alberto was able to
e all had a good fly of type and dinner at an excellent outdoor restaurant. tell us that in fact quite a few things had
Vintage models. The new T3 and T4 By this time it was quite late and we’d been salvaged from the ruined Ukrainian
seemed very competitive to me. The missed the last bus back to our hotel in factory, including
biggest surprise to me was to see Bea the south. Alberto drove us there. About vital computer
35 miles. Such kindness. discs. Sadly, the
n route home to the hotel lberto factory owners
asked us if we’d like to see more of the and workers had
island. ell, he was o ering trips up
mountains, visits to the Botanic Garden ichard ans in
and finally dinner back at his house. against Alberto Parra
at last November’s
How could we refuse? He does make an International V&V F2E
excellent Paella! Combat.

ea in . he ould put some of us to shame ome cooked aella at the arra home. elicious

56 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023


s editor of ero odeller, ichard s

e perience of the hospitality of modellers
certainly chimed with me for the wonderful
times that and my late father have had with
friendly people from around the world. t also
reminded me of a novel written by evil hute
Trustee from the Toolroom.
ack in eptember 1 the ero odeller
ree lan was urk s scale glider of the
irspeed Tern. e mentioned a bit about the
irspeed company which was founded by
evil hute orway and lfred essell Titman
in 1 1 after they left ickers. evil later
became better known using his middle name
as the author of books such as On the each
and Town ike lice . was not aware at that
time of another of his books Trustee from the
Toolroom until contacted by reader ohn eid
of Teal alley, elson . t is a book that will
appeal to many readers of as the central
character writes a monthly column in a model
engineering maga ine and he is unwittingly
called upon to undertake an e traordinary
task when his sister s boat is wrecked in the
acific. t is a highly recommended read set in
the late 1 s and the hero uses his wits and
the friends he s made through his engineering
writing to take on the task.
Sion Burns, myself and Vernon Hunt. My team!

he ombat inners rostrum ichard holdin the unusual rst place troph .

fled to the olish border where they had from adua stayed with us prior to the with the help of ernon and ion urns
no home, no ob and were queuing for ationals. avid ailey from anberra managed to win This glorious event The
food. also visited as part of a . . tour. nternational has both ombat
astly, lberto invited us to his ne t lberto and ea have of course now and Old Time tunt competitions, and
combat competition to be held in been invited. hope they take up the apart from the ovid years has been
ovember , the first since ovid, o er. aybe they can come when our held annually in late ovember or early
and he o ered accommodation. o, we traditional nationals can finally be held ecember. t has proved a lure to
booked up flights on our return to the again. et s hope it s this year. flyers escaping the onset of a northern
. winter, and in the past this event had
Postscript: Return to Gran Canaria been won by artyn is el, ichard
Reciprocation ith very little arm twisting lberto erbert and ick ewis.
e have received flyers from other arra persuaded me to go back to ran To find out more about arra engines
countries to our home in the past. t s anaria and take part in their combat go to website www.control , and
the least we can do to say thank you for event in ovember . To compete for model flying on ran anaria and the
their generous hospitality. en ai er borrowed all the combat kit from club nternational go to
from elbourne, lessandra and ichele mate ick towe and ernon unt and ■

AeroModeller 1031 - 57
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y oining the mailing list you will receive evidenced above, we hold most of our

o here we all are in 2023, at
the start of a new season regular updates and news on what is com-petitions at this excellent facility.
of Control line combat. As happening and the acebook group is ost of these dates are weekends with
I am now the Competition very active with topical chat etc. something happening on both days,
secretary of the Combat thought it would be useful to run which makes the trip worthwhile for
Flyers Association, the CFA www. through the di erent ombat classes those that live a long way away. The, would like to being flown this year. main event in terms of number is usually
tell you about all the events and Vintage Combat, which normally attracts
competitions we have planned for the Vintage & Oliver Combat entries in the mid to high twen ties. This
year. hope, if you have an interest in ll start with intage combat we have class has been our most popular class
Control Line Combat, that there will be 1 rounds which believe is the most for over thirty years now and continues
something for you. rounds we have ever had in a year, at to thrive.
would like to start by inviting anyone various locations throughout the . n addition to uckminster, which
who has an interest in combat in the UK ompetition sites are getting harder and is pretty central for all flyers, we have
to oin the mail ing list by sending harder to find and we are very grateful competitions in asildon, ristol and
a request to admin combatflyers. to the representatives of all sites for lbermarle near ewcastle on Tyne., or oining our acebook group their support. uckminster has asildon is the flying site of a group
ombat lyers ssociation acebook. become very important to us, and as of control line flyers, between them they

Richard Herbert launches a Vintage Combat Model at Buckminster. (Photo by Tony Cookson)

60 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

rom the left on ookson marshal eil a ood in a ainst ichard erbert at a inta e e ent at Old arden. hoto b ndre oddin ton

have negotiated the use of Basildon Tribe.

Sport & Leisure Club, Gardiners Way, The first competition was held at
Gardiners Lane South, Basildon SS14 this venue in 2022 and everyone that
3AP. They meet there every Wednesday attended gave a glowing re-port of the
and the members fly a variety of control site, the facilities and the organisation of
line models weather permitting, if it the contest, for which we have to thank
isn’t permitting they use the clubhouse Eamonn Forsdyke. Last year there was a
facilities. Sounds good to me. They are barbecue. No pressure then Eamonn…
not a club as such, simply a group of Bristol has been on the contest
likeminded people. Contact Brian Waters calendar for decades and Mick Lewis is inta e class inale co ered in tie d ed n lon
on if you the organiser. It’s a superb venue with a b am obbins. hoto b on ookson

are interested in joining this group which closely mown flying area, a social club
includes AM CL Scale columnist Ronnie where you can get food and a belting


April 1st Buckminster, CFA Diesel A Round 1

April 2nd Buckminster, Vintage Round 1
April 16th Bristol Gala, Vintage Round 2
April 29 Albemarle, F2D training comp TBC
April 30 Albemarle, Vintage reserve TBC Round 3
ay 1 th Old arden. nformal combat fly in
May 14th Old Warden, Oliver Jack Marsh Trophy
May27th Albermarle, F2D Training Comp
May 28th Albermarle, Vintage Round 4
June 10th Buckminster, F2D Training Comp couple of stacked ink anther airframes a ait
June 11th Buckminster, Vintage Round 5 their bearers. hoto b an hompson of est
ern ustralia.
July 2nd Basildon, Vintage Round 6
July 15th Buckminster, CFA Diesel A Round 2
July 16th Buckminster, Vintage Round 7
July 22nd Old Warden, CFA Diesel A Round 3
July 23rd Old Warden, Vintage Round 8
August 12th Vintage Taster/Introduction day
August 13th Buckminster, Vintage Round 9
August 22nd-24th Buckminster, Nationals, All Classes V Round 10
eptember 16th Old arden, nformal combat fly in
September 17th Old Warden, Oliver John Oliver Trophy
September 23rd Buckminster, Vintage Round 11
October 7th Buckminster, F2D Team Trials
October 8th Buckminster, Vintage Round 12 he ink anther is one of the desi ns suitable
October 21st/22nd Buckminster, Nats/F2D team trials reserves dates for the ne iesel class. his is ames
lark s bri ht oran e model. hoto b te e

AeroModeller 1031 - 61

Lionel Smith was the pitman for this Pink Panther model for the Retro event Johnathon Crabtree with a Pink Panther and Lionel Smith with Mike Waller’s
in late 2021. (Photo by Steve Waller) Cloud 9. (Photo by Ste-ve Waller)

pint or 2 of Guiness. The address is Newcastle on Tyne NE15 0RG, Martin e ort to make it more popular, more fun
erkeley ower tation, amfields Johnson is the organiser. and easier to enter without the need
eisure, erkeley 1 T Old Warden. This venue has become for specialised gear. Essen-tially the
Albermarle. This one is ‘oop north’. the spiritual home of Oliver combat, in changes mean that as you can now
t s an active airfield barracks the addition to the Vintage combat event in fly the popular etro models with .1
Novocastrian club have per-mission July. we have two Oliver competitions, motors, which were the subject of a very
to fly there. The flyers have used The Jack Marsh trophy, (May 14th) and popular one o event by ike aller in
this venue successfully for many years. the John Oliver trophy. On a sunny 2021 (see Retro Combat report in March
The ad-dress is Albermarle Barracks, afternoon, there is nowhere nicer to be 22) and the event is run as a round robin,
than Old Warden. not a knockout competition, so everyone
gets to fly the same amount of bouts,
CFA Diesel A ‘Retro’ typically 4. It is also run as a 3 Round
The CFA Diesel A is a new ‘Retro’ class league.
which is in development. There are three For clarity, the F2E competition to be
CFA Diesel A events this year; April 1st held at the Nationals must be run under
Buckminster, July 15th Buckminster normal FAI/BMFA rules as it’s a BMFA
and July 22nd Old Warden. All these competition.
dates are Saturdays, and they precede Here are the rules as they stand at
a Vintage combat event on the following the moment. This class, being a CFA
Sunday. In creating this class, the rules introduced event, does have some
for F2E have been expanded to allow fle ibility so if we need to change
additional models and motors in an anything to ensure a good turnout, we

To get started in Combat and have a go at

a Taster day you don’t need to spend lots of
money or have specialist kit. Tim Hobbins
designed the Fly-Me starter model (Free Plan
in September 2020 AM or parts from Hobbins
Hobbies) which is a traditional build wing
suitable for engines such as the PAW 2.49
The Ironmonger 69 was the full size free plan in September 2015 AM.

62 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023


By Gordon Price / CFA Committee 30/1/23 – Version 1.1

The F2E comps on Saturdays before vintage will use the BMFA F2E
rules as below with the follow ing additions Modifications (Rationale
in brackets below). Revised to remove speed limit, allow R in Retro
models and clarify engine/prop rules.
1. There is no speed limit, however engine prop combinations will be
enforced as follows:
• F2E/Schnuerle port diesel engines must use F2E spec 190x150mm
props with the exception of the FORA junior (Any commercially available
prop) and the original STAR ( x unmodified prop)
Radial port .5cc engines can use any commercially available prop.
intage legal 1 . cc diesels must use a full x unmodified
commercial prop.
(Inherits the prop rules from other classes, aiming for performance
equality and limits and al-lows radial 2.5s to go a bit faster)
2. Eligible models for Retro combat can be used (5th and th
Revolution, Titan, ink anther, Cloud , Jaguar and ertigo), with .5cc
engines as above under F E rules, or 1 ’s on x propellers. (This allows
existing retro models to be used as a few people them ready to go, and
here is no escapin the ine itable ith ombat... his is ick e is nduril tries to keep speeds limited)
after a mid air collision. hoto b ndre oddin ton
3. The competition will be run in a partial round robin basis with all pilots
may do that. Pre entry for these regulation length, that is 15.92 flying in each round, with a random draw, and the aim to complete
rounds. In the event of a large entry the competition will be ruin on a
events can be found on the metres from the centre line of
knockout losers refly basis. (Allows all people to get the same number
CFA website, these are normally the model to the front face of of flights – odd number of entrants needs even no of rounds)
activated a week prior to the your handle, give or take 75mm. 4. Bout scoring, penalties etc is as original F E rules.
event. If you don’t have, or can’t make 5. A minimum pre entry of 10 is needed to ensure the competition
these lines then we should have goes ahead.(Allows for no shows leaving which is 1 more than the
minimum of – pilots, pitmen, scorers, cen tre marshall)
CL Combat Taster some available at the event.
6. Event scoring is 1 point for attending and 1 point per bout won. An
We are running a Taster/ A combat model of some sort overall league position is the sum of the 3 events scores. Tied positions
Introduction to Control Line is preferable to a full fuselage in the league will be sorted by a fly o .
Combat day on 12th August scale model, unless you feel
at BMFA Buckmin-ster, the lucky... 4.8.6 BMFA VARIATIONS ON F2E DIESEL COMBAT Characteristics (FAI 4.G.5)
day before the Vintage combat We can possibly make
(a) As the majority of models used in this class in the . . are purchased
competition on Sunday 13th kit available on the day but already built and these are supplied without the wire from the bellcrank
August. The event is aimed you should let us know well to the motor, FAI rule . .5.(f) will not be enforced for F E until further
at those of you who have an beforehand because this will be notice.
interest in Combat but for one quite limited. (b) Any engine model combination eligible for intage Combat may be
reason or another have not Also if you want to build your
(c) In F E, only when the Fora Junior is used any commercially available
made the de-cision to enter own model(s) for this event thermoplastic propeller may be used with no reworking of the prop,
a competition. The event will then can o er free ombat except for the removal of material from one side to bal-ance.
be run in a non-competitive, plans as a file, which you
supportive manner where can then get printed at your . . . lassi cation . .
(a) Competitors will normally compete with each other in a knockout
experienced pilots are on hand local print shop and I can also
competition chosen by random draw. The losers of each of the first
to o er advice and training. o er complete kits which will round flights will be allowed to compete in a further losers re fly round.
It can be daunting to make discount for this event. If you (b) The winners from this round will be drawn with winners from the first
the move from flying control are interested attending this round to provide a second round of contests.
line solo for fun, to flying two event and would like to know (c) The rounds will continue until eight competitors are left so that
uarter, semi and final round pro vide an overall winner.
in a circle with someone who more, please email me at tim.
is trying to cut the streamer hobbins@gmail,com. . . . umber of odel ircraft tc . .
attached to your model, but If you do have an interest in One model per match shall be allowed. Engine changes are not allowed.
everyone who is flying combat Combat, please come along. Line changes are allowed during the combat period. The changed lines
today had to learn somehow. It really is great fun in a good will be pull tested by the Centre Marshal.

Rapid progress can be made atmosphere.

otes ilot
with a bit of help and advice. The pilot must wear protective headgear with the strap fastened
Gearwise, just bring what you Informal Combat Fly-Ins at throughout the bout.
have, ideally something with Old Warden Fly Away’
a 2.5cc or 3.5cc motor, diesel Additionally, there are two A fly away shall be defined as going outside a pre determined area
set by the organisers. At the ationals this will be the roped o area .
or glow, you will need to bring Informal Combat Fly-Ins at Old
Clarifies rule . .5.1 (b)
fuel and lines. Lines will need to Warden on Saturday May 13th

AeroModeller 1031 - 63

Once you get the bug you will need more airframes! A stack of 5th A well organised Neil Hayward awaits his bout. (Photo by Tony Cookson)

and Satur-day September 16th. These opportunity to meet other combat flyers Combat league. I and others in the CFA
are pretty much as described, with a there is no competition on the day so will do our best to keep ero odeller
competition on the Sunday follow-ing the most of them will be just testing models updated as we progress through the
above dates many combat flyers take and socialising so it a great chance year.
the opportunity to make a weekend of it to talk to the fliers, get them to show o that s how is looking. f you
and get to-gether on the Saturday in the their gear and explain what they are up have any interest in Control Line combat,
corner of the airfield with all the other Old to. ombat flyers are a great group of there are now a number of ways to get
arden , activi ties taking people. Even those from the south..! involved. e look forward to seeing you.
place elsewhere. To anyone who wants Tim Hobbins can supply many combat
to join in and bring a model along, you Leagues and CL related items including laser cut
are very welcome. There’s plenty of room As you may have noticed, we have 2 parts. You can email him at tim.hobbins@
where we have our circles, down at the leagues running this year, the Vintage or find his page on Facebook
bottom of the airfield. This is also a good Combat league and the CFA Diesel A ‘Hobbins Hobbies’. ■

Mick Lewis organising the draw at Old Warden aided by Richard Evans. (Photo by Tony Cookson)

64 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023

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Does anyone
the origins of
TO FINISH this Pulse Jet
engine acquired
by Chris?

Tail End Charlie

Another pot pourri of aeromodelling miscellany…

Joining the Jet Set intake is about mm diameter. and produced a few “Aero
I’ve been fascinated by pulse For now, I have passed it Scout XL” models from last
jets ever since I witnessed to Steve Harvey as he built issue s plan, or simple profile
Hoppy Hopkins start his home a control line speed model models of your own design. s
built Ivankov on a remote for the useless pulse et a variation, I made a dihedral
omerset airfield in the 1 6 s. mentioned above which has wing recently for improved
They are very, very noisy, tricky never flown. opefully he will stability. cut out a one piece
to handle and hardly the safest be able to adapt it to take my wing then used a razor saw to
thing in the world. obby ing engine and we might get to slice through at the dihedral
produced a Dynajet clone have it flown at uckminster, or breaks from the top, being
about 1 years ago but that even the “traditional” NATS if it careful NOT to cut or damage
proved to be pretty useless out is resurrected in future ingers the lower skin. then used a
of the box so that was the end crossed! new Swan Morton blade and
of the story for me – until now! ou can find a ouTube a steel straight edge to open
ecently, someone o ered video of someone running a the cut to become a neat
me a part built radio controlled small pulse jet by searching “vee” which allowed the two
delta model with a very neat for “MrTeslonian Powerful parts to touch at the desired
looking et mounted on top. little Pulse Jet” – Note I do dihedral angle. then simply
As RC pulse jets are (in the not endorse their restraint spread a little Deluxe Materials
at least an insane idea, methods! Speedbond in the joint, set the
declined, but did o er to buy wing at the desired angle and
the pulse et. Earlier Jets left it to cure overnight. had
Eventually I ended up Doing a little research on pulse expected to have to reinforce
owning the neat little jet engine! jets in general, I found a useful the joint, perhaps with tissue
The seller said he thought it paper by written by John Grant and resin, but to my surprise
was homemade, but I am not O rien in 1 as his aster s it was absolutely solid and
certain about that; Chris Coote Thesis. was surprised to find shows no sign of weakening in
has suggested it might be a that the earliest design dated use. applied dihedral to the
German made Braun whilst to 1 and was in many ways outer inches or 6 mm of
John Phillips suggested a superior to the commonly my wing and set the tip at 1
home built Brauner, designed recognised rgus 1 or yna et inch or mm high.
by mil rauner of ladno in configuration as it proposed Let me know how your
Czechoslovkia as it was at the the use of aerodynamic valves variations work out. erhaps ll Dyna-Jet was the well known US
brand Pulse Jet in the 1950’s.
time. The plans and an article rather than a mechanical try a gull wing next for a “Stuka
in English by the designer were one. The designer was called ero cout or a variant
published in AeroModeller arconnet. Anyway, if you can answer
in uly 1 . owever whilst As you might expect, the any of my questions, have
similar, the dimensions are a thesis dives quite deeply into pictures of your own foam-
little di erent o any of you thermodynamic theory at which board models or other
clever people recognise it or most people switch o so creations to share, stories
know anything about it f so, won’t quote it here; however or anecdotes from “back in
PLEASE let me know ASAP! for those who are interested, the day” or heaven forbid, More recently Hobby King produced
a Pulse Jet but it needed work to be
imensions are mm you can download a version complaints, contact me using made to run successfully.
overall length, tail pipe is from the CORE research chrisottewell
mm long, mm outside papers website from or by writing to the editorial
diameter, belled out to mm the ownload option. o ces. ■
at the end. The combustion
chamber parallel section is Scout XL
mm long with an outside I hope some of you have had
diameter of about 6mm. The a go at foam-board modelling
By Chris Ottewell

66 AeroModeller 1031 - April 2023 he stabilit of pro le liders such

as last month’s Scout XL can be
improved with tip dihedral.
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