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o\' V \ (| A LU ] \ Bp | “a A d | | | On Telegram @keleme 2013 10. Recently, the competition in the intern: lation - Marxism *. Which 1p theory may comply best to this sceng B. Realism C. Liberalism 11. Which statement is not true about acto 2) lal A vie 1 rs in international relations? a Andi Se tires: in the internation mt c ca Biieve tn ee in the international system : als by conflict a D. Terrorist Y conflicting or eqoperatin, 2. Peet Groups can be an actor in the interna a fa 5 vl is wrong about liberalism asa than A. Itrecognizes the presence of 's a theory of International Relations? various actoy connotes t ‘i Actors in international relations ao ae human nature is altuistic, good and reasonable gn lat inter-state relations bring ees het the world is marked in unending struggle for power eo eee. 1S true about the assumption of Marxism theory? ational cooperation among capitalists is critical to promote mutual be is mutual benefit in the existing international capitalist system oo eo” oe proletariats is vital to promote common int Fy crucial instrument to dominate or exploit others about multi-polar international system except ‘be Tegulated by the logic of balance of power €isno chance for cooperation among powerful states wn by the presence of three and more powerful states ght be competition and conflict among powerful states ‘true about realism thinking of world polities? i achieve states interest globally onal system is organized by non-state actors gnal system is cooperative and hierarchical the currency of global political phenomena contributed for the emergence of one of the following inte! “international relations as a field of study f international financial institutions tof the Organization of African Unity siles ement for the benefit of Germany mutual benefits est faced political instability.caused by intemal and external forces. de its foreign policy on the principle of self-directed techniques © ‘scenario, which theory of IR best reflects Ethiopia's position’ ©. Liberalism D. Functionalisin Pa rt China and USA are ca. stem is becoming ough Tor domination and upper hang their power to the globe and one another, yoo ’Peting in armaments and military demonstrations to disolay —_— Berks Universit Meattegs ef Scicece an hua Cie and Lica PRI 0 Fir Year Ropar Sas 4s correct and falge if itt incorrect (1.5 p Hor the anniyis ofp AEE Of N40 coop. ‘ explaining the coptive ab png the given alternatives (1.5 pts) t OF Ethiopia and Fritre tonal Relations except Juas emerged in post WW ! fof contemporary giobs ss yam in its nate safle limited to state ta possible 10 cooperate ional aw, international ror Realis Neo-realis on in international rel the benefits of super Pow jem solving mechs™ Me's own pana i= ‘evel of analysis” character oF 2 pat mr can be eaploys! ee Exar at Global ‘Trends Final Exam for Ree |, | Sat Students, 2014 Basis tanructions: Time allowed: 1:10) 4 Write your name, section and 1D! v" Any attempt to cheat Write your answers ONLY 9" oe ¥ of your result at makes cancelation ial wei, she es not entirely functional aROMS sputant states ‘ mnomy is an emerging field focuses on the nexus between poli 4; oo erent ity for all round re alacnaie 5 Se Focal issues have n° ignpact on global politics and inter-state rela 2 a ‘tional ners fae sre yes asa blueprint 0 frame its foreign policy some . Match re oes in cotcaan Akh berampronate arenments under column B(1.Spt each economics g state ‘A. Win-Lose approach g B. Recognizes the regulatory power of the st ©. Market based allocation of resources E D. The end of state sovereignty F_ Regional Integration is the sole prerogatives of state om G. Closed Regionalisen: : boise’ given alternatives (1.5pt each) ‘the military alliance formed by the socialist comp during c ‘Organization (NATO) | Exporting Countries (OPEC) 'a5 long ange foreign policy objective Cc, Advanceme ferests of the inter © oftglobal economy y ple of mutual be 1 the princip! shia the global ecoromly ¢ human beings i exclusive bene fit \ 4 station, Except 16. Let’s assume that is of? its involve i ring problems associating Wi" forvign policy orientation of," ; ality A. Alliance Ce ce B, Non alignment b. lee 17. Which one is true about the basic assumptions of neo-functionalis™ A. Weargued that regional integration is run by technocrats B. Itstrongly acknowledged apolitical sort of regional integration G. Idisregards the importance of good will among states fOF COOP D. It recognizes the role of political actors in regional ooPeration 18. What is sovereignty as a national interest of a state? dition A. Itis the highest commanding power of the state to give unconditic a B. itis the supreme power of politicians to deeide on the internal and exte ©. It's the ultimate authority of international organizations to control st D. itis the highest power of the government tg intervene in the territory of othe 19. Which one is the fundamental goal of protectionism policy of mercantilism’ A. Desire to bring about a balance of trade B, Promotion of import of goods and services . Fostering greater integration in the global esonomy D. Protecting domestic producers from global firms Which one is true about Transformationalism onthe issue of globalization? the concept and function of siate jon of sates have remained un: that a nation-state has no power todecid on its matters foreign policy of Fthiopia departs fom its predecessors by its inward approach Ket than state policy fade and investment like UN, IMF, World hs international system. In addition, he Al system as ic is, Such a foreign policy . Self: extension Self-nesligenoe Global Trendy Final Exam Octo Weight 20 % ysis tries to look the behaviors and motiv 3. Which level of anal understand the causes and consequences of a particular phenomenon in the ints system? A. System level of analysis C. Group level of analysis el of analysis B. State level of analysis, D. Individual le of two dominant staics 14, An interational system that is being characterized by the preseae A, Unipolar system B, Tripolar system C. Bipolarsysiem =D. Multipolar sy LS. Which international relation theorist can be taken as ‘Utopian’? A. Marxism — B. Realism C. Constructivism —D. Idealism 16. All of the following statements are valid, except? A. The cold war period is an example of bipolar structure B, Multi-polarity is the most common in history C. The period around WW1 is a typical example of unipolar structure a problem of bipolar structu D. Zero-sum game vulnerability is TV. Write Short answers (write in the provided space) st two examples of non-state actors of international rel Answer sheets _ IDNO. Se Name. True/false item Choice item 4/04/2012 EC Time allowed: weight 20 woldia Uni ersity es, PSIR Dep’* Faculty of Social Sciemce and Human: Global Trends Mid-Exam (Freshman Students) Peewee ee NO. geet pee 1 Write true if the statement is correst oF false if the statement is incorrect (It each). ‘alists are optimistic about the nan fe of the international politics. 1. Unlike realists interchan| + Now a days, it is correct to use the term ‘nation’, ‘state’ and “conary call a sovereign entity 3. The moder ternational relation is highly characterized by state to state relations. ape international interactions. 4. Inthe twenty first century, itis possible for states to ¢: ational rela 5. Westphalia treaty is one of the tuming points for TL. Match Column ‘B? with their proper options of Column “A” (1 pt. each) Column ‘B’ Column, 6. Idealism A. Anarchy is what states make of it 7. Realism B. Class determines international relations. 8. Constructivism ©. Human beings are good in nature 9, Post-colonialisin D, Human beings are selfish in nature 10. Marxism E. It aims to undo the legacies of European imperialism. F. Theory is a framework of analysis. III. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives (Ipt. each). f the followings is the main way of states relation for ‘ording to realism, which one mutual benefils? A. States develop interdependency experiences in win-win approach B. States should give priority for collective interests. C. Actors of International relations should experiences good way of communication D, Siates should develop the habit of balancing their power. 2. Which theory is advocating the issues of southern region comprising Africans, Asians and

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