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expressions,feelings towards the subject

apparent actions influencing behaviour

beliefs, thoughts about the subject

Observational learning Bandura Bobo Doll
tendency for person to reproduce action attitudes & emotional
responses exhibited by someone else
ATTITUDES; Formation part of Socialisation Mere Exposure Effect; repeated exposure results in greater
people think carefully about any available information when Systematic processing process attraction to object personal experience, direct observation
forming an opinion to determine whether the information is increases how much we like/dislike subject
accurate or valid
learning a new behaviour through process of association exposure most impactful when lacking info
Heuristic processing ; rule of thumb Heuristic-Systematic model
people usually only have limited time and ability to think
carefully,attitudes on simpler manner Associative learning repetitive association cause neutral stimulus able to evoke a
Classical conditioning
reaction which is previously evoked by another stimulus

Reinforcement; any event that strengthens or increases the Positive situations that reflect positive reinforcement, a response or
behavior it follows behavior is strengthened by the addition of something, such as
praise or a direct reward
a person (P) tries maintaining consistency in attitudes to &
Balance Theory: people prefer attitudes that are consistent Operant conditioning removal of an unfavorable events or outcomes after the display
relationships with other people (O) and environmental elements
with each other than not of a behavior
absence of info, people agree to like what others like Positive
spanking for misbehavior is an example of punishment by
Restore balance in a manner requiring least effort (choose easier application
options) ATTITUDE; learned tendency to evaluate Punishment; presentation of an adverse event or outcome that punishment by removal, occurs when a favorable event or
CHANGING ATTITUDES causes a decrease in the behavior it follows outcome is removed after a behavior occurs
things in a certain way. This can include Negative
people motivated to change contradictory beliefs to set harmony
Cognitive Dissonance (positive/negative) evaluations of people, inferring attitude to own behaviour
issues, objects, or events Self-Perception Theory

Knowledge Satisfy psychological needs

permanent change in our attitude Central route need for order, structure or meaning-need is presents when
motivated and able to pay attention, we take a logical, conscious person in ambiguous situation or with a new product
thinking, to decision-making Utilitarian
rapid evaluative judgments of targets, which facilitate approach
Ego-defensive or avoidance (positive/negative)
temporary change protect our self-esteem or that justify actions that make us feel
Elaboration-Likelihood model; persuasion dual process guilty
use little effort, quick change to attitude theory Value expressive
help communicate who we are & may make us feel good
Peripheral route
because we have asserted our identity (self-concept)
Cognitive theories;Cognitive consistency: people try to
maintain internal consistency and order among various
an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and beliefs in harmony and
avoid disharmony (or dissonance)
Predicting behaviour, understanding why and how of a
cognitive and affective components of attitudes are not FUNCTIONS OF ATTITUDE
necessarily expressed in behavior.

people responded more to appearance and self-confidence REASONS TO MEASURE ATTITUDE

Likert scale : principle of measuring attitudes by asking people to
rather than race respond to a series of statements about a topic, in terms of the Disadv: individuals may lie to put themselves in a positive light.
LaPiere's study(investigating relationship between attitudes
extent to which they agree with them
and behavior)
Subjective norm Adv: allow for degrees of opinion, and even no opinion at all
what the individual perceives to be others' beliefs
Attitude towards behaviour
individual's beliefs about target behaviour and how they are Self-report measures Implicit association test: to detect the strength of a person's
Processes of belief,intention and action
evaluated automatic association(hidden bias) between mental
representations of objects (concepts) in memory
internal declaration to act Theory of Reasoned Action; model that links attitude and
Behavioural intention behaviour, best prediction is to ask whether the person
Physiological measures
action performed; when person's attitude & social norm intends to do it
pupil dilation, heart rate, lie detector

frequency of behaviour, non-verbal behaviour

Overt behaviour measures
extension of basic model to emphasise role of volition(willpower)
Theory of Planned Behaviour; suggests that behaviour
prediction from an attitude measure is improved if people
depends on past experience, present obstacles believe they control over that behaviour
perceived behavioural control is extent in which person believes
it is easy or difficult to perform an act
moral values

Improvements; by adding variables
anticipated regret

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