Martinezc cgt270f23 mm4 2021

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CGT 270 Data Visualization

Makeover Monday

Name: Christian martinez Date: 11/15 Max points: 100

Lab section: wed Time: _____11:30________

Show your work!!!


Gather the information needed from the Makeover Monday web page to complete this section.

Week: 4

Date: Year: 2021 Data: 2021/W5: Renewables Overtake

Fossil Fuels in Europe

Source Article/Visualization:



The color scheme does not make much sense and there should be different colors for each line. Ill try to
avoid this in my visualization

Fall 2023 – Makeover Monday Template_v4.0

CGT 270 Data Visualization
Makeover Monday

Based on your knowledge of the Periodic Table of Visualization Methods (discussed in class), discuss which
one of the 6 categories does the visualization you provided in the Represent stage falls in. Identify the
method most closely related to the visualization in the Represent Stage and discuss the characteristics:
overview, detail, detail AND overview, divergent thinking, convergent thinking. Refer to Readings to assist
with categorizing the visualization.

The overview gives good info about how to different categories of energy compare, the details of it show
how wind compares to coal and renewable to fossil fuel. While they show a shared load of the world’s
energy burden the percentage consumed by each changes over time.


Paper: Periodic Table of Visualization Methods:

Interactive Periodic Table of Visualization Methods


What question(s) are you attempting to answer? How might fossil fuels compare to coal


Fall 2023 – Makeover Monday Template_v4.0

CGT 270 Data Visualization
Makeover Monday

Show (display, list, make it visible) the filtered data.


• Who is your audience? What assumptions did you make? What visualization tool/software did
you use? Energy producer executives

What to submit: This document in PDF format only (if you do not know how to do this, see Lab 0
Exercise 1). Answer all of the questions. Save this document as:
LastnameFirstInitial_CGT270F23_MM#_YYYY.pdf. Replace # with the Makeover Number (1, 2, 3, etc.),
replace YYYY with the year the data is representing.

Fall 2023 – Makeover Monday Template_v4.0

CGT 270 Data Visualization
Makeover Monday

Choose the best layout for your makeover visualization: Portrait or Landscape, Remove the page of the
layout that you DO NOT choose. No blank pages!

Sketch your Makeover

In the space below, sketch out your ideas for refined visualization. You must use pen/pencil and paper
to sketch out your idea, then take a photo of your sketch and include it in the space below. Applying a
filter to computer generated work will result in zero points for this assignment.

Fall 2023 – Makeover Monday Template_v4.0

CGT 270 Data Visualization
Makeover Monday

Fall 2023 – Makeover Monday Template_v4.0

CGT 270 Data Visualization
Makeover Monday

Fall 2023 – Makeover Monday Template_v4.0

CGT 270 Data Visualization
Makeover Monday

Data Visualization Checklist:

How to give constructive criticism:

Sample Makeovers:

Grading Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

Meets ALL or most of these: Meets MOST of these: Consistently meets SOME of Little to no evidence
Makeover is esthetically Makeover is esthetically these: Makeover is of the understanding
pleasing (color, perception), pleasing (color, esthetically pleasing (color, of the data
best practices followed perception), best practices perception), best practices visualization process.
(insightful), Correct dataset followed (insightful), followed (insightful), Correct
downloaded; provided an Correct dataset dataset downloaded; Lackluster makeover
interesting point of view of downloaded; provided an provided an interesting or no makeover.
the data; critiqued previous interesting point of view point of view of the data;
makeover, critique is of the data; critiqued critiqued previous Little effort.
constructive (indicates one previous makeover, makeover, critique is
thing that is done well, and critique is constructive constructive (indicates one
one thing that could be done (indicates one thing that is thing that is done well, and
differently, what will be done done well, and one thing one thing that could be
to improve the visualization), that could be done done differently, what will
assumptions (more than one) differently, what will be be done to improve the
are listed. done to improve the visualization), assumptions
[50 pts] visualization), (more than one) are listed.
assumptions (more than
one) are listed. [12.5 pts] [0 - 11 pts]
[25 pts]
Sketch included: hand drawn, Sketch included: hand Sketch included, but was No sketch included.
data vis best practices drawn, lacking data vis generated by computer
evident. best practices.
[25 pts] [12.5 pts] [6.25 pts] [0 pts]
More advanced chart types More advanced chart Basic chat types used in the Little to no
used types used, followed most makeover improvement in visual
best practices representation of the
[25 pts] [12.5 pts] [6.25 pts] data [0 pts]


Description Deduction
File naming Convention not used -2
Did not remove unwanted/unused pages -3
Did not use data from the assigned year -5

Fall 2023 – Makeover Monday Template_v4.0

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