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Digital Worker Career Management

Suggested Answers:
1. The digital transformation has changed the worker from a knowledge to a digital type of worker.
For example, their nature of work has changed from information gathering to real- time data availability, from information
analysis to scenarios and prognosis, from information dissemination to decision making, from structured learning to self-
development, from knowledge management to virtual collaboration, and from team
building to virtual team building.
Suggested Answers:
1. In the future, freelancers may be able to define their
own career paths, drawing on data about the paths they
follow or insights into their own strengths, preferences,
and unique abilities.
Suggested Answers:
1. Career management is the combination of structured planning and the active management choice of one's own
professional career. It is a continuous process that occurs throughout one's career and not just at discrete times. In other
words, it is a lifelong, self-monitored process of career planning that involves choosing and setting personal goals, and
formulating strategies for achieving them.

2. The THREE characteristics of a competent freelancer are:

• Attitude (Mindset & focus and mentoring)
• Knowledge (Best practice, tips & tricks, tech & trends and mentor)
• Skills (Employability modules)
1. Determine the Best Hardware to Use. If you’re lucky enough to have multiple devices
(such as a computer, tablet, smart phone), choose the one you are most comfortable with
— and the one with the most reliable technology. If necessary, invest in purchasing — or
borrowing — the best technology to use for the interview.
2. Select the Proper Location for the Interview. The ideal scenario for your interview
location is a secluded room in which you can shut out distractions (and noises), control the
lighting, and display a generic background. Ideally, you’ll want to have some diffused
lighting so as not to create shadows or glare... and a plain wall as your backdrop. You should
also have a location in which you can be seen on camera from about the waist up — not just
your face.
3. Test All the Technology. Test your connection. Test your camera. Test your lighting. Test
your sound. Test the video program. Make sure you understand how it all works.
4. Schedule at Least One Mock Interview. Under as close to identical circumstances as
possible, schedule an interview with a friend, colleague, or family member. Practice both
your interviewing skills, as well as the technology. If you can, record the interview so you
can play it back for yourself. If can’t record it, ask for as much feedback as possible —
especially for how you look and sound.
5. Plan for Glitches. Have a backup plan if something goes wrong the day of the interview.
6. Complete Full Interview Preparations. Don’t skimp on your interview prep. Conduct
research on the employer, prepare responses to expected interview questions, formulate a
few questions you want to ask, and determine the best professional outfit for the interview.

1. Test All Equipment Prior to Interview Time. Do a run-through at least an hour before your interview time.
2. Dress Professionally. Remember, nothing too flashy. If unsure, view yourself in the monitor.
3. Turn Off Before Interview Starts. Remember to turn off all apps and programs that might interrupt the interview.
4. Go Under. Go to your interview location and shut out all distractions.
5. Remember Your Nonverbals. Make solid eye contact and smile at appropriate times. Have good posture and even
lean in a bit. Use hand gestures to make your point. 6. Look Directly into the Camera. You might be tempted to look at
the monitor or yourself, but focus on making eye contact via the camera.
7. Have a Conversation. Speak in a conversational voice, just as you would in an actual interview situation.
8. Notes if You Need Them. Unlike other interview situations, you can have some notes in front of you (off camera) to
remind you of critical issues you want to highlight, but do NOT overuse them, or you will look odd on camera.
9. Take a Second. When responding to questions from the interviewer, nod, but take a second before responding in
case the connection is weak — so that you don’t end up talking over the interviewer.

1. Write a Thank-You Note. Just as with any other job-hunting situation, follow up your interview with a
thank-you note to your interviewer(s).
2. Follow-Up on Progress. The hiring process is a lengthy one, most likely with several more rounds of
interviews, so you’ll need to be patient — but that does not mean you should not follow-up occasionally to
express your interest in the job.
Suggested Answers:
1. The TWO chances to get a job are:
• The bidding process – Apply for the job available from the crowdsourcing platform.
• The client will proceed to appoint freelancer – The client can find freelancers who are registered in the
crowdsourcing platform or has been appointed by the client before.

2. Some helpful tips on bidding are:

  Propose a realistic timeline
  Prepare a standard proposal for each specific skill
  Read the job description carefully
  Include the crucial project information in the proposal to show that you understand the job description
  Do not copy and paste irrelevant information in the submission
  Bid early in the morning
  If the bidding is over 10, need not bid for the job
Suggested Answers:
1. The TEN negotiation techniques are:
1. Some helpful tips on bidding are:
• Be prepare
 Propose a realistic timeline
• Pay attention to timing
 Prepare a standard proposal for each specific skill
• Leave behind the ego
 Read the job description carefully
• Ramp up the listening skills
 Include the crucial project information in the proposal to show
• Try ask, else you’ll not get
that you understand the job description
• Anticipate compromise
 Do not copy and paste irrelevant information in the submission • Offer and expect commitment
 Bid early in the morning • Don’t absorb to client’s problem
 If the bidding is over 10, need not bid for the job • Stick to your principle
• Close with confirmation
Suggested Answers:
1. Risk management involves understanding,
analysing, and addressing risk to make sure the
objectives are achieved.
2. In order to protect themselves in executing the
freelance job, the freelancers need to check on the
• Don't start work until the client sends you an offer
and you accept
• If client asks to pay outside of Upwork, report it to
our customer support team
• Avoid any client who requests free work
• Never pay to get a job!
• If a job looks suspicious, report it to our customer
support team.
Suggested Answers:
1. Some of the email management tips are:  Check emails twice. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
 In each session try to process all the emails.  If you can, respond to an email right away
 If you cannot, turn it into a task with a due date and priority via Todoist for Gmail.
 Have all notifications from your email client disabled on all of our devices so you won’t be disturbed and
distracted as you focus on other things.

2. Scope creep is referring to the actual scope of a project from start to finish significantly exceeds the expectations for
the project before work starts
3. The tips to minimize scope creep are:
 Get a clear written agreement
 Stick to the stipulated terms
 Offer constructive outs
 Be bold
 It’s a partnership

Suggested Answers:
Suggested Answers:
1. The tips when communicating with client are:
 Ask clients in what material you need to deliver the project
 Tell your client what is your working hour availability per week
 State when is your free time  Ask for contract/award project
 B e p r o f e s s i o n a l w h e n communicating and do not be emotional
 Always be prepared for video calls
 Always update client (preferably using screenshot)
 Track your working time (time tracking apps)
 Usually for hourly based jobs
 Be proactive, honest, polite & professional
 Gain the clients’ trust
 Payment transaction will have a pending period (more info on the web)

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