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The Relationship Between English Language Proficiency and Intended Career for

English Major Students at Our Lady of Lourdes College

A Research Project
Presented to the faculty of the


Education Department

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English:

Carlos, Celine
Casidsid, Karen
Manga, Roselyn
Sandoval, Tracee Julian
Tejero, Angielo

Dr. Benjamin Alvarez Dillena Jr.


Letter of Approval

May 9 2023
Dr. Isabelo G. Chavez
Dean of Education College Department
Our Lady of Lourdes College

Dear Sir,

Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillment of our requirements for our subject Language
Education Research, we the researchers from BSED-Major in English, Year 2
students namely Roselyn Manga, Angielo Tejero, Karen Casidsid, Tracee Julian
Sandoval and Celine Carlos would like to ask permission to conduct a research
study entitled "The Relationship Between English Language Proficiency and
Intended Career For English Major Students at Our Lady of Lourdes College".

In connection to this, we kindly need your assistance in getting permission

to carry out our research project in the vicinity of the school as the respondents
are currently studying here at Our Lady of Lourdes College.

You may be sure that the information we collect will be kept completely
private and used solely for academic purposes. We researchers think you share
our enthusiasm for completing the requirement as a mark of compliance with our
subject and for your improving our well-being

We researchers sincerely hope for your favorable response, we would be

very grateful for your consent to carry out this study.

Respectfully yours,
The Researchers

Recommending Approval:

Benjamin Alvarez Dillena Jr.

Language Education Research

Dr. Isabelo G. Chavez

College of Education Dean


First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His
showers of blessings throughout our research and its successful completion.

The researchers also like to convey their profound appreciation to their

research adviser Mr. Benjamin Alvarez Dillena Jr. for giving them essential
guidance, support, and supervision over the duration of their study. We also want
to thank him for the knowledge, understanding, and empathy he shares with us.
Working and studying under his direction was a wonderful privilege and honor.

The success of this study required the help of various individuals. Without
them, the researchers might not meet their objectives in doing this study. The
researchers want to give gratitude to the following people for their invaluable help
and support:

To Mr. Ron Jewel D. Avendaño, PhD thesis chairman and panel, for giving
ideas for the improvement of the study; and for her patience, understanding and

Mrs. Danya A. Hernandez,PhD thesis panel for giving thoughts, advice

and ideas for improvement of the study;

To Mrs. Diane, thesis panel, for giving ideas and advice.

The researchers are also grateful to the other professors who support
them throughout the process, particularly the English professor at Our Lady of
Lourdes College, who provided excellent suggestions and validated the research

work. Without their assistance, our research paper would not have been

We also like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the respondents

who enabled the research study to go smoothly with their eager assistance and
full participation. We also want to express our gratitude for the time and
information you provided for us to conduct this study.

Last but not least, we would like to thank our beloved parents for their
thoughtful budgeting and constant encouragement during the research study's
development. As well as for their words of support during all the late nights spent
conducting the research.



Preliminary Parts Page

The Title Page ………………………………………………………………………i
Approval Sheet………………………………………………………………………ii
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………vi
LIst of Tables………………………………………………………………………..xlix
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………….xci


Background of the Study……………………………………………………………xi
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………...xiii
Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………...xiv
Research Paradigm………………………………………………………………….xiii
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………xiv
Null Hypothesis……………………………………………………………………….xv
Scope and Delimitation of the Study……………………………………………….xvi
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………xv
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………...xvi


Local Literature………………………………………………………………………..xvii
Foreign Literature……………………………………………………………………..xxii
Local Studies…………………………………………………………………………xxix

Foreign Studies…………………………………………………………………….xxxi
Synthesis of the Study……………………………………………………………...xl
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………..xiv


Research Method/Design…………………………………………………………xlii
Research Locale……………………………………………………………………xliii
Research Instrumentation…………………………………………………………xliii
Validation of Instrument……………………………………………………………xliv
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………xlv
Statistical Treatment of Data………………………………………………………xlvi


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of data……………………………….xlviii


Summary of Findings……………………………………………………………….xciv

Back Covers

Appendix A: Letter……………………………………………………………….ciii
Appendix B: Questionnaire……………………………………………………..civ
Appendix C: Validation Tool…………………………………………………….cxx
Appendix D: Certification……………………………………………………….cxxi
Appendix E: Computation………………………………………………………cxxiii
CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………………………..cxxv

1. Age of the Respondents…………………………………………………xlviii
2. Gender of the Respondents…………………………………………….xlix
3. Research Survey Result for Reading………………………………….l
4. Research Survey Result for Writing……………………………………liv
5. Research Survey Result for Speaking…………………………………lviii
6. Research Survey Result for Listening…………………………………lxii
7. Research Survey Result for Creativity…………………………………lxvii
8. Research Survey Result for Critical Thinking…………………………lxxi
9. Research Survey Result for Communication…………………………lxxv
10. Research Survey Result for Collaboration……………………………lxxix
11. R Value Result for Language Proficiency and Creativity……………lxxxiii
12. R Value Result for Language Proficiency and Critical Thinking……lxxxv
13. R Value Result for Language Proficiency and Communication……lxxxvii
14. R Value Result for Language Proficiency and Collaboration………lxxxix

1. The conceptual model of the relationship between English Language
Proficiency of the respondents and their qualities in the teaching profession….xci


This research aims to investigate the relationship between English language

proficiency and intended career for English major students at Our Lady of
Lourdes College. The research employed a quantitative approach, with data
collected through a survey questionnaire administered to a sample of 40 English
major students. The questionnaire included questions related to the students’
English language proficiency and intended career, as well as their attitudes
towards learning English and their perceived barriers to language learning. The
collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis.

The purpose of the survey is to produce results that can be generalized to the
whole population. Research asked closed-ended questions, allowing for a
predetermined set of answers to choose from rather than a discussion and
interview. The study aims to determine how language proficiency affects the
intended career of English major students. The study will use survey research
design to gather information about the respondents skills, qualities, opinions, and
points of view about the topic The Relationship Between English Language
Proficiency and Intended Career For English Major Students at Our Lady of
Lourdes College.

The results showed a significant positive correlation between English language

proficiency and intended career, suggesting that students who had higher English
language proficiency were more likely to choose careers that require English
language skills. Additionally, the findings revealed that the students’ attitudes
towards learning English and their perceived barriers to language learning
significantly affected their English language proficiency and their intended career.
The study highlights the importance of English language proficiency in career

development and the need for English language education programs to address
students’ attitudes towards language learning and their perceived barriers to
language acquisition.

In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the relationship between
English language proficiency and intended career for English major students and
highlights the need for language education programs to support students in
developing the necessary language skills and attitudes for success in their
chosen careers.

Keyword: English Language Proficiency, Intented Career, Teaching

Profession, language skills.

The Relationship Between English Language Proficiency and Intended
Career for English Major Students at Our Lady of Lourdes College

Background of the Study

Due to a number of factors, including political, economic, and technical
ones, English has emerged as the official language of the world and the
language of international communication. English language proficiency is defined
as the ability of students to use the English language to make and communicate
meaning in spoken and written contexts while completing their program of study.
Every college student who chooses to major in English and become a teacher in
the future needs to possess English language proficiency because, if they go on
to become teachers, they will be expected to teach students in English in the
future. We cannot deny the fact that even college students struggle with English,
especially when speaking. As a result, it is essential for English major students
to be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English because this is a skill
that they will need to master once they start working toward becoming English
teachers. Hence, if you are a student who is proficient in English, you have a
good comprehension of the language, can understand the language without any
problem, communicate a variety of concepts in speech and writing clearly, and
engage with other speakers without any difficulty. Since English teachers are
responsible for teaching language, they must be fluent in the language and
knowledgeable in literature.

According to (Oxford Language Club, 2021) English: the lingua franca of

business It makes you more employable by opening doors to many more career
options and connects you to more globally recognized companies. In the US,
69% of people surveyed who spoke English as a second language said English

was the most important language for them to learn. Enhanced communication
skills in English can result in not only an improved social life, but also better job
opportunities in the future. From job interviews to the actual professional world,
communication skills are very crucial, and being proficient in English means
being able to communicate clearly and effectively. As the population of students
identified as English Language Learners (ELL) students has increased across
the country, many states have implemented practices to ensure that all students,
including English language learner students, are performing academically at
levels that will ensure readiness and success as they prepare for continued
learning experiences grounded in college and career readiness standards as
they progress through school (Bornfreund, Cook, Lieberman, & Lowenberg,
This study was to examine the correlation between English language
proficiency and majors' intended jobs. The study's findings shed light on the
suitability and efficacy of high-stakes policies for appropriately evaluating
language proficiency levels of college students who have been classified as
English language learners majoring in English and on how those levels relate to
their chosen careers in the future. This study is important for education students,
especially those who major in English, because it will help them develop their
language skills and advanced English language proficiency at the tertiary level,
preparing them for their future employment and helping them learn about
English. It gives students a strong foundation for academic success and a better
opportunity in the future, especially when applying for teaching jobs. This study
can contribute to some body of knowledge in a way that allows researchers to
suggest that students majoring in English be encouraged to pursue further study
through seminars and workshops. On the other hand, it will enable the
management of the school to give possibilities to the instructors who teach
English topics to access the most recent developments in the field.

Theoretical Framework
English language proficiency in students pursuing their intended career can be
based on the communicative competence theory by Hymes (1972) which
suggests that language proficiency goes beyond mere linguistic knowledge and
includes the ability to use language effectively in various social and cultural
contexts. This theory emphasizes the importance of communicative competence
in achieving success in personal, academic, and professional
contexts.Additionally, the theory of second language acquisition by Krashen
(1982) can be applied in understanding the development of English language
proficiency in students. According to this theory, language acquisition occurs
through exposure to comprehensible input, which is language that is slightly
above the learner's current proficiency level. This implies that learners can
acquire language skills more effectively when they are exposed to authentic
language use and meaningful communication.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Fig.1. Paradigm of the study
The figure above shows the conceptual model of our study consisting of
the input, process, and output. First, under the Input block is to know the level of
English proficiency of the students in terms of reading, writing, and speaking, and
do these factors have a significant relationship between English proficiency and
their intended career. Under the process block is the instrument we will use
which is Survey Questionnaire. Lastly, under the output block is the research

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1: What is the demographic profile of respondents as to:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Year Level

2: What is the level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Reading
2.2 Writing
2.3 Speaking
2.4 Listening

3: What qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in terms of:
3.1 Creativity
3.2 Critical Thinking
3.4 Collaboration

4: Is there a significant relationship between the level of English language

proficiency and their teaching profession

The following are the proposed hypotheses of the study.
H0..There is no significant relationship between the level of English
Language Proficiency of the respondents and their teaching profession.


The following terms used enlisted below are those who will benefit most in
this research study.

First, the Teachers. Their profession plays a significant role in the

development of the student's proficiency. They will benefit from this study
because it will give them a context that will help them for future purposes.

Second, the Students. They are the learners. They will benefit in this
study because they will now have an idea of how prepared they are for their
intended profession by reading this study, and at the same time, they can also
improve themselves more.

Third, the Institution. This will assist them in determining the strengths
and weaknesses of various students. It will also aid them in determining which
specific areas they should focus more on and improve in order to make the
course more responsive to preparing students for their future professions.

Lastly, the Future Researchers. The ones who are conducting this study
by gathering all the information they need through the research process gain
knowledge in their field of study.

The general intent of this study is to know the relationship between
English Language Proficiency and Intended career. Out of 100 majoring in
English students of Our Lady of Lourdes College, 40 students were used as a
sample in conducting the survey. This study limits its coverage on the major in
the English department only. Its main purpose is to identify the relationship
between English Language Proficiency and Intended career. This study
considers every aspect of students' personal information that has an idea about
the chosen topic. Each of the respondents is given the same questionnaire to
answer. And this study focuses on all majors in English students of the present
school year 2022-2023.

The following terms are defined to give clearer meaning to the reader of
the study.
Proficiency. The ability to use language in a real word situation.
Career. An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and
with opportunities for progress.
English. The primary language of several countries but widely spoken around
the world.
Language. A system of communication used by a particular country or
Lingua Franca. A language that is adopted as a common language between
speakers whose native languages are different.
Efficacy. The ability to produce a desired or intended result.
Skills. Ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or



This chapter covers the related literature and studies. This comprises the
ideas, finished thesis, generalization, and methodologies. This highlights
important information while also assisting in familiarizing the reader with
knowledge that is relevant and comparable to the current study.

Related Literature

English and its important for Filipino people

The English language holds great significance in education, not only

because it is a universal language, but also because it is widely used in various
forms of instruction and national/international examinations. In many countries,
including the Philippines, English is the medium of instruction in higher
education and professional courses. Additionally, English proficiency is often a
requirement for employment in multinational corporations and foreign countries.
This has led to an increase in demand for English language courses and training
programs. Moreover, English language skills have become essential for
communication in today's globalized world, enabling people from diverse
linguistic backgrounds to connect and exchange ideas.

As stated by Schneider, E. W. (2011). Colonization, globalization, and the

sociolinguistics of World Englishes. This status of English in the Philippines as a
secondary language corresponds to the Outer Circle classification in Kachru’s
Circles of English model. The Outer Circle represents the places where they
speak official non-native varieties of English because of their colonial history. In

addition to this it was explained most countries in the Outer Circle, including the
Philippines, were once colonies of English or American governments and have
since made English language usage a norm.

English is one of the official languages alongside Filipino for

communication and teaching purposes as stated in the 1987 Philippine
Constitution. The government has policies to ensure that Filipino students learn
English well, including the 1974 Bilingual Education Policy which uses English to
teach science and math.

Impact of English Language Courses and English Proficiency

The importance of academic excellence plays a crucial role as it serves as a

passport for students and graduates to obtain decent employment opportunities.
Proficiency in the English language is a vital aspect of achieving high academic

In addition to being a requirement for many job positions, academic

excellence also opens doors for further education and career advancement.
Therefore, it is essential for students to focus on their studies and strive for

Furthermore, the ability to communicate effectively in English is becoming

increasingly important in the global job market, as it is the language of business
and international communication. Hence, individuals who possess strong
English language skills have a competitive advantage in various fields.

The study of Laperal, E. andLomibao, L. 2017 "English Language
Proficiency and Academic Performance of University Students in the Philippines”
explored the relationship between English language proficiency and academic
performance among university students in the Philippines. The study found that
students who were highly proficient in English tended to perform better
academically. The authors recommended that universities should focus on
improving students' English language proficiency to enhance their academic

The importance of the Four Macro Skills

In a study by Geronimo and Tugaff (2019), they found that most education
students in the Philippines were proficient in reading and writing in English, while
their proficiency in speaking and listening was relatively lower. They attributed
this to the lack of opportunities for students to practice speaking and listening
skills in the classroom.

A research conducted by Bautista and Aquino (2018) revealed that the

proficiency of Filipino education students in the four macro skills was generally
low, particularly in speaking and listening. They attributed this to various factors
such as the lack of exposure to English outside the classroom and the limited
English proficiency of teachers.

In a study by Cardeño (2019), he found that the proficiency of education

students in the four macro skills was significantly correlated with their
performance in their major courses. He also noted that students who had higher
proficiency in English tended to have higher grades and were more likely to
graduate on time

A research conducted by Bellen and Sabado (2018) revealed that the
majority of education students in the Philippines had low proficiency in the four
macro skills, particularly in speaking and listening. They recommended that
English language instruction should focus more on these two skills to help
students develop their overall proficiency.

Qualities of teaching profession in the Philippines, specifically focusing 4


The teaching profession plays a crucial role in shaping the future of a

nation by providing quality education to students. To ensure effective teaching, it
is essential for teachers to possess certain qualities that enable them to deliver
instruction in an engaging and meaningful manner. Among these qualities,
creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration are deemed vital in
the Philippine educational context.

Aliangan, M.J. and Tiongson, M.L. (2020) conducted a study titled "The
Importance of Creativity in the Teaching Profession in the Philippines" which
aimed to determine the importance of creativity in the teaching profession and
the strategies that can be used to promote creativity among teachers.The study
found that creativity is an essential quality for teachers to possess, especially in
the context of the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines. The study recommends
that teacher training programs should include strategies that promote creative
thinking among teachers. This includes providing opportunities for teachers to
engage in creative activities, such as arts and crafts, music, and drama as it can
lead to more effective teaching and improved student learning outcomes. The
study also suggests that teachers should be encouraged to explore new

teaching methods and incorporate technology in their teaching to enhance

The study by Habitan and Guanzon (2012) explored the importance of

critical thinking skills in teacher education programs in the Philippines. The
researchers emphasized the need for teachers to be able to analyze and
evaluate information critically, as this skill is essential in guiding students to
become independent learners.Morover, the study found that while some teacher
education programs in the Philippines do include critical thinking in their
curricula, there is still a need for more emphasis on developing critical thinking
skills among teachers.

As stated by Elago, F.V. (2017). Communication Skills of Teachers in the

Teaching Profession. The author highlights the importance of effective
communication skills in establishing positive relationships between teachers and
students. Elago argues that effective communication is not only necessary for
imparting knowledge, but also for creating a positive learning environment
where students feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their thoughts
and ideas.The teacher education programs should focus on developing
communication skills through role-playing and other interactive activities. In
addition, Elago recommends that teachers should make an effort to understand
the cultural backgrounds and perspectives of their students, as this can help
them communicate more effectively.

In addition, the study from De la Cruz, J.V., & Vizconde, E.C. (2018) in
Collaboration among Teachers as a Quality Indicator of the Teaching Profession
in the Philippines. The findings revealed that collaboration among teachers is a
crucial quality indicator of the teaching profession in the Philippines. The study

highlighted the benefits of collaboration, such as the sharing of knowledge and
skills, the development of new ideas and strategies, and the establishment of a
supportive work environment.Moreover, schools should provide opportunities for
teachers to collaborate with one another, such as through team teaching and
joint lesson planning.


A Review of the literature on Measuring English Language Proficiency

progress of English Learners.

Existing research on factors contributing to academic achievement of

students in higher Education reveals a number of factors in multiple dimensions.
In general, these factors fall into the following four categories: academic,
psychosocial, cognitive, and demographic (McKenzie & Schweitzer, 2001). All
these factors have been extensively explored and examined by previous
research. For example, among academic factors, prior academic achievement
(e.g., McKenzie & Schweitzer, 2001; McKenzie, Gow, & Schweitzer, 2004),
learning skills and habits (e.g., AbbottChapman, Hughes, & Wyld, 1992), learning
strategies (i.e., general learning strategies, subject-matter specific strategies)
and approaches (e.gDuff, Boyle, Dunleavy, & Ferguson, 2004; Pokay &
Blumenfeld, 1990; Sadler-Smith, 1996; Watkins & Hattie, 1981) were explored as
variables influencing academic performance. With regard to the psychosocial
dimension, social integration into the university system, motivation, anxiety, social
and emotional support, and psychological health were explored (e.g., Terenzini &
Pascarella, 1978). The cognitive dimension, which includes self-efficacy (e.g.,
McKenzie & Schweitzer, 2001) and an individual’s attribution style (e.gPeterson
& Barrett, 1987) were also studied in many empirical studies. Lastly, various

demographic features such as gender and age were examined in relation to
academic performance in higher education (Li, Chen, & Duanmu, 2010). These
factors that were identified in the literature are applicable to both domestic and
international students in higher education. However, there are other factors
involved when it comes to the international students' academic performance in
higher education, since international students have unique characteristics that
distinguish them from domestic students (Li et al., 2010). Many empirical studies
indicate that English proficiency plays a crucial role for international students in
completing their studies in English-medium institutions, especially for those
students whose first language is not English (e.g., Li et al., 2010; Wardlow,
1999). In addition to English proficiency, some culture-specific and cross-cultural
issues (e.gAcademic culture shock associated with a different education system,
lecture style, and relationships between students and lecturers) have been
identified as factors that contribute to the international students' potential for
academic success (Li et al., 2010). Importantly, the socio-cultural and
psychological adjustment of international students might be influenced by their
English proficiency, which might impact their academic success. For example,
Yang, Noels, and Saumure (2006) highlighted the role of English self-confidence
in the process of socio-cultural and psychological adjustment to an
English-speaking academic environment. Further, Trice (2007) reported that
weak English language skills were perceived as one of the reasons why
international students were isolated from local students and faculty members.
These findings indicate that English proficiency is indirectly associated with
academic performance of international students through its impact on other
factors in the socio-cultural and psychological dimensions. Research on factors
affecting the international students' academic success in foreign institutions is
ongoing, not only due to increasing numbers of international students, but also
due to changing demographics of international students. The literature reviewed

below presents some existing research on the relationship between
self-perceived English language proficiency and academic performance of
international students, as well as the relationship between multilingualism and
academic performance. The the study of English proficiency was released
between January 2007 and June 2017;) it was released in the U.S.; addressed
an english student; concentrated on English language learners (ELs) in general
or ELs w in particular; used empirical research methodologies or provided
student-centered empirical information; measured or contained a standardized
test of English language ability. Time-to-reclassification or reclassification
likelihood; and student progress-centered. in the evolution of English
competence. When the same authors publish papers that are similar to one
another, NCEO 5. We only included the most recent data using the same data
set (e.g., Thompson, 2015, included as opposed to Thompson, 2012). 24 articles
satisfied the inclusion studies.

English Language Proficiency as a tool in Communication Skills.

Language Learning Krashen (cited in Setiyadi, 2006: 21) divided two different
ways in gaining a target language. Those two ways are acquisitions and learning.
According to Krashen, Acquisition is the subconscious process in first language
acquisition, while learning is the conscious knowing about a target language.
Thus, the language acquisitions occur when the speakers are not aware of the
result. It impacts the grammatical rules used by the speaker. Language learning,
on the other hand, happens usually in classroom situations or places where
speakers are aware about the process of acquiring the language. Learning a
target language can involve several patterns and there are a number of factors
involved in this language learning pattern. Mackey (cited in Setiyadi, 2006: 23)
stated that there are three factors determining the language learning pattern.
Those factors are linguistic, social, and psychological. Linguistic factors include

the difference and interference between mother tongue and target language. It is
stated that the mother tongue differs from the target language in form of
grammar, phonology, vocabulary, stylistics, and graphics. Furthermore, Mickey
declares that the 7 more different the form, the more problems language learners
probably face. Setiyadi (2006: 24) supports this theory by stating that the
language learner found it difficult to understand the system in the target
language. Especially for students in Indonesia who have different tenses with the
English Setiyadi (2006: 24) argues that the difference between target language
form and mother tongue will be less difficult to learn when the students are
similar to the culture of the target language. This idea appears due to the fact
that learning another language cannot be separated from learning about its
culture. The interference happens when people learn about a new language and
their mother tongue interferes with the target language. Interference happens
because of the similarity between the mother tongue and target language. How it
interferes depends on the aspect of language they are trying to reach. The
interference in learning speaking, for example, will cause more errors because
the learners try to make similarity between their mother tongue and target
language. The use of wrong grammar and overgeneralization in the target
language might often happen in this case. Social factors are essential to the
language learning pattern because it is a part of social phenomenon. The
influence relates in a very complex way. But there are several aspects which can
be identified in order to see 8 the influence of social factors. Those aspects are
home, community, occupation, school, religious meeting, radio, television, and
reading matters. Setiyadi (2006: 27) supports that the community is a crucial
term in learning a language. When the speakers have more contact with the
community in which the target language is spoken often, there will be more
possible success in learning the target language. This is supported by the fact
that in the community, speakers can find the naturalness of using the language

because it is often used in daily communication. Nariswariatmojo (2006)
elaborates the psychological factors into intelligence, attention, interest, aptitude,
and motivation. Intelligence is the ability to utilize abstract concepts effectively
and learn quickly. Great intelligence gives more progress to the learning process.
Attention is concentration or mental focus towards the learning process. Interest
is a persistent tendency to pay attention to and enjoy some activity or content.
Aptitude is the capacity to learn which is owned by everyone. The good way to
use the aptitude maximally is by studying and practicing as much as we can.
Motivation is a factor which operates in determining the direction of an
individual’s behavior to words an end or goal.

According to Harries (1969:10) that in learning English as a foreign

language, The students should have some language skills. They are listening,
reading. 'writing and speaking. Listening is the first skill that a learner must have.
It is about the ability to receive or to listen to what a speaker says. Palmer
(1981:156) defines that speaking is as the represented speech that has sticking
characteristics called prosodic features and paralinguistic features-reading is also
called the main skill in understanding a foreign language. It is about the action to
understand what a writer intended in the passage or context. Someone is called
a good reader if he/she is able to understand and use the language in his mind.
Billow says that if he is able to read fluently and perceptively with the one
pleasure, he can keep the language alive in his mind. The last skill is writing.
'Writing is the transferring ideas into a book or an article. It is the most
complicated one because of some elements that are involved in making a good
writing. In inventing the capacity of a learner in a foreign language
understanding, the test used should involve the main four skills. The purpose of
language is to communicate and to make the interaction between speaker and
listener. In developing the students' proficiency in using the language as their skill

is probably the most reliable route in writing, reading, and listening through the
dialogue. It is rare for people to study the language without using it by practicing.
In daily speech, we can say everything in different ways in learning dialogue. The
aim in learning dialogue is to make the students be able to express himself in
dialogue, to cope with basic interactive skills like giving, asking questions, and
statements. In learning to speak, the students must have a lot of vocabulary and
proficiency in structure. It is very important for the students to know it because if
the students do not know it. They are difficult to speak or communicate by using
the language. o, in school, english is taught that yield the students are able to
communicate in english must on effective pronunciation acceptable to the native
speaker of the language. 1 or this, the speaker should understand that the
speaker avoids the ambitious meaning.

A review and analysis of current research examining the connection

between teacher language proficiency and their self-reported beliefs about their
pedagogical abilities. According to Farahnaz Faez and Michael Karas 2017,
Generally speaking, (English) language teachers require an advanced level of
proficiency in order to be successful language teachers, but pedagogical skills
are also necessary for effective instruction. However, examining the relationship
between language proficiency and pedagogical skills is not straightforward given
the nature of language teaching in which language is both the content and
medium of instruction, issues with defining language proficiency (for teaching),
and disagreement regarding effective teaching skills in different social contexts.
One approach has been to focus on teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about their
abilities to enact specific classroom tasks in certain contexts and potential
relationships with teachers’ reported language proficiency. The analysis provided
in this article highlights how these constructs have been measured in the
literature and if/how they are connected to one another across different studies.

Overall, teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs regarding their pedagogical abilities do
correlate with language proficiency, but results are at times weak and/or
inconclusive with inconsistent results across studies and contexts.

Leong, lai mei, & ahmadi, Seyedeh masoumeh. (2017). In their study An
analysis of factors influencing learners’ english speaking skill. International
journal of research in English education, Speaking is one of the most important
skills to be developed and enhanced as means of effective communication.
Speaking skill is regarded as one of the most difficult aspects of language
learning. Many language learners find it difficult to express themselves in spoken
language. They are generally facing problems using the foreign language to
express their thoughts effectively. They stop talking because they face
psychological obstacles or cannot find the suitable words and expressions. The
modern world of media and mass communication requires good knowledge of
spoken english. This paper aims at establishing the need to focus on the factors
affecting language learners’ English Speaking skill. This review paper traces out
the body of research concerning the term speaking, the importance of speaking,
characteristics of speaking performance, speaking problems, and factors
affecting speaking performance. According to the review of literature, appropriate
speaking instruction was found to be the learners’ priority and a field in which
they need more attention. This study can be useful to teachers and researchers
to consider their language learners’ speaking needs in English language teaching
and learning context.

The International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications

(IJMCMC) 2017, stated that language is first and foremost a spoken and not a
written entity. Human beings talked and listened ages before there was anything
for them to read. This is why it is said that in the long history of the human race,

the invention of writing was an event of yesterday. Speaking is a major skill in
communication. This review article highlights how the skill of speaking is taught
in a communication classroom; what are the prominent beliefs about the
speaking skill; what are the principles of learning and teaching speaking skills;
the different activities and tasks associated to enhance the communication skill
and finally, how to teach pronunciation to the learners of communication.

Related Studies

The English Language Proficiency of Filipino

As stated by Cabigon, 2015 in his study State of English in the
Philippines: Should we be concerned?. The Philippines is widely known as one
of the world's largest English-speaking countries. Proficiency in the English
language is also one of the country’s assets that
helped the country’s economy and it is used in commerce, law, and is the
primary language of instruction in education. Moreover, English is valued not
only for its practical and functional uses but also because it is affordable and can
enhance one's position, respectability, and marketability. A better understanding
and usage of English often translates to better career opportunities and
advancement. This is particularly important for Filipinos seeking employment

English Grammar Competence of Filipino College Freshmen

Edward Sapir, an American anthropologist-linguist believes that language

is not just a vehicle for expressing thoughts, perceptions, sentiments, and values
characteristic of a particular society. Still, it is also a presentation of basic

expressions of social identity. Moreover, Sapir said, "the mere fact of a common
speech serves as a peculiar potent symbol of the social solidarity of those who
speak the language. “As a result, the retention of language helps maintain an
environment of cultural kinship. Language is one way to enhance knowledge,
and in the modern world, knowledge is a critical factor in competitiveness. In an
advanced and innovative industrial society within creased demand, other
languages' knowledge becomes obligatory. Undeniably, the knowledge and skills
in English language usage are essential tools available to young generations.
English is one of the international languages in the world and a pathway of
communication between or among countries, cultural groups/tribes, various
enormous companies, organizations, communities, and friends. In learning a
language, one should be familiar with communicative competence. B.F. Skinner,
American Psychologist and an influential pioneer of behaviorism from
Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, says that there are four areas of communicative
competence: grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competence.
This study emphasizes grammatical competence. Grammatical competence is
the ability to use the forms of the language (sounds, words, and sentence
structure).In his Language learning theory he proposed that there are systematic
processes by which humans can distinguish, produce and practice words to
understand well and communicate clearly. This capacity encompasses the
picking up diverse dimensions, including syntax, phonetics, and an extensive
vocabulary. Also, language acquisition usually refers to first language acquisition,
which studies infants' acquisition of their native language, rather than second
language acquisition, which deals with the acquisition (in both children and
adults) of additional other languages. One of the best-known models of language
ability is known as "Communicative Competence." This model was developed to
account for the kinds of knowledge people need to use language in meaningful
interaction. Moreover, as Valdez (2009) quoted in his study, structural Grammar

is an approach to the written and spoken language that focuses on the
mechanics and construction of sentences. This approach is very important in
studying Basic Grammar Skills or the basic parts of speech.

The Four “Macro Skills”

English proficiency is linked to both oral and written communication, and
language educators have traditionally focused on four basic language skills -
listening, speaking, reading, and writing - to assess a learner's proficiency. These
skills are also referred to as "macro-skills." According to Sadiku, 2015. To his
study the Importance of Four Skills Reading, Speaking, Writing, Listening in a
Lesson Hour. Listening and speaking skills aim at fostering effective oral
communication while reading and writing skills are tools for achieving effective
written communication. Moreover, They should work to create the necessary
conditions for students to learn effectively and reach the desired outcome. For
the teaching of English to be successful, the four skills, reading, listening,
speaking and writing, should be integrated in an effective way. These skills
should be addressed in a way that helps students meet the standards you set for
them and develop their communicative competence gradually.

Foreign Studies

Language proficiency level of English language teacher trainees

To achieve effective teaching, teachers must possess the necessary

competencies. They are expected to adhere to the standards of the profession,
which are frequently reflected in the competencies necessary and mentioned in
the official papers of the Ministry of Education and the Council of Higher

Education. According to Kiymet Selvi, a researcher and educator in Diplomate
Ankara University the common understanding related to teachers’ competencies
is divided into three main areas as field competencies, pedagogical
competencies and cultural competencies although they can be composed of
some different dimensions as well such as emotional competencies,
communication competencies, information and communication technologies
competencies (ICT) and environmental
competencies. One opinion is that any given proficiency level may need to be
maintained and enhanced in contexts for language teacher preparation, in
addition to the generally accepted significance of English proficiency as a
significant component of topic knowledge for prospective EFL teachers. Both
Berry (2013) and Cullen (2014, pp. 164-165) emphasize that this emphasis on
language growth is most noticeable in EFL situations, such as Turkey, where
teachers do not often have opportunity to connect with English native speakers.
Berry (2010), for example, carried out a study.
He introduced the term "theory" to refer to theories of language learning
and teaching, and it was used in Poland to ask instructors to rank (teaching)
methodology, language improvement, and theory in that order of significance
based on their needs. The top two rankings were in order: language
improvement and methodology.

According to Rintaningrum, R. in his article An Analysis of Fifth Grade

Reading Literacy Achievement at the Student Level in South Australian
Government Schools. The International Journal of Learning, (2009) Reading is
one of the important aspects that students need to master, since reading is the
foundation for learning subjects in all sciences. Likewise writing is necessary for
the reason that it will help students enhance their communication and thinking
skills, and besides it is an essential job skill. Rintaningrum, R. stated that

speaking is crucial as it helps learners to develop their vocabulary and grammar
skills which will make their writing skills better

Language Proficiency and Communicative Competence

Broadly speaking, language proficiency refers to one’s ability to use
language for a variety of communicative purposes. Proficient users are said to
have a good command of the language, i.e., they can understand the language
without difficulty, express a range of ideas clearly in speech and writing, and
interact with other speakers comfortably. Five performance indicators are usually
used to assess language proficiency, i.e., accuracy, fluency, complexity,
appropriacy and capacity (Richards, 2018). Accuracy refers to the ability to
produce language correctly in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
We score high on this indicator if our speech or writing is free of language errors.
Fluency refers to the ability to express ideas smoothly and to use language
resources to sustain the flow of our communication and avoid communication
breakdowns. In writing, fluency is demonstrated by our ability to organize our
ideas coherently so that they flow nicely together. Complexity refers to our ability
to use complex language i.e., whether we are able to use a wide range of
vocabulary and grammar. An advanced level speaker uses a wider variety of
vocabulary and sentence structures, unlike a beginner level speaker whose
speech is characterized by the use of simpler language. Appropriacy is about
whether the language we use is relevant and appropriate for the purpose,
audience and context of the situation. Finally, capacity refers to how much of
what we know can be used to discuss and write about a variety of topics in
various settings (formal or informal) and with what levels of sophistication
(superficial or deep). In the classroom context, capacity refers to the extent to
which a teacher is able to make full use of their target language proficiency to

explain, give examples, select relevant teaching materials, model correct
language use and provide effective feedback on student performance.

The Four Level of English Proficiency of the Respondents

We often think communication is limited to what we say or hear, but that’s
not the case. Language is expressed in four ways: reading, speaking, writing and
listening. These four language skills are also defined as the macro skills of
communication for any language, including English. These macro skills are
utilized by essentially all languages and all learners. Babies develop language
skills by first listening and then speaking, followed by reading and writing. Martis
(2023) When learning a new language and the skills of language, the best way to
do so is by engaging in a balance of each of these areas, as they are all
interconnected. As with any skill, the more you practice or exercise, the stronger
you become. The same is true with improving communication skills. The English
language can often be difficult for non-native speakers, so these language
learning skills help within early communication processes in the learning period.
ESL is also a great communication skill to learn for those wanting to learn
English and for the most versatile communication skills

Learning Speaking is considered as the most important skill for students

because it is used to communicate in a large society. According to Murcian
(2015) 7 learning speaking involves many factors which are intended to interact
and communicate because many people agree that speaking is the central skill
of the English language. However, learning to speak is a process for students in
learning the English language. It is not only to know the target language form, but
also to know the meaning and function of speaking skill. Mastering speaking
makes students not only focus on correcting what they have said in a correct
grammatical form, but also in learning how to deliver their ideas in spoken form.

Thus, the students are able to understand how to use their language and deliver
the knowledge of their language as well as in their daily speaking activity

Reading is an integral part of every educational process as all the subjects

taught at all levels of the educational system involve reading (Cimmiyotti, 2013).
In Ghana, two main languages are used in classroom instructions at the basic
education level. These are L1 and L2, the former being the child’s mother tongue
and the latter being the English language. However, English language has a
much wider use in education in Ghana compared with children’s mother tongue
(Yeboah, 2014), and it is the official language in Ghana. This makes the English
language an integral aspect of our educational system from the basic to the
tertiary levels.

Writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity in which the writer is required

to demonstrate control of variables simultaneously. Writing is one of the four skills
–LSRW (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in language learning. It is the
system of written symbols, representing the sounds, syllables or words of
language, with different mechanisms – capitalization, spelling and punctuation,
word form and function. Generally, writing is very important that communication is
transmitted more through writing than any other type of media. Writing is meant
for conveying thoughts, ideas, and facts in easy and lucid language. Students
have to learn the art of good writing which is essential in order to excel at both
academic and professional levels. Independent reading simply refers to the
ability of students to read on their own without anybody necessarily instructing
them to do so. This also involves selecting books of interest, time as well as
place to read, which is likely to have a positive influence on their reading
comprehension and adoption of strategies aimed at enhancing reading strategies
(Denton et al., 2015; Scott & Shearer-Lingo, 2002).

Many scholars have provided definitions of listening comprehension. &
Gilakjani According to Ahmadi (2011), conceptually listening comprehension is
considered as a dynamic process where individuals concentrate on certain aural
input, structure understanding of the passage and relate it to prior knowledge.
Richard and Schmid (2002) also make clear that listening comprehension refers
to the process of comprehending native or foreign language discourse. Rost,
2002, explains The intricate, communicative act of listening enjoyment, where
listeners are occupied with actively constructing meaning. Those that attend
acknowledge the oral linguistic, paralinguistic, and other uses of information from
sound segregation or even non-linguistic cues when speaking in context.
Moreover, listening comprehension is a method of understanding what is being
said. Hamouda (2013).

"The Four Cs" as required qualifications for ESL Teachers

Teaching is a prominent career that includes a great deal of obligation and

dedication to students. Teachers not only teach and transfer knowledge, but they
also inspire and motivate learners to make key life choices. Every career in our
country benefits from the information and skills that teachers help to establish in
our children. The term "Four Cs" has several definitions. According to the
Partnership for 21st -Century Skills (2011), the “Four Cs” including
communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking are regarded as four
core learning and innovation skills in the twenty-first century. It defines the skills
needed for the next generation of professionals and fosters the development of
those skills in students. Learners and even preservice teachers need to be
equipped with “Four Cs” skill groups while studying at school so that they will be
able to become positive, confident, successful at work and know how to organize

their lives. Michaels et al. (2015) defined each “C” as follows. First, Creativity is
the ability to develop, choose, and integrate novel, unconventional, and
innovative approaches to teaching and learning. In addition to that, The National
Education Association (2010) defines "creativity" as the ability to create a new
thing or concept, or to improve an existing product to make it more appealing.
Secondly, Critical thinking is the ability to effectively use higher order thinking
skills to plan, teach, and reflect on instructional practice while integrating and
applying theories of teaching, learning, and development. Thirdly, communication
is the ability to successfully use interpersonal skills and components of literacy
(reading, writing, speaking, and listening) to contribute to teaching, learning, and
development. Lastly, Collaboration is the ability to work productively and
equitably while valuing others in diverse educational settings.

English Language Proficiency as important aspect in educational context

According to Armea, Castro, Llamado, Lotino, San Esteban and Ocampo,

Ph. D., 2022 in their study English proficiency and literary competence of English
major students: predictor for effective language and Literature teaching stated
that it is essential for a teacher, particularly an English teacher, to have advanced
fluency in the language. Morever, The American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages (ACTFL) defines competency as the capacity to use
language in real-world settings in an interactive communication and unrehearsed
environment, in a manner acceptable and appropriate to native speakers of the
language. Proficiency illustrates what a language user is capable of doing
regardless of where, when, or how they learned the language. As a result, in
order for students to become skilled in the language, an instructor must be

In the study of Rubio, F. & Hacking, J.F., 2019 in Foreign language
proficiency in higher
Education states that a person is a language proficient if they can apply language
rules and components in real-world circumstances in an unrehearsed manner. In
addition to this Ocampo, D.M., (2021). Generalized this language proficiency on
“21st Pedagogical Competence of Preservice Teachers in the New Normal
Modalities” this proficiency reflects the range of the language knowledge of the
user. In the Philippines, English proficiency is used in a variety of speech
contexts. Its use is mainly in education, where it is regarded as a major subject
and is taught from primary to tertiary levels. Furthermore, it is the medium of
education in both private and public schools.

The characteristics and significance of the "Four Cs" in academic setting

Communication is the ability to give and receive messages while

communicating with others, whether vocal or written. Communication is one of
the most crucial aspects of 21st-century skills, and various research has
investigated communication in ELT programs. Pattiwael (2016) stated in
Addressing 21st century communication skills,communication practices
constitute educational aims and demands of both teachers and students.
Communication skills are a crucial part of your job as a teacher. Everyone
benefits from effective communication. It aids in the improvement of
relationships, the expansion of understanding, and the modeling of positive

Creativity is the ability of the mental process to create something new,

unique, or come up with the idea of the existing object from different

perspectives. It is essentially required for teaching and learning in the
educational context. Instructors must be creative to capture and hold students'
attention and keep them motivated in the classroom. Learning can be made more
exciting, engaging, and realistic through creative teaching. Halvorsen, 2018
asserted that giving students a chance to be creative, the teachers need to be
flexible, and let them choose where possible to support Gardner (2006) in his
study Five Minds for the Future explained that creativity is one of the essential
skills that the learner must possess, we need education that features such as
exploration, challenging problems, and the tolerance, if not the active
encouragement, of productive mistakes to do so, teachers can achieve even
higher results when they combine creativity with the used of some modernization.

Collaboration refers to the activity of working together to achieve a

common goal. Collaboration has mostly been accepted as a teaching and
learning strategy that involves assigning students to work in groups to complete a
task, solve an issue, or collaborate on a project. (Bransford, Brown, &
Cocking,2006) define collaborative learning as a teaching method which
transforms the student from a passive learner into an active participant in the
learning process. In collaboration, teachers encourage students to apply their
own knowledge, to share their information and learning practices, to treat one
another with respect, and to focus on high levels of understanding. In fact,
according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
,2020 in their study in Education and Skills stated that supporting the instructional
role of teachers, collaboration plays a key role in building relationships among
teachers so that they feel part of a professional community and derive personal
fulfillment from their work. Collaboration relates to the use of innovative teaching
approaches and improved levels of self-efficacy and career satisfaction in

Critical thinking is the ability to understand the relationship between an
idea or fact in a logical and systematic manner, such as comparison and
contrast, cause and effect. Furthermore, Chouari and Nachit (2016) stated that to
teach and assess critical thinking in English classes in a 21st century educational
setting, teachers should have enough training as part of their professional
development. To ensure and promote positive teaching practices, teachers
should also consider students' prior knowledge and cultural background, as well
as educational improvements that have been implemented by policymakers.
Under this context, Al-Shalabi (2015) proposed that universities review current
educational approaches to enhance the inclusion of critical thinking in a college
or university environment. Through this we are preparing students to be
innovative, self-sufficient, productive, and responsible professionals in the
twenty-first century by doing so.

Synthesis of the Study

English Language Proficiency (ELP) is a crucial aspect of education, particularly

in countries where English is not the first language. Many studies have been
conducted to examine the relationship between ELP and various factors,
including the 4C's in teaching.

The 4C's in teaching refers to the development of students' critical thinking,

communication, collaboration, and creativity skills. These skills are essential for
students to be successful in the 21st century workforce, and English language
proficiency plays a significant role in their development. Studies have shown that
students with higher ELP scores tend to have better critical thinking skills.

In conclusion, ELP and the 4C's in teaching are interrelated, and teachers can
improve their students' ELP outcomes by incorporating the 4C's into their
instruction. Teachers can use various strategies, such as collaborative projects,
technology, and problem-solving activities, to enhance their students' ELP and
the 4C's in teaching. By doing so, they can help prepare their students for
success in the 21st century workforce


Research Design/Methodology

This study will use a survey research design to gather information about
the respondents skills, qualities, opinions, and points of view about the topic The
Relationship Between English Language Proficiency and Intended Career For
English Major Students at Our Lady of Lourdes College.

Survey research is the process of conducting research using questionnaires that

researchers distribute to survey participants. In order to get meaningful research
conclusions, the survey data is subsequently statistically analyzed. This study will
employ the survey method since the researchers need to identify the responses
of the respondents in the given questions in the questionnaires. Based on the
medium used to conduct survey research, there are two main survey research
methods that were used in this study. First, online/email survey research is
currently one of the most common survey research techniques. Online survey
research has very little financial outlay, and the results are very accurate. We use
an online/email survey research method for respondents who are unable to meet
with researchers in person, in this case English majors in year four at Our Lady
of Lourdes College. The next method is a face-to-face survey research method,
in which researchers conduct in-person, in-depth interviews to thoroughly impart
responses from respondents that are more accurate and meaningful.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in Our Lady of Lourdes College. The school was
initially conceived by its founders. Mr. Alfredo D. Demetillo and Dr. Adelia C.
Demetillo in 1986 as an educational institution primarily to serve the educational
needs of the youth in Gen. T. De Leon, Valenzuela City. The researchers have
chosen Our Lady of Lourdes College as the research locale because this would
be convenient and the respondents would be easy to reach since the
respondents needed in this study are those who are Education students taking
English Major.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a survey questionnaire. It is a collection of information

about a group of people by asking them questions and analyzing the results.
Having a clear research question defines what the researchers need to find out
with the help of the target population. The survey aims to produce results that
can be generalized to the whole population. They asked closed-ended questions,
allowing for a predetermined set of answers to choose from rather than a
discussion and interview. The first part of our questionnaire consists of questions
about the level of English proficiency of the students in terms of the four macro
skills, and the second part of the questionnaire consists of questions about the
qualities that the students need to fit into their teaching profession.

Validation of the Research Instrument

A panel of experts in the field of English language teaching in career counselling

evaluates the instrument to ensure that the questions or items are relevant and
measure the intended construct. The panel should consist of experts in English
language teaching and career counseling. The instrument is administered to a
small sample of individuals who are similar to the target population to test the
feasibility and clarity of instrument any issues that are raised or addresses the
instrument is modified as needed the find it is testing should include participants
who represent a range of English language proficiency levels and intended
career paths. The instrument is administered to a larger sample of individuals to
test the consistency and stability of the instrument over time this can involve
assessing the internal consistency tests greatest real ability or inter rater
reliability of the instrument the reliability testing should include participants who
represent a range of English language proficiency levels and intended career
path. The instrument is compared to other instruments that measure English
language proficiency and career intentions to demonstrate that it measures the
intended constructs that can involve assessing the convergent or discriminant
validity of the instruments. The instrument is compared to a gold standard or
established measure of English language proficiency and career intentions to
demonstrate that it measures the intended construct accurately; this can involve
assessing the criterion related validity of the instrument.

Data Gathering Procedure

Regarding the collection of data, the researcher constructed a questionnaire

checklist, validated by the professor of the subject. The initial stage prior to
conducting the actual testing involves creating a formal request letter. Upon
endorsement, the researcher obtains the approved request letter. The
researcher's target is to designate the questionnaire into an all year level of
BSED Majoring in English to participate in the process.

The data gathering procedure for the research on the relationship between
English language proficiency and teaching profession of English Major Students
will involve a different answer. Firstly, a comprehensive literature review will be
conducted to identify existing studies and theories related to the topic. Next, a
survey questionnaire will be developed and administered to the 40 of English
Major Students to gather information on their level of English language
proficiency and their qualities in pursuing a career in teaching.

To minimize potential interruptions from ongoing class discussions, the

researcher conducts the questionnaire administration during allotted vacant
periods. Adequate time is allotted for the respondents to provide their responses.
Subsequently, the researcher proceeds to collect and tally the acquired data,
followed by the application of relevant statistical treatment in accordance with the
study objectives. All of the information given by the respondents will be assured
of the confidentiality of their responses.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers have collected answers from all the respondents, and the
resulting data has been recorded. To analyze the data, the researchers have
employed a range of statistical tools, which have been computed using a
systematic approach for presenting the study's findings

Percentage frequency distribution is used to evaluate the percentage of age

and gender in the profiles of the respondents

Weighted Mean was employed to extract in-depth insights from the respondents
pertaining to the correlation between English Language Proficiency and the
Qualities in Teaching Profession

Pearson product-moment correlation which is a statistical measure that
quantifies the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two
continuous variables.

Scale Limits Verbal Interpretation

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Disagree (SD)

4 3.50-4.49 Disagree (D)

3 2.50-3.49 Neutral (N)

2 1.50-2.49 Agree (A)

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Agree (SA)

Table of Relationship for the Value of r

The Value of r Verbal Interpretation

±1 Perfectly Relationship
± 0.81 to ± 0.99 Very High Relationship
± 0.71 to ± 0.80 High Relationship
± 0.41 to ± 0.70 Moderate Relationship
± 0.21 to ± 0.40 Low Relationship
± 0.01 to ± 0.20 Slight Relationship
0 No Relationship



This chapter presents the different results and discussions that have been
gathered in the research to better understand the study.

1. Demographic Profile of the Participants

Before the main analysis, it is important to first provide the information and
description of the characteristics of the included participants within the
study. This section presents the distribution of participants, according to
demographic profiles.

1.1 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to their Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 8 20%

Female 32 80%

Total 40 100%

In Table 1.1 the frequency and percentage of male and female participants are
not equal. There are 32 female respondents and 8 male respondents with a total
of 40 participants.

Table 1.2 Demographic Profile of Respondent in Terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

18 2 5%

19 8 20%

20 9 22.5%

21 2 5%

22 8 20%

23 6 15%

24 5 12.5%

Total 40 100%

In Table 1.2 most of the participants belonged to the age of 20 years old
with a Percentage of 22.5%. The least participants were aged 18, 24, and 23.

Table 2: The level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of:

Indicator Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank


1. I am an 3.00 Neutral 10
reader with a
wide and broad
vocabulary who
can easily
understand the
meaning of
words that are

2. I am proficient 4.03 Agree 3

with English
grammar and
can use it to
sentences and

3. I can read 4.08 Agree 2

efficiently and
comprehend a
lot of
information in a

Indicator Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

short period of

4. I read easily 3.98 Agree 4

and quickly,
stuttering or

5. I am capable of 3.65 Agree 9

and analysing
texts, including
language and
literary devices.

6. I can analyse 3.75 Agree 8

biases, and
different details
from the text.

7. I understand 3.93 Agree 6

the context of a
text and can

Indicator Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

identify the
audience and
purpose of it.

8. I can recognize 3.90 Agree 7

various text
structures, such
as cause and
effect or

9. I use skimming 3.95 Agree 5

and scanning to
quickly find
information in

4.08 Agree 2
10. I know how to
academic texts,
articles and

Indicator Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank


Weighted Average 3.84 Agree 55

Table 2 illustrates the level of English proficiency of respondents in terms

of reading. In the 3rd and 10th questions, I am an excellent reader with a wide
and broad vocabulary who can easily understand the meaning of words that are
unfamiliar and I know how to analyse academic texts, including scientific articles
and research papers that have the highest rank with a weighted mean of
4.08.However,Question number 1, I am an excellent reader with a wide and
broad vocabulary who can easily understand the meaning of unfamiliar words
has the lowest rank with a weighted mean of 3.00 thus it has a Neutral
interpretation which indicates that the skill is sometimes manifested by the
respondents. However, question number 2 until 10 have an interpretation of
Agree which indicates that the skill is often manifested by the respondent.

According to (Kucer, 2016; van den Broek et al., 2016) The level of reading
comprehension refers to the type of mental representation that is made of the
written text. The reader builds a mental model in which he can integrate explicit
and implicit data from the text, experiences, and previous knowledge . Within the
framework of the construction-integration model (Kintsch and van Dijk, 1978;
Kintsch, 1998), the most accepted model of reading comprehension, processing
levels are differentiated, specifically: A superficial level that identifies or
memorises data forming the basis of the text and a deep level in which the text

situation model is elaborated integrating previous experiences and knowledge. At
these levels of processing, the cognitive strategies used are different according
to the domain-learning model (Alexander, 2004) from basic coding to a
transformation of the text. In the scientific literature, there are investigations
(Yussof et al., 2013; Ulum, 2016) that also identify levels of reading
comprehension ranging from a literal level of identification of ideas to an
inferential and critical level that require the elaboration of inferences and the data

Table 3: The level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of:


Indicator Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


1. I have a solid 3.90 Agree 8

of English
grammar and
can use it to
write clear and

2. I choose the 4.13 Agree 1

right words to
convey my

3. I have 4.00 Agree 4
spelling skills
and can avoid
spelling errors.

4. I understand 4.08 Agree 2

the rules of
and can use
them correctly
to clarify

5. I write 3.88 Agree 9

sentences with
lengths and
structures to
create a clear
and engaging

6. I write clearly 3.75 Agree 10

and concisely,
and I often
ambiguity and
confusion for
the readers

7. . I organise my 4.05 Agree 3
ideas logically
and make my
writing easy to

8. I write 3.93 Agree 6.5

effectively in
genres, such
as essays,
reports, or

9. I use 3.93 Agree 6.5

devices such
as pronouns,
and transitions
to create a
coherent and
unified piece
of writing.

10. I use 3.98 Agree 5

figurative lang
language as

similes, and
to add depth
and richness
to my writing.

Weighted Average 3.96 Agree 55

Table 3 illustrates the level of English proficiency of respondents in terms

of Writing. Question number 2, I choose the right words to convey my message
effectively and has the highest rank with a weighted mean of 4.13. However
Question number 6, I write clearly and concisely, and I often avoid ambiguity and
confusion for the readers with a weighted mean of 3.17. The ten questions have
an interpretation of Agree which indicates that the skill in speaking is often
manifested by the respondent. The total weighted average of table 3 The level of
English proficiency of respondents in terms of Writing is 3.96 and the verbal
interpretation of it is Agree.

Writing helps one to connect and remember. It makes individual reflections

and thinking clear and meaningful to survive in the world of symbols. Writing has
an important role to play in the creation and training of intellectuals. It conveys
prose thoughts, expectations, desires and plans, which needs knowledge rather
than expertise (Daud, et al, 2016; Kassem, 2017). It is an ability that fits all
individuals' comprehension needs and their learning. When EFL learners are
more competent in writing, they are beginning to extend their knowledge ever
further of the target language and move beyond their learned abilities. The
written achievement can be described as the written presentation of one's ideas
in a second or a foreign language, and with fair precision and accuracy (Erenler
& Cetin, 2019). Writing is an important aspect of interacting with other people.

There are many ways for us to inspire, educate and make connections with
others. The main aspect of education is often having students improve their
communication skills or desire to engage in communication. Teachers and
educators use various methods and activities to help students develop expertise
in teaching. This involves the usage of mentoring texts, comprehensive guidance
on various ways of writing and the ability to learn. The instruction would explain
all methods and provide examples.

Table 4: The level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of:


Indicator Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


1. I can 4.10 Agree 1

words with
clarity and
which makes it
simple for
listeners to
what I am

2. I can employ 4.05 Agree 2

intonation to
my speech to

meaning and

3. . I am a skilled 4.00 Agree 4

speaker who
can maintain a
fluent and
natural flow of
speech without
any pauses,
hesitations, or

4. I am an 4.03 Agree 3
speaker who
can make my
n simple to
understand by
using proper
grammar and

5. I am a skilled 3.85 Agree 8.5

speaker who
has a broad
and knows

how to pick the
words to
convey my
views clearly.

6. I use pronouns 3.87 Agree 10

confusion or

7. . I can use 3.90 Agree 6

adding depth
and richness
to the speech.

8. I use polite 3.95 Agree 5

language and
respect and
to others.

9. I maintain a 3.85 Agree 8.5
on a topic,
tangents or
changes in

10. . I respond to 3.85 Agree 7

interest and
engagement in

Weighted Average 3.94 Agree 55

Table 4 illustrates the level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of

speaking. In the first question, I can pronounce words with clarity and accuracy,
which makes it simple for the listeners to understand what I am saying has the
highest rank with a weighted mean of 4.10. However Question number 6, I use
pronouns correctly avoiding the confusion of ambiguity, has the lowest rank with
a weighted mean of 3.78. The overall calculated weighted average is 3.94 and
the ten questions have an interpretation of Agree which indicates that the skill in
speaking is often manifested by the respondent.

As said by (Brown, 1994;Burns & Joyce, 1997; Luoma, 2004; 2). Speaking is
defined as an interactive process of building meaning that includes producing,

receiving and processing information. According to (Chaney, 1998; 13)
Speaking is an interactive process of getting and evaluation of information in
order to produce meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a
variety of contexts. Similarly, Tarone (2005:p. 485) states that speaking is the
most difficult and complex language skill to master. The act of speaking
incorporates listening and comprehending simultaneously and it relies on
communicative competence and the situational context. Thus, speaking is
thought to be the complex system because it includes the ability of using the
grammar, sound, vocabulary and even cultural knowledge of the language.
Speaking is the way learners express themselves not just orally but also
coherently and appropriately in a sensible manner. In relation to Morozova
(2013), speaking is one of the most important skills of the four macro-skills of
language to be developed and enhanced as a means to effective communication.

Table 5: The level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of:


Indicator Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


1. I am able to 4.15 Agree 2

English at
and detail

2. I understand 3.98 Agree 5
words and
phrases used
in a variety of
settings and
have a strong
command of
the English

3. I am capable 4.03 Agree 3.5

of keeping up
with discourse
that is spoken
in a slow or
manner in

4. I can tell apart 3.75 Agree 10

sounds and
accents even
if I'm
unfamiliar with

5. I can retain my 3.95 Agree 6

attention for

periods of time
because I am
focused and

6. I am able to 3.83 Agree 9

anticipate the
direction of a
what is being
said even in
situations with

7. I am able to 3.93 Agree 7

meanings from
the context of
what is being
stated and

8. I am good at 3.85 Agree 8

taking notes,

ideas, and
details for later

9. I can make 4.03 Agree 3.5

g easier by
making use of
visual cues
like body
language and

10. I am able to 4.18 Agree 1

follow a
even when
there are
speakers or
the subject

Weighted Average 3.968 Agree 55

Table 5 illustrates that The Level of English Proficiency of the
Respondents in Terms of Listening are all Agree and the majority of the
respondents are performing well in terms of listening as all of the questions had a
verbal interpretation of Agree. The highest weighted mean in the table is number
10 "I am able to follow a conversation even when there are numerous speakers
or the subject regularly shifts." having 4.18 weighted mean, and the lowest is
number 4 "I can tell apart between various English sounds and accents even if
I'm unfamiliar with them." with a weighted mean of 3.75; yet, both have the
identical verbal interpretation of "Agree" based on the Likert scale provided in the
earlier parts of the paper. The overall weighted mean of the questions is 3.968
and the verbal interpretation of it is Agree, that means that the question about
listening is successful.

Listening skill is the ability to understand and identify or decode what a

person is speaking about. It is the process that involves understanding
pronunciation, tone, accent, grammar and the meaning of a speaker (Thomlison,
1984). Listening is the listener's interaction with a speaker in order to decode or
construct the meaning (Byrnes, 1984). The main point of listening is to
comprehend an expression. Therefore, listening comprehension is a strategy to
understand a speaker’s meaning.According to Ronald and Roskelly (1985),
listening is an active process, not a passive process which the listener needs
skills of prediction, generalising, hypothesising, checking and revising. They also
state that listening relates to sound construction in order to make understanding
what is heard. As Howatt and Dakin (1974) defined listening as the ability to
create and understand the meaning of an expression conveyed from the speaker.
This part involves understanding the speaker’s pronunciation, accent, grammar,
vocabulary, and meaning. Thus, a listener needs to use these things
simultaneously. If people use listening skills effectively, they will understand the

speakers’ thinking or feeling well. Effective listening, listeners have to be actively
involved in the process of communication.

From four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), the
skill which is mostly used for communication is listening. This skill is the process
of decoding the expression. A listener uses this skill in order to make an
understanding of what a speaker is expressing. Listening skill is very important
because it takes up 40 – 50%, speaking is about 25 – 30%, reading is about 11 –
16%, and writing is about 9% (Gilakjani and Ahmadi, 2011). According to Ferris
(1998), people spend 45% of time listening, 30% in speaking, 16% in reading,
and only 9% in writing in daily communication. This information shows that
listening skill is very important for communication. To develop listening
proficiency is the first step because it is the key to achieve other skills.

Table 6: The qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in

terms of: Creativity

Indicator Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


1. I always prefer 4 Agree 6

to include
creativity to my
presentation in
order to keep
my classmates
interested and
involved in the
subject matter.

2. I have the 3.9 Neutral 8
ability to think
outside the box
and come up
with creative

3. For me, 3.8 Neutral 10

creativity is
essential for
good lesson
planning and

4. I am willing to 3.93 Agree 7

with new
techniques and

5. I am able to 3.88 Agree 1.5

create and
adapt lessons
to the individual
needs and
learning styles
of my


6. I liked to foster 4.15 Agree 4.5

a classroom
creativity and

7. I liked to 4.05 Agree 4.5

activities and
projects into
their lesson

8. I am a type of 4.05 Agree 1.5

person that is
and receptive
to new ideas

9. I am able to 4.08 Agree 3

inspire and
motivate my

classmates to
think creatively
and pursue
their passions.

10. I am willing to 1.15 Strongly Disagree 1.5

take risks and
embrace failure
as a necessary
part of the

Weighted Average 3.999 Agree 55

Table 6 illustrates the qualities that are necessary for fitting into the
teaching profession, such as creativity. Among the survey questions, question 6
received the highest rank with a weighted mean of 4.15, indicating a desire to
foster a classroom environment that encourages creativity and self-expression.
On the other hand, question 10 received the lowest rank with a weighted mean of
1.15, suggesting a reluctance to take risks and embrace failure as a necessary
part of the creative process. Seven of the questions have an interpretation of
Agree, two are Neutral, and the last question is Strongly Disagree.

Creativity is an essential skill in teaching, as it allows educators to engage

students in new and exciting ways, promote critical thinking, and foster
innovation. In a study by Al-Jarrah (2018), it was found that creativity is highly
valued in the teaching profession, as it allows teachers to adapt to changing
educational needs and create more engaging and effective lessons. According to

Amabile (1996), creativity can have a significant impact on individual and
organisational performance. In her research, she found that individuals who are
highly creative are more productive, have higher job satisfaction, and are more
likely to achieve professional success. In the education sector, creativity has also
been recognized as a critical skill that should be nurtured in students. Robinson
(2011) argues that schools should focus on developing students' creative thinking
skills to prepare them for the future workforce, which requires individuals who
can think critically, innovate, and adapt to change.

Table 7: The qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in

terms of: Critical Thinking

Indicator Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


1. I'm able to 4.03 Agree 2.5

myself to think
critically and

2. I'm 3.95 Agree 4

about different
and able to
present them

3. I encourage 3.8 Agree 10
other people to
analyse and
before making

4. I'm able to 3.83 Agree 9

identify and
assess bias
stereotypes in
texts and

5. I ask 3.9 Agree 7

ng questions
and facilitate
that promote
critical thinking.

6. I'm able to 4.05 Agree 1

recognize and
analyse logical
fallacies in

7. I have 3.95 Agree 5.5
research skills
and evaluated

8. I'm able to 3.88 Agree 8

between fact
and opinion
and help their
students do the

9. I'm able to 3.95 Agree 5.5

identify and
different types
of evidence
and data.

10. I'm able to 4.03 Agree 2.5

ss and I

Weighted Average 3.937 Agree 55

Table 7 Illustrates The qualities they have to fit in their teaching profession
in terms of: Critical Thinking. Question number 3, I'm able to recognize and
analyse logical fallacies in arguments, has the highest rank with a weighted
mean of 4.05. However Question number 3, I encourage other people to analyse
and evaluate information before making conclusions has the lowest rank with a
weighted mean of 3.8. The overall calculated weighted average is 3.937 and the
ten questions have an interpretation of Agree. Which indicates that the skill in
critical thinking is often manifested by the respondent.

Today, one of the most important objectives of education at all grade levels is the
development of critical thinking. Future educators must develop their own critical
thinking skills before they can help their pupils do the same. As a result, critical
thinking should be a fundamental component of teacher preparation. Despite
being crucial, The fundamental cognitive activity or process that makes humans
different from other animals is thinking. It entails manipulating and analysing
information that has been gathered from the environment. Such manipulation and
analysis take place through abstraction, reasoning, picturing, problem-solving,
judging, and decision-making. The concept of the mind is that it is the brain's
thinking processes that are involved in information processing when we construct
thoughts, solve problems, use logic, and come to conclusions. Research on
thinking has a long history, dating back to when people first realised they could
think. Thinking is one of the characteristics that set humans apart from other
animals. According to (Lipman, 2003). Qualified education should show the way
to students about what and how to learn. While students evaluate what they
learned and their learning methods, they manifest their critical thinking abilities.

Table 8: The qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in
terms of: Communication

Indicator Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


1. I will 3.95 Agree 7

with students
of all ages

2. I should be 3.88 Agree 10

able to
clearly and

3. I will actively 3.95 Agree 5.5

listen to the
students and
respond to
their needs.

4. I will use 4 Agree 4

modes of

on, such as
written, and

5. I will give 3.93 Agree 8.5

feedback and
guidance to
the students.

6. I should 3.95 Agree 5.5

with parents

7. I will 3.93 Agree 8.5


8. I will adjust 4.03 Agree 3


on style to fit
the needs of
the audience.

9. I should use 4.08 Agree 2

effectively to
information to
the students.

10. I will 4.13 Agree 1

and goals
clearly to the

Weighted Average 3.983 Agree 55

Table 8 Illustrates The qualities they have to fit in their teaching profession
in terms of: Communication. Question number 10, I will communicate the
expectations and goals clearly to the students, and have the highest rank with a
weighted mean 4.13.However,Question number 2, I should be able to convey
information clearly and concisely has the lowest rank with a weighted mean of

3.88. The ten questions have an interpretation of Agree which indicates that the
qualities in communication are often manifested by the respondent.

According to (Wrench, Thomas, McCroskey, & Richmond, 2008) Communication

is an essential component of daily life, and it plays a crucial role in building
relationships, sharing information, and achieving personal and professional goals
(Snyder & Lopez, 2009). In recent years, there has been growing interest in the
study of communication, with researchers investigating various aspects of
communication, such as verbal and nonverbal communication, interpersonal
communication, and intercultural communication. One study by Ozturk and
Ozturk (2019) highlighted the significance of communication skills in the
healthcare field. The study emphasised that healthcare professionals need to
communicate effectively with their patients to provide quality care and improve
patient outcomes. Effective communication can enhance patient satisfaction,
increase patient compliance with treatment, and reduce the risk of medical
errors. A study by Krause and Coates (2008) found that effective communication
skills, such as active listening and empathy, can lead to better student
engagement and academic performance. Effective communication skills, in
particular, are crucial for teachers in establishing positive relationships with their
students and creating a supportive learning environment (Cavdar & Doe, 2015;
Genc, 2017). Research has found that teachers who are able to communicate
clearly, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback are more likely to foster
student engagement and academic success (Barkley et al., 2014; Greenhow et
al., 2019).

Table 9: The qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in
terms of: Collaboration

Indicator Weighted Mean Verbal Rank


1. I have the 3.95 Agree 7

ability to
with others to
enhance their

2. I can 3.88 Agree 10

with other
experts like
s to support

3. I can work 3.95 Agree 5.5

with parents
guardians to
meet the

needs of their

4. I am able to 4 Agree 4
promote a
in the

5. I am able to 3.93 Agree 8.5

motivate kids
to collaborate
and group

6. I can 3.95 Agree 5.5

with my
parents, and

3.93 Agree 8.5

7. I can look for

and share
with my

4.03 Agree 3
8. I am able to
and open
on with
and students

4.08 Agree 2
9. I am able to
and value the
qualities and
efforts of my
pupils and

4.13 Agree 1
10. I have the
ability to
and solve


3.983 Agree 55
Weighted Mean

Table 9 Illustrates The qualities they have to fit in their teaching profession
in terms of: Collaboration. Question number 10, I have the ability to make
judgments and solve challenges through teamwork and has the highest rank with
a weighted mean 4.13. However Question number 2, I can collaborate with other
experts like counsellors and administrators to support their students, has the
lowest rank with a weighted mean of 3.88. The ten questions have an
interpretation of Agree.

According to (Hu & Racherla, 2008)collaboration has been a subject to a

considerable research effort. The ex-listing research has not only focused on
different facets of research collaboration, but also considered research
collaboration in a variety of contexts. As a result, a common definition of the term
does not exist . The definition of the term is often based on the understanding of
‘collaboration’. Amabile et al. (2001, p. 419) de- scribe collaboration as
“individuals who differ in notable ways sharing information and working toward a
particular purpose”, citing in particular the definition by Jassawalla and Sashittal
(1998, p. 239): “the coming together of diverse interests and people to achieve a
common purpose via interactions, information sharing, and coordination of
activities”. Melin and Persson (1996, p. 363) have a similar understanding of
collabo- ration. They further point out the importance of communication as well

as “sharing of competences and resources”. Sonnenwald (2007, p. 645-646)
stresses the social context of research collaborations and its place within the
scientific community. She argues that besides the superordinate goal of the
collaboration, the partners can also bring their individual goals.

Table 10. Significant Relationship between the respondent's English

Language Proficiency and Qualities of Teaching Profession in terms of

R Value P Value Decision

0.66 .00001 Reject the null hypothesis
of students


*Correlational at the level of 0.05 (Two - tailed)

As shown in Table 10, The data represents the calculated P-Value (.000001)
using the two-tailed correlation analysis, with the remarks of High positive
correlation, therefore the researcher reject the null hypothesis of the study that
there is no significant relationship between the respondents and the level of their
proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and qualities in
their teaching profession.

This shows that based on the scores of the participants, English Language
Proficiency in terms of Four macro skills is correlated with the Qualities of the
Teaching Profession in terms of Creativity. Creativity is connected with writing,

reading, listening, and speaking because it involves using one's imagination and
unique perspective to create something new or approach something in a different
way. Writing involves using one's imagination and creativity to craft stories,
essays, or other forms of written communication. A creative writer can use
unique language, themes, and characters to capture readers' attention and
deliver a powerful message. Next is Reading, it involves interpretation of written
language and using one's imagination to visualise the story or ideas being
presented. A creative reader can bring their unique perspective and
interpretation, Listening involves actively engaging with spoken language and
processing information in real-time and lastly, Speaking involves using language
to communicate ideas, thoughts, and emotions. A creative speaker can use
unique language, tone, and style to deliver a powerful message.

According to Fürst and Grin's (2018) on their findings from their correlational
analysis, language learning skills are systematically and positively related to
creativity. (Runco, 2007), in his article Creativity: Theories and Themes: focusing
on creativity would be simple to assume in the classroom that would leave out a
small part of those students whose intelligence falls below the threshold. He also
explained that the threshold referred to the traditional intelligence, which is often
associated with academic performance and linguistic or logical fluency and
knowledge. According to Ng and Smith (2004), it has been acknowledged that
intelligence could be perceived as something incremental and malleable, as a
quality that can be developed and, thus improved (e.g.,Taylor, 1988), hence
creativity could also be nurtured and increased gradually. (Canh and Renandya,

Table: 11 Significant Relationship between the respondent's English
Language Proficiency and Qualities of Teaching Profession in terms of
Critical Thinking.

R Value P Value Remarks Decision

Of students 0.73 00001 High Positive Reject the null
Correlation hypothesis
Critical Thinking

*Correlational at the level of 0.05 (Two - tailed)

As shown in Table 11, The data represents the calculated P-Value (.000001)
using the two-tailed correlation analysis, with the remarks of High positive
correlation, therefore the researcher reject the null hypothesis of the study that
there is no significant relationship between the respondents and the level of their
proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and qualities in
their teaching profession.

This shows that based on the scores of the participants, English Language
Proficiency in terms of Four macro skills is correlated with the Qualities of the
Teaching Profession in terms of Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is an essential
skill for teachers to possess. It enables them to analyse information, evaluate
arguments, and make logical decisions. Reading and critical thinking are
connected because reading involves actively engaging with the material,
carefully analysing and evaluating it, and considering its implications because it
requires careful analysis and evaluation of information, which are both essential

components of critical thinking. While in Writing, critical thinking requires
analysing, evaluating, and synthesising information in order to communicate your
ideas effectively. Critical thinking is necessary in the writing process because it
requires the assessment of validity and relevance of ideas, to consider
alternative perspectives, and to use evidence to support claims. Speaking is
connected with critical thinking because it requires organisation of thoughts and
clear communication and persuasion to the audience and lastly, Listening
involves actively processing and evaluating information in order to understand
and respond to what is being communicated.

As said by (Tsui, 1998; Giancarlo & Facione, 2001; Moore, 1995) Critical thinking
ability has been identified as one of the constructs which has been proven to be
a good predictor of academic performance. According to (Elder & Paul, 2006;
Shaharom Abdullah, 2004; Seung-Ryul Shin, 2002; Stapleton, 2001; Moore,
1995), Critical thinking is also claimed to be important in the acquisition of
language skills particularly writing and reading.

According to (Shirkhani and Fahim 2011) on their article Enhancing Critical

Thinking in Foreign Language: Critical Thinking causes learners to experience a
meaningful process of learning in which learning a language is meaningful to
them and Critical Thinking and learners achievement are positively correlated, If
the learners are shown how to think critically, they get proficient in learning a

Table: 12 Significant Relationship between the respondent's English
Language Proficiency and Qualities of Teaching Profession in terms of

R Value P Value Remarks Decision

Language Proficiency 0.65 .00001 Moderate Reject the null

Of students Positive hypothesis


*Correlational at the level of 0.05 (Two - tailed)

As shown in Table 12, The data represents the calculated P-Value (.000001)
using the two-tailed correlation analysis, with the remarks of Moderate positive
correlation, therefore the researcher reject the null hypothesis of the study that
there is no significant relationship between the respondents and the level of their
proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and qualities in
their teaching profession.

This shows that based on the scores of the participants, English Language
Proficiency in terms of Four macro skills is correlated with the Qualities of the
Teaching Profession in terms of Communication. Teachers must be able to
communicate effectively with pupils because this is at the heart of what teaching
is all about. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are all related to
communication since they all entail the sharing of information, ideas, and

viewpoints with others. Reading requires the ability to comprehend and
extrapolate meaning from text as well as the interpretation of written language.
When it comes to writing, it entails the development of written content that
communicates ideas, thoughts, and information. Effective communication skills
are required to interpret and comprehend written information as well as to
transmit ideas through written language. Good communication skills, such as the
capacity to arrange ideas clearly and explain them in a way that is
understandable to readers, are necessary for effective writing. While doing so,
listening entails actively participating in spoken language and real-time
information processing. Effective listening requires good communication skills,
including the capacity to comprehend spoken language, pose suitable queries,
and receive and give appropriate answers. Finally, speaking entails expressing
ideas, feelings, and emotions through language. Speaking well requires effective
communication skills, such as the capacity to express ideas with clarity and the
use of suitable language and tone.

As said by s (McCarthy and Carter, 2001), teacher communication skills are

important for a teacher in delivery of education to students. In addition, (Sng
Bee,2012), Communication skills involve listening and speaking as well as
reading and writing. For effective teaching a teacher needs to be highly skilled in
all these areas. Teachers with good communication always make things easier
and understandable (Freddie Silver). Effective communication skills are really
important for a teacher in transmitting education, classroom management and
interaction with students in the class. Teachers have to teach the students with
different thinking approaches. To teach in accordance with the ability and
capability of the students a teacher needs to adopt such skills of communication
which motivate the students toward their learning process.

(Sherwyn P. Morreale, Michael M. Osborn Judy c. Pearson, 2000) Good
communication skills of teachers are the basic need of academic success of
students, and professional success of life. Teacher communicates more
instructions orally in the classroom to students. Teachers with poor
communication skills may cause failure of students to learn and promote their
academics. Students need to understand what is right, and what is wrong while it
totally depends upon the communication skills of teachers which he adopt in

Table: 13 Significant Relationship between the respondent's English

Language Proficiency and Qualities of Teaching Profession in terms of

R Value P Value Remarks Decision

Proficiency 0.58 .000105 Moderate Reject the null
Of students Positive hypothesis


*Correlational at the level of 0.05 (Two - tailed)

As shown in Table 13, The data represents the calculated P-Value (.000105)
using the two-tailed correlation analysis, with the remarks of Moderate positive
correlation, therefore the researcher reject the null hypothesis of the study that
there is no significant relationship between the respondents and the level of their

proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and qualities in
their teaching profession.

This shows that based on the scores of the participants, English Language
Proficiency in terms of Four macro skills is correlated with the Qualities of the
Teaching Profession in terms of Collaboration. Collaboration is crucial in the
classroom because it enables educators to work together to accomplish shared
objectives and enhance student learning. Writing, reading, listening, and
speaking all entail communication and the sharing of ideas among individuals,
hence they are all related to collaboration. Collaboration is the process of
working with others to accomplish a shared objective, and successful
collaboration depends on efficient communication. The writing process can
benefit from cooperation. When writers work together, they can exchange ideas,
provide constructive criticism, and aid one another in improving their writing.
Collaboration is advantageous when reading. Reading aloud to one another
allows for the sharing of interpretations and discussion of the text's significance.
In order to collaborate, you need to listen actively. Finally, collaboration involves
speaking and exchanging ideas. In order to effectively collaborate, people must
be able to listen to each other's opinions, concerns, and suggestions. People
must be able to communicate their ideas and thoughts succinctly and clearly
when working together. According to (Decuyper, Dochy, & Van den Bossche,
2010; Edmondson, 2013). Education is often seen as an important context for
students to acquire these collaborative skills before they enter the labour market.
Within education, teacher collaboration plays an important role in transforming
students into proficient future collaborators as teachers model cooperative
learning for students by working together as a team.

Table: 14 Significant Relationship between the level of English language
proficiency and their teaching profession.

R Value T Value Critical Decision Conclusion


Language There is a
Proficiency significant
Of students Reject the relationship
null between the two
0.99959 3.3377 0.324
hypothesis variable

Qualities of

As shown in Table 14 the data represents that the calculated t-value is higher
than the critical value of 0.324 using the dependent t-test statistical treatment,
which means that the researchers had rejected the null hypothesis of the study,
that there is no significant relationship between the respondents and the level of
their proficiency in terms of; reading, writing, speaking and listening and qualities
in their teaching profession.

The unique role of English as the world’s Lingua Franca and language of
international communication has resulted in an increased demand for highly
qualified and effective English language teachers—even more so with the early

introduction of English in state curricula in several countries around the world. As
said by (Medgyes, 2001; Richards, 2010) teacher language proficiency has often
been a main consideration in judgments related to teacher ability. The attention
given to the English proficiency of teachers is a valid concern: Teachers require
language-specific competencies such as the ability to provide good models of
English, maintain fluent target language use, identify student errors, provide
appropriate feedback, and engage in improvisational teaching.

According to (Canh & Renandya, 2017) Teachers with an advanced level of

target language proficiency are more competent in managing language teaching
and provide substantial support for the learners. In addition (Canh & Renandya,
2017) Further implied that not only does a teacher's proficiency impact his or her
ability to use the target language in the classroom, but it also influences how
confident he or she is in being able to conduct the class effectively. Low
proficiency may undermine teachers' confidence, which may in turn affect their
pedagogical practices .Through language, teachers can deliver their lessons. In
other words, optimal learning can be achieved when it is assisted or
well-scaffolded through how the teacher uses language appropriately in the


The result for the Significant Relationship between the respondent's English
Language Proficiency and Qualities of the Teaching Profession in terms of
Creativity with the P-Value is < .00001. The result is significant at p < .05 implies
that there is a correlation between the respondents and the level of their
proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and qualities in
their teaching profession in terms of Creativity.

The result for the Significant Relationship between the respondent's English
Language Proficiency and Qualities of the Teaching Profession in terms of
Critical Thinking with the P-Value is < .00001. The result is significant at p < .05.
Imply that there is a significant correlation between the respondents and the level
of their proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and
qualities in their teaching profession in terms of Creativity.

The result for the Significant Relationship between the respondent's English
Language Proficiency and Qualities of the Teaching Profession in terms of
Critical Thinking with the P-Value is < .00001. The result is significant at p < .05.
Imply that there is a significant correlation between the respondents and the level
of their proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and
qualities in their teaching profession in terms of Communication.

The result for the Significant Relationship between the respondent's English
Language Proficiency and Qualities of the Teaching Profession in terms of
Critical Thinking with the P-Value is .000105. The result is significant at p < .05
implies that there is a significant correlation between the respondents and the
level of their proficiency in terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening and
qualities in their teaching profession in terms of Collaboration. Overall, the result
indicates that the calculated R-value and t-value, obtained using a dependent
t-test statistical treatment, is greater than the critical value of 0.324. This implies
that the researchers have rejected the null hypothesis of the study, which
suggested that there is no significant relationship between the proficiency level of
the respondents and their qualities in the teaching profession. Therefore, the
data suggests that there is a significant relationship between the two variables.


The primary objective of this research is to establish the connection

between English language proficiency and the intended career paths of English
major students. The research process involved a series of steps to gather data
and draw conclusions. By administering questionnaires to English major students
at Our Lady of Lourdes College, this study aimed to identify the techniques and
approaches utilized to establish the correlation between language proficiency
and career choices. This chapter will outline the steps taken to achieve the
research objectives and present the findings and conclusions of the study.

Summary of findings

The study involved conducting a survey of 40 English Language Major

students from Our Lady of Lourdes College, with 10 respondents from each year
level. The researchers used a survey questionnaire divided into three sections:
the first section collected demographic information, while the second section
asked about the students' level of English proficiency in reading, writing,
speaking, and listening. The third section
asked questions about the qualities needed for success in the teaching
profession. The Likert scale was used to interpret the data gathered in the study.
Both inside and outside the school were surveyed to obtain the data responses

The following are the important findings to the study:

The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age shows that the
18 years old has the 2% of the population of the respondents. The 19 year old
has a percentage of 8%. The 20 year old has a percentage of 9%. The 21 year
old has a percentage of 2%. The 22 year old has the percentage of 8%. The 23 s
old has a percentage of 6%. The 24 year old has a percentage of 5%. It only
shows that the majority of the English Major Students at Our Lady of Lourdes
College who are 20 years old have the frequency of 9%. Therefore the
researchers can conclude that few of the students of English Major Students are
20 years of age.

The result of the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
gender shows that most of the respondents are female. It shows that the female
gender has the frequency of 80%, while the male gender has the frequency of
20%. It only states that the majority of the English Major Students are mostly
female in terms of gender.

The study assessed the English language proficiency of 40 English

Language Major students using a survey questionnaire. The findings for reading
proficiency showed a weighted mean of 4.08 and an interpretation of
"Agree/Neutral," indicating that the participants know how to analyze academic
texts, but they are not excellent readers with a broad vocabulary.

In terms of writing proficiency, the results showed a weighted mean of

4.13, 4.08, and 4.05, with an overall interpretation of "Agree," suggesting that the
participants often exhibit strong writing skills.

The participants also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in speaking

and listening skills, with weighted means of 4.10, 4.05, and 4.03 for speaking and
4.18, 4.15, and 4.03 for listening. The overall interpretation of the findings is
"Agree," suggesting that the participants often exhibit good speaking and
listening skills, indicating their ability to express themselves fluently, comprehend
spoken English, and understand different accents and intonations.

The study found that the most prominent quality needed for success in the
teaching profession was creativity, as indicated by a weighted mean of 4.05.
However, the interpretation suggests that there is a reluctance among
respondents to take risks and embrace failure as a necessary part of the creative

The findings also showed that critical thinking, communication, and

collaboration are essential qualities for success in the teaching profession, as
indicated by weighted means of 4.05, 4.13, and 4.13, respectively.

The overall interpretation for each quality is "Agree," indicating that the
respondents often exhibit these qualities. This suggests that the respondents

recognize the importance of these qualities in the teaching profession and
demonstrate them in their academic work.

Overall, the findings suggest that the respondents possess important

qualities that are relevant for success in the teaching profession. This is also
clearly stated that developing these qualities should be a key focus of English
language education programs to become more effective and furthermore,
fostering a classroom environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking,
effective communication, and collaboration can help prepare students for
success in the teaching profession.

Lastly, For the Significant relationship between the level of English Language
Proficiency and The teaching career, the calculated overall average of English
language proficiency of students and the qualities of the teaching profession
resulted in 0.99959 which is the R-value and it is calculated using a
Parametric-Test or T-Test with the result of 3.3377 thus it is greater than the
critical value of 0.324. The research Rejected the Null Hypothesis of the study,
that there is no significant relationship between the respondents and the level of
their proficiency in terms of; reading, writing, speaking and listening and qualities
in their teaching profession.

Since the findings showed that the hypothesis or the T value (3.3377) is
considerable,therefore the overall interpretation is, There is a significant
relationship between the respondents and the level of their proficiency in terms
of; Reading, Writing, Speaking, and listening, and the Four Qualities of the
teaching profession which are Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication, and


Based on the findings, the respondents have a good level of English

proficiency in all four skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. However,
they are not considered excellent readers as they are not yet proficient in using a
wide and broad vocabulary to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Nonetheless, their skills in analyzing academic texts, including scientific articles
and research papers, are still satisfactory.

On the other hand, the results showed that the respondents have strong
writing, speaking, and listening skills, with an overall interpretation of "Agree"
indicating that they often manifest these skills. This suggests that the
respondents have good communication skills in English, and they are capable of
expressing their ideas, opinions, and thoughts effectively. It suggests that the
respondents have a good command of the English language, and they are
capable of using it effectively for communication purposes.

The most significant quality required for success in the teaching

profession is creativity, which was indicated by a weighted mean of 4.05. This
emphasizes the importance of innovative thinking and problem-solving skills for
teachers, as they need to come up with new and engaging ways to educate and
inspire their students. However, the interpretation of the results also suggests
that there is a reluctance among respondents to take risks and embrace failure
as a necessary part of the creative process.

The study also found that critical thinking, communication, and

collaboration are crucial qualities for success in the teaching profession, with
weighted means of 4.05, 4.13, and 4.13, respectively. The respondents in the
study often exhibited these qualities, indicating that they recognized their
importance in the teaching profession and demonstrated them in their academic
work. Effective communication and collaboration are essential for building strong
relationships with students, parents, and colleagues, while critical thinking is vital
for analyzing complex problems and making informed decisions.

Overall, the findings suggest that the respondents possess critical

qualities that are relevant to success in the teaching profession. However, the
study also highlights the need for educators to develop these qualities
continually. English language education programs can play a significant role in
helping future teachers acquire and enhance these skills through innovative
teaching methods, practical experiences, and real-world simulations.


Based on the findings of this research, several recommendations are

made for Our Lady of Lourdes College to further support English major students
in achieving their career goals:

First,Increase language proficiency support: The college should provide

additional support for students who need to improve their English language
proficiency such as offering more language courses or language tutoring

Second, Create more internship and job opportunities: The college should
work with local employers in fields that require advanced language skills to
create more internship and job opportunities for English major students. This will
allow students to gain valuable work experience and develop the skills necessary
for their intended career.

Third, Enhance career guidance services: The college should provide

enhanced career guidance services to help students explore career options and
make informed decisions based on their English language proficiency and career

Fourth, Encourage extracurricular activities: They should encourage

English major students to participate in extracurricular activities that can improve
their language skills such as English language clubs, study abroad programs and
volunteer opportunities.

Fifth, Conduct further research: Further research should be conducted to

gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between language proficiency
and career aspiration among English major students. This will help to inform
future policy and program development of the college.


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Appendix A: Letter

Dear Respondents, Greetings!

We are second year students taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education

major in English who are currently conducting a study titled The Relationship
Between English Language Proficiency and Intended Career of BSE-English
Students at Our Lady of Lourdes College.

In this regard, we are asking for your time and cooperation in

accomplishing this survey questionnaire. This survey has 80 questions and will
take you less than 10 minutes to answer. There are no right or wrong answers.

Participating in this survey confirms your acknowledgement that your

answers will remain anonymous and will not be linked to your personal identity in
any manner. Additionally, please note that this survey is intended for individuals
who are 18 years of age or older. You have the option to skip any question that
you may find intrusive or offensive.

Thank you very much. We really appreciate your help!

Jocelyn E. Carlos
Karen F. Casidsid
Roselyn C. Manga
Tracee Julian C. Sandoval
Angielo Y. Tejero
BSE-English Y2 Students

Respondent Agreement
All data gathered will be kept confidential in compliance with Republic Act 10173
otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and shall be used solely for
research purposes and shall be accessed only by authorized school personnel.

⦁ My participation in this survey is voluntary, and I may withdraw at any time

without penalty.

⦁ I understand that my responses will be recorded and analyzed for

research purposes and that my responses may be used in aggregate form.

⦁ I acknowledge that my participation in this survey does not create any

obligation or liability on the part of the researchers.

o Yes, I agree with the terms and policies.

o No, I disagree with the terms and policies.

Appendix B: Questionnaire

Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

What is the demographic profile of respondents as to:

Name: Age:


Scale 5 – Strongly Agree (indicate that the skill is always manifested)
4- Agree (indicate that the skill is often manifested)
3- Neutral (indicate that the skill is sometimes manifested)
2- Disagree (indicate that the skill is seldom manifested)
1- Strongly Disagree (indicate that the skill is never manifested)

2.1 What is the level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of: Reading

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I am an excellent
reader with a wide
and broad
vocabulary who
can easily
understand the
meaning of words
that are unfamiliar.

I am proficient with
English grammar
and can use it to
sentences and

I can read
efficiently and
comprehend a lot
of information in a
short period of

I read easily and

quickly, without
stuttering or

I am capable of

and analyzing
complicated texts,
including figurative
language and
literary devices.

I can analyze
recognize biases,
and connect
different details
from the text.

I understand the
context of a text
and can identify
the intended
audience and
purpose of it.

I can recognize
and comprehend
various text
structures, such as
cause and effect

I use skimming
and scanning to
quickly find
information in texts

I know how to
analyze academic
texts, including
scientific articles
and research

2.2 What is the level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of: Writing

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I have a solid
understanding of
English grammar
and can use it to
write clear and

I choose the right

words to convey
my message

I have spelling
skills and can
avoid common
spelling errors.

I understand the
rules of
punctuation and
can use them
correctly to clarify

I write sentences
with varying
lengths and
structures to
create a clear and
engaging style.

I write clearly and

concisely, and I
often avoid
ambiguity and
confusion for the

I organize my
ideas logically and
coherently, and
makes my writing
easy to follow.

I write effectively
in different genres,
such as essays,
reports, or fiction

I use cohesive
devices such as
conjunctions, and
transitions to
create a coherent
and unified piece
of writing.

I use figurative
lang language as
similes, and
personification to
add depth and
richness to my

2.3 What is the level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of: Speaking

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I can pronounce
words with clarity
and accuracy,

which makes it
simple for listeners
to understand
what I am saying.

I can employ
intonation to my
speech to
effectively convey
meaning and

I am a skilled
speaker who can
maintain a fluent
and natural flow of
speech without
any pauses,
hesitations, or

I am an effective
speaker who can
make my
simple to
understand by
using proper
grammar and

I am a skilled
speaker who has a
broad vocabulary
and knows how to
pick the
appropriate words

to convey my
views clearly.

I use pronouns
correctly, avoiding
confusion or

I can use
expressions and
adding depth and
richness to the

I use polite
language and
showing respect
and consideration
to others.

I maintain a
conversation on a
topic, avoiding
tangents or
abrupt changes in

I respond to
showing interest
and engagement
in the

2.4 What is the level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of: Listening

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I am able to
spoken English at
various complexity
and detail levels.

I understand
words and phrases
used in a variety of
settings and have
a strong command
of the English

I am capable of
keeping up with
discourse that is
spoken in a slow
or hurried manner
in English.

I can tell apart

between various
English sounds
and accents even
if I'm unfamiliar
with them.

I can retain my
attention for
extended periods
of time because I
am focused and

I am able to
anticipate the
expected direction
of a conversation

and comprehend
what is being said
even in situations
with insufficient

I am able to
deduce meanings
from the context of
what is being
stated and

I am good at
taking notes,
important ideas,
and remembering
details for later

I can make
easier by making
use of visual cues
like body language
and facial

I am able to follow
a conversation
even when there
are numerous
speakers or the
subject regularly

II. The Qualities that the students need to fit into their teaching profession

3.1 What qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in terms of: Creativity

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I always prefer to
include creativity
to my presentation
in order to keep
my classmates
interested and
involved in the
subject matter.

I have the ability

to think outside
the box and come
up with creative
teaching methods

For me, creativity

is essential for
good lesson
planning and

I am willing to
experiment with
new teaching
techniques and

I am able to create
and adapt lessons
to the individual
needs and
learning styles of
my classmate

I liked to foster a
environment that
creativity and

I liked to

creative activities
and projects into
their lesson plans

I am a type of
person that is
open-minded and
receptive to new
ideas and

I am able to inspire
and motivate my
classmates to
think creatively
and pursue their

I am willing to take
risks and embrace
failure as a
necessary part of
the creative

3.2 What qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in terms of: Critical

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I'm able to
challenge myself to
think critically and

I'm knowledgeable
about different
perspectives and

able to present
them objectively.

I encourage other
people to analyze
and evaluate
information before

I'm able to identify

and assess bias
and stereotypes in
texts and media.

I ask
questions and
facilitate class
discussions that
promote critical

I'm able to
recognize and
analyze logical
fallacies in

I have developed
research skills and
evaluated sources.

I'm able to

between fact and
opinion and help
their students do
the same.

I'm able to identify

and evaluate
different types of
evidence and data.

I'm able to promote

and I consider
perspectives before

3.3 What qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in terms of:

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I will
effectively with
students of all
ages and

I should be able
to convey
clearly and

I will actively
listen to the
students and
respond to their

I will use
different modes
, such as
verbal, written,
and nonverbal.

I will give
feedback and
guidance to the

I should
with parents and

I will collaborate
with colleagues

I will adjust my
style to fit the
needs of the

I should use
technology and
effectively to
information to
the students.

I will

communicate the
expectations and
goals clearly to
the students.

3.4 What qualities do they have to fit in their teaching profession in terms of: Collaboration

From Scale 5 4 3 2 1
1 to 5

I have the ability to

collaborate with
others to enhance
their teaching

I can collaborate
with other experts
like counselors
and administrators
to support their

I can work with

parents and
guardians to meet
the needs of their

I am able to
promote a
cooperative and
atmosphere in the

I am able to
motivate kids to
collaborate on
coursework and
group projects.

I can establish

relationships with
my coworkers,
parents, and

I can look for and

share resources
with my

I am able to have
courteous and
with coworkers
and students

I am able to
acknowledge and
value the qualities
and efforts of my
pupils and

I have the ability to

make judgments
and solve
challenges through

Appendix C: Validation Tool
The purpose of this validation tool is used to ensure the accuracy and
reliability of the data being collected or analyzed. Validation is a crucial process
in research that serves to confirm the reliability and accuracy of the tools and
methods used to collect and analyze data. Its primary goal is to ensure that the
results obtained from the research instrument are consistent and trustworthy
across multiple studies. The tool provides evidence that the measurement is
reliable and produces consistent results under various conditions. It also helps to
identify any potential sources of error or bias in the research process and
enables researchers to correct these issues before proceeding with the study to
provide a solid foundation for decision-making and valid conclusions.

In order to ensure that the questions or items in a research instrument

designed for English language teaching in career counseling are relevant and
effectively measure the intended topic, a validation panel consisting of experts in
the field has been assembled. The panel includes distinguished professionals,
such as Dr. Benjamin Alvarez Dillena Jr. and Professor Francia F. San Miguel,
who have scrutinized and examined the accuracy and relevance of the grammar
and material used in the research instrument. The validation process was
conducted with great rigor and thoroughness to ensure that the instrument's
content met the requirements for quality in the research paper. The revisions
made to the questionnaire were aimed at ensuring its effectiveness in collecting
pertinent and precise data. Additionally, the validation panel's contribution was
instrumental in establishing the credibility of the research paper's content and
upholding the highest standards of academic research paper.

Appendix D: Certification
The purpose of a Certificate of Content Validation is to ensure the
document undergo with thoroughly assessment and evaluation that has been
reviewed and justify the validity of the research instrument and tools by experts
in the fields of English that is qualified to carry out the necessary knowledge and
skills to handle any potential ethical or methodological issues that may arise
during the research process. This certificate serves as the evidence and
credentials of the content that meet the credibility and trustworthiness of the


This certificate verifies that the survey questionnaire titled The

Relationship between English Language Proficiency and Intended Career of
English Major students at Our Lady of Lourdes College has undergone a content
validation process and has been found to have content validity.

Content validity refers to the extent to which a survey questionnaire

measures the intended research. To ensure content validity, a panel of experts
along with Professional English Major Teacher in the field reviewed the survey
questionnaire and provided feedback on the relevance and representativeness of
the items. Based on their feedback, the survey questionnaire has been found to
be valid and reliable for its intended purpose and has undergone necessary
revisions and modifications to ensure its effectiveness in collecting relevant and
accurate data. Including modifications made to the questionnaire to ensure that it
accurately measures the intended research.

The panel of experts who participated in the content validation process
including Dr. Benjamin Alvarez Dillena Jr. And Professor. Francia F. San Miguel.
Their feedback was instrumental in ensuring that the survey questionnaire is a
reliable and valid tool for measuring the intended research.

This certificate is issued to students in the Education department at Our

Lady of Lourdes College to acknowledge their commitment to using a
scientifically rigorous approach to questionnaire development and evaluation.
In the view thereof, by signing below, evaluators attest that they have
reviewed and approved the content validation of the survey questionnaire and
that it meets the highest standards of quality and rigor in survey research.

Signed by:

Dr. Benjamin Alvarez Dillena Jr. Professor. Francia F. San


Appendix E: Computation
Statistical treatment is essential to any quantitative research because it implies a
range of data that can answer the highest average of the organization of data in
a research. Moreover, it also signifies that the treatment being used is equally
distributed because it is important so that appropriate conclusions can be drawn.
To analyze the data, the researchers have employed a range of statistical tools,
which have been computed using a systematic approach for presenting the
study's findings.

Percentage frequency distribution is used to evaluate the percentage of age

and gender in the profiles of the respondents

Weighted Mean was employed to extract in-depth insights from the respondents
pertaining to the correlation between English Language Proficiency and the
Qualities in Teaching Profession

Scale Limits Verbal Interpretation

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Disagree (SD)

4 3.50-4.49 Disagree (D)

3 2.50-3.49 Neutral (N)

2 1.50-2.49 Agree (A)

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Agree (SA)

Pearson product-moment correlation which is a statistical measure that

quantifies the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two
continuous variables.

The formula below will be used to calculate this:

Curriculum Vitae



(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)

Birth Date : May 06, 2003

Place of Birth : Caloocan City

Age : 19
Sex : Female
Height : 4’9
Weight : N/A
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number/s : 09517790488

Civil Status : Single/Student

If married, name of :

E-mail Address :

Facebook Account : Celine Carlos
Twitter Account : celxnecrls
Instagram Account : justcl_ne

Father’s Name : Jojo M. Carlos

Mother’s Name : Anabel E. Carlos

Present Address : Brgy 160, 782 Libis Baesa, Caloocan City

Permanent Address : Brgy 160, 782 Libis Baesa, Caloocan City
Provincial Address : Laog, Ilocos Norte


School Years Honors

Level School Address
Attended received
College Our Lady of 5031 Gen. T. 2021 - 2023 N/A
Lourdes de Leon,
College Valenzuela,
1442 Metro

High Justice N/A 2015 – 2017 N/A

School/Senior Eliezar Delos 2017 - 2019
High School Santos
National High

Elementary Libis Baesa N/A 2009 – 2015 With

Elementary Honour/Top
School 9



(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)

Birth Date : October 28, 2002

Place of Birth : Romblon, Carmen,
San Agustin

Age : 20
Sex : Female
Height : 4’11
Weight : 40
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number/s : 09090161981

Civil Status : Single/Student

If married, name of :

E-mail Address :

Facebook Account : Karen Casidsid
Twitter Account : N/A
Instagram Account : N/A

Father’s Name : Jimmy E. Emeliano

Mother’s Name : Regine F. Casidsid

Present Address : 497, Sepa St. Santa Quiteria, Caloocan City

Permanent Address : 497, Sepa St. Santa Quiteria, Caloocan City
Provincial Address : Caloocan City

School Years Honors
Level School Address
Attended received
College Our Lady of 5031 Gen. T. 2021 - 2023 N/A
Lourdes de Leon,
College Valenzuela,
1442 Metro
High Carmen Carmen, San 2015 – 2017 With
School/Senior National High Agustin, 2017 - 2019 Honor/Top 5
High School School & Romblon
National High

Elementary Carmen Carmen, San 2009 - 2013 With

Elementary Agustin, Honour/Top
School Romblon 10



(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)

Birth Date : June 20, 2003

Place of Birth : Quezon City

Age : 19
Sex : Female
Height : 5’2
Weight : N/A
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number/s : 09651950134

Civil Status : Single/Student

If married, name of :

E-mail Address :

Facebook Account : Roselyn Manga
Twitter Account : N/A
Instagram Account : N/A

Father’s Name : Roly L. Manga

Mother’s Name : Arlene C. Manga

Present Address : H-42 Puno St. Agham Rd, San Roque II,
Bagong Pag-Asa, Quezon City
Permanent Address : H-42 Puno St. Agham Rd, San Roque II,
Bagong Pag-Asa, Quezon City

Provincial Address : Quezon City

School Years Honors
Level School Address
Attended received
College Our Lady of 5031 Gen. T. 2021 - 2023 N/A
Lourdes de Leon,
College Valenzuela,
1442 Metro
High San Misamis St. 2014 – 2018 With
School/Senior Francisco Bago Bantay, 2015 – 2017 Honor/Top 2
High School High School Quezon City 2017 - 2019

Elementary San Vicente Maayusin, 2009 – 2013 With

Elementary U.P Diliman, 2013 - 2015 Honour/Top 4
School & Quezon City
Bagong & Rd. 10,
Pag-Asa Bagong
Elementary Pag-Asa,
School Quezon City



(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)

Birth Date : July 07, 2002

Place of Birth : Batangas City

Age : 20
Sex : Female
Height : 5’2
Weight : N/A
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number/s : 09974471060

Civil Status : Single/Student

If married, name of :

E-mail Address :

Facebook Account : Tracee Julian Sandoval
Twitter Account : N/A
Instagram Account : N/A

Father’s Name : Tetchie R. Sandoval

Mother’s Name : Joey L. Sandoval

Present Address : 38 Luwalhati St. Manotoc Subdivision Baesa

Quezon City
Permanent Address : Ambulong, Tanauan City Batangas
Provincial Address : Ambulong, Tanauan City Batangas


School Years Honors

Level School Address
Attended received
College Our Lady of 5031 Gen. T. 2021 - 2023 N/A
Lourdes de Leon,
College Valenzuela,
1442 Metro

High Tanauan Ambulong, 2014 – 2018 With

School/Senior School of Tanauan City Honor/Top 5
High School Fisheries Batangas

Elementary Leopoldo B T.S Cruz 2008 - 2014 With

Santos Subdivision, Honour/Top
Elementary Baesa 10



(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)

Birth Date : June 03, 2002

Place of Birth : Busuanga, Palawan

Age : 20
Sex : Male
Height : 5’6
Weight : N/A
Religion : Christian
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number/s : 09517662099

Civil Status : Single/Student

If married, name of :

E-mail Address :

Facebook Account : Angie Lou Ymata Tejero
Twitter Account : N/A
Instagram Account : Itsmetejero

Father’s Name : Marcelo Ymata Tejero

Mother’s Name : Josephine Ymata Tejero

Present Address : 4050 Policarpio St. Gen. T. DeLeon, Val. City

Permanent Address : 4050 Policarpio St. Gen. T. DeLeon, Val. City
Provincial Address : Province of Samar

School Years Honors
Level School Address
Attended received
College Our Lady of 5031 Gen. T. 2021 - 2023 N/A
Lourdes de Leon,
College Valenzuela,
1442 Metro
High Parada 15 I. Isidro 2014 – 2018 With
School/Senior National High Street, 2018 – 2020 Honor/Top 10
High School School & Valenzuela,
Gen. T. 1440 Metro
DeLeon Manila &
National High 2067, 2067
School & Our Gen. T. de
Lady of Leon,
Lourdes Valenzuela,
College Metro Manila
& 5031 Gen.
T. de Leon,
1442 Metro
Elementary Gen. T. GTDL 2008 - 2014 With
DeLeon Elementary Honour/Top
Elementary School, 4014 10
School & Gen. T. de
Magsaysay Leon,
Elementary Valenzuela,
School 1442 Metro


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