Exam N1 Jashira

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1.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list. Some words may
be used more than once: afford, broke (make a / have a) budget ,borrow,
lend (money), get by, go into debt, owe, pay back, save, spend
(money), short on cash

1. I need to ____________ some money to buy a new laptop. Can you help me out?

2. It's important to ____________ to ensure that you can cover your monthly expenses.

3. If you constantly ____________ more than you earn, you might find yourself in financial trouble.

4. Sarah is ____________ this month, so she's cutting back on non-essential expenses.

5. I can't go out this weekend; I'm ____________ and need to save money.

6. Tom has to ____________ the money he borrowed from his friend by the end of the week.

7. If you can't ____________ a new car right now, consider buying a used one instead.

8. Instead of spending all your money, try to ____________ a portion of it for future needs.

9. Lisa had to ____________ from her parents to cover the cost of her textbooks for college.

10. After losing his job, Mark struggled to ____________ and had to rely on his savings.

11. Jake had to ____________ his friend $50 after he borrowed it to pay for a concert ticket.

12. If you keep using your credit card without paying the balance, you might ____________.
2.Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each sentence
from the list provided:
against the law, an honest person,a liar, (depend on the) circumstances, Exception, hurt , Obvious,
reward someone, punish someone , tell the truth, tell a lie

1. Speeding is ____________, and if caught, you may face fines or even lose your license.

2. In some ____________, lying might be considered acceptable or even necessary.

3. It's important to consider the ____________ before passing judgment on someone's actions.

4. Sarah didn't want to ____________ by revealing her true feelings about the project, but honesty

5. There is no ____________ for completing the project on time; it's part of your job.

6. John decided to ____________ his friend for helping him move by treating him to dinner.

7. In court, the lawyer argued that his client was an ____________ because of the unique
circumstances of the case.

8. ____________ can sometimes be painful, but it's better to be honest than to deceive others.

9. If you ____________, it's likely that you'll lose the trust of those around you.

10. The answer to the problem was ____________ once you took a closer look at the data.

3. Complete each sentence using "wish" and the appropriate form of the verb
in parentheses.
1. The movie is boring. I ____________ (to watch) a more interesting one.

2. He isn't here today. I ____________ (to see) him now.

3. The traffic is terrible. I ____________ (to have) a car.

4. They can't attend the event. I ____________ (to be) there with them.

5. I have a lot of work to do. I ____________ (to finish) it earlier.

6. It's hot in here. I ____________ (to be) in a cooler place.

7. My computer is slow. I ____________ (to have) a faster one.

8. The restaurant is crowded. I ____________ (to go) to a quieter place.

9. I don't speak French. I ____________ (to speak) it fluently.

10. The coffee is cold. I ____________ (to make) it hotter.

4.Rewrite the following sentences using reported speech. Choose the correct
reporting verb and make any necessary changes.

1. Direct: She said, "I will visit my grandparents next weekend."

2. Direct: "I have already finished my homework," he said.

3. Direct: "We are going to the concert tonight," they said.

4. Direct: "I saw that movie last night," he said.

5. Direct: "I won't be able to attend the meeting," she said.

6. Direct: "I love this book," she said.

7. Direct: "We wanna go to the beach tomorrow," they said.

8. Direct: "I am meeting my friends for lunch," he said.

9. Direct: "I can help you with your project," she said.

10. Direct: "I have never been to Paris," he said.

5.Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice. Pay attention to the
tense and the appropriate form of the verb "to be."

1. The chef prepares the meal every evening.

2. Someone cleaned the entire house yesterday.

3. The company will launch a new product next month.

4. The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students.

5. They have already fixed the broken window.

6. The storm damaged the old bridge.

7. People use this road frequently.

8. The gardener is planting beautiful flowers in the garden.

9. Someone stole my bicycle last night.

10. The government should ban single-use plastics.

**Writing Exercise: A Memorable Experience**


Write a short essay (approximately 200-250 words) about a memorable experience you've had. Use
the following prompts to guide your writing:

1. **Introduction:**

- Briefly introduce the experience you will be writing about.

- Mention when and where it happened.

2. **Description:**

- Provide details about the setting, people involved, and any significant background information.

- Use descriptive language to create a vivid picture for the reader.

3. **Event/Action:**

- Describe the main events or actions that took place during this experience.

- Share your feelings and emotions at different points in the story.

4. **Outcome/Impact:**

- Explain the outcome of the experience and its impact on you.

- Reflect on any lessons learned or insights gained.

5. **Conclusion:**

- Summarize the key elements of your memorable experience.

- Conclude with a reflection on why this particular moment stands out in your memory.


- Pay attention to your grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

- Include sensory details to engage the reader.

- Use a variety of vocabulary to express your thoughts and feelings.

- Consider the chronological order of events for a clear and organized narrative.


**Writing Exercise: A Personal Achievement**


Write a reflective essay (approximately 200-250 words) about a personal achievement that you are
proud of. Use the following prompts to guide your writing:

1. **Introduction:**

- Begin by introducing the personal achievement you will be discussing.

- Provide a brief background or context for the achievement.

2. **Challenges Faced:**

- Describe any challenges or obstacles you faced in pursuing this achievement.

- Share how you overcame these challenges and persevered.

3. **Actions Taken:**

- Explain the specific actions you took to work towards and accomplish your goal.

- Highlight any skills or qualities you developed during this process.

4. **Sense of Accomplishment:**

- Express the emotions and feelings you experienced upon achieving your goal.

- Reflect on the significance of this accomplishment in your life.

5. **Impact on Personal Growth:**

- Discuss how this achievement has contributed to your personal growth and development.

- Explore any lessons learned or insights gained from the experience.

6. **Future Goals:**

- Share whether this achievement has influenced your future goals or aspirations.

- Consider how it has shaped your outlook on future challenges.

7. **Conclusion:**

- Summarize the key points of your achievement and its impact.

- Conclude with a reflection on the importance of setting and achieving personal goals.


- Use specific examples and anecdotes to make your essay more engaging.

- Be sincere and authentic in sharing your thoughts and emotions.

- Pay attention to the organization and flow of your essay.

7.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

A Day at the Beach

Last weekend, my friends and I decided to spend a day at the beach.
The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky, and the gentle
sound of waves lapping against the shore created a soothing
As we arrived, we set up our beach towels and umbrellas. The sand
was warm beneath our feet, and the salty breeze filled the air. We
couldn't resist the temptation to take a refreshing dip in the cool
ocean water. The waves were perfect for some light surfing, and we
spent hours riding them and laughing.
After some beach games and building sandcastles, we decided to have
a picnic. We had sandwiches, fruit, and refreshing drinks to satisfy our
appetites. Seagulls circled overhead, hoping for a share of our snacks.
As the day went on, we strolled along the shoreline, collecting
seashells and enjoying the beauty of the coastline. The sun began to
set, casting a warm glow over the water. It was a breathtaking sight,
and we all paused to appreciate the moment.
Reluctantly, we packed up our belongings as the sky turned dark.
Although tired, we left the beach with smiles on our faces, grateful for
a day filled with sun, sea, and laughter.


7. What kind of atmosphere did the sound of waves create at the beach?

8. Why did the group decide to take a refreshing dip in the ocean?

9. How did the group spend their time after engaging in water activities?

10. What were the seagulls hoping for as they circled overhead?

11. Why did the group decide to stroll along the shoreline?

12. How did the author describe the sunset at the beach?

13. In what ways did the group express their gratitude at the end of the day?

14. Reflecting on the passage, what role did nature play in enhancing the group's beach experience?

15. If you were part of this beach outing, what activity would you have enjoyed the most, and why?

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