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ee Ab the name “Lene! awn his sthool bw Sort Nis WenhthsrHere THERE We wes o hort a Conioys ey plaseryon\Y One, 15, ON The back of the bathroom stall doors, on the tops of desks. In the bathroom stall tagging the back of the door, Dene y thought about how sad it was to want everyone to see a igo S ~ that wasn’t his, a name written to no one, to everyone, and to = imagine them looking into it like it was a camera lens. It was 8 no wonder he hadn't made a single friend in middle school Beg S £& When he got home, his uncle wasn’t there. His mom was 1) 3s the kitchen. Looking for Kio Vaclty Ws Gedhic Fore. “Where’s Lucas?” Dene said. avosiay: Soy eee a aire ernie had WX Keeping him where overnight?” aor ee pe Done is expose fo Me tnbh regard ny ony ot ‘For what? Doe, AVI at menva\ oltuatien hie ade SG =e “Your uncle’s dying.” } Sin ow “What?” Ws. tern ooeY hh "\ Hho adnaeh fidn’t think it would gy » worteAo s “Tm sorry, honey. I een to tell you. I happen like this. I thought it could be a nice visit, and then he’d he. go and—" cSHill Hapsticnnttly cle less. “Dying of what?” “Y. “He’s been drinking too much for too long. His body, his hoses aaa ot hiss \ hee liver’s going.” Dene doesnt install co cohend the, Cr what's “Going? But he just got here,” Denedaid, an he saw that ilo ~made his mom cry, but only for a second. This. CMSLS arore DB) » She wiped her eyes with the back of hef Sify Wy eet 3B he 3S “There's nothing we can do at this point, honey.” ets “But why wasn’t something don done?” Dent doesn't f i 5 paris stm (arte womiling Joh pe 2 | Mg r ' Wha Johis falts and ovum Ta icaseMaecat) Etta hs Saeqie ond other oil . WOW ortr, ‘ = j f ing thst you ticked o 1S oeant know 7% shy em on hurt pe 7 ‘opl i jo that anymore, Not « People, and that you don’t wanna ardest part. So let’s close out tonight like we always do, but let's Prayer, it li i rantmethesrniy a) lke wean Goo They were all saying it i ie first, but suddenly found th, wisdom to know the differ, 2 stale é a 6 a e 3 , considers: nen at she was saying it with them. “And y to ence she finished, She deci des cto, me” € FOO! th of th ; ; m cleared out. Everyone buf the WS of fHS jacqie Pe ae Vacqu g Bec wo of then, Jacqui $ and Harvey. Reece aie vey (stablish ov An iN 4 eee TON. ABN. F indy a je wid Rt Pads in pile in her lap, She couldn't" 1% move. ¢ WWM Closts OF Lrom dm awh onieovwtortal “Long time,” Harvey said, “Yeah.” APkwer) *ension akdirss ‘ not much Yo de AZ “You know, I’m going back’ { Bakland this summer. In a sa Seouple months, actually, for the powwow, but also—” 25 Sind) § g Sis “Is this supposed to go like we're normal, fine, like old & friends?” Sho cots him otto gegerd hor shron » S\ & $ “Did you not stay to talk?” loathe Pokaan | : 2z “T don’t know why he questions herr intent Ten. S sata In ory Weman Hhan at lea! “What are you talking about?” etka then stood up to leave, She ts disgpated and her Tes for hin WS. “Can we start over Sool ua gui Ik “{ don’t give a shit about yo ee (oti ite. a = “Ts there any way to find out? aid 4 fekeses 10 och Se “Bind out whate? em otHerlally aurlt-tr; ri Ni “Pind out what?” emote ‘ ; 9 i ee “Our daughter” he wa as oS Gate, | How n ec aan Ho oa 2 ae a a ete ‘ wey oX EEE— \ Pie atte Fan epee, how Nabives arece Irvollll BY hor yship? aw e el ate toric insight Ss ei TUL Alas stick ogedanh Mowarer, reo ardiess, WA, & is move. Blood mug qi Aheir Rai da, ack © or divide—lose am _ must flow, never stray br split or clot — j94/ = Iathirclitch m Seal amount of itself while it distributes“ sein ye Oe ong bodies. But blood is messy when it comes put. It dries; divides, and cracks in the air. braloay tor the Nabe Native blood quantum was introduced ated V 4 fit blood. § Colony: If you were at least half Native, you didn’t have the same }h-Mere, rights as white people. Blood quantum and tribal membershi\" t Nise, SOSses. Prequdy Vis and qualifications have since been turned over to indivi i weal decide. RIMS. WHE MU Oh Gor natives, nae ug gD 2 In the late Todos ts daeien Rane Sie tks ff t bahegative, > $ to be written in his own blood. Now Muslim leaders aren’t suréevarl Sor) % 8 what to do with it. To have written the Quran in blood was a sin, e but to destroy it would also be a sin. Vey conte PVECS\o\ 1 a\\ aloes z The wound that was made when white people Bamernd toble yall that they took has never healed. An unattended wound gets The eo 2 5 infected. Becomes a new kind of wound like the history of what actually happened became a new kind history. All these stories voi "~~ that we haven't been telling all this time, that we haven't been weundth Ee Z } Aistening to, are just part of what we need to heal. Not that we're Petileus ay “Sbroken. And don’t make the mistake of calling us resilient. To kites Ss hee have been destroyed, to not have given up, to have survived, '* Meta) is no badge of honor. ol you call an attempted murder vic- £ ( theie vi as 15 irmmeeilienc2 =O con't even embrace ther ENN ac 2 2 go APS Rid Able tak WE in he couse, different. People want to say things like ore losers? Who 5 n already,” “quit playing the blame game.” But is it }o Sey > Only those who have lost as much as we have see the ot * > it sty slice of smile on someone who thinks they're = ers e by say” I is is the thing: If you ‘Y's 1 Bomsider history, pe oe = even deserves 4S)? MA ong of Cro VAN Keeping 5 Opal gots in wa nately \ Arch gakeow) weillng, S We) , a T are Soe nvin’, a ie THEA ey “moroly | $e Cah ion \ 5 ger a Alan af me at an outfit s! ie a een Opal looked Oe ae lok about rey ec r Me SS for him. Opal \ cu, Sram she oyt & oy Q 30 a FF gee Nha ao kana OE What ror. “How do we a it’s not one of pal’s reflection in the ™i > Ore aN na eS vei hem doing it and not us copying?” tas Seteat look, I’m deciding to wave jahiand in Wie YOnt of d waved. It was a three-panel mirror Fag and Lony were hiding inside ane Pers ary content vith rst, De you Weer help but copy. SS Seht now,” Opal said, an ~ outside the dressing roam a clothes rack nearby. 4 iw “She could have wave' & But look at this,” he dance, Arms flailing, Slike he was powwow dancing. But he couldn’t have been. He 3S was just trying to act crazy in front of the mirror to prove no one else a in control but him, the Orvil on this side of the mirror. SY Opnl doesn't enow yet aloout orwils discrete os bea “c€ Bs pe Wao) dancing, ing on Ores) ‘Opel is on somes be route. Lye av sees He nani ut nner Pe said, and then he broke out into a wild he jumped and spun. It looked to Opal 2 attention to where she steps. Opal doesn’t step on cracks when. ie she walks. She walks carefully because she’s always had the sense 2 © that there are holes ev ae ogee you ca yi between— 2 ow _pthe world, after She ites By a ae iitic ion e would never alr to. It’s sete sh oy ans ah t to “Pent “ed she never ft ite eaghe ives by it fis &mail in slop ape in boxes trying to remey reathing. Opal a mber which spoon she'd Hee oo Rea fliee feieg t IS int pen Wi ith retains Pa ee: only w shee Nt Ate hai tena) 9 SNM Bory ort. She knows thi i. question. She would haye already looked it y ie om ZB i. numerous times to be sur Shi fue cease ©. She wants to see if the Indian speaks. & Sue the next question she means to get 4 face she makes says it all. Tony doesn’t answer about the airport 5 = ht ae He stares at her and waits for what she’ Il say next. e youre. ..a Native American?”She Clarifies her tho aghts. “We get off at the same exit,” S Tony says. “Coliseum. There’s | 3S KB a powwow. You sia come,” oe vals, ey t pos to look ¢ Sut the window. Hey tt eal a Per ception e knedin Sen Mont, I oo oowould, but. Ny is + care 4 as he x Tony hears ide Bis responding, but he aces listen. People don’t want any more than a little story they can bring back home 8, with them, to tell their friends and family around the dinner se table, to talk about how they saw a real Native American boy on 0. o attain, that they still exist. ae yale has anebyect vhich oo Tony looks down and fick: tHe tracks a by. He feels the e train pull him back as it slows. He grips the metal handle, shifts his weight to the left, then rocks back to his right when the train comes to a complete stop. The woman behind him is saying something, but it can’t matter what. He steps off the train and when he gets tod the stairs he takes off, skipping two steps the Teen the Oecd Wittince une t achens, However, dw | oid simply ace opts 4h ie es his mind 1g, (PAN Yo ely . er ., will he will Pore wer i. Amor: Minor! the majort ©X Son ant aye gators Soe

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