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BRIDGE EXPANSION JOINTS MW 3.5. BROWN PRrorect Your INVESTMENT Prorect Your INVESTMENT Since the early 1960s, The D.S. Brown Company has provided expansion joint systems and structural bearing assem: bles for bridges lobe Bridge expansion joint systems are directly subjected to vehicular wheel Toads and, therefore, must resist dynamic forces causing fatigue and wear. In addition, these expansion joint systems must remain watertight to brid protect th e superstructure and To satisfy the demanding needs of bridge expansion joint systems, D.S. Brown is committed to product research ‘and development, supported by world. owned, indepe laboratories ent testing D.S. Brown pioneered pre improvements to its SteelMlex” rail profiles from the traditional ext method to the innovative hot-rolled! machined and hot-rolled/non-machined technology. Quality is further improved through in-house neoprene sealing clement extrusion capabilities, Together. these initiatives have allowed DSS. Brown to improve the watertight Integrity of its expansion joint systems while reducing the cost of thes. The design guide below may be used select and specily the appropriate D.S. Bro The D.S, Brown Company's Steelflex® and Delas Expansion Joint Systems are designed to ‘PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT’. DESIGN GUIDE / TaBLe OF CONTENTS ee «<50mm Oa Steeliex® Modular Expansion Joint Systoms oa ec) nc) a a > 100mm ca ‘Stecttiex® Toialy “Maintainable Modular Joint Systems Steeltiex® Strip Seal Expansion Joint Systoms Delerete™ Strip Seal Expansion Joint Systems a a Delastic® Preformed Neoprene Gompressian Seals THE Reeth FOUNDED IN 1890 IN NORTH BALTIMORE, OMID, USA, THE 0.5. Brown Company, HAVING Asia GHG In 2, S. BROWN 19 FULLY Devetorment TENGINEERING DESIGN? GAD DETAILING + custo sree. rammicaTion WITH OFFICES AND ASIA, 0.5. BROWN 15 WELL- STEELFLEX” MODULAR EXPANSION JOINT SYSTEMS DS, Brown Steelflex® Modular and effectively s the joint research activities, cach join Expansion Joint Systems have openin, Structures, for new designed to ensure fatigu ‘overwhelming worldwide acceptance as well as rehabilitation pr for accommodating l SYSTEM COMPONENTS Steelflex Modular Expansion Joint Systems are highly engineered assemblies which consist of Steeltle centerbeams and edge beams. The centerbeams and ei ‘beams not only carry the dynamic wheel loads but also us that elflex® Modular Expansion accept the series of strip seal neoprene sealing elem create a watertight joint, All St Joint Systems are, in general, designed to accommodate up (0 ‘80mm of movement per neoprene sealing element and. thus the joint designation is presented in multiples of SOmm (i. D-160, D-240, ete.) Joint Series to accommodlate other movement ranges such as SOmm per cell (ie D-100, D-150, te), 65mm per cell (ie D-130, D-195, ete), 70mm per cell ce D-140, D-210, ete) and other movement per cell are avaible as requested by clients Each Steelflex® centerbeam is rigidly supported by its own support bar using a full-penetration welled connection Support bars span across the joint opening and! are arranged below the centerbeams in a direction parallel to the structural movement, Stainless steel slide plates are attached each tend of the support har at both top and bottom surfaces to provide a low coefficient-of friction, Movements rungin from +10 10 420mm (40.39 0 +0.79 inch), trans support bars, can be accommodated by a Steeiflex® Modular Expansion Joint System. se tthe a PIPE slid Elastomerie springs and bearings containi ed to accommodate all lon transverse, and rotational movements, ‘The precompressed surface are util tudinal, springs and slide bearings are located directly above and below the support bar, respectively. ‘The precompressed spring is designed to have a specific compression force on the support bar which, in on the slide bearing. This arrangement allows the spring and bearing to work together and resist uplift of the support bar as vehicular loads travel across the assembly. n, produces a downward force Closed-cell polyureth Steelflex® Modular Expansion J 1e control springs are installed in all nt Systems to provide equidistant spacing between centerbeams throughout the joint system's complete movement range. ‘The control spring orientation is such that the maximum compressive force is exerted by the centerbeams when the modular expansion Joint assembly is at its maximum opening, 4 ‘Wheel Load ‘Sucelfex® Conterbeam Comsetion ‘Suppo Bar Wheel Load Transfer Direction of Direction of Movement ‘Movement | Support Bar Principals Minimum Opening & el Spi DESIGN PRINCIPLES Fatigue Resistance Modular expansion joint assemblies are subjected to millions of high dynamic stress eyeles due to the passing vehicle loads. Recognizing the significance of these dynamic loads on the long-term performance of the expansion joint systems, D.S. Brown became the first North American company to introduce fatigue-resistant design prineiples to ‘modular expansion joint assemblies. Further collaboration with Lehigh University on testing the system ‘demonstrates our commitment 10 provide optimum engineered solutions, ‘The results of extensive field testing and laboratory research have been utilized to achieve a fatigue-resistant expansion Joint system. All primary members have been fatigue tested to determine the Fatigue design category of each component (ie. Steelflex® centerbeam, centerbeam/support bar connection and support bar). Using these test results, fiatigue-resistant joint assembly can be detailed to satisfy the contract ications and ensure the owner af a maintenance-free expansion joint system solution, Fatigue Design (NCHRP 402) The latigue design procedure recommended in the NCHRP 402 for Modular Bridge Expan based om the infinite-life approach, A typical full-penctration welled ccenterbeain andl support bar connection ean be associated with AASHTO. Category ion Joins is The int Iife Fatigue des philosophy requires that essentially the stress ranges are Less than one of the CAFL (Constant Amplitude Fatigue Limits), AASHTO S-N curves indicate the CAFL for Category C as ksi (69Mpa), so the elfective stress range to be used for fatigue design must be < Sksi (34.SMpa), To ensure an infinite fatigue life, the connections shal satisfy eee] Ptique Testing, Lehigh University, ATLSS Laboratary, Bethlehem, PA, US, A, € OSE, Where A, = the nominal stress ea fatigue threshold For vertical load computation, impact factor of 1.75 and a factor of 0.75 (NASHTO LRFD) are considered for fatigue design. A horizontal loud equal 10 20% of the vert S,- STRESS RANGE (MP ‘Three separate types of erucks that are driven by a combination of horizontal and vertical stress ranges shall be checked against hominal stress range for full-penetration welded connection, These types of cracks are defined as follows: 1. Type A cracking originates at or near the centerbeam weld toe, propagates up the centerbeam, typically at about 45, degrees and grows back over the connection. “The total stress range for Type A cracking: A, = YS%qy + Shey Sq = Combined bending stress range in the centerbeam or support bar Sq, = Stress ran support bar weld due to vertical oad and ‘overturning moment ‘on ceaterbeam 10 2. Type B cracking originates at or near the ‘support bar weld toe, propagates down nto the support bar and grows back under the connection at some angle typically about 45 degrees, ‘The total stress range for Type B cracking! 4, = VS + Sy where Sy = Combined bending stress range in the support bat, Sy = Stress range on centerbeam t0 support bar weld due to vertical load and overturning moment. 3. Type C cracking originates in the weld throat and typically grows in a plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of the support bar at about mid depth of the ‘weld throat, ‘The stress range for Type C cracking A= Sy, where: Sy, = Stress at mid-depth of connection due to vertical load and overturning moment. a Fatigue Crack Support Bar / Centerbeam. Ott cas Fatigue Crack “Boundary Equal to d/2 ‘Type B Crack Centerbeam = of Throat Crack ‘Support \ a Ori Fatigue Crack ‘Type C Crack accumulation of water and debris, ccorrodes sicel components, deteriorates In the past, unsealed fabricated stect ‘conerete and resulls in unmecessary joint systems have been specified on rehab structures with large movements, unsealed, fabricated joint systems utilize Unfortunately, those older joint system a trough to collect drainage. in most solutions have not been effective in ceases profilems develop as they become Preventing water and debris. from filled with debris, passing through the deck joint to the ‘underlying superstructure, This Steelflex® Modular Expansion Joint Systems solved se problems with their KAOSHIUNG BRIDGE, TAIWAN .0.C KPANSION JOINT SYSTEMS excelent watertight design characteris: ties, Each system not only bridges the joine yap but also protects the structure from premature corrosion, Design of the strip seat sealing element is based om compression of the neoprene seul In into the gland! recess of the centerbeum and edge beam, ‘This mechanically locked neoprene seal not only provides excellent watertight characteristics but xulso achieves high pullout resistance. The sirip seal sealing element has superior performance chaacteristies ‘over the box sel design, including abilities, pullout strength andl replaceabiliy Installation Ci As in all other expansion joint system solutions, « proper instal required 10 ensure bong-term, maintenance-free performance of modular expansion joint systems, Special attention is directed to installa + Join lifting and handlin + Field splices (when necessary) * Setting to Hine and grade + Setting proper joim upening + Blockout reinforcement + Concrete consolidation Detailed installation information ean be found in The D.S. Brown Modular Expansion Joint Assembly Installation procedure, I is also Suggested that the ceontractorfowner utilize the services of a trained D.S. Brown technical repeesenta- techniques and be on-site during the initial installation of a Steetflex Modular Expansion Joint System, JOINT SELECTION & Desion Data The table below provides expansion Exact blockout demensions required for joint assembly and blockout dimensions the structure shall be provided in the 7 for a wide range of Steclflex® Modular neering drawings for the specif Expansion Joint sizes, having movement joint location x per cell of 80mm, to serve as a | MOVEMENT PER CELL = 80mm 240 370 1050 210 420 ant | 320 : (9.45) (14.57) | (41.34) | (8.27) es) ees . : : 480 420 1950 520 15 622 370 maeten p= (22.05) (96.93) | (68.58) | (24.61) | (31.99) | (28.54) | (14.96) A 640 440 2550 730 910 829 390 TEUCEEAES D-640 8 . (25.20) 17.32) | (100.39) | (28.74) | (35.83) | (32.62) | (15.35) : STEELFLEX” TOTALLY MAINTAINABLE MODULAR (TMM) JOINTS For decades, castin-place Steelflex® Strip Seal Expansion Joint Systems have provided superior watertight perfor: mance and longevity over bolt-down, segmental and pourable expansion joint systems, Because of this proven performance, Steelilex® Strip Seat Expansion Joint Systems have the mast preferred choice of owners and specilying engineers around the world. for accommodating up to 127mm (five inches) of total stuetural movement. SYSTEM COMPONENTS: Cascin-place Steelflex® Strip Seal Expansion Joint Systems consist of ‘wo proprietary components: steel rail neoprene sealing element Steel Rail Profiles Steelflex® rail profiles are one-piece construction, manufactured using innovative hot rolled/non-machined and hot rolled/machined technology. All, 10 proprietary steel rails are avaiable in ASTM A36 or ASTM AS88/AS72 steel improvements have eliminated all horizontal *l Son the proprietary stvel rail profiles to facilitate Proper concrete placement during installation. Independent field and Faboratory testing has demonstrated that improperly consolidated cone around the steel rail, anchorage, andfor performance issues. Anchorage of the proprietary stcel rail profile into the Taiwan High Speed Rail C295, Taiwan RO.C, deek concrete isthe primary loa ‘carrying mechanism and thesefore is performance. Research has contismed that property sized and spaced shot-on studs provide an ceonomical, felt proven anchorage system Steeltlen® SSCM? sail profile has become widely accepted worldwide as aan economieal Standard in the industry Other proprietary steel profiles are also Gunn SSE2 SYSTEM Components: Neoprene Sealing E Se ion of a neoprene strip seal sealing element is based on the maxi ‘mum movement either perpendicular (MR,) or parallel (MR,) wo the St flex Strip Seal Joint Assembly. lable provides movement ranges for ceach sealing element type and the corresponding proprictary steel rail profile, Information is also provided on The preterred joint opening dimensions for sealing clement installation is approximately 40mm (1.57 inches), However, the preferred joint openi SOU Coresta 2-0 Sealing Po Bold numbers represent metric (mm); inches ir dimension for A2R-O and L2-0 seals is ipproximately 60mm (2.36 inches) Seals can be installed at smaller opening than above, if require AILD.S. Brown neops elements are designed, extruded and fed in house to provide a waterigh seal athe conngetion to the Steetflex rail profile, Factory molded neoprene sealing element splices can also be produced to accommestate your specific project needs. Movernent Range AQR - XTRA Ree | LAnterseetion © Augle(>85° Regis Shop Vuanization) 1) or vines Ll Sealing Flement Vulcanized Splices Se RO Arad ca 15-115 (0.5) (4.5) 15-190 (0.5) (7.5) sscm2 sSa2 15 parentheses. * Larger movement seals can be specially extruced upon request. SSE2 25-125 (1.0) (5.0) 0-100 (0) (4.0) 0-125 (©) (5.0) 25-125 (1.0) 6.0) MODULAR, JOINTS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Anchorage Anchorage type, size and spacing for the Steelflex® SCM joint system is illustrated. Anchor Steelflex® rail profiles are also leails for other available Upturn Details, ‘A watertight joint system is maintained through a simple upturn detail into the ‘concrete barrier. The uplurn angle depen deta rail profile Highly skewed structures often require fa of a horizontal break in the joint system (o orient the steel eal 90 d et. Neoprene strip. Ks are installed in a hout vuleanization, up 1 a 35 Anchorage Illustration Horizontal Miter Detail STEELFLEX” STRIP SEAL EXPANSION JOINT SYSTEMS in 1983, the Delerete™ Elastomeric Coneretef Steeltlex® Strip Seal Expansion Joint System has been utilized on hundreds of bridges worldwide as an alternative to more labor intensive, -ast-in-place expansion joint rehabilitation solutions This expan superior long-term performance when joint system also offers compared to various pourable joint solutions, Components to this system include: low profile SSA2 or SSE2 Steelflex® rails and Delerete” Elastomerie Concrete. Delerete™ Elastomerie Conerete is a pour-in-place, free-flowing, two-part polyurethane-based elastomer concrete, Delerete has been compounded to bond to a variety of surfaces cluding steel and concrete, Following are the design features of the industry's premier elastomeric concrete: * Polyurethane chemistry * Now: rite over extreme temp * Resistant to neacly all chemi * One hour cure time ‘+ Permanent, long-term repair solution Although initially developed for the bridge rehabilitation market, the ‘outstanding performance revord oF Delerete” has encouraged bridge owners ip Seal Expan- sion Joint Systems for new by to specify Delerete construction projects as well ee] INSTALLATION Proper installation of Delerete" is cesseutial 10 ensure long-term perfor- mance. Therefore, 2 D, $, Brown techni I representative or a representa tive ofits licensed apphieator shall be present on the job site during all phases of the installation, Basic installation considerations include + Minimum ambient and concrete Substrate femperature: 45°F (7°) ‘Sandblas! entire bloekou including steel rail profile, followed by a compressed ir sweep * Blockout area must be completely dry before installation Detaifed installation information ean be found in The D.S. Brown Delercte Strip Seal Expansion Joint System Installation Procedure, 13 In 1960 The D.S, Brown Company began designing and extruding the first on of Delastic® Preformed Neoprene Compression Seals. Since then continuous improvements have bbeen made to this versatile, cost- effective joint sealing solution. To ‘withstand the demanding requirements of bridge/highway installations, all Delastic® Preformed Compression Seals are extruded from neoprene (polychloroprene) compounds which satisfy the ASTM standard specification 13542 for Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for Bridges. DESIGN Data movements (summarized in approximately 15-20% lateral she: ‘The table below ean be used to select the appropriate Delastic ‘Compression Seal for your project. In addition to accommodatin table), Delastic® seals are also capable of accept In adait n to highway and bridge applications, Delastie” Neoprene Compression Seals have also been used in spillways, dams, parking structures, stadium ramps and pedestrian over passes, Information on additional seal designs is available, INSTALLATION In ll installation applications, the joint width must be properly set for the specified Delastic® seal, Also, the vertical faces of the joint must be clean Neoprene ical shear and rotational movements, and free of spalled eonerete Manual and stomatie ols are ‘available to facilitate installation, DS Brown Delastilube” or Delastlube” HS. Iubricantéadhesive fs used primarily t0 lubricate the seal for installation purposes. ‘The Delastilube™ products meet ASTM D2835 sand D4070) standards ‘Joint opening dmonsona (A) ar based on mii 14 32. 32 13° | 14 at cv-t250) cia) | cy | co) | ss) ay o_o 3, Boe eo) 4 44 mn 2 5 ev-r7s2| cits | ai | ery | oi 0) 70 (275) 51 23 75 « cv-2250| @isy) | ay | cay | coy (0.00) 1 2 " ati 6) 6 mn 0 34 100 cv-3000] giv) | ay | ci | aco (325) | ae 113 | | 58) (4.45) 12 | 102 a2 44 143 cv-4000] toy | dt | ass) | atts ry SS. 156 | 03) (19) rn 127 2 159 ca-s001| ty | aon | 3 | a's 6%) sb 197 (2.20) 75) ‘Bod numbers representmetic(nejnches shownin parentheses. tim an reximum pressures llowedin ASTI DSS2 nim dep dimensions (include x (0.25 nc recess ow terodny surface Saweut Blockout STEELFLEX® EXPANSION JOINT SYSTEMS Bangkok Transit System, Bangkok, Thailand, Confederation Bridge, Prince Féward Island, Canada. Ss. BROWN

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