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CE 426 — Structural Design of Buildings Loads: o Once the dimensional requirements for a structure have been defined, it becomes necessary to determine the loads the structure must support. o For example, high-rise structures must endure large lateral loadings caused by wind, and so shear walls and tubular frame systems are selected, whereas buildings located in areas prone to earthquakes must be designed having ductile frames and connections. o In order to design a structure, it is therefore necessary to first specify the loads that act onit. o It should be realized, however, that codes provide only a general guide for design. The ultimate responsibility for the design lies with the structural engineer. GCE 426 — Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) DEAD LOADS o consist of the weights of the various structural members and the weights of any objects that are permanently attached to the structure. o for a building, the dead loads include the weights of the columns, beams, and girders, the floor slab, roofing, walls, windows, plumbing, electrical fixtures, and other miscellaneous attachments. o The densities of typical materials used in construction are listed in Table 1, and a portion of a table listing the weights of typical building components is given in Table 2. CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) Table 2. Minimum Design Dead Loads Table 1. Minimum Densities Walls RN “in (10D mm) lay brick @ 1 we Ne $n (208 mum) clay brick 3 an 12 (205m) lay ri us 551 “Alanna 367 ie ihm cst _p_ 3) ‘Concrete plain cinder im tt ‘Pram Parton and Walls ‘Concsate, pists some * op ‘Exterior stud walls with brick veneer 48 230 Goneree tinfored cinder mia Perret bee ae on a = ‘Wood studs 2 = 4 in. (51 > 102mm) unplastered 4 019 se 2 Woodstuds2 x 4in|(S1 = 102mm) platcredonesito 12 O57 100 67 Wood studs 2 4 in.. (51 x 102mm) plastered two sides 200.96 Sand and gravel wet, miko Floor Fit Re ee ae 0) ‘Ginder concrete, per inch (mm) 9 o0i7 ees 3 3 Lighinseteontt pain. pr inch Sos ae eS Stone concrete pe inch (mu) 200s ‘Wood, Douglas Hr ™ 3 ‘Wood Souter Mae yk ee ‘Wood, pence mas ‘Acoustica berboand i005 ster on le or concrete 5 on aan oe aeaee Saal aa et Sunpended mea ath and gypsum plaster 10 Oss sta Despe Lnto ed nd Oe oats Acne 7 ‘Asphalt shingles 2 oi Copel tm ny heposea ASCE or Fterboard, in (13mm) 075 008 or Bing a Sm ASCE SEN? CE 426 — Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) DEAD LOADS o it should be realized that in many respects these loads will have to be estimated in the initial phase of design. These estimates include nonstructural materials such as prefabricated facade panels, electrical and plumbing systems, etc. o Normally, the dead load is not large compared to the design load for simple structures such as a beam or a single-story frame; however, for multistory buildings it is important to have an accurate accounting of all the dead loads in order to properly design the columns, especially for the lower floors. CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) DEAD LOADS PROBLEM 1. The floor beam in Fig. 1 is used to support the 6-ff width of a lightweight plain concrete slab having a thickness of 4 in. The slab serves as a portion of the ceiling for the floor below, and therefore its bottom is coated with plaster. Furthermore, an 8-ft-high, 12-in.-thick lightweight solid concrete block wall is directly over the top flange of the beam. Determine the loading on the beam measured per foot of length of the beam. Figure 1 CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) DEAD LOADS SOLUTION: Using Tables 1 and 2: Concrete slab: [8 Ib/(ft?-in.)](4 in.)(6 ft) = 192 lb/ft Plaster ceiling: (5 lb/ft?) (6 ft) = 301b/ft Block wall: (105 Ib/ft®)(8 ft)(1 ft) = _840 Ib/te Total load 1062 Ib/ft =} NOTE: 1 kip = 1,000 Ibs. 1.06 k/ft (ANS) CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS © can vary both in their magnitude and location. They (live loads) may be caused by the weights of objects temporarily placed on a structure, moving vehicles, or natural forces. Types of Live Loads: 1.) Building loads o the floors of buildings are assumed to be subjected to uniform live loads, which depend on the purpose for which the building is designed. These loadings are generally tabulated in local, state, or national codes CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS Types of Live Loads: 1.) Building loads Table 3. Minimum Live Loads* Live Lood Live Load Occupancy 0° Use pe AN/m? ‘Occupancy or Use pa N/m? “Assembly areas and theaters Residential Fixed seats 0 287 ‘Dwellings (one: and twoetamily) 40 192 Movable seats 100 479 Hotels and mutifanily houses Garages (passenger cars only) 50 240 Private rooms and corsiders 40 192 Office buikdings Publis rooms and corridors 100 479 Labbies 100 479 Schoo Offices 30 240 Classrooms 40 192 Storage warchouse Corsidors above first Noor 0 3.83 Light 125 600 Heay 25001197 Rr ith pinnae Mim Bc Lowe or Bag al ihr Swine, ASCESENT 18, GCE 426 — Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS Types of Live Loads: 1.) Building loads o For some types of buildings having very large floor areas, many codes will allow a reduction in the uniform live load for a floor, since it is unlikely that the prescribed live load will occur simultaneously throughout the entire structure at any one time. o For ASCE 7-10 allows a reduction of live load on a member having an influence area K,,A;of 400ft? (37.2 m?) or more. This reduced live load is calculated using the following equation: CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS Types of Live Loads: 1.) Building loads 15 L=1L,|0.25+ (FPS units) Eq. 1 id ( Fem) 4.57 L=1,|0.25+ SI units: Eq. 2 0 ( ahs z) ( ) q CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS Types of Live Loads: 1.) Building loads where L = reduced design live load per square foot or square meter of area supported by the member. L, = unreduced design live load per square foot or square meter of area supported by the member live load element factor. For interior columns Ky, = 4. Ar = tributary area in square feet or square meters.* CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS PROBLEM 2. A_ two-story office building shown in the photo has interior columns that are spaced 22 ft apart in two perpendicular directions. If the (flat) roof loading is 20 Ib/ft?, determine the reduced live load supported by a typical interior column located at ground level. CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS SOLUTION: As shown in Fig. 2a/2b, each interior column has a tributary area or effective loaded area of, Ag = 22 ft (22 ft) = 484 ft? The ground floor column therefore supports a roof live load of, Fp = 20 lb/ft? (484 ft?) = 9680 Ibs ~ 9.68 kips REMARKS; 9. 68 kips cannot be reduced since this is not a floor load. CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS SOLUTION: For the second (2°) floor, the live load is taken from the Table 3; Ly = 50 Ib/ft? Ky, = 4 (interior columns) CE 426 - Structural Design of Buildings Loads: (Continuation) LIVE LOADS SOLUTION: The load reduction is, 29.55, x 100 = 59.1% > 50%, i.e., Ok! Figure 2a Thus, Fp = 29.55 lb/ft? (484 ft2) = 14,300 lbs. = 14.3 kips The total live load supported by the ground-floor column is, F= Fat Fp = 9.68 kips + 14.3 kips F = 24kips | (ANS)

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