Offences Tabulation in SDBA

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Offences in SDBA

Section Offense Fine Imprisonment

Removing, defacing or injuring
3(2) Up to RM500 -
boundary stone or mark
Constructing new street not in
9(7)(a) Up to RM2,000 -
accordance with approved plan
Planting hedge obstructing new street
9(7)(b) Up to RM2,000 -
without permission
Up to RM1,000 initially, up to
Using pedestrian street with vehicles
9(8) RM100 daily for continuing -
without permission
Not executing street works as required
11(3) Up to RM1,000 daily -
by notice
Up to RM1,000 initially, up to
13(1) Erecting obstruction on private street RM100 daily for continuing -
Not repairing dangerous/defective
15(3) Up to RM1,000 daily -
private street as required by notice
Not complying with notice restricting Up to RM5,000 or up to 12
16(3) -
use of defective private street months or both
Commencing building works without Up to RM5,000 or up to 12
17(4) -
deposit as required months or both
Not complying with notice to cease
17(5) Up to RM250 daily -
unauthorised building works
Not taking safety precautions for street
41(2) Up to RM1,000 -
works (not local authority)
Up to RM1,000 initially, up to
Depositing materials/making hole in
42(3) RM100 daily for continuing -
street without permission
Not securing dangerous place as
43(2) Up to RM1,000 -
required by notice
Not cleaning private street as required
44(3) Up to RM100 daily -
by notice
Up to RM500 initially, up to
46(1) Causing obstruction in public place RM1,000 for subsequent -
Up to RM500 initially, up to
Depositing/failing to prevent deposit of
47(1),(2) RM1,000 for subsequent -
dirt, refuse, etc. in public place
Making alteration to building without
70(11) Up to RM25,000 -
Up to RM25,000 initially, up to
Using building for unauthorized purpose
70(12) RM500 daily for continuing -
without permission
Various building offenses (non-
Up to RM50,000 or up to 3
70(13) compliance with requirements, -
years or both
deviations from approved plans, etc.)
Minimum 5 times prescribed
Submitting plans for unauthorised
70(14) fees, maximum 20 times -
building (no prior permission)
prescribed fees
Section Offense Fine Imprisonment
Up to RM2,000 initially, up to
70A Earthworks submission/approval RM100 daily for continuing
Up to RM100,000 or up to 5
Non-compliance with order/obstructing
70B(15) years or both, up to RM500 -
local authority under s.70B
daily for continuing offense
Not complying with notice to demolish
72(4),(8) Up to RM250 daily -
unauthorised building
Up to RM10,000 and/or up to
73(1)- Selling or letting out unauthorised
2 years (for seller/erector); up -
(3) building
to RM1,000 (for lessor)
Up to RM500 initially, up to
Erecting unauthorised
79(4) RM100 daily for continuing -
structures/partitions in building
Up to RM2,000 initially, up to
Not erecting required hoarding/fence
82(3) RM100 daily for continuing -
for building works or failing to maintain
Various fines up to RM1,000
86-90 Various nuisance offenses -
Obstructing local authority in carrying Up to RM1,000 or up to 6
100 -
out duties months or both
Up to RM10,000 initially, up to
Not complying with notice requiring
121(1) RM500 daily for continuing -
acts/works under Act or by-laws
Up to RM10,000 initially, up to
Offenses under Act or by-laws with no
127 RM500 daily for continuing
specified penalty

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