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Modified Schema-Based Instruction to Develop Flexible Mathematics

Problem-Solving Strategies for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Article in Remedial and Special Education · September 2018

DOI: 10.1177/0741932518792660

28 1,397

2 authors:

Sarah Kirsten Cox Jenny Root

Michigan State University Florida State University


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RSEXXX10.1177/0741932518792660Remedial and Special EducationCox and Root

Research Study
Remedial and Special Education

Modified Schema-Based Instruction

© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
to Develop Flexible Mathematics
DOI: 10.1177/0741932518792660

Problem-Solving Strategies for

Students With Autism Spectrum


Sarah K. Cox, MEd1 and Jenny R. Root, PhD, BCBA1

The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics outline both the content and practices students must engage in at each
grade level to become mathematically proficient. Mathematical processes include problem solving, reasoning and proof,
communication, and procedural fluency, which includes flexible thinking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
effectiveness of modified schema-based instruction (MSBI) on the acquisition and maintenance of math content and practices
by middle school students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Two middle school students with ASD learned to solve
proportional word problems containing extraneous information. Specifically, we measured mathematical problem-solving
flexibility and communication using a 4-point rubric. Results of the reversal design found a functional relation between MSBI
and the students’ ability to flexibly solve the mathematical word problems and explain their answer, suggesting MSBI may
be a useful strategy for some students with ASD.

autism, exceptionalities, mathematics, instruction, problem solving, proportions, access to the general curriculum

As the number of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagno- have inherent strengths related to mathematics that may
ses continues to increase, the number of students with ASD help them develop routines and systems.
included in general education classrooms also increases. In Students with ASD are likely to demonstrate strengths in
2013-2014, more half a million (n = 538,000) students had applying rule-based constructions and attention to detail
an ASD diagnosis, with almost 40% of those students (Baron-Cohen, 2002). Recent research on the academic pro-
spending 80% or more of their day in general education files of students with ASD who have typical to above aver-
classrooms (U.S. Department of Education, National Center age intelligence demonstrate that basic academic skills (e.g.,
for Education Statistics, 2016). While these students are encoding and rote skills) are a strength, compared with more
held to the same accountability standards as their typically complex and abstract tasks, such as problem solving
developing peers (i.e., high-stakes testing), students with (Schaefer Whitby & Mancil, 2009). In mathematics, this
ASD have been found to perform below the national aver- general achievement profile may result in success in early
age in academic measures (Wei, Jennifer, Shattuck, & grades when instruction focuses on procedures and simple
Blackorby, 2017). Students receiving special education ser- calculation tasks, with more difficulties experienced as
vices under the category of autism receive an individualized mathematics becomes more abstract. Mathematical problem
education program to promote academic and functional solving is one area of mathematics that is especially difficult
progress for that individual child. The supreme court deci-
sion (Endrew v. Douglas, 2017) ruled schools must help 1
Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
students with disabilities make meaningful educational Corresponding Author:
progress through goal-driven instruction based on student’s Jenny R. Root, Assistant Professor in Special Education, School
needs that are considerate of the student’s strengths. While of Teacher Education, Florida State University, 1114 W. Call St.,
students with ASD are likely to struggle with mathematical Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA.
practices such as problem solving (Oswald et al., 2016) and Email:
flexibility (D’Cruz et al., 2013), these same students often Associate Editor: Ginevra Courtade
2 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

for students with ASD (Bae, Chiang, & Hickson, 2015; (Rittle-Johnson, 2017). The Common Core State Standards
Oswald et al., 2016; Wei et al., 2017). Middle school is often in Mathematics (CCSSM; Common Core State Standards
the time that mathematics instruction moves away from pro- Initiative, 2017) suggest, “Without a flexible base from
cedural skills and places more emphasis on mathematical which to work, students may be less likely to . . . represent
reasoning, abstract thought, and problem solving. This tran- problems coherently, justify conclusions . . . explain the
sition away from procedure-based activities may contribute mathematics accurately . . . or deviate from a known proce-
to the phenomena where students with ASD progress ade- dure to find a shortcut” (para. 11). Cognitive flexibility in
quately in elementary classrooms, only to fall behind their students with ASD is significantly weaker than that of their
typically developing peers in middle school (Hart Barnett & typically developing peers (D’Cruz et al., 2013). Therefore,
Cleary, 2015). students with ASD who possess adequate computation
Mathematics education researchers have noted that stu- skills and the ability to follow procedures may still need
dents who are successful mathematical thinkers possess two supports to solve mathematical word problems flexibly,
types of mathematical knowledge: (a) conceptual under- using effective strategies. Students who are successful in
standing and (b) procedural skills (Rittle-Johnson, 2017). mathematics courses have procedural skills, a conceptual
Conceptual understanding is the student’s ability to under- knowledge of mathematical concepts, and the ability to use
stand the mathematical principles or relationships that under- procedural flexibility when solving mathematics problems.
lie the targeted concept (Rittle-Johnson & Schneider, 2015). The CCSSM’s (2017) content and practice standards found
For example, when a student is learning about proportions, in the middle grades emphasize a deep mathematical under-
he or she may make connections to other mathematical con- standing, which requires procedural and conceptual knowl-
cepts such as ratios and fractions (Rittle-Johnson & Schneider, edge of mathematics, and an ability to flexibly apply
2015). Executive functioning skills such as inhibition and mathematical procedures in a variety of mathematical con-
flexible thinking are related to the development of conceptual texts. Mathematical flexibility may be particularly difficult
understanding (Cragg & Gilmore, 2014). Conceptual under- for students with ASD, who display repetitive/restrictive
standing may therefore be more difficult for students with thoughts or behaviors, and therefore are likely to need direct
ASD, as they often display deficits in executive functioning instruction on how to solve problems more than one way.
skills (Happe, Booth, Charlton, & Hughes, 2006). To evaluate a student’s conceptual understanding, proce-
Procedural skills or procedural understanding, on the dural skills, and procedural flexibility, the CCSSM (2017)
contrary, is the ability to both know which procedure to emphasize the importance of connecting mathematical
follow and complete the appropriate steps to arrive at the practices to mathematical content in the development of
correct answer (Rittle-Johnson & Schneider, 2015). instruction and assessments. The CCSSM specify that stu-
Following logical procedures is often a strength of students dents in the sixth grade should be able to communicate their
with ASD (Baron-Cohen, 2002), but selecting the appro- use of proportional reasoning to solve real-world mathe-
priate strategy and monitoring their own progress to solve matical problems. Word problem solving is a critical com-
a mathematical word problem is considerably more chal- ponent of mathematics instruction, and a skill that is
lenging (Root & Browder, 2017). For example, following essential for adequate performance on statewide assess-
the procedural steps to use cross-multiplication to find the ments as well as functioning in a society that continues to
missing value in a proportional calculation task may not become more technologically and mathematically advanced.
prove challenging for a middle school student with ASD Jitendra, Nelson, Pulles, Kiss, and Houseworth (2016) sug-
who has been in general education mathematics classes and gest mathematics is particularly challenging for students
has memorized basic multiplication facts. However, if pre- with deficiencies in working memory, language, and atten-
sented with a mathematical word problem that represented tive behavior, all of which are areas of difficulty for stu-
the same mathematics relationship, the student would first dents with ASD. An important component of helping
need to translate the problem into a mathematical structure, students develop and employ effective mathematical prob-
recognizing that it represents a proportional relationship, lem solving is to provide opportunities for students to not
and then select cross-multiplication as a viable strategy. only select and apply appropriate strategies across multiple
Solving word problems is much more complex than a cor- mathematical domains but also to communicate the ratio-
responding calculation task, as students must conceptually nale behind those selections.
understand “what is happening” in the problem to select One particularly difficult, yet critical, concept that is
the appropriate strategy, and then must be able to apply explored during the middle grades is proportional reason-
their procedural knowledge in novel situations (such as a ing (Ben-Chaim, Fey, Fitzgerald, Benedetto, & Miller,
new word problem). 1998). In fact, Ben-Chaim et al. (1998) suggest “propor-
This ability to apply the same procedure in different con- tional reasoning is at the heart of middle grade mathemat-
texts and to be able to identify multiple strategies to solve ics” (p. 249). An understanding of proportional
the same problem is known as procedural flexibility relationships, which are multiplicative associations, serves
Cox and Root 3

as an important stepping-stone in the development of Recent research has combined the key components of
mathematical concepts. Despite the importance of and SBI with EBPs for teaching students with ASD, such as
focus on proportional reasoning, some researchers suggest prompting, modeling, and task analysis (Wong et al.,
that many individuals do not develop an adequate concep- 2015), to teach addition and subtraction word problems to
tual understanding of proportional reasoning (e.g., Hoffer, students with ASD (e.g., Root & Browder, 2017; Root,
1988; Jitendra et al., 2009). Proportional reasoning is Browder, Saunders, & Lo, 2017; Root, Henning, &
essential for higher level math classes, which provide Boccumini, 2018). This modified schema-based instruc-
access to higher education and employment opportunities tion (MSBI) maintains the key aspects of SBI while pro-
(Ben-Chaim et al., 1998). Given the extremely low post- viding students with enhanced visual supports, a task
secondary opportunities for students with ASD, research analysis as a heuristic in place of a mnemonic, and system-
to investigate effective methods to teach proportional rea- atic prompting and feedback in addition to explicit instruc-
soning to students with ASD, particularly in applied set- tion. While Root and colleagues demonstrated positive
tings, is imperative to improving individual’s overall findings across three single-case studies that taught stu-
mathematics achievement levels. dents with ASD to solve word problems using MSBI, the
One strategy that emphasizes both conceptual and proce- math content has focused on additive problem types (i.e.,
dural knowledge and has been effective in teaching students group, compare, and change).
with mathematics difficulties and learning disabilities to Students with ASD may particularly benefit from SBI, as
solve proportional word problems is schema-based instruc- it is designed to teach metacognitive skills and models flex-
tion (SBI). SBI is an evidence-based practice (EBP) for ible thinking, both areas of need for many students with
teaching mathematical problem solving to students with ASD (Bull & Scerif, 2001), but many may need the addi-
mathematics disabilities (e.g., Jitendra et al., 2015; Peltier tional supports provided by MSBI. The current study sought
& Vannest, 2017). SBI is designed to help students concep- to extend the literature by investigating the effectiveness of
tually understand the word problems through visual repre- MSBI to teach proportion word problem solving for middle
sentations and teacher models to provide insight into the school students with ASD as well as to address prior limita-
logical thinking involved in solving the problem (e.g., tions of MSBI research, namely whether student perfor-
Jitendra et al., 2009). SBI traditionally incorporates four mance would maintain with visual supports were removed.
components: (a) identify the schema, (b) complete the cor- Specifically, this investigation sought to improve students’
responding schematic diagram, (c) identify a solution plan, conceptual understanding, procedural understanding, and
and (d) carry out the plan and check for reasonableness procedural flexibility through a MSBI intervention using
(Peltier & Vannest, 2017). proportional word problems containing extraneous infor-
While no known studies have researched the effective- mation. The following research question was addressed:
ness of SBI to teach multiplicative (e.g., proportional)
word problems for students with ASD, Jitendra et al. Research Question 1: Is there a functional relation
(2009) found positive results using SBI to teach propor- between the use of a modified schema-based instruc-
tional word problems to middle school students. The tional strategy with provided visual supports and the
10-week SBI instructional unit demonstrated a statisti- increased procedural flexibility and mathematical com-
cally significant difference in test scores between students munication (as measured by a researcher created rubric)
who received the treatment and students in the control of middle school students with ASD when solving pro-
group. Jitendra, Harwell, Karl, Simonson, and Slater portional word problems?
(2017) extended these findings in a randomized control
trial to investigate the effectiveness of SBI as a Tier 1
instructional strategy. The study found that students in the Method
treatment condition outperformed the students in the con- Participants
trol condition on the measure of proportional reasoning,
but there were no significant differences in the overall Two middle school students with ASD participated in this
mathematical problem-solving skills for students with study. Both participants were recruited through a social
mathematical disabilities compared with those without an media forum for parents of children with ASD following
identified mathematical disability. Findings from these institutional review board approval. Students were eligible
studies support the use of SBI to promote a conceptual to participate based on the following criteria: (a) parent
understanding and use of flexible problem-solving strate- report of participation in sixth-, seventh-, or eighth-grade
gies in proportional word problems for seventh-grade stu- general education mathematics classes and (b) uneven
dents with and without an identified mathematics learning mathematical abilities, defined as greater computational
disability, and suggest that some students may need addi- skills than word problem skills measured by Test of
tional scaffolds to further extend the effectiveness of SBI. Mathematical Abilities–Third Edition (TOMA-3; Brown,
4 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

Cronin, & Bryant, 2012) results comparing the Computation table. Throughout the study, both participants received daily
and Word Problems subtests. Following parental consent mathematics instruction from their general education teach-
and student assent, the researcher administered the TOMA-3 ers that followed the grade-aligned state standards. Sessions
to confirm participant eligibility. occurred 2 or 3 times per week in a quiet, semiprivate envi-
Rex was a 14-year-old Hispanic male in the eighth grade ronment. All sessions were video recorded for fidelity. The
with a diagnosis of ASD and attention deficit hyperactivity first author, a doctoral student in special education and a
disorder (ADHD) from a local physician. Rex’s mother former mathematics teacher, served as the interventionist
reported that he was diagnosed with ASD when he was 3 for all sessions.
years old after his older brother was diagnosed. Rex attended
a public charter school where he received 100% of his
instruction in general education classrooms. He received spe-
cial education services under the Individuals With Disabilities Materials included worksheets displaying word problems
Education Act (IDEA) category of autism. According to his and directions, pencils with erasers, and a graphic organizer
mother, Rex was having a difficult time answering mathe- (see Figure 1) that also served as a task analysis. Word prob-
matical word problems, but math had previously been his lems in this study represented proportional relationships
strongest subject. His mathematical achievement profile was using whole numbers in both the problem and correct solu-
uneven with a higher calculation ability (16th percentile = tion, and contained extraneous information. Directions to
below average) than mathematical problem solving (<1 per- solve the problem two ways and explain their reasoning
centile = very poor) on the TOMA-3 subtests of Computation were included on every word problem (see Figure 1). A
and Word Problems. During prescreening sessions, the inter- mathematics education professor reviewed all word prob-
ventionist observed that Rex was able to verbally answer lems for content validity. To ensure word problems were
questions, and was enthusiastic about America’s funniest equitable across conditions, the word problems were ran-
home videos and dinosaurs. Rex’s mother did note that he domly assigned prior to the beginning of the study to ses-
had a processing delay, so the interventionist gave Rex a few sion number and participants were never given the same
seconds of additional wait time prior to prompting. The inter- problem more than once. Figure 1 contains additional
ventionist also observed that Rex was very careful in his examples.
handwriting and would often erase and rewrite answers, While the word problems were all of equal difficulty and
occasionally ripping the paper. followed a similar structure and format across conditions,
Jade was a 14-year-old multiethnic female in the seventh the worksheets between baseline and intervention were dif-
grade with a diagnosis of ASD. A local physician also diag- ferent. During the baseline sessions, the worksheets only
nosed Jade with ASD at 3 years old. Jade attended a public contained the word problem and instructions typed at the
middle school where she received 100% of her instruction top of an 8.5″ × 11″ paper. During intervention sessions,
in the general education classroom. She received special the worksheets also included a graphic organizer containing
education services under the category of autism. Her father a nine-step task analysis and schematic diagrams to help the
described her mathematical ability as “improving with student solve the problem two ways and explain their rea-
instruction.” He expressed concern that the strategies she soning. The nine steps included elements of SBI (Jitendra
used were ineffective, and that she relied heavily on picto- et al., 2015) and metacognition instruction. The steps were
rial representations that were not representative of the as follows: (a) read the problem, (b) underline the question,
mathematical problem. Her mathematical profile was also (c) ask about words that I don’t understand, (d) what are my
uneven with a higher calculation score (25th percentile = units? (e) cross out information that I don’t need, (f) com-
average) than mathematical problem solving (9th percentile plete the organizer, (g) choose your first strategy, (h) make
= below average) on the TOMA-3 subtests of Computation a table, and (i) answer your question from #2, then explain
and Word Problems. During prescreening sessions, the your answer.
interventionist easily communicated with Jade in a tradi- The first schematic diagram (see Step 6 on Figure 1) was
tional back and forth rhythm. Jade often talked through her adapted from Jitendra et al. (2009). Rectangles were
thinking in a rote, systematic, fashion. included for the students to write the units of measurement
next to squares where the quantity was written. The numer-
ator of both ratios was color coded in blue while the denom-
inator was outlined in purple. This color scheme was carried
This study took place after school hours during times that out throughout the graphic organizer, with the students writ-
were convenient for the parents and students in a college ing their units of measurement (Step 4) and completing a
town in the Southeastern United States. The sessions for table (Step 8) in the same color-coding to provide enhanced
Rex all took place in his home at the kitchen table, while the visual supports, as is recommended for MSBI (Spooner,
sessions for Jade all took place at the local library on a small Saunders, Root, & Brosh, 2017).
Cox and Root 5

Figure 1. Worksheets.
Note. Top worksheet provided in baseline sessions and bottom worksheet used in intervention sessions.
6 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

Design and Measurement for all participants across all phases and took IOA and PF
data. Agreement was calculated as the number of agree-
A single-case ABAB reversal design replicated across par- ments divided by the number of agreements plus disagree-
ticipants (Gast & Ledford, 2014) was used to demonstrate a ments multiplied by 100. Anytime agreement was below
functional relation between MSBI with visual supports and 90%, a disagreement discussion was held between the data
mathematical word problem-solving flexibility and com- collectors.
munication skills. The baseline (word problem and direc- Average IOA for Rex during baseline sessions was
tions only) and intervention (MSBI with visual supports) 100%, and 100% for intervention sessions. Average
conditions were alternated and repeated to allow for three agreement for Jade during baseline sessions was 88%
demonstrations of experimental effect. Maintenance data (range = 83%–92%), and 92% for intervention sessions
were collected after the second intervention phase, which (range = 92%–92%). For the first participant, Rex, the
included only providing visual supports. Decisions to move second coder recorded data for 33%, 25%, 25%, and 25%
from one condition to the next were based on a demonstra- of the videos across the four phases with 100% agree-
tion of stable level change across at least three data points. ment. IOA for Jade was also calculated for 33%, 33%,
Two maintenance probes were conducted to measure inde- 25%, and 25% of the sessions across the four phases with
pendent completion of the word problem task when pro- an average agreement of 90%.
vided with only visual supports. PF was coded following a checklist in baseline and inter-
vention sessions. To achieve full PF, the interventionist
Dependent variables. Mathematical word problem-solving needed to discuss each step of the graphic organizer during
flexibility and communication was the dependent variable, the model question, provide appropriate feedback during
measured by a 4-point rubric similar to those used by Rock- the guided practice question, and offer no prompt or spe-
well, Griffin, and Jones (2011) and Jitendra et al. (2017). cific praise during the independent questions. PF for base-
Participants could earn up to four points for each problem line was calculated identically to the three test questions
for the following behaviors: (a) show your work two ways, found in the intervention phases, without the model, lead,
(b) solve the problem, and (c) explain your answer. Partici- test procedure. The secondary observer calculated PF for
pants earned one point for each strategy they used to solve the same sessions that IOA was recorded, and PF was calcu-
the problem as long they were appropriate (i.e., resulted in lated at 100% for all sessions, across all experimental con-
a correct answer or could have been correct if the calcula- ditions for both students.
tion had been accurate), resulting in up to two possible
“show your work” points for each problem. Participants
earned one point for “solve the problem” if they provided a
correct answer, including the unit of measurement as indi- Baseline. During baseline, the students were told that they
cated in Step 4 on Figure 1 and Table 1 (e.g., minutes). The were going to solve three mathematics word problems inde-
final point, “explain your answer,” was earned when the pendently. They were asked to read the problems and do
participant explained the mathematical relationship in the their best to answer the questions. The researcher offered to
word problem either verbally or in written form, to allow read the problem aloud if the student requested assistance,
for student preference. The explanation was coded as “cor- but no prompting or feedback was provided.
rect” when the student offered an accurate written or verbal
indication that the mathematical quantities in the word Intervention. The intervention consisted of instruction using
problem were proportional. The directions for earning these MSBI with provided visual supports, a treatment package
four points were available to participants in both baseline that includes (a) explicit instruction on using a task analysis
and intervention through the directions to “solve the prob- as a heuristic for solving the problem, (b) enhanced visual
lem two ways and show your work . . . explain your reason- supports or graphic organizers that demonstrate the mathe-
ing.” The first three points measured flexibility and problem matical relationship between quantities in the problem, and
solving. The last point measured communication. Data (c) use of systematic prompting and feedback (Root &
were taken during the three word problems completed inde- Browder, 2017; Spooner et al., 2017).
pendently each session, allowing up to 12 points to be Each intervention session then followed a model, lead,
earned each session (see Table 1). and test format where the interventionist (a) modeled how
to follow the steps of the task analysis to flexibly solve one
Interobserver agreement (IOA) and procedural fidelity (PF). The problem two ways and explain the answer, (b) led the par-
first author trained a second observer, who was a graduate ticipant in guided practice through solving a second prob-
student in special education, in an hour-long session on pro- lem using systematic prompting and feedback (e.g., least to
cedures for collecting data on dependent variables and PF. most prompting), and (c) tested the participant’s ability to
The second observer watched at least 20% of the sessions flexibly solve the problems and explain (communicate)
Cox and Root 7

Table 1. Expected Student Responses for Each Step of Task Analysis.

Step Action Expected student response

1 Read the problem Student read the problem out loud or asked the interventionist to read it out loud.
2 Underline the question The student found the question by locating the question mark and underlined the question
3 Ask about words I don’t The student identified any words that he or she was unfamiliar with, and discussed the
understand meaning of the word with the interventionist.
4 What are my units? The student wrote the two units of measurement that were relevant to the proportional
question asked. The units of measurement were written in the purple and blue boxes, and
the student used that color-coding consistently throughout the task analysis.
5 Cross out information I The student identified the extraneous information in the word problem and drew a line
don’t need through it.
6 Complete the organizer The student completed the schematic diagram with the relevant proportional quantities.
7 Choose your first The student used one appropriate strategy to solve the proportional word problem (i.e.,
strategy* cross multiply, unit rate, or equivalent fractions) and showed their work.
8 Make a table* The student wrote the two proportions in the first and last columns of the table. Then
the student completed the table with other proportional relationships and generated
the multiplicative “rule” by finding what number is multiplied or divided for each of the
proportions in the table.
9 Answer your question The student re-read the question they underlined in step number two and answered the
from #2* and explain* question and explained why their answer made sense either verbally or in written format.

Note. Each action marked with a * indicates a point on the problem-solving flexibility and communication rubric.

their reasoning through independent practice during three or guided practice. Participants were provided with the
problems. During the first model session, participants were same worksheets as intervention (i.e., with graphic orga-
provided a 30-min overview of proportional relationships nizer and schematic diagrams).
through an interactive one-on-one lesson. During this first
overview lesson, the interventionist discussed what propor-
tions were, how to tell whether two proportions were equiv-
alent, and gave examples and non-examples of equivalent Both participants used multiple strategies, explained their
proportions using real-world situations and function tables reasoning, and answered the mathematical word problem
on lined paper. Subsequent model sessions only demon- accurately when they had access to the task analysis and
strated how to solve the problems. During the lead phase (or schematic diagrams, as demonstrated in Table 2. During
guided practice) of each intervention session, the researcher the baseline phases when only provided with task direc-
followed a least-to-most prompting hierarchy if the partici- tions and the word problem, neither participant engaged in
pant did not respond within 5 s, which included (a) general mathematical practices such as communication, flexibil-
verbal prompt such as “what’s next?” (b) specific verbal ity, or reasoning as consistently as they did during inter-
prompt such as “step number four asks what your units are, vention phases. Interestingly, however, the two participants
write your units in the boxes,” and (c) a model retest, where varied in their engagement of mathematical practices.
the instructor modeled how to complete the step while pro- While Rex did not communicate in written or verbal form
viding a “think aloud” and then had the participant repeat during baseline phases, he was able to answer some of the
the step. Following methods used in prior MSBI studies questions correctly using mental math. After intervention
(e.g., Browder et al., 2018; Root & Browder, 2017; Root with MSBI and provided visual supports, Rex used written
et al., 2017), the error correction procedure during guided expression to demonstrate a conceptual understanding of
practice was an immediate model, such as “for step number the mathematical relationship found in the proportional
8 we need to fill in the table and write the rule, the rule is word problems. Jade, used both verbal and written com-
hours times 30 equals miles because this is what our table munication during the baseline sessions to express her
shows.” During independent practice, no prompting or mathematical understanding. Her verbal and written
feedback was provided except for general praise such as expressions during baseline showed an attention to the
“thanks for working so hard” to encourage participants to objects of the mathematical word problems (i.e., flower
continue their work. pots, brownies, etc.) without understanding the propor-
tional relationship inherent in the proportional word prob-
Maintenance. During the maintenance phase, the students lems. During the first baseline sessions, Jade often used
answered three problems independently, without any model pictures to draw her mathematical thinking or
8 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

Table 2. Points Awarded for Each Step of the Rubric Across Participants.

Flexibility and
communication Points Baseline Baseline Intervention Intervention
measurement possible mean range mean range
1. Strategy 1 3 0.00 (0%) 0–0 2.63 (88%) 2–3
2. Strategy 2 3 0.00 (0%) 0–0 2.38 (79%) 2–3
3. Correct solution 3 1.71 (57%) 1–3 2.38 (79%) 2–3
4. Explain 3 0.00 (0%) 0–0 2.50 (83%) 2–3
Total 12 1.71 (57%) 1–3 9.88 (82%) 8–12
1. Strategy 1 3 1.71 (57%) 1–3 3.00 (100%) 3–3
2. Strategy 2 3 0.14 (5%) 0–1 2.71 (90%) 2–3
3. Correct solution 3 0.86 (29%) 0–2 2.43 (81%) 2–3
4. Explain 3 0.71 (24%) 0–2 2.43 (81%) 2–3
Total 12 3.43 (29%) 1–6 10.57 (88%) 9–12

used addition procedures to solve for an answer. During communication points, and answered all six word prob-
intervention, Jade demonstrated a conceptual understand- lems correctly. Although Rex requested assistance at the
ing of the mathematical relationship by completing the beginning of maintenance, he independently answered
provided schematic diagrams and proportional tables rep- every word problem correctly, used at least two strate-
resenting the multiplicative relationship of the quantities gies, and explained his reasoning for each problem.
in the proportional word problems. Figure 2 demonstrates an immediate level change between
each experimental phase in Rex’s mathematical problem-
solving flexibility and communication scores, providing
Rex three demonstrations of an effect.
During the first baseline phase, the first participant, Rex,
earned an average of 1.33 points (median = 1) for his math-
ematical word problem-solving flexibility and communica-
tion (subsequently referred to as flexibility and The second student, Jade, scored an average of 2.33 out of
communication) and correctly solved a total of four out of 12 for her mathematical problem-solving flexibility and
nine word problems over three sessions (range = 1–2). He communication (range = 1–4, median = 2) during her first
did not show any work or explain his reasoning for any of baseline phase, and answered two out of nine word problems
the questions. When he entered the intervention phase, his correctly. Throughout these initial baseline sessions, Jade
scores demonstrated an immediate increase in level, with an used several ineffective problem-solving strategies (e.g.,
average flexibility and communication score of 10.75 drawing pictures of bags of dirt and flowers or adding). After
(range = 10–12, median = 10.5) and he correctly solved 10 the introduction of the intervention, her flexibility and com-
out of 12 word problems over four sessions. During this munication scores immediately improved to an average
first intervention phase, Rex diligently completed the score of 11.33 out of 12 (range = 11–12, median = 11), and
graphic organizer, and verbally explained how to solve the she answered eight out of nine word problems correctly
word problem when prompted. across the intervention sessions. When the intervention was
When Rex returned to the baseline phase, his flexibil- removed and the student returned baseline, her flexibility
ity and communication scores immediately decreased, and communication scores immediately dropped to an aver-
with an average score of 2 out of 12 for four sessions age of 4.25 out of 12 points (range = 2–5, median = 8.5),
(range = 1–3, median = 2), and he answered eight out of with only four out of 12 word problems answered correctly.
12 word problems correctly. After reimplementing the During the final intervention phase, Jade scored an aver-
intervention, Rex immediately increased his flexibility age of 10 out of 12 flexibility and communication points
and communication scores to an average of nine out of 12 (range = 9–11, median = 10), and answered nine out of 12
for four sessions (range = 8–12, median = 8), and he questions correctly. Jade was also able to maintain an aver-
answered nine out of 12 word problems correctly. During age of 11 flexibility and communication points (range =
the maintenance, Rex earned 12 out of 12 flexibility and 10–12, median = 11) during the maintenance phase without
Cox and Root 9

Figure 2. Graphs of mathematical problem-solving flexibility and communication based on a 4-point rubric: (a) show your work one
way, (b) show your work a second way, (c) solve correctly, and (d) explain your answer.

the researcher model or feedback portion of the interven- phases, replicating three demonstrations of an effect of
tion. Figure 2 demonstrates an immediate level change in MSBI on mathematical word problem-solving flexibility
Jade’s problem-solving flexibility between experimental and communication.
10 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

Discussion academic tasks (Carnahan & Williamson, 2013), and that

these skills may be “reversible” while still in the acquisition
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of phase. More robust designs with extended maintenance and
MSBI with provided visual supports on acquisition and generalization measures are needed to inform the field, par-
maintenance of mathematics content and practices by ticularly practitioners, about effective and efficient methods
middle school students with ASD. Participants were of supporting students metacognitive and problem-solving
taught to understand the problem structure, identify rele- skills.
vant information, use multiple strategies to solve propor- The combination of EBPs used within MSBI (i.e., explicit
tion word problems, and explain their mathematical instruction, systematic instruction, and schematic diagrams)
reasoning. A functional relation was found between MSBI is intended to improve students’ conceptual understanding,
with provided visual supports and mathematical word procedural knowledge, and procedural flexibility within
problem-solving flexibility and communication for both word problem-solving tasks. Within the current study, sche-
participants. Both participants correctly solved propor- matic diagrams of the mathematical content along with
tional word problems containing extraneous information explaining mathematical reasoning promoted conceptual
using multiple strategies and explained their mathemati- understanding (Jitendra et al., 2016). However, both stu-
cal reasoning more consistently and at a higher rate dur- dents relied on the schematic diagrams and proportional
ing intervention and maintenance phases, with skills tables to represent the mathematical relationship found in
returning to baseline levels when MSBI and correspond- the proportional word problems. When visual supports were
ing visual supports were absent. present, students were also able to communicate their math-
Given the limited research on math word problem ematical thinking in verbal or written form, emphasizing
solving, particularly related to the important skill of pro- their conceptual understanding of the multiplicative nature
portions, for students with ASD (Hart Barnett & Cleary, of the proportional word problems. Anecdotally, the inter-
2015; Spooner, Root, Saunders, & Browder, 2018), it is ventionist-observed participants revise their work after solv-
necessary to look to interventions that have shown suc- ing the problem a second way, demonstrating an awareness
cessful for other populations and other mathematical of reasonable answers. Explicit instruction through a model–
tasks. The treatment package used in this study (MSBI) lead–test procedure with teacher think-alouds explicitly
adds EBPs for students with ASD to traditional SBI, taught procedural knowledge—both in selecting and correct
which is an EBP for teaching mathematics to students completion of appropriate procedures.
with high-incidence disabilities (Jitendra et al., 2015; This study extends previous findings on the effectiveness
Peltier & Vannest, 2017). The additional EBPs added of strategies that explicitly teach problem structure through
were the use of visual supports (Wong et al., 2015), a task the use of explicit instruction on schematic diagrams are
analysis (Spooner et al., 2018) and systematic prompting effective in improving problem solving of students with dis-
(i.e., least to most prompting; Wong et al., 2015). The abilities (Jitendra et al., 2015; Peltier & Vannest, 2017).
conceptual model of MSBI is based on the premise that Specifically, these findings contribute to the emerging body
students with ASD and other developmental disabilities of research on the effectiveness of MSBI for students with
can be successful in problem solving when provided with ASD and other developmental disabilities who possess ade-
explicit instruction and universally designed supports that quate calculation skills yet have persistent difficulties in
draw on their strengths and directly target their areas of problem solving may benefit from more instructional sup-
need (Spooner et al., 2017). ports and systematic instruction than interventions created
The visual supports used during the intervention, includ- for students with mathematics difficulties (Spooner et al.,
ing the task analysis and schematic diagrams, were designed 2017). These findings are unique as they are the first to show
to help students identify and organize pertinent information that MSBI with visual supports can be used to successfully
from the word problem, select a relevant strategy to solve, promote mathematical flexibility and multiplicative mathe-
check their work (using a second strategy), and communi- matical problem solving for students with ASD, extending
cate their mathematical reasoning using verbal or written prior research that solely has focused on additive problem
expression (allowing for participant preference). Through types (Root & Browder, 2017; Root et al., 2017; Root et al.,
the reversal design, the efficacy of the visual supports was 2018). Furthermore, this study contributes knowledge about
made apparent when participants were unable to maintain the ability of students with ASD to employ flexible (and
problem-solving accuracy, flexibility, or communication appropriate) mathematical problem-solving strategies and
when they were withdrawn, addressing a limitation of communicate their reasoning when provided explicit instruc-
designs employed by prior MSBI studies (e.g., Root & tion and visual supports. Helping students with ASD to
Browder, 2017; Root et al., 2017; Root et al., 2018). This engage in mathematical practices could lead to participation
finding supports the literature on the efficacy of visual sup- in advanced mathematics courses and improve their oppor-
ports such as graphic organizers for students with ASD in tunities for higher education and/or employment.
Cox and Root 11

Implications for Practice supporting students metacognitive and problem-solving

skills. Another limitation of this study is that it simulta-
Full participation in middle school mathematics classes neously introduced and withdrew instruction and visual
requires students to not only solve calculation problems but supports, without using generalization measures to iso-
also engage in mathematical practices identified by the late one of the two variables. While teacher think-alouds
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000) such and systematic prompting were withheld during baseline
as problem solving, reasoning, and flexible thinking. session, it would be impossible to withdraw previous
Teachers should consider using strategies that explicitly instruction. Without the ability to withdraw previous
teach math content and practices using universally designed instruction, the reversal design used in this study sug-
supports, such as traditional or modified SBI to teach stu- gests that the withdrawal of visual supports was a key
dents with ASD to engage in these mathematical practices. factor to the participant’s performance. Future research
By providing students with schematic diagrams and teach- should include generalization measures during baseline
ing them multiple methods for how to use them to represent and intervention conditions to investigate student perfor-
“what is happening” in the problem, through explicit strat- mance without visual supports. In addition, future
egy instruction and “think alouds,” teachers can promote research should incorporate extended maintenance ses-
conceptual understanding of mathematical relationships sions which systematically fade the visual supports to
represented in word problems. inform the feasibility and timeline of fading visual sup-
Some students with ASD may benefit from a task analy- ports. There is promise that MSBI with visual supports
sis in place of the general mnemonic used in traditional SBI, may be an effective strategy to improve the problem-
as it provides a more specific and concrete plan for solving solving flexibility and communication for students with
problems and can facilitate self-monitoring (Spooner et al., ASD, and future investigations can help identify effec-
2017). Finally, students with ASD may need visual supports tive strategies and a reasonable time frame to fade addi-
not only to learn the mathematical concepts and procedures tional supports.
but also to communicate their own ideas. Visual supports These preliminary findings add valuable information
can facilitate the social communication required in new about a potentially effective method to teach mathematics
math curriculum expectations. Examples of scaffolds may content and practices to middle school students with ASD,
include color-coding the schematic diagrams, providing the specifically flexibility and communication related to solving
task analysis to the student, or providing an outlined place proportional word problems. The design of this study did not
for students to show their work. allow for comparison of different types of word problems
(i.e., proportion, ratio, percent of change), or word problems
Limitations and Future Research that required multiple steps. Future research should explore
the effect of MSBI to increase mathematical problem solv-
While the reversal design is a robust design that provides ing flexibility when the student is presented with multiple
a high degree of internal validity (Gast & Ledford, 2014), types of word problems. In addition, due to logistical consid-
it introduced limitations that should be kept in mind when erations within the local middle schools, this study was con-
interpreting the results of this study. Although it demon- ducted in one-on-one settings. Future researchers should
strated the efficacy of the treatment package, which replicate findings across multiple participants, in various
included MSBI with provided visual supports, as imple- instructional formats (i.e., small group and general educa-
mented, it does not allow for causal inference as to which tion settings) to determine for which students the interven-
of the components of the treatment package was respon- tion is most likely to be effective. Students with ASD are
sible for observed effects. That is, it is unknown whether being included in the general education classroom more
it was the visual supports (diagrams and task analysis), often now than ever before (U.S. Department of Education,
the MSBI (i.e., explicit instruction on how to use the National Center for Education Statistics, 2016). Therefore,
visual supports), or a combination of the two that resulted strategies that can be feasibly be used in multiple settings
in the observed outcomes. While limitations regarding beyond one-on-one environments would be worthwhile.
interpreting effects of treatment packages are common in
the literature on teaching mathematics (Spooner et al., Declaration of Conflicting Interests
2018), future researchers should consider complex The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
designs such as component analysis or generalization to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
measures throughout all phases that involve removal or
fading of visual supports. Funding
Relatedly, extended maintenance and generalization The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
measures are needed to inform the field, particularly for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The
practitioners about effective and efficient methods of contents of this article were developed in part under a grant from
12 Remedial and Special Education 00(0)

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