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Teacher: Miss Catherin Gissel Estrada

Student: Keily Beatriz Sauceda 61611576

Gladys Esmeralda García 62111618

Course: English V

Section: “V5814”

Assignment: Role-play: Business phone call

Due date: Monday, May 1, 2023

Role-play: Business phone call

G: Hello, Mrs. Keily, it is a pleasure to meet you, Gladys, Manager of Apple, how
are you?

K: Hello, Mrs. Gladys, it is also a pleasure, I am well, tell me how can I help you.

G: I'm glad everything is fine, we have heard about your factory, which has a good
approach, and we wanted to tell you about a project, which is called "Happy
employees do a better job” and see if you would like to be part of it.

K: I feel very honored to be considered for a project, coming from a company as

good as Apple, can you tell me a little more about it?

G: Of course, I can, this is a project where we will be researching employees, with

the theory being that if they are more positive, they can work more effectively, and
also if they are happy with their salary, their vacations and their contract.

K: Sounds very interesting.

G: Of course, it is, but do you think we should meet tomorrow morning for breakfast
and talk more about what we are going to do?

K: I already have a meeting in the morning, but I'm available in the afternoon at
2:00 pm.

G: Sounds good, so let's meet at 2:00 pm, would you like to meet at your office or

K: I would like it to be in my office, so that my manager is present as his opinion is

very important.

G: Okay, it has been a pleasure, see you tomorrow, have a nice day.

K: Same to you.

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