Anarchopunk 2020

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2. 0. 2. 0.
T h e O n l y E d i t i o n

“People ask me-”

“Oh yeah, what’ll you

replace the cops with?
What’ll you replace
the shops with?”

“The answer is:


“Nothing at all.”

- Jessie Brass

AP 1312
This game features real systems of oppression and violence that exist in the
real world. It’s fictional only in that it’s more exaggerated and fantastic than
the one we live in, where punk songs are a form of power.

It also plays on the assumption that anarchy is correct and justified. Some
who hold traditional political philosophies may find this inappropriate.
Others may find the depictions of oppression too uncomfortable. That’s fine.

Note that none of us at j/k games condone or encourage the oppression of

minorities, violence through power, or murder by neglect. In fact, we think
it’s bullshit and needs to end.

2. 0. 2. 0.
T h e O n l y E d i t i o n

Cast & Crew

Photo Assets More Photo Assets Everything Else

Anastasiya Lobanovskaya, Andrzej Natalie Parham, Pop Zebra, Julian K

Mucka, Burst, Clay Banks, Derks24, Ian Skitterphoto, Thibault Trillet, Toa Heftiba,
Panelo, Marcio Nasciment, Warren Wong, Yatta RX

Anarchopunk 2020 is Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND). Photos are used under the respective agreements of, unsplash.
com, and If you want to support this kind of work, visit to pay what you want for it. Or don’t, if you can’t afford it. This work
does not represent the political views of any people. organizations, or bands included aside from the author. In addition, the author’s views may change. All
organizations and people portrayed within are fictional, and any similarity is strictly coincidental save for where satiric intent is present. This game was never
playtested; play at your own risk. If you want to hack Anarchopunk 2020 for your own game design purposes, just ask for permission.
This is where I would school you on being an Nazi Punks, Fuck Off
anarchopunk, if I wanted to. This game is explicitly anti-fascist, anti-
conformity, and anti-establishment. Its
But I’m not that interested in dictating. author condemns neo-Nazis and their
lazily disguised kin of the “alt-right”, or
Study, decide, and bring your own opinions. any other pack of hurtful assholes who
take time out of their day to punch down
Also probably read up on role-playing games on minorities. And no, white people and
cis men are not the “new minorities”.
if you’re not familiar. That’s not covered here. This game is not about assholes who
appropriate a sense of oppression. If
Once that’s done, let’s move on to the part you’re about to argue against this, fuck off.

where we play music for the revolution. I like to believe in the ability of people to
grow past and recover from the intellectual
poison other people may have poured in
SECTION their ears. If you manage that with actual
sincerity and humility, come back around

1 No Future
again. If you’re just doing it to try and slip
in the cracks, fuck off.

Safety Pins
This section is not optional. Read it.
The world of anarchopunk is
a violent, dangerous place, Anarchopunk can potentially get rough,
depending on how you decide to frame
but a lot of you know that, resistance and the system. It also covers
because you live here. forms of oppression that exist in the
real world. Respect peoples’ limits and
We don’t need a dark future Many cyberpunk games followed, experiences.
anymore. borrowing the aesthetics and
To avoid anybody getting hurt by its
attitude of punk, while discarding
Sure, things could be worse. Things subject matter, I would suggest use of
its ethos. And many others have the X, N, and O cards as tools. Just draw
can always be worse. But in 2020, followed in the footsteps of one of each letter on a card and set them
a plague is dropping thousands of appropriation, nabbing punk’s towards the center of the table. If you’re
bodies by the day, governments hair and leather while discarding playing online, you can use a capital X, N,
have dropped even the pretense of or O in group chat instead. These can be
the subculture. Steampunk. used by either punks or the system alike.
valuing human life, and people have Dungeonpunk. Artpunk.
taken to the streets to fight against >> The X card is touched or indicated
corrupt establishments that attack Let’s be punks again. when content is uncomfortable for a
on their own citizens. given player. At that point, the group
Punk’s not dead. But it’s got assholes should have a discussion whether it
Let’s play for change. ramming their hands up its ass to would be best to undo or change the
present situation, or just skip past any
make it dance for their amusement. descriptions (the “fade to black”) and
Thirty years ago, Cyberpunk 2020 They take the aesthetic and discard move on to the next scene.
was released, the second edition the ethic. Sometimes they get
in the Cyberpunk RPG franchise. some things right. They aren’t >> The N card is similarly used when a
And while it paid a fair amount of player feels a scene is taking a turn
necessarily bad games. But I don’t towards something comfortable. A
lip to trying to do the right thing, it think wandering into a maze to discussion of their concerns can take
still had people playing brutal cops stab things is punk. Working black place so the course can be corrected.
and sadistic salarymen in addition ops for a corporation definitely isn’t
to rockerboy revolutionaries. >> The O card can be used when a
punk. Let’s make a game about our player wants to inquire if other players
Spreading a plague for profit was dark present, just different enough are willing to go forward with the
literally described as a playable that a song about shit matters. current direction of a scene.
option alongside exposing
corporate crime. Let’s be anarchopunks. These are tools for safety, not control. If
you’re looking for alternatives, check out
the TTRPG Safety Toolkit, which goes
into options for player safety at far greater
The Fucking System Complete Control

Here’s the dilemma: tabletop role-playing games have What a punk can do is defined by the fiction of your
rules, but we’re dealing with some iconoclastic notions setting. This game usually presumes you’re slightly
here. So we’ve got to meet in the ugly middle. This game abnormal humans in 2020. So you can’t necessarily fly or
is all about enduring ugly middles. punch over a building. But you can play in a band, have
messy relationships, maybe punch a riot helmet, etc.
Our punks don’t roll dice. As we’re telling our story, punks
just say what they do, and unless the system interferes, Whenever a punk or punks do something that defies
they do it. The system inflicts rules on them. One player the established order, the system gives them heat,
takes the role of the system. represented by tokens. This includes violations of the
law or offending an authority figure. Each time there’s an
Determine randomly who has to run the system. Nobody instance of this, the system gives the violator 2 heat, and
should want to be the system. If somebody wants to be each punk adjacent to them also takes 1 heat (skipping
the system, it’s suggested you view them with suspicion. over the system, who doesn’t count).
Everybody else becomes punks. A group of punks is
known as a band. Every time a punk takes heat, the system can spend 1
heat on a punk to attempt to oppress one of them, or
The system uses only six-sided dice. Other dice are too spend 1 heat from all punks to crush one of them. A punk
progressive, and the system denies their right to exist. cannot gain more than 6 heat; if they would, the system
“Icosahedrons are a choice and not natural.” may immediately attempt to crush them at no cost.
This game does not have a strict structure that divides up When the system oppresses a punk, it rolls a die and
scenes, acts, etc. Punks do what they do, and the system checks the value. If that value is equal to or less than the
steps in to fuck with them. If you need somebody to take punk’s current heat, they can oppress the punk. If that
on the role or portray a character aside from the punks, value is greater than the heat, the punk removes a heat
the punks play any supporters they have. The system instead.
plays everybody else. Or do it some other way, if you like.
When the system attempts to crush the punks, it rolls a
Naturally, since the system is shit, punks want to tear die and checks the value. If that value is equal to or less
down the system. The system wants to preserve itself at than the heat of the punk with the lowest current heat, it
any cost, also because it’s shit. can crush them. If that value is greater than the heat, the
There’s a bit of friction. punks all get to remove a heat.
Expect Resistance Benefits that can be chosen as an individual include the
following. You may select a given benefit more than once,
Punks engage in direct action, taking acts to undermine in any order you like..
the system. This is greater than mere lawbreaking
or defiance, but doing things like staging a protest, >> Deface a lynchpin.
inciting a riot, destroying a symbol of the system, freeing
prisoners, etc. This counts as defying the established >> Clear an oppression placed on a band member.
order, as noted above, and provides heat by default. >> Prevent a punk from being crushed.
When an individual punk does direct action, they take >> Let a punk draw three labels if they consent, choose a
3 to 5 heat they have and bid it against the system. The label, and discard the rest.
system then rolls one die.
>> Take up to 2 heat from another punk.
>> If the roll is higher than the heat bid, they may choose
one benefit of direct action and remove the heat they Some benefits are only viable as a group, taking multiple
bid. benefits to select. So, for example, if a ground is selecting
three benefits, it could “reject a label” (two benefits) and
>> If the roll is lower than the amount bid, they retain “deface a lynchpin” (one benefit).
their heat, and the system can then attempt to
oppress them at no heat cost (though they still >> For two benefit picks, you can reject a label, removing
remove a heat if they fail to harass them). it from a punk if they consent.
>> If the roll is equal to the amount bid, they retain their >> For two benefit picks, you can gain a supporter.
heat and wreckage results (see “wreckage scatters” for
more details). >> For three benefit picks, you can destroy a defaced
lynchpin. This counts as three benefit picks.
The whole band can attempt direct action together.
When they do so, they all gain 2 heat for violating the Welcome to the Show
order, and, they may each bid 3 to 5 heat. The system
then rolls a die as above, but the roll is against the highest A specific form of direct action that can be performed is a
amount bid. So if three punks bid 2, 3, and 4 respectively, concert, where the band gets together to play a song.
the system would be bidding against a 4.
Unlike most direct action, this is not treated as defying
>> If the roll is greater than the amount bid, the band order. It only grants 1 heat to the band instead of 2, but
may choose a number of benefits of direct action grants an additional 1 heat to the whole band if wreckage
equal to the highest amount bid minus 1, and remove results. It must be performed as a group, but can only
any heat they bid. be used to gain gain supporters. In turn, the system may
not attempt to crush any members as a result of a show,
>> If the roll is less than the amount of heat, the system though they can still oppress them.
can oppress all the members, or attempt to crush a
single member. If an oppressed punk is oppressed again during a concert,
they gain 1 additional heat instead of being crushed.
>> If the roll is equal to the amount bid, they retain their
heat, and wreckage results.

Enjoy Coca-Colonialism
Propaganda of the Deed
Whether or not you want your direct action
to include violence, and if so, to what
extent, is something your band should
discuss. The rules for direct action work
for peacifists and violent revolutions alike,
so it just depends on what kind of story
you want to tell. The punks decide the
tone of the revolution.

Oppress Characters, Not


Oppression and crushing can involve

some sensitive topics. In particular, many
modern systems of power are often
actively antagonistic towards minorities,
Systemic Oppression Crushing Time working to repress or exclude them.
Whether or not you want to include bigotry
When the system oppresses a punk, Being crushed is an attempt by the as part of this should be discussed before
they may do any of the following: system to destroy malcontents. it’s brought into play, as many players may
When the system tries to do this, it not want to have the game resemble their
>> Financial oppression: fining or removes a punk from play unless real-world hardships. Safety pins (pg. 4)
suing the punk, for example. come into play.
the rest of the band intervenes. This
>> Social oppression: active can be imprisonment, deportation, You’ll also want to talk about how far you
harassment campaigns, being assault, or even murder, depending want to go with violence and abuse. This
framed by the media, and so on. on the tone of your revolution. game works whether you’re looking to
have a hard look at the deep, dark end
>> Information oppression: Taking direct action immediately of police violence… or just having some
is the only way to avoid this fate. skateboarding kids looking to take down
censoring the punk, making it an evil corporation with sick kickflips and
difficult for them to find venues, The punk being crushed is not
etc. considered to be part of the band
for the purposes of this direct
The Good Kind of Trouble
While there aren’t strict rules on action, and may not bid heat as a
what oppression might include, part of it. Remember that you’re telling a story.
it shouldn’t imprison a punk Punks may be tempted to play it safe and
indefinitely or cause serious physical If the punk escapes punishment via stop at every red light or wait for every
harm—that’s crushing. It should just direct action and is not crushed, the walk sign. Resist this impulse.
restrict what they can do. This is a system may give or remove a label
of their choice. Revolution is about risk. You’ll need to
hard fictional limit to what they can break the law and flout tradition to get the
do in the story. If the punk had their If the punk is crushed, their player heat you need to destroy lynchpins. If you
online presence wrecked through a may replace them with a supporter don’t have heat, you won’t get anywhere.
harassment campaign, they can’t do once one is available; see “Leaders
anything too functional online until You’ll often start out by describing minor
and Followers” (pg. 10). acts of rebellion to build up your heat. This
it’s cleared.
is how you get started. But also remember
Any labels a punk had upon that you’re telling a story.
If a punk would be oppressed again becoming crushed are transferred
while already being oppressed, to the permanent record; see “The The rules direct what happens, but the
they’re crushed instead. Record” (pg. 9). details are up to you. The details are just
as important as the rules, and they’re
When a punk is oppressed, the definitely more important than “winning”.
system asks them a question about
them as a character, and establishes The revolution and systems have “win
it as a fact on their record. Once they states”. You, as a player, win just by
have three facts, they may instead playing.
add or remove a label.
Wreckage Scatters Protest Songs

Wreckage can occurs as a result of direct action. This Punks will start with a setlist of songs. Whenever they like,
represents things going unintentionally wrong. This they can play one of the songs on their setlist. When they
doesn’t result in immediate oppression, but has negative do so, the song must be audibly played for all players. For
side effects for the supporters and common people. the duration, the punks can declare acts of coincidence
Revolutions are messy. Hopefully it’ll be worth it. and thematic wonder based on the lyrics or themes of the
song in question that are beneficial to them. It lets them
First off, wreckage removes 1 supporter. If you have no push the narrative of their world towards their revolution
supporters, all punks gain 1 heat instead. The punks in a nigh-magical way.
should decide on a fictional byblow of their actions. If
they can’t decide amongst themselves, the system will Think of how a stylish video or montage for the song
decide for them. The system may also feel free to suggest might come across in their story, because that’s what
outcomes. Examples include (but are not limited to): you’ll effectively be playing out.

>> Somebody they care about gets badly hurt. Here are some examples, but there are literally thousands
of possible songs you could choose from.
>> A place they frequent or a venue they play is trashed
or even destroyed. >> “Police Truck” by the Dead Kennedys: Police are
recognized as abusive thugs by the general
>> Their fans are inadvertently inspired to self-defeating population, or at least complicit to their sins of their
behavior. peers.
>> Rioting and looting without purpose or >> “The Press Corpse” by Anti-Flag: A media figure or
discrimination occurs. outlet is forced to cover an uncomfortable truth or
>> The band finds their fans targeted in the press for reveals a deception or hidden truth.
mockery or condemnation. >> “White Riot” by the Clash: Used to inspire the
The Record disaffected amongst the upper and middle class
towards violent protest.
Whenever the system oppresses, the system may offer to
give a punk a label, or the punk may demand the system In addition, while the song plays, the punks ignore the
offer a label. Labels represent an increased ante by the effects of being oppressed, and the system may not
system, but also represent their fear of the punk. The attempt to oppress or crush them while it plays (but they
system chooses whether or not to reveal the label to the may still gain heat). This makes it an excellent time to
punk before they accept it, but cannot change labels mid- perform direct action.
offer. Though the themes in the text lean towards anti-
If the punk accepts a label, they gain the benefits of that authoritarian and leftist punk music, it doesn’t necessarily
label thereafter. However, their heat is always treated as need to be that. If you want to set your game to Fela Kuti
the number of heat tokens or the number of labels they or The Coup, do so. (Also, I’d suggest not worrying about
have, whichever is higher, on any oppression or crushing. what “punk” is.)

A punk may have up to 3 labels at a time. If they would

receive a 4th label, the system may immediately try to
crush them at no cost. When doing so, the punk’s heat is
treated as a minimum of 4, but the system cannot give a
label if the crush attempt fails—it must remove one.

At times, the system may add labels to its permanent

record. These provide no benefit to the punks, but count
towards the number of labels the system requires to “win”.
Think of permanent labels as accusations that have been
levied against the entire revolution.

In rarer ocasionals, a punk may embrace a label. An

embraced label gives the benefit, but does not count for
a system’s “win” condition.
Leaders and Followers Smash the State

Supporters keep the band from having to do it alone, but The system collapses when all of its lynchpins are
involving them invites risk. destroyed. But what happens after that? Well, I’m not
going to be one to tell you.
Whenever you gain a supporter, come up with a name
and face for them and put it on an index card or scrap of I’d suggest you look at any followers torn up, against
paper. Each supporter represents a larger group of fans those that remain. Reveal your ideals. How well did you
and devotees, but it’s important for them not to just be a stay true to them? Can you forge a way forward, free of
number. If that supporter is lost, tear that support in half-- the system? Or are you the lynchpin of a new system? I
the supporter has been arrested, broken, or disillusioned. considered rules that gave you the answer, but let’s have
They’re not coming around again. you decide. The system gets guidelines to continue, but
that’s purely optional. Decide what’s best for your story.
Any punk can bid 1 supporter to when a system makes a
roll for oppression, crushing, or to oppose direct action. Uber Alles
This reduces the punk’s heat by 2, but if the system
successfully oppresses or crushes the punk, the follower is It’s also possible for the system to “win” under several
lost and the oppression or crushing negated. Alternately, circumstances. Any one of these represents enough
if wreckage results, the follower can be lost to avoid the pressure occurring to derail the revolution, and it’s
side effects (in addition to the follower already lost). considered defeated.

Fictionally, bidding supporters is not the punks using and >> The system has performed a number of successful
discarding people like the system does. Instead, it’s their crushes equal to the number of punk players.
supporters voluntarily making tough sacrifices to support >> There are at least three times the number of labels
their cause. than the number of punks present in play.
When a punk is crushed, they may choose a supporter >> All punks all have 5 heat and all gain heat
and make that into a full-fledged punk and rejoin the simultaneously.
game without any heat, facts, or labels.
Of course, the system is self-defeating, but it doesn’t care.
It just continues on until the next revolution.
Join a band.
Make some music.
Overthrow millennia of violent hegemony.


2 Radicalized
There aren’t any numbers or formulae here.
It’s the system that’s extremely into filling out

Making your punk is simple: Lighting the Fires

>> Give them a name. When you’re starting the game, you may not know how
to start the game. Many role-playing games start you out
>> Give them a face: describe their appearance and in a tavern or corporate office and give you a quest or a
outward personality. mission. That’s their thing, but this is not that.

>> Let us know what instrument they play or vocal style Instead, it’s important to be self-directed. Once the
they have. This should make sense in terms of band system sets themselves up, think about what would
composition. If you’re doing something that isn’t be great to take down a peg, or a song you’d relate to
punk rock, fill other gaps. your rebellion, and then do that. The system should
respond with heat, and maybe an attempt at oppression.
>> Lastly, give them an ideal secretly. Write it down to be Consquences on both sides should start to roll from
revealed at the end. there. When in doubt, start some shit.
See? I said it was simple and fast, and I meant it. But the As play goes on you can come up with more elaborate
band is where things get a little more complicated. plans and schemes, fictionally. You can make friends with
Backstage supporters and come up with catchphrases. You can riot
and sing and sabotage and do whatever your cool heart
A band of punks needs two other things: a band name desires. Just stay true to yourself and hope the system
and a setlist. doesn’t crush you all.

The setlist is used for their protest songs, used above. In Either way it goes, go out believing.
total, the setlist should not be longer than five minutes
for every hour you plan to play. But if you’re a little over
or off, it’s not a big deal. If you need inspiration, here’s a
starting point.

Once again, it isn’t necessarily punk, though this is a

punk-themed game. Perhaps you’ve noticed? Embody
the group of “punks” you’ve wrangled together.
Yes, the lyrics matter.


3 Slang
Just so we understand each other.

Band: A group of punks. Label: A label the system has placed on a punk. Labels
represent the punk of being bound by the system, but
Chain: Anarchopunk’s classification and representation of also provide symbolic power. A punk can have up to 3
the power that underpins a lynchpin. It determines what labels, at which point they become very vulnerable to
happens when a lynchpin is defaced or destroyed. crushing.
Crush: An attempt by a system to remove a punk’s ability Lynchpin: A symbolic or literal representation of a
to resist. This can include imprisonment, social censure, system’s power that can be defaced or destroyed.
and physical violence, and other punishments depending Lynchpins should be tangible enough that they can be
on the tone of your game. undermined and destroyed by punks.
Direct Action: An action or set of actions taken by punks Oppress: An attempt by the system to restrict a punk’s
to bolster their cause or undermine the system. freedom.
Embraced Label: A label that no longer benefits the Permanent Record: A list of labels that the system
system but still provides a benefit to a punk. Only gained counts towards victory, accusations leveled against the
after a successful revolution. revolution as a whole.
Fact: A detail the system has gathered on a punk’s record. Punks: Musical, anarchist revolutionaries that make up
Unlike labels, facts don’t have a effect per se, but are used most of the characters portrayed by players.
to prove characterization for a punk during play. A punk
can have up to 3 facts, at which point the system has Setlist: A set of songs.
uncovered all it can.
Song: Music that empowers the punks to revolution.
Heat: An abstraction of how much attention each punk
has gained from the system, and the infractions that the Supporter: An ally of the punks who helps them out of
system can use to oppress or crush them. You can use any their own volition.
appropriate tokens to represent heat. System, The: An oppressive organization portrayed by a
Ideal: A secret goal for your punk. This is for role-playing single player.
purposes, to be revealed at the end as you discuss the Wreckage: Fallout that can occur when direct action
result of the revolution. goes awry.
It’s time for two great tastes that make Changing the Game
waste together. This game isn’t about punks in 2020 as
a metaphor for oppression. It’s directly
about modern systems of oppression,
albeit abstracted for the purposes of role-
playing. (I would say “exaggerated again”,
but man, that’s less and less true by the
day here in America.)

But if you want to get more fantastical,

that’s fine. Maybe songs are literally
sparklingly magical and not figurative.
Maybe you’re orcish bards looking to
overthrow a human empire through the
power of ritual. If you want to reskin,
reshuffle, or add your own spin on things,
SECTION you can do that.

The only thing I’d request is to avoid the
pitfall of the “mutant metaphor”. In Marvel
Comics’ X-Men, mutants are used as a
metaphor for oppressed minorities. The
difficulty with this is that mutants often
have powers that make them physically
If your punks skate, and you more powerful than their oppressors for
have a copy of Skatepunk, the most part, often practically godlike.
here’s some sweet tips The problem with that it can easily lead
to mash the two tricks When you do so, insert your punks to fascistic thinking. Part of the fascist
together. as skaters into Skatepunk. You use mindset includes the notion that not
your punk’s name, then select your only are they constantly under attack
Skatepunk: OPUSR, a one-page by phantom forces, but those who are
skate tricks and board normally as attacking them are objectively inferior.
skateboarding RPG, can be used as a detailed under “Getting Started”
minigame to enhance direct action. (Skatepunk pg. 1) like you would for If you actually have some power that
It isn’t suggested you use it for a skater. makes you stronger than the system itself,
every direct action, as it takes some you may not actually be oppressed. You
may just be the next system.
extra time, but when you want to You then play Skatepunk normally
highlight skateboarding, it’s here for as detailed under “Playing the game”
you. Let’s suggest that you don’t do (Skatepunk pg. 1).
it more than once per game. But if
you really get into Skatepunk’s reflex Once done, unless everybody’s
mechanic, don’t let me stop you caught by the cops, you may gain
from playing more of it. benefits as a result of direct action.
You gain benefits as follows:
First, when doing direct action as
skatepunks, say you’re gonna do it >> 1 benefit per round completed.
on skateboards. The direct action >> 1 benefit if a punk runs out of
should directly related to that in tricks.
some sense. Maybe you’re just
showing off some sweet tricks to >> 1 benefit if nobody gets caught
earn attention or supporters, or by the cops. ! FOR SYSTEMS ONLY !
you’re infiltrating a corporate HQ The sections following this sidebar are
with death-defying rooftop stunts. Each punk caught gains 1 heat, and not for punks.
the system may attempt to oppress
Note that you gain heat at the start them. It’s presumed any prison time They are not permitted to look beyond
of direct action as usual, as you or fines aren’t onerous unless that’s this point.
normally do for defying order. the form of oppression levied. This is a rule they will definitely obey.
In statu quo ante bellum erat.


5 Systemic
Shhh. I’ve been down on you all this time,
I know. But the secret? You’ve got all the
power. Mighty chub power. You’re the secret Fucks News. You’re there for the important people,
cool one. Certainly nobody would read past to defend them against the people that tear them
this point to find out all your secrets. It says down. You’re there for cops, businesses, the president,
SYSTEMS ONLY, and who could disobey that? everybody that matters. By which we mean the powerful
people that support you. And the truth. Sure, the truth.
Making a system is firstly a matter of choosing which
flavor of system you want to taste. Cops. It’s time to protect people from safety, and
property from people. It’s time shit on that thin blue line.
The Label. You’re about controlling music, writing,
comics, or even role-playing. You take artists into your The Fucking Corporation. The shareholders have needs.
capitalist maw, and then chew them up, swallowing their You see to those needs. The rest of the world might burn,
profitable part and leaving an addled husk of a human the ground might be poisoned, people might starve, but
behind. Top of the pops! the shareholders must be satisfied. Shovel the money in!
Shovel it good! Mr. Market demands obsequience!
Wannabe Warriors. You have guns and tactical kit.
Tactical vests. Tactical pants. Tactical peanut brittle. You’re Hard(ass)core. You’re faux-punks. Fuck breaking the
here to defend your country from all the punks. You don’t rules, it’s time to break people, too. You mostly just
get paid, but patrotism is all about unpaid labor. hate… well, whatever rallies the troops. You’re a bunch of
peckerwood pricks, a cancer that’s run across the scene,
Channers. Tearing down the vulnerable is definitely a that stuffs it full of shit drugs, shittier violence, and the
hobby you have. But it’s okay, because they’re all secret shittiest -isms. As long as you’re the one getting money
bad people who want to do bad things to the white race and authority over your little scene, nothing else matters.
children in pizza shops. Some other guy on the internet
told you. That’s kind of like evidence, right? Running Dogs. Bikes, leather, and the language of the
rebel is your front: powerful conservative support is at Sure, nobody asked to have ingestible your back. You get to beat the shit out of people and
microchips in their hamburgers, but tracking customers is then get bailed out, how sweet is that? You might say:
important to deliver better service. And it’s worth a lot of “Government-backed bikers? That sounds far-fetched.”
money to the right people. Especially people on the right. Look up the Night Wolves or Bikers For Trump, if so.
When you’ve selected that, give your system a name and Getting Carded
a description just like a punk has. Name its movers and
shakers, and think about what voice they have with a On the following pages you’ll find cards for the various
few adjectives so that you have a fist that you can shake chains and labels the system gets access to, represented
at the punks. Describe the ways in which the system is on cards.
insufferable and untenable. You’re not misunderstood. The system is strongly encouraged to print the labels
Then, ask each punk to each create a lynchpin that and cut them out along the lines for use as a reference. If
represents something that backs your power. This might you don’t have cardstock, you can buy a pack of penny
be an influential leader, a location, a form of financial sleeves at a game shop, then take a deck of cards from a
support, a false narrative, an ethos, etc. It can be anything dollar store to give cut-out cards some weight.
that can be broken by meddling punks. The number of Labels are printed out and formed into a face-down deck.
starting lynchpins should equal the number of punks. The system draws a hand of three labels at any time to
Then place a chain on each lynchpin secretly, face-down choose from when placing labels, and always redraws
if you’re using cards for them. Each chain has two effects. up to three if they have less (due to placing or discarding
The first occurs when the lynchpin is defaced, and the labels). Whenever they oppress a character, they may
second takes place when they’re broken. A defaced choose to discard a label. If they have placed or discarded
lynchpin is advantageous to the punks, while a destroyed all their labels for any reason, they may shuffle their
one creates greater difficulties as the system gets discard and make that into a new deck.
increasingly desperate. A destroyed one no longer grants In terms of the story, the labels may or may not be
the benefits of being defaced. accurate. Some, like “communist”, are possibly entirely
Once a lynchpin is defaced, the system should reveal erroneous, depending on whether or not you’re an
both the effects of it being defaced and destroyed, so the anarcho-communist. What matters is that they’re widely
punks have an idea of what they’re getting into. believed by those in authority familiar with the punk.

“Of course I qualify for your customer service position, sir. I’ve been a customer all my life.”
The Blood The Cage The Devil
This chain represents a false purity that the This chain represents how the system deals This chain represents a secret resource the
system aspires to.. with dissent. system relies on.

Defaced: Remove 2 heat from all Defaced: The band gains 2 Defaced: Each punk may embrace
punks. supporters (freed from the cage). a label they have. If they have no
labels, each may choose to draw 3,
choose one, and discard the rest.

Destroyed: Whenever the system Destroyed: Whenever the Destroyed: The system may
tries to crush a punk that’s already band would lose a supporter or immediately, at no cost, try to
oppressed, it can roll twice. If it supporters, they lose one more due oppress all punks and crush one
succeeds on either, the punk is to the system’s ruthlessness. punk.

I want to be stereotyped
The Eye The Mask The Pearl
This chain represents the means the This chain represents a lie or deception the This chain serves as a gaudy symbol of the
system uses to observe and judge. system relies on. system’s power, ethos, or wealth.

Defaced: The system may not Defaced: Reveal all other chains Defaced: The system must spend 2
question punks when oppressing to the punks. If they’re all already heat instead of 1 when oppressing or
them. revealed, the punks gain a supporter. crushing punks.

Destroyed: The system may win if it Destroyed: The system a revealed or Destroyed: All punks gain 2 heat.
only has two labels for every punk in defaced chain and discard it. Draw Everybody gets the blame.
play. three, choose one place another
revealed or defaced in its place just
like the previous one, then discard
the other two.

I want to be classified
The Pillar The Salt The Soil
This chain is seen as unquestionably This chain provides the system with tools This chain represents something held as a
decent and respectable. At first. for abuse and violence. sacred cow by the system.

Defaced: When a punk is Defaced: When defying authority, Defaced: The system defaces one of
successfully crushed, the Pillar is adjacent punks no longer take heat. its other lynchpins. This takes place
destroyed as well, implicated in their again if this lynchpin is restored to
crushing. defaced.

Destroyed: Wreckage occurs Destroyed: When the system tries to Destroyed: The system may restore
twice—a riot or reaction to the crush a punk, it may use the highest one of its destroyed lynchpins
Pillar’s fall. heat value instead of the lowest. to defaced. If there are no other
destroyed lynchpins, this lynchpin is
restored to defaced.
“This person is telling you your country is “Don’t let them deceive you! Our lies are “Chaos is they want. Lawlessness. Disorder.
BAD. Your country is GOOD.” the only true lies! Anything to get out of work.”

Effect: When you perform direct Effect: When you gain benefits from Effect: When the system oppresses
action as an individual, you may direct action as a individual or a you, and you have 4 or less heat, you
choose to bid only 2 heat. group, you can gain supporters for may take 1 additional heat instead to
1 benefit each. When you do so, you negate the oppression.
gain 1 heat for each one after the

your neighbor is your enemy

“They’re in buses! Planes! Organizing to “They want to control your lives, but we “They could be anywhere, any one of us!
overthrow all forms of transportation!” protect your freedom to obey!” But not me, don’t take that too far.”

Effect: When you do direct action as Effect: Whenever another band Effect: When you do direct action as
an individual and wreckage results, member gains heat, you may choose part of a group successfully, you may
you can take 2 heat instead of losing to gain 1 heat in their place with lose 1 heat.
a supporter. their permission.

Your real friends are on TV

“The evil.” “Thieves! Drug-dealers! Murderers! What’s “Don’t let them take your information;
worse, they do it all illegally!” that’s our business.”

Effect: Whenever wreckage Effect: Gain a supporter. Whenever Effect: When a lynchpin is defaced,
happens, lose 2 heat. you gain a label, gain another you may reveal another chain
supporter. associated with a lynchpin. If all
chains have already been revealed,
you may deface a lynchpin instead.
“They think they’re above the law? Who “You need to be a pundit to claim anything “They’re coming to rob your businesses!...
would stoop so low?” that ridiculous.” you all have businesses, right?”

Effect: You only need to spend 1 Effect: When the system rolls to Effect: When you’re involved in
benefit to remove a label (including oppress you and fails, lose 2 heat successful direct action, you can gain
this one), and may do so as a benefit instead of 1. 2 heat to add an additional benefit.
of individual direct action.

The faithful assets only

“We should all sacrifice for the greater “These awful little shits say the meanest, “They’re just trying to make you angry like
good, unless it’ll hurt productivity.” most terrible things.” they are. You should be angry like we are.”

Effect: When the system attempts Effect: When another punk would Effect: When you perform direct
to crush a punk, you may choose to gain a label, you can gain 1 heat to action as a band, the first supporter
stand in their place. When you do so, take that label if they consent. you select costs 1 less.
if your heat is 3 or less, the crushing
is performed if the heat was 4. If the
system crushes you, all remaining
punks lose 2 heat.

know their masters love

“They’ll overthrow everything our “They’re the one that’s irresponsible for “They’ll burn down everything abstractly
revolutionary forefathers built!” this!” represented by our stocks! Stop them!”

Effect: When you may perform direct Effect: Whenever you perform direct Effect: When you’re involved in
action as part of a band, you can action as part of a band, you may not direct action that causes wreckage,
destroy a defaced lynchpin for only be oppressed or crushed unless the gain 1 benefit as if you had
one benefit selection, but the system system rolls a 5 or 6. succeeded.
may try to crush you for free if you
do so.
“Just because you oppress them, they think “You ought to watch talk like that. Start “They hate us. Them. You know. Those
they have the moral high ground!” making sense, and you’ll end up in jail.” people. Look, just pick a target.”

Effect: Whenever you gain Effect: If you’re involved with direct Effect: If your heat would go above
supporters, lose 1 heat (regardless of action that destroys a lynchpin, gain 6, the system may not automatically
the number of supporters gained). a supporter. attempt to crush you; it just tops out
at 6.

you have no friends you wont be missed

“The deep state will destroy this country; “Look, I’m the landlord here, unless you’re “They’ll resort to violence, even just to
who wouldn’t overthrow their boss?” a tenant- no, being a lord isn’t weird-” defend themselves!”

Effect: When a lynchpin is destroyed, Effect: When you perform direct Effect: When the system tries to
you may negate the effect that action as an individual or group oppress a punk, you may choose
happens due to it being destroyed. and wreckage may result, you to stand in their place by gaining 1
Your heat immediately goes to 6. may negate it, but the system may heat.
immediately oppress you at no cost.

Im here to tell you that you dont exist

“They should know their place; ideallly, “They have no respect for the property we “There’s a reward out there for their arrest.
wherever they came from!” took from others.” That’s why we’ll shoot; it’s cheaper.”

Effect: When wreckage would occur, Effect: When wreckage results Effect: You may gain up to 5 labels
you may gain 2 heat instead to from direct action you took part instead of 3, but whenever you gain
negate it. in, you may deface a lynchpin. If all heat, gain 1 additional heat. The
lynchpins are defaced, you no longer amount of labels required for the
can gain heat from wreckage. system to “win” is increased by 2.
I’m the Government, Mister

The role of the system is to be the sand grain in the >> Don’t bother to ask punks questions when you
oyster. You’re there to give the punks a hard time, but oppress them. Establishing facts is just extra work.
you’re not necessarily in it to win it.
>> If the punks are in the middle of a sentence or action
I could tell you how to run the game, for sure. But instead, as a song ends, penalize them fully. Don’t give them
I’m going to tell you how to play the system badly. If you the little extra time to finish their thought.
don’t want to have fun, and don’t want your friends to
have fun, here are some good guiderails: >> When a punk is crushed or a supporter is lost, use that
for excruciating misery. Wallow in that shit. Make it as
>> Come up with a story in your head before you start. humiliating and drag it out as long as possible.
Whenever possible, push that story as the narrative.
Discount any suggestions from the punks. >> Every time a lynchpin is defaced or destroyed, try
and twist the narrative or make excuses so it doesn’t
>> Never attempt to oppress. Only attempt to crush. matter or actually change anything.
Oppressing may be interesting and thematic, but
crushing is more obviously like “winning”. Once again, these are guidelines for those who want to
make sure the game isn’t enjoyed. But if you want to run an
>> Never offer a label if you don’t feel the need. Why risk enjoyable, fun game, please don’t listen to me.
losing even the slightest advantage? Definitely never
offer a label they might think is tempting. Hey, Fellow Punks!

>> If the punks argue about you applying heat, fight for Oh, did you disobey and read onward, you lousy, no-
that heat. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Never admit good punk? Good for you. If one of the punks has read
you might be wrong. this, at the start of the game, they can reveal one chain by
flipping it face-up.
>> Make sure you push your punks’ boundaries as
hard as you can. Deliberately try and make them This is a real rule and not a joke. If the system tried to
as uncomfortable. If they object with safety tools, warn you off of reading this, they’re just following orders.
acquiece as pettily as possible.

Eat a bowl of Anarcrunch, there’s an in every bite!

New Revolution+ Rulebreaking

What do you do when the system is defeated? Well, that’s Many role-playing games have a “rule zero” that state if
up for the punks to decide. If you all want to keep playing the rules get in the way, to throw them out. As a designer,
their story, then it’s on to the next one. If they want to I usually see that as a cheap escape clause for sloppy
wrap things up, then see “Smash the State” (pg. 10). rules, so I won’t cite it directly. I’m proud of what I write.

If the revolution is successful, all punks lose any But it’d be against the anarchist spirit to tell you what
oppression and 1 heat, may select one label and embrace to do with what I wrote, wouldn’t it? So if you want to
it. A punk may have up to two embraced labels. change things, that’s fine.

An embraced label is put aside and no longer counts as The key part is that you do it as a group. The system
a label. Any label not embraced is discarded (including doesn’t lord over rules changes like gamemasters would
permanent labels), and are reshuffled back into the deck in a traditional role-playing game. Come to a collective
of labels for the next game. Permanent labels are also agreement on any changes. Adding new chains or labels
discarded. will have the smallest impact, and would be welcome.
If you create some new stuff, share it with me, and if it’s
If there are more supporters than punks, then the punks okay with you, I might put it in a revision!
must choose supporters to lose until the number of
supporters equals the number of punks. No doubt that, given enough play, some wiseass will
break the rules or cheat, shouting “anarchy!” And if you
Then, create a new system. This system has additional find that cute as a group, that’s fine. But if it’s disrupting
lynchpins equal to the number of successful revolutions the game (and, more importantly, people’s enjoyment),
performed previously by this group of punks. that’s just disrespecting the labor of your allies in making
And then you start all over again, as many times as you this little fantasy fun. Don’t be a dick just to be clever. Be a
like. dick only if it genuinely amuses.
Nothing burns down by itself.
Every fire needs a little bit of help.


6 Outro
In which the author tries not to die.

I’m not an anarchist. This isn’t because I’m opposed to My first long-term role-playing game campaign was
anarchy in any sense. But I tend to be suspicious of any Cyberpunk 2020 back in the ‘90s. I played Carla, a street
“single answer” to the troubles we find ourselves in. I tend mercenary who worked for an American Mafia family to
to view political philosophy like a toolkit; I don’t think a support her extended family. She traded off quite a bit
monkeywrench is right for everything. But as my country a part of herself to be a professional killer for a system.
spirals further into authoritarianism, my eyes keep Sure, it was an extralegal organization, but it was still a
looking at that monkeywrench and thinking maybe it’s system and she was the bullet.
time for me to find a project to use that wrench in.
Over the years, I’ve paid attention to the panels for
In case you’re worried about my bonafides, don’t worry. Cyberpunk Red, the newest sequel to Cyberpunk 2020. And
I don’t have any. I’ve never faced down a riot cop or there’s a lot of talk about how the rules work, how the
participated in direct action or civil disobedience. I have setting lore is going to be updated, what happened to
some Crimethinc books on my shelf and listen to some Johnny Silverhand, and so on. At the last panel, I asked if
anarchist bands. I have a deep respect for those who do recent events had informed any it, of what the creator, Mr.
take action, but my revolution is, at best, theoretical, and Pondsmith, thought the themes of cyberpunk might be
at worst, I’m a fucking tourist. Sure, I’ve contributed to in 2020.
Black Lives Matter, Human Rights Watch, bail funds, and
other organizations. But that’s just me dividing off the I was never answered.
labor that I probably ought to be doing. Now, there are a variety of innocent reasons this might
But I’m a role-playing game freelancer. I write games be the case. But with the devs of the 100+ million dollar
where people put their feet in fantasy boots. And right videogame adaptation, Cyberpunk 2077, seemingly
now, it’s hard to think of a fantasy more appealing than unclear on whether or not their game is “political”, I have
taking some of the people at the top right now down to to wonder if Cyberpunk becoming an international brand
the bottom. Maybe you do too. Give this game a try. Tell silences that notion. Perhaps the devs at CD Projekt
me what you think of it. And more importantly, tell me if Red can’t say much, living under their own increasingly
it made you think. authoritan government, and by extension Pondsmith
feels an obligation to keep mum. Or maybe it’s just
marketfears. Either way, Pondsmith isn’t obligated to
answer me. And it’s vitally important that people know
what the fuck happened with Johnny Silverhand.

That shit matters.

Role-playing games often position players as defenders Some Fucking Thanks
of the status quo. Whether it’s an adventuring party
putting a stop to goblin raiders, superheroes stopping @TheSoundNinja, for believing in my animest games.
a supervillain’s invention, or street “samurai” (ugh) @In_Die_Zine, for letting me help build something new.
ready to use violence and force... to disconnect illegal
cable hookups. (No, seriously, that last one comes from @badreligion, for becoming mainstream enough to
Cyberpunk 2020’s sample adventures.) sneak punk onto my Dreamcast.
And I don’t think that’s necessarily wrong. (Well, okay, Garrett Ramey, for getting me to take Chumbawamba
murdering people over illegal cable hookups definitely is.) seriously.
Role-playing games are often just light entertainment.
But even when they are, they do say things. Goblins can @shit_rock, for making it tough for me to take
use signifiers we associate with real-life people. If goblins Chumbawamba seriously.
come at your with spears, masks, and have a shaman Accursed, for reminding me what a “rule zero” is called.
at their back, that’s not an accident, and helps people,
consciously or otherwise, equate a squad of killable
goblins with real-life stereotypes.

They don’t intend to be “political”, but that’s what

they’re being. Goblins raid us because they’re primitive;
primitives can’t be reasoned with; people we can’t reason
with need fireballing. Alternately, gang members and
“psychos” steal from companies; they cannot be reasoned
with; it’s worth $10 to cut their cable connection, so...

Games create narrative. All narrative is based on a

particular point of view. That point of view includes
political assumptions. Anarchopunk 2020 is,
ironically, one of the few games with “punk” in the
title that is clear about its political intent. Punk has
often been an been simply an affectation. Others
will have to judge if this game transcends that.

But think about what “punk” means to you when you

slip it into your game name. Maybe that means anarchy.
Maybe that means something else to you. Just make sure
when writing your system, you’re not just being part of
the system.

Let’s not be Carlas if we can help it. Let’s consider being

monkeywrenches instead.

- Julian K
This page intentionally left.
The Corporations control the world from their skyscraper
havens, enforcing their rule with offices of drone
lobbyists. On the streets, white nationalists roam an
infected urban wilderness, bullying and killing those who
dare protest. The rest of the world is a perpetual curfew,
as exhausted workers remote into work, watching their
neighbors get evicted into the meanest streets this side
of the apocalypse. The Present never looked so bad.

But you can change it. You’ve got friends at your back,
instruments packed, pamphlet in hand, and constant
political anxiety screaming in your brain. You’re
wireless, woke, and wise as you take your philosophy
to the Revolution because you have to. Because you’re

Anarchopunk: the unoriginal roleplaying game of the

dark present; a world of brutal police, state-run bikers,
and callous techbros, packed with direct action and the
loudest concerts. Within this Portable Document, you’ll
find everything you need to take the Revolution to the
mean streets of the 2000’s — in a game system that
lets you tell your story simply and couldn’t give a single
fuck about realism.

The Label: Callous shits corrupting your creativity for dollars and change!
Wannabe Warriors: Military fantasists taking the war to the oppressed!
Channers: Abusive political cults formed in the ass-end of the Internet!
Fucks News: State-run media vomiting disinformation to obscure the truth!
Running Dogs: Bikers standing up for oppression and toxicity!
The Fucking Corporation: They’ll burn society down for a dollar! Millionaries looking to turn your privacy into profit!
Hard(ass)core: Faux-punks infusing the scene with crime and violence!
Cops: “Maximum lawmen in the big-city jungle!”

2. 0. 2. 0.
T h e O n l y E d i t i o n

j/k FEATURING: No Cybernetics • No Weapons • Nonmandatory

games Combat • No Technology • Advanced Direct Action • No
inc. City Guide (Just Look Outside) Computable with Skatepunk: OPUSR PWYW
No Copyrights | No Rights Reserved | CC BY-ND | We can’t copyright Anarchopunk, it’d be like copyrighting Cyberpunk, who would even try to d

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