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on Delta
Delta Definition

Formation of a delta

Table of Conditions necessary

Types of delta

Delta refers to a landform created at the
mouth of a river where it meets a body of
water, typically a lake, sea, or ocean.
Deltas are characterized by their
triangular or fan-shaped landmass that is
formed by sediment deposition carried
and deposited by the river.
of a delta
The delta is formed by a river forming different sections,
with distributaries being the main channels that distribute
water and sediment. The velocity of water in a delta varies
based on factors like flow rate and delta shape. Deposition,
a river process, causes sediment to settle and build up over
time, creating the delta. The main material found in a delta
is primarily sand, silt, and clay, which are carried by the
river and deposited in the delta, gradually shaping the
landforms associated with deltas.
conditions necessary
for the formation of a
The river must have a large load. There should not be extensive
This will be possible if there is deposition in the middle stage
active erosion in the upper and e.g. presence of lake in
middle stages. The river needs to between or high evaporation
have enough material to deposit rate (first). If there is a
at the river mouth otherwise all extensive deposition at the
materials will be eroded by middle of the river there won't
ocean currents or deposited be enough load to be
before they reach the river deposited at the river mouth
mouth. and hence no delta will be
conditions CONTD.

The river’s load must be The velocity of a river must be

deposited faster than the action sufficiently low to allow most
of currents and tides can remove of its load to be deposited in
it. the river’s mouth.
TYpes of delta

Arcuate Delta Bird’s foot Delta Cuspate Deltas

It is a fan-shaped Delta. It is formed where It is formed where
A bowed or curved Delta sediments are deposited sediments are
with a convex margin onto a straight shoreline deposited onto a
facing the body of water. with strong waves. The straight shoreline
Relatively coarse waves push the with strong waves.
sediments are formed in sediments to spread The waves push the
this type of Delta. The outwardly creating the sediments to spread
river activity is balanced tooth-like shape. outwardly creating
with the wind. the tooth-like shape.
bird’s foot

Crishanti Pryce
Makedah Hudson
JaYda O’Connor
Keyah Anderson

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