Tuff Talk#4

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Tuff Talk#4

Do cliques exist within our school?

Yes, cliques exist in our school and in most schools, In fact, we have cliques in my own class. People
usually make cliques because they enjoy being with people that they find similarities with.

Do you yourself have an exclusive group of friends?

Yes, I have a group of friends that I usually hangout with and play with. The reason I have a friend group
is because it makes me feel like I am a part of something.

Why do you think you have chosen to associate with those particular people?

The reason I have chosen to be with these particular people is because I find many similarities and
connections of my life with their lives which helps me to not feel lonely and know that there are others
like me.

Why do you think johnny killed Bob? Do you think you would have reacted differently? What could have
been some alternatives?

I think Johnny killed Bob because he wanted revenge and because he could have killed Pony because he
was drunk and did not know what he was doing when he was drowning Ponyboy. I don’t think I would
have reacted the same way as johnny if that happened to me because if I kill someone, I would be a
murderer and go to jail for a long time, so instead I would have maybe hurt Bob with my blade so he can
stop what he is doing and scare the other members by my blade then run away with Pony.

If you were in the situation of johnny and ponyboy, whom would you turn to for help? Why do you think
they turned to dally?

Ponyboy and Johnny turned to dally for help because he is the only one in the gang that could have
helped them do what they want which was to get them out of town. If I was In Johnny’s and ponyboys
situation I would have turned to dally for help too because I know that dally would be the only one that
might be chill about it and not go all crazy like Darry, and because dally is the only one that might be
able to help us get out of town.
Consider ponyboy’s neighborhood. How does the east side of town differ from the west side of town?

The difference between the east side of town and the west side of town would be that the east side of
town is the greasers place, the poor ones, and the west side of town is for the Socs, the rich ones. So
when you go to the east side you would usually see poor homes and families but if you go to the west
side you will see rich homes and families.

Do you think the teens on the east side of town receive different kind of opportunities than the teens on
the west side, if so then what are those opportunities?

Yes, I think the east side receives different kinds of opportunities than the west side because the people
on the west side are rich which means that they could do anything that they desire or dreamed of, just
by using their money, for example if a Socs wants to become a scientist, a lawyer, or any job that he
pleases he can just use his money to get the best education and focus on his education because he
doesn’t have to work and earn money when he already has some, this will give him a better chance of
becoming what he wants. However, the Greasers are the poor ones, and they cannot do much because
they have to think about working and earning money to keep themselves alive, so they won’t have
enough time to go to school and become what they want.

How would social class difference make you feel as A Greaser? As a Socs?

If I were a greaser and there were social class differences, I would feel very jealous because I would be
looking at the rich homes and cars that the Socs have and wish I was them. I would also feel hopeless if I
were a greaser because I would be looking at how much money I have and think that I might never be
able to be what I want to be in life because there wouldn’t be many options of what to be if you are
poor. However, If I was a Socs It would not really matter to me if social classes even existed because if I
am having the dream life and I am living in a big house with my lovely family then why would I care
about social classes.

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