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Becoming an educated person can seem intimidating and one might not know where to

start. Somebody who is trying to achieve this is ultimately trying to become a well rounded

person with skills in many areas. There are many steps to achieve this goal.

The first step is to be observant. Realize the world around you and listen to what others

are saying. Becoming an educated person includes figuring out people, what emotions they are

feeling and empathizing with them. Listening is a crucial principle to becoming an educated


The second step is knowing how to communicate with others. An educated person is able

to hold a conversation with anybody that they come in contact with. They are able to ask follow

up questions and let the conversation flow smoothly. This skill will form over time, when talking

with others. An educated person is also able to perform speeches and talk in front of large

audiences. This is also a skill that can take time to develop.

The next step involves writing. Just like an educated person is able to hold a

conversation, they are also able to persuade on paper. An educated person is able to express how

they feel onto paper in a way that touches others. They are able to put something on paper that

moves people to better themselves, because of what is being written.

The last step is to be a problem solver. An educated person is able to see how to fix what

isn’t going their way. They can see what is going wrong in their work and know how to backstep.

This represents a variety of skills shown when an educated person is able to figure out what has

gone wrong and what is necessary to fix it.

Now that we have gone over the recipe of becoming an educated person, it is important to

realize that these skills will be developed over time. Becoming an educated person takes time

and work to get there. By using the skills of writing, communicating, listening, and problem
solving, you will be able to achieve this goal. These are skills that we use daily and by studying

them and making goals of strengthening them, becoming an educated person seems in reach and

not as far away.

10 qualities of a liberally educated person. L&S Honors Program. (n.d.).

wikiHow. (2023, March 4). How to be an educated person.

Marelisa. (2020, February 6). 50 characteristics of an educated person. header image.



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