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Fall 2023,

Section B
Sarita Adams

There once was a superhero named Captain Climate, sometimes referred to as C, who had a dog:
Climate Clifford. To maintain a healthy environment for all life to thrive in New York City, they walked
toward Madison Square Park, where Climate Clifford would see Queen Snow, one of The Four Seasons.
Clifford loved the Four Seasons, but Queen Snow had always been his favorite. Perhaps for the snowballs
she would make for him on their walks. During the walk, Climate Clifford grew weak. “What’s wrong
Cliff?” asked C. “Something isn’t right, and Queen Snow wasn’t here,” Cliff said faintly. Suddenly, the
city’s climate changed from a brisk chill to dry heat. “Let’s get you home,” said C. On the walk home, the
two heard an “achoo.” A sneeze slipped from one Season. “Woah, you don’t look too hot King Summer,”
said C. “I have the immune system of a sick dog,” coughed King Summer. “Watch it,” barked Cliff. “Y’all
haven’t seen Queen Snow?” asked C. The skeptical feeling engulfed her as the depleted Seasons stood
clueless in the unfamiliar city. “Snow has yet to return any of our calls, so we came to the city to find her,”
said Prince Autumn. “We’re just as thrown off as you are C,” said King Summer. “What if... it’s her?”
asked Princess Spring. Prince Autumn glared and said, “Do not speak its name.” Something greater stood
among them and stunned The Seasons. They knew Desdemona was here. That villainous thing of a
creature was Cliff’s kryptonite, that diminished his powers. C left Cliff to rest in their rooftop apartment
and flew below the orange ceiling of clouds in the sky, drawn to a neon purple illumination from the park.
In the purple atmosphere that engulfed Madison Square Park, it rained ashes. C rushed to untie the
frail snow queen from a tree. “Her powers grow off the disassembled environment. She mustn’t get Cliff,
or the globe will suffer intoxicating gases,” said Snow.
Rushing back to Cliff, they heard “With you, the globe will be in our wrath” cackled a wicked voice. C
was too late, and Desdemona flew with Cliff. “I need the power of The Four Seasons to stop her Snow.
Let’s assemble in the park,” said C.
C’s gut clenched tightly. They crept into the atmosphere at the center of the park and found Cliff in a
cage. “We need the green power of you four,” ordered Captain Climate. The monster with purple
lightning bolts electrified her appearance and was about to expand her intoxicated atmosphere to
encapsulate the globe, when Captain Climate took to the air and tackled the villain. The Seasons freed
Climate Cliff. Joining hands, they chanted “This is our fight, clean air is right.” Desdemona’s atmosphere
shattered as C joined the circle. The power of six expelled the climate change villain. They landed on the
ground, and their climate was reinforced as a chilled wind brushed over them. Snowflakes fell from the
sky, as Queen Snow got her powers back and Cliff regulated the nourishing climate.
Haley Aleman

Josephine didn’t remember the summers at the farm being this way. The grass used to be flush, and the corn
fields stretched as far as the eye could see. But the Illinois countryside had grown hotter with every coming year
and the plants had refused to sprout. Wealthy family farms turned to nothing more than crunchy, desolate acres
and many families had no other choice but to move into the city and get jobs to make ends meet. But Josephine
and her family had remained hopeful that they could continue to survive off what little they managed to grow.
The sun was angry, but the moon stayed loving night after night. Even though they were slightly diminished,
the stars still twinkled and offered a glimmer of hope through the dark times. Or at least that’s how Josephine
had chosen to look at it when she would sit with her parents through the nightly meetings, it was the only thing
that would get her through an hour of farmers who struggled to find ways to make progress.
No one could come to an agreement as to who was allowed to sell what, and what efforts they could utilize to
stimulate crop growth. The tension in the room crackled as they went back and forth every week, with some who
refused to change their methods and others being denied logical ideas.
Josephine had felt a deep sorrow for what her family went through. She saw her parents furrow their
eyebrows as the mountain of bills had grown higher on the counter. Josephine went out to the farmland behind
their house to clear her head. She sat and twisted blades of dying grass between her fingers and pondered about
how she could lift such a weight off her parents’ shoulders. If only she could take the crops to fruitful lands
where they could thrive.
Then it had struck her, she’d read about greenhouses in her environmental science classes in college and how
they can help small plants grow in urban areas. What if there was such a thing for farms? A greenhouse
megastructure that imitated perfect conditions? Josephine set off over the following months, and steadily worked
on developing such an invention that would bring life back to the fields she’d once loved. Many moons came and
went, with Josephine finding triumph and failure in between stages of testing her prototype.
The townspeople grew weary of Josephine’s scientific antics, and some became skeptical and fearful that it
would just worsen their land. Josephine had been repeatedly discouraged from continuing her efforts, but she
believed in herself and her knowledge and carried on. Soon enough Josephine had perfected her invention and
set out to unveil her greenhouse megastructure at the next farmer’s meeting.
All of the farmers and town folk were surprised, Josephine’s invention worked. The greenhouse mega
structure was a success. The greenhouse cooled the temperature to just the right degree, prevented drought
through perfectly scheduled precipitation, and just the right amount of sunlight. Her parents’ crops were then the
first to sprout and survive and had resulted in the most plentiful harvest in years.
With the approval of the towns people, she patented her invention, began selling them to other farmers in the
area, and decided to put the proceeds back into her research. Josephine had not just saved her farm but had
planted new roots for her family and sowed seeds of hope for the community.
Dylan Andrews

Once upon a time in an Earth in the not-so-distant future.

Climate change had wreaked havoc on the Planet. Years of environmental degradation had led to rising sea levels,
extreme weather conditions, and catastrophic events that threatened the very existence of life on Earth. As the situation
worsened, scientists and researchers worked tirelessly to find a solution. That is when they turned to the animal kingdom,
seeking a partner with the intelligence and adaptability to take on climate change. Then emerged an extraordinary hero
—Donny, the evolved gorilla born in the Madagascar National Zoo; he had been the result of a groundbreaking
experiment in the Zoo’s sanctuary aimed at enhancing the cognitive abilities of gorillas to help them adapt to the
changing world. Exemplified by his abilities to understand human behavior and imitate it, he was named Donny, short
for Donatello after the Italian sculptor. By age 3, Donny was communicating in sign language fluently and practicing
regular human behavior including personal hygiene, differentiating between right and wrong, etc... Once his DNA
genome and brain were decoded, they concluded that Donny has evolved beyond the ordinary ape. In fact, Donny
functioned beyond the level of present-day humans. As news of this spread, Donny became a beacon of hope for a world
on the brink of disaster.
By the time Donny was 12 years old, the evolved ape had been educated and mastered various studies of the sciences
at Stanford with a PHD in solar physics and energy science along with an MD from Harvard. Working alongside the top
scientists and researchers from all over the world, Donny developed a device called the Hydro-energizer; this device
could utilize the kinetic energy from the flow of water throughout the whole world into an energy source that can be
tapped into and supply the world with energy.
The invention of this everlasting energy source came with major challenges. The various powerful nations of the
world made several attempts to take control of this source of energy as control of this would mean control of the world
economies, militaries, daily life, etc.. Basically, most aspects of human life. But Donny vowed to ensure that no person,
power, nor entity could claim ownership to the device. When presenting his device to the United Nations, Donny made it
clear that his goal was to have everyone in the world has access to this energy.
The device was set up in a facility based along the Amazon River in South America. About one week into the
activation of the hydro-energizer, an attack was made on the United Nations facility containing it. Several dozen armed
soldiers converged upon the facility with the intent of taking control of the device. Donny saw the attack and knew what
he had to do. He broke the device down to a compact form where he could carry with his great strength. Then he
unleashed his full gorilla mode. Using both his arms and legs, Donny was able to sprint out of the facility. His size and
speed made him like a tank on corvette wheels causing mayhem at
anyone who dared to stop him. Donny was able to reach a UN helicopter and he knew right away where he’d go.
Donny set course for the Madagascar National Zoo: his birthplace and Home of the Sanctuary of Evolved Apes.
Once Donny landed, he was met with an enormous mass of what seemed to gorillas just like him. Years after his birth,
scientists were able to replicate his biological markers and create a whole generation of evolved gorillas, each with their
own special abilities. From then on, the sanctuary would be home to the source of the world’s energy. Maintained and
protected by the evolved gorilla kingdom, the hydro-energizer would go on to produce clean, renewable energy and unify
the world’s nations to a common goal of healing our planet.
Elias Ciudad

Once upon a time, in a country crafted by the hands of dreamers and visionaries, a world thrived in the
embrace of nature's wonders. In those golden days, the streets were alive with the pulse of human connection,
parks, and local businesses full of many diverse communities.
In this world lived a small family but a powerful family comprised of Ernesto, the world’s greatest inventor;
Esmeralda, an avid pro-environment political leader; and Lina, her daughter and disciple. Ernesto was the
world’s most skilled engineer whose dream was to make a hydrogen-fueled car to save the environment.
“Activate the prototype,” said Ernesto. To his surprise, the car moved on its own, infected the other cars, and
destroyed the facility.
Cities were purged by his inventions; they revved their engines until their carbon dioxide made them
inhospitable. The resilient few who survived named themselves ‘The Resistance’ and were led by their
matriarch Esmeralda, who led them into the forest far from the crazed machines.
Fifteen years had passed in this nightmarish world when a beacon of hope emerged, a short, sweet
tempered girl named Esperanza, who was Esmeralda’s granddaughter. “Esperanza! You are our only hope,
you must follow the map and deliver this package,” exclaimed Esmeralda. Esperanza did not know what was is
in the box yet but decided to never question the mission. “I will do it abuelita, you won’t be disappointed.”
Esperanza started her journey at dawn, disguised in an old Chevrolet. She read the map and discovered
that she needed to take the highway. The road was a relic of old times with 16 lanes, “This must be Houston,”
she thought.
As she traversed through the roads, Esperanza spotted a “car.” She remembered her training, these vehicles
could shapeshift into human form and make it difficult to distinguish friend from foe. The vehicle rolled its
window and said to Esperanza, “Where are you going so alone, kid? The name is Blake by the way?”
Esperanza ignored him for a second and then said, “I’m going to change my tires, my grandma taught me
where to go.”
“Would you mind if I tag along? I have some tires to change myself” said Blake as he winked at her.
Esperanza let him follow, he seemed like a good guy no more than 20 years old despite the sunglasses and
the leather jacket. “Sure,” she said.
She continued her travel across the city until they reached downtown. The city was awfully quiet, not a
noise in the area. The instructions in the box read: “Reach the center of the city and open the package, don’t
let anybody see you. Then flee as fast as you can.”
“Alone, huh? That will be a problem.” She thought as Blake snatched the box from her.
“I can’t let you do this, my dear,” said Blake in tears.
Esperanza shot him, heard the metal clank, as a bright flash appeared. There was silence, and it was over.
The Resistance won and the world flourished once again.
Hiram Franco

There was everything, there was nothing and there was God.
In the Kingdom of Harmony, a magical land nestled between emerald forests and crystal-clear lakes,
lived creatures of all shapes and sizes. The kingdom was known for its perfect balance, where the sun
and rain danced together, creating a symphony of life. However, an ominous force began to stir in the
shadows—the villainous Lord Shade, an embodiment of greed and neglect.
Lord Shade sought to exploit the kingdom's resources without regard for the delicate balance that
held it together to benefit his own kingdom. With his dark powers, he cast a spell that silenced the once
joyous melodies of the Aetheric Bloom, the magical surge that carried the secrets of the land. As the
Aetheric Bloom fell silent, the kingdom's inhabitants grew anxious. The once-glistening lakes turned
murky. The animals, plants, and even the smallest insects felt the effects of Lord Shade’s malevolence.
In the heart of the kingdom lived a young fairy named Evergreen, she was a special kind of being
who possessed a deep connection with nature and felt the pain that the kingdom endured as she came
from the king's bloodline. Determined to restore the balance, Evergreen embarked on a quest to break
Lord Shade’s spell. Her journey led her through dark forests and treacherous mountains, where she
faced challenges that tested her courage.
Finally, Evergreen reached the ominous Kingdom of Shade, where the villain awaited, surrounded
by a swirling vortex of darkness. With fear and concern, Evergreen stood up to Shade and a tense
confrontation unfolded. “Shade! you must stop your power-hungry gluttony; you're destroying the
world’s balance!” Screamed Evergreen with a quiver in her voice. Shade with an arrogant grumble in his
voice said, “Why when I can keep gaining power and rule the world!” As he shoot a bolt of darkness
towards Evergreen. She dodged, getting her own opportunity to attack, Evergreen used what was left of
the Aetheric Bloom to weaken Lord Shade’s hold on the kingdom. The Aetheric Bloom, stirred by
Evergreen bravery in fighting Shade, began to hum a gentle tune. In the climax of the battle, Evergreen
harnessed the collective energy of her bestowed power as a Royal Fairy and unleashed a radiant burst
of light that disintegrated Lord Shade and his dark enchantment. The Aetheric Bloom returned with a
joyous melody, and the kingdom bloomed once more.
Evergreen, stood amidst the rejuvenated kingdom and declared, "Balance and harmony will prevail
as long as we cherish and protect the wonders of our world. Let the Aetheric Bloom carry the tale of our
triumph to all the realms." And so, the Kingdom of Harmony thrived once again, a testament to the
enduring power of unity and the resilience of nature against the forces of darkness.
Sienna Garcia

Once upon a time in the quaint village of Harmony Haven, the inhabitants lived in perfect
balance with nature. The seasons changed gracefully, and the flora and fauna thrived in a symphony
of color and life. However, a shadow began to loom over this idyllic haven—a mysterious
phenomenon known as the "Frozen Whisper." As the temperature dropped inexplicably, the once-
green meadows were blanketed in frost, and the serene lakes turned into icy mirrors. The villagers,
perplexed and worried, sought the guidance of Eldra, the village elder and keeper of ancient wisdom.
Eldra revealed that the Frozen Whisper was a result of a cosmic imbalance caused by the neglect of
Earth's delicate climate. To restore the natural order, Eldra selected two courageous individuals,
Luna and Sol, to embark on a quest to rekindle the Elemental Flames, the life force of Harmony
Haven. Luna, a skilled herbalist with an affinity for moonlit nights, and Sol, a daring inventor fueled
by the energy of the sun, set out on a journey to heal their ailing world. Their quest led them to the
Whispering Caves, where ancient spirits spoke of the consequences of humanity's actions on the
delicate balance of the planet. Armed with the wisdom from the caves, Luna and Sol traveled to the
Melting Glacier, where they encountered the last Ice Phoenix, a majestic creature suffering from the
effects of the Frozen Whisper. With compassion and empathy, Luna and Sol nursed the Ice Phoenix
back to health, and in gratitude, the phoenix bestowed upon them a pair of Enchanted
Thermometers. These magical instruments revealed the hidden places where the Frozen Whisper
held its strongest grip, guiding Luna and Sol to the heart of the cosmic imbalance. Their journey
continued to the Solar Springs and Lunar Groves, where Luna and Sol harnessed the energies of the
sun and moon, fusing them into a radiant ball of Elemental Fire. As they journeyed back to
Harmony Haven, they encountered challenges that tested their resilience and determination,
including fierce snowstorms and treacherous icy terrain. Finally, in the village square, Luna and Sol
unleashed the Elemental Fire, watching as it danced across the skies, dispelling the Frozen Whisper
and bringing warmth and life back to Harmony Haven. The once-frozen landscapes began to thaw,
and the vibrant colors of nature returned. As Luna and Sol stood before their grateful community,
the villagers celebrated the return of harmony. The tale of Luna and Sol became a legend, a reminder
that the balance of nature requires the collaboration of all its inhabitants. And so, Harmony Haven
flourished once more, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of unity in the
face of global challenges.
Clarissa Liscano

A tale about a small seedling named Willow and her brave journey in the face of
changing temperatures unfolded in The Land of Tomorrow, where green slopes met
blue skies. The small town faced never-before-seen difficulties when the seasons
changed, the storms were stronger, and the once-reliable rains stopped coming.
Willow, who was born during a time of plenty, heard the wind's whispers bearing
tales of uncertainty. Willow was tasked with a specific assignment by the local elders,
to climb a large mountain and collect special seeds. These seeds were like magic and
benefited the little town in dealing with the unusual weather. But the climb to the
peak was difficult because Willow had to cross a dry river and windswept hills. The
legendary Phoenix of Resilience, who lived on the tallest peak, guarded the seeds.
A beautiful creature dressed in bright feathers. Willow proved her loyalty to it by
sharing stories of the village's history, the deep roots that connect generations, and
the undying spirit that has endured endless seasons.
The Phoenix was impressed by Willow’s dedication and entrusted the seeds to
her. Willow went down the mountain and scattered the seeds across the town,
creating a new generation of resilient trees capable of withstanding the hardships that
lay ahead.
As the seasons changed once more, so did the development of The Land of
Tomorrow. The sturdy trees provided shade from the hot heat and stood firm against
the worst storms. Willow, now a mature tree, stood at the center of the community, a
symbol of the resilience that arose when people united together to face the challenges
of climate change.
In the arms of The Land of Tomorrow, the seeds of resilience had taken root, and
served as an example of the enduring spirit that flourishes when communities, like
ancient trees, stand strong together against the winds of change.
Addison Mata

There was everything. There was nothing. There was the life of a ninety-year-old evergreen, which stood tall in
the forest. The morning came as any other, with a symphony of animals and vast greenery to protect them all.
I sat in solace, for the day had come. They chose me. Every year around this time, we said our goodbyes, but
this year, I was the recipient. There was a sense of loss as I come to terms; my connection to the beautiful earth
below me would be no more. I sat, reminiscing about almost a century of seasons that had come and gone and the
lives I had served as a home for. Like my mother and her mother before her, I would be dressed up then stripped of
my parts and given to the people.
A large truck approached the clearing. A group of men disembarked and began their work, their faces lit by the
rising sun. Christmas music played and a light snow flurried, setting a festive scene. Among the loggers stood a
lumberjack named Sawyer. He looked up at the evergreen, imagining the generations of life it held. Despite this
festive atmosphere, he could not ignore the twinge of guilt that met his chest. The chainsaw bellowed to life, and the
sudden noise sent a frightened flock of birds to the sky. As the machine met the bark, a group of squirrels scattered
to the nearby foliage. The lively critters that called this tree their sanctuary were now displaced, scurrying away in
confusion as the tree began its descent. Sawyer’s gaze fell upon a lone squirrel who jumped from limb to limb as the
tree came down, seemingly protesting against the intruders taking their home. The job was done. The once-towering
evergreen, now severed from its roots, laid in defeat. Sawyer became aware of the silence that followed its fall. No
more was there the rustle of wind through its leaves or birds singing their morning song. The group of cheerful
loggers approached, unaware of their actions. Sawyer grabbed the seeds he saw from the tree and pocketed them.
They loaded the giant and readied for their two-hundred-mile journey.
Unbeknownst to the men, the squirrel remained in the tree for the journey. The two sat in silence as they had
before. The tree enjoyed the company of the squirrel, and the squirrel needed the tree to understand that she was his
home. She gave him everything he needed in life: food, shelter, and an unspoken love. He would be with her as long
as she lived.
In Midtown Manhattan, at the Rockefeller Plaza, the evergreen stood tall once again. Families gathered
around, awaiting the lighting of the tree. In the crowd was Sawyer. The tree had been on his mind since the morning
he got back. The ceremony commenced and the tree was lit. He stood viewing the arrangement with a melancholy
gaze, the evergreen now adorned with shining lights and shimmering tinsel. As Sawyer continued to stare, a familiar
friend caught his eye. He saw the squirrel, still accompanying the tree.
Here I stood, dressed in my finest, ready to be laid to rest. Throughout it all, the squirrel had stood by my side. I
would never be able to grant the full extent of my appreciation. Sawyer returned home that day and planted the
seeds he had in his pocket. He had to do right by the earth. Years passed, and he cared for the tree. He watched it
grow as his own children did. He admired it as each day passed and it became more and more beautiful. One day, as
Sawyer sat with his children, his daughter pointed up at a squirrel sitting on a limb. He looked at home. The tree
loved the squirrel, and the squirrel loved the tree.
The End.
Emily Mendoza

On the beaches of Matamoros, where the sunlight barely reached, there was a
mermaid named Angelita who faced a slow creeping horror every day. It all started with
her lawn becoming littered with glass bottles. Curiously, she touched the rigid things and
began to bleed. She realized that it was a cracked glass bottle. Her blood floated up to
the surface and seemed neverending. A fisherman named Rigo was hunting an
endangered mythical shark, rumored to exist only in the infested waters of Matamoros.
He saw a bubble of red on the surface and saw a young woman who looked hurt. He
then believed that he needed to save her and he dived in. He brought her to the surface,
only to be shocked to see that she had fins, gills, and a tail. Shocked by this hideously
beautiful creature who was clutching a glass bottle, he threw her onto his boat and
wanted to take her back to the Mercado.
As he was rowing the boat back to the shore, the mermaid woke up and hit Rigo
with the bottle, knocking him down into the depths of the ocean where he encountered
the mythological creature that he was searching endlessly for. Terrified, he tried to hold
his breath as the polluted water made its way into his lungs. Meanwhile, the mermaid
took charge of the boat, and the smoke-filled air from the nearby factories filled her
gills, turning her gray and withering her bright scales. It made her look like a normal
silver tuna. She made her way to the village and found sad, gloomy-looking people, and
she decided to pray to her god, El Tiburón de Oro. He was from down below and was
battling the fisherman. The god decided to sacrifice the fisherman to comply with the
wishes of Angelita. Angelita was able to become human for a few minutes, long enough
to enchant the villagers to go into the ocean and sacrifice themselves to the shark. They
didn’t know that they would eventually become merpeople, because the shark wanted
them to be punished by living in the water that they polluted for all eternity. Angelita
decided to rescue the fisherman, Rigo, much like he had attempted to rescue her, and in
return, she gave the merpeople to her god. Rigo and Angelita had a merbaby and
dedicated their lives to punishing the humans. They lived happily ever after.
Seth Montes

When Arturo went to the Humane Society for his 16th birthday, he never thought that the
scrawny, underfed, and malnourished black German shepherd in the kennel would be his next and
only best friend. Naming the dog turned out to be the hardest part, and he struggled to think of a
name. He settled on Nook due to the slender physique of the black puppy. As both Nook and
Arturo grew older together, it only took a few months for the two to become inseparable.
The highlight of Arturo’s day was coming home from school or work to his overly excited best
friend, who greeted him at the front door upon arrival. After Arturo graduated from St. Mary's
University, he decided to stay local and live in San Antonio, and to no one's surprise, his first
roommate was Nook. As they settled into their first home away from Arturo’s family, the two
seemed as content as ever to live each day with each other, and they developed a reliable cycle
week-in and week-out.
When the blaring sirens of the emergency broadcast system woke up Nook and Arturo, they
immediately ran to each other in panic and disarray. Arturo grabbed his phone and read the
computer-generated text that stated, “Forest fire, spreading rapidly across I-10 and 1604.
Evacuate the city immediately!” Arturo never thought of being in a situation like this, but he was
not surprised because in the 21 years of his being alive, the average daily summer temperature rose
over 15°F. It got so bad that nights were 85° as a low and the days reached highs of 130°.
Scrambling as quickly as he could, Arturo grabbed what he could fit into his pockets and said
goodbye to the first home that he had ever had by himself. Hordes of people who were screaming
and yelling made it almost impossible to evacuate in an orderly manner. Rows of red lights on the
highway looked like a parking lot at night.
As Arturo’s car approached Bulverde, he pulled over to peer back at the city that he had
known for so long and had fallen in love with as it was dying in the flames. Embers the size of
volleyballs could be seen flying into the dark sky. After gazing at the fire for a few minutes, Arturo
fell to the ground on his knees and started bawling his eyes out. He wasn’t crying because all of his
belongings from his home were engulfed in flames. He wasn’t crying because his hometown was no
longer standing. And he wasn’t crying because he did not know what to do next. He was crying
because his best friend Nook had turned into a pile of ash.
Aracely Montoya

Maribel woke up from her dream of a lush green world. She knew about what the world had once been like from the
stories that her grandmother would tell her. The sun would illuminate the clear sky and the cool breeze would brush along
your face. That wasn’t a world that Maribel was familiar with. The air was polluted, and the breeze would graze upon the
gas mask that she wore every day. The government implemented a gas mask mandate, stating that the polluted air could be
fatal. She rose from bed, got dressed for her job as a journalist at the local newspaper, and tightly strapped her gas mask on
before she walked out the door.
Maribel walked along the street of the bustling city of New York, submerged in the sea of gas masks. She arrived at
Greenery Enterprises, the biggest Environmental Advocate in the world, and she had an exclusive interview with the CEO.
Maribel entered the elevator and ascended to the top floor, preparing her questions about the process of restoring the air
quality. Millions of dollars were funneled into the company to help restore the world.
Maribel exited the elevator and took a seat while the receptionist informed her that the CEO would be right out. She
looked out of the massive wall-to-wall windows and saw a weird flicker of light in the smog-covered sky. It was nothing like
the electric lighting that she grew up with. She rose from her seat and took a photo on her phone, captivated by the strange
illuminating light.
“Delete that,” Maribel whipped around and saw a tall man staring at her, his gaze flickering between her and the golden
speck of light outside.
“I was just taking of picture of that light; do you know what it is?” Her heart rate began to pick up and she felt uneasy
about the way the man clenched his jaw as she asked.
The man crept closer to her, a cunning dark look across his face, “It’s forbidden to take pictures at this altitude. Delete
it.” He towered over Maribel's clenched body. Her heart pounded in her chest as a sinking feeling began to engulf her.
Maribel glanced at her gas mask hanging by the door, increasingly aware that she couldn’t reach it. She looked at the
emergency exit sign pointing to the roof as her heart pounded so loudly that she could hear it in her ears. As the man
lurched at her, Maribel took the risk and ran out of the emergency exit without her gas mask.
She held her breath as she ran up the stairs, looking back to see the man chasing after her up to the rooftop. Maribel ran
for what felt like an eternity, faster than she could’ve ever imagined. Her lungs were burning with fire. Maribel was so
focused on running away from the man and holding her breath, that it took her a moment to realize the clear sunny sky
surrounding her. She was so taken aback that she gasped for air. As Maribel looked across the skyline, she saw smog
dispensers hanging off the highest buildings in New York. She realized that all of the major corporations were willingly
polluting the city of New York. The same companies that were coincidentally the largest commercial producers of all gas
Bewildered by the sight, Maribel didn’t hear the man finally reach the rooftop. She took as many pictures as she could of
the clear sky, the smog dispensers hanging off all the buildings in New York, and herself without a gas mask, breathing
unharmed. Maribel opened her social media as quickly as she could and uploaded the pictures as she ran to the edge of the
Her mind swirled as she realized that the mask was blind compliance. While the world was trying to adapt and save a
ruined environment, it was unknowingly contributing to the capitalism of climate change. She posted the pictures, exposing
Greenery Enterprises and the surrounding corporations, as the CEO lunged for her and fell off the roof as Maribel swerved
away from him one last time.
Amariah Muniz

Once there was a young girl named Ami who lived in a city dramatically altered by climate change. The once
colorful and thriving city of Los Angeles had become a place of extreme weather events and resource scarcity.
Ami had heard stories from her grandparents about a time when the city was filled with life, but now the summers
were very hot and the winters were very cold. Water was considered to be a gift, and the once-blue skies were often
covered in darkness. This was all because of “Gloom.” Gloom was the one who produced all of the gross toxins into
the air and carried all of the yucky garbage into the city, creating disaster.
One day, as Ami walked to the rooftop garden of her apartment building, she noticed a group of children from
one of her past classes working on a project. They were planting trees and installing solar panels, talking about a plan
to rebuild the city. Out of curiosity, Ami approached them.
The leader of the group, an older boy named Nano, explained the mission that they were trying to achieve. They
wanted to stop Gloom from destroying the city. Ami then decided that she wanted to become a part of that group of
superheroes. After discussing the plans she had with Nano, he told her that he and his whole team each had a
superpower that helped in some kind of way: Nano had a power that could help with stopping air pollution; Bri had a
power that could help with energy; and Wesley had a power that could help safely produce goods. Ami asked Nano
for help in finding her power. He said, “Find something that you are passionate about and something that you want
to change.” After a long time thinking, Ami finally said, “Cleaning up the environment. That’s what I’m passionate
about.” Then Ami started to transform into a superhero. They called themselves the “Universe Angels.” Ami and her
friends believed that the right way to heal the planet was to take action on a more involved level. They were
determined to transform the city into a wonderful and healthy community and to get rid of Gloom once and for all.
Moved by their dedication and hard work, they came up with a plan to stop Gloom and get the city back to
normal. So later on that day, the Universe Angels came across Gloom and began using their powers to stop him from
making a bigger mess. Nano and Ami worked together closely to protect the air from getting more polluted by
destroying all the garbage that Gloom was carrying around, while Bri and Wesley helped by making sure the power
and resources were still available. After going back and forth, and fighting off Gloom, Nano and Ami decided to try
one last thing. They pretended to leave but they were tying a rope at his feet so that he would leave and move. Gloom
fell to the ground and was defeated once and for all.
The next day, the Universe Angels worked together to start a series of projects: rooftop gardens, recycling
programs, and educational campaigns. They also organized clean-up efforts to restore the city's parks and waterways.
Their work began to have a very moving impact. Air quality improved, and residents started using solar energy,
reducing their carbon footprint. The city slowly began to transform from a sad and lonely atmosphere into a greener,
more livable place. The Universe Angles were so proud of themselves and so happy to see the change throughout the
community, that they made it a plan to continue serving their community and to try to get others to participate as
well….Until a dark shadow appeared over the city.
The end.
Jeremy Ocura

There once was a wealthy father named Donald who was a successful businessman who owned a company named Eco
Global. Donald had two sons: the oldest was named Jordan and the youngest was named Donny. One day Donald was set to
retire and leave Eco Global to his sons. On that day, Donny came up to Donald and said, “Hey Pap. Working with you and
Jordy has been great and all, but I haven't done anything for myself ya know? I want to tell you I am resigning from the
company; I will claim my investments at the end of the week.” Donald was shocked to hear Donny say these words. Donald
asked Donny, “Son, why do you really want out, huh?” Donny replied by looking into his father's eyes and said, “Well you
see, I really never been on my own and you always looked out for my best interest. But now I think it's time for me to branch
out into the world.” With sadness in Donald's eyes, he was crushed but respected his son's decision to leave the company. That
same week, Donny packed his belongings, stared at his room one last time, and dipped. As Donny was heading out, Donald
approached him with a duffle bag and handed it to him. Donny received the bag and said, “Jesus Christ Pap, what's in this
thing? Cinder blocks?” Donald looked at Donny with a serious face and said, “$500 million in cash.” Donny couldn’t believe
it! He replied by hugging his father and by saying farewell to his brother as he drove off the grand estate.
It took Donny three months to get established in NYC as he bought a penthouse suite in the city of Manhattan. For
Donny, money was never the issue, so he began to spend little. In addition to the penthouse suite, he traded in his perfectly fine
Tesla for a white Ferrari like the one Don Johnson rode on Miami Vice. Donny would go to the bars downtown to show off
his car. Afterward, he would go to his place, where he would invite random people for an afterspot. For the next two months,
Donny developed a drug and alcohol problem as he threw constant parties every night to keep the exhilarating fun going.
There came a night when Donny planned to bring everyone back to his place after the bar, but his buddy Sonny suggested that
the group all go party at Atlantic City. Donny was all for it so, without hesitation, they set out. When they arrived, there was a
gentleman with the nickname Lefty who took bets on football games. Sonny walked up to Lefty and said, “Hey Left, this a
friend of mine, Donny. He wants a 4-way parlay. I want Buffalo to cover, I want Buffalo halftime, I need Buffalo points $1K a
point, and I need Buffalo opening touchdown. You got that?” Lefty replied, “Got it.” Donny was furious with Sonny and
said, “Why would you do that? If we lose, I don’t have that money to cover our assess!” Sonny replied, “Don’t worry. Buffalo
ain’t losing. They play the Cowboys for Christ's sake.” “I hope you're right,” said Donny as he watched the game on the TV
with fear. As the game progressed, Donny bit his nails to the cuticle to calm his nerves but the parlays were covering three out
of four. It was the 4th quarter with four seconds left game on the line, and Buffalo was trailing by one point with a cheap shot
30-yard field goal. Buffalo took the attempt, but due to the high blizzard winds, the kick shanked left and the game was over
and so was Donny. Sonny looked at Donny and said, “I guess I forgot to check the wind advisory in effect. These climate
changes can really affect these kickers.” Donny went blank and ran off without saying another word. Donny knew that he was
a dead man, and he wouldn’t be able to pay off Lefty. As Donny was wandering the streets, he stumbled upon his father's
billboard that said, “Eco Global: where change is possible.” At that moment, Donny remembered his father and he quickly
called Donald and explained the whole mess that Sonny dragged him into. Donald quickly grabbed another half a million,
took off to Atlantic City, and paid off Lefty. Before Lefty could leave, he told Donny, “Hey Donny, you have a good man
representing you and I respect him for it. Don’t eva lemme catch ya down here again ya here me?” Donny replied by saying,
“Yeah, sure thing, Left.” Donny turned to his father Donald and asked him if there was still a spot in Eco Global. Donald
said, “How else do you think I'm gonna retire?” From that day on, Donny was restored to himself, co-owner of Eco Global,
and a runner-up for the Nobel prize as his company created the world's first air purifier. Ain’t this a happy ending?
Ryan Ricketts

In the heart of the Great Plains lived Gray Hound and White Feather. Together they patrolled the plains and
kept watch of Mother Nature, knowing that humanity needed to live in harmony with Mother Nature or face
destruction by her. So as Gray Hound and White Feather patrolled on a bright sunny day, Gray Hound looked
out in the distance and saw a man. Gray Hound had never seen a man like him before. He was tall and slim, and
his skin was white as snow; yet, he wore black from head to toe, and around his neck was a red tie. As Gray
Hound and White Feather approached the Man in Black, they noticed a darkness behind him, a sign of a bad
White Feather was first to speak, “Who are you?” The Man in Black replied, “I am a humble businessman,
looking to purchase this land.” Gray Hound rebuffed him, “How can anyone own land?” The Man in Black with
a devilish grin said, “I’m glad you asked. You see, one owns the land he lives on, and by the papers he has.”
Whiter Feather exclaimed, “This land is of Mother Nature, so we would never sell it to the likes of you!”
Disappointed, The Man in Black turned away back to darkness but not before saying, “This land is my destiny,
and it shall be mine.”
As many days passed, Gray Hound and White Feather noticed the darkness grow and grow around them.
The darkness was so thick that it became hard to breathe and plants began to die. Hearing the gut-wrenching
screams of Mother Nature, Gray Hound and White Feather sought out the Man in Black in the hopes of ending
the abuse against Mother Nature. In their search, Gray Hound and White Feather saw buildings made of earth
and metal with large stacks pumping darkness into the sky, one of which housed the Man in Black. The Man in
Black saw Gray Hound and White Feather and cried out, “Look now at your Mother Nature! Watch as I
conquer and deflower her for myself!” Broken and in fear for their lives, Gray Hound and White Feather ran far
away and into the woods, not wishing to see what atrocities were being done to Mother Nature.
As the Man in Black continued to exploit Mother Nature, something came out of the same woods from which
Gray Hound and White Feather fled. It looked as if a woman and a deer were one. It walked on two legs of a doe
but had the face of an angry woman whose eyes were like fire. With each step, with clicking of hooves could be
heard. Intrigued, the Man in Black approached the Deer Woman, and said, “My lady, you must smile when in the
presence of ...” The Man in Black never finished what he was saying as blood came spurting from his mouth, for
the Deer Woman’s hoof laid deep on his neck, snapping it and killing The Man in Black. Looking out from the
forest were Gray Hound and White Feather as they watched the Man in Black fall dead, and the darkness fled the
Earth as Mother Nature began to heal. Upon witnessing this, Gray Hound and White Feather knew that they were
not the protectors of Mother Nature but rather the messengers for those who sought to harm her.
Thus, from then on when the Deer Woman appeared, she brought blessings to those who cared for children
and women. But, to those who harmed and who abused children and women feared the Deer Woman as her
wrath and clicking of her hooves brought damnation.
Luna Rodriguez

Once upon a time, in a kingdom nestled between emerald mountains and azure seas, there lived a
young princess named Seraphina. The kingdom was blessed with lush forests, vibrant meadows, and
crystal-clear lakes. However, an ominous shadow loomed over the land – the relentless march of climate
change. Seraphina was known for her deep connection with nature. She could hear the whispers of the
wind and understand the language of the trees. One day, as she wandered through the enchanted forest,
she noticed a peculiar sadness in the air. The trees spoke of changing seasons, erratic weather, and a cry
for help from the Earth itself. Determined to save her kingdom, Seraphina embarked on a quest to find
the mythical Guardian of the Elements. Legends spoke of an ancient being who held the key to
restoring the balance of nature. Her journey led her through meadows where flowers wilted prematurely
and rivers ran dry. Along the way, she encountered creatures who shared tales of the world's suffering.
Finally, after days of travel, Seraphina reached the Cave of Whispers, the rumored dwelling of the
Guardian. A wise, ancient turtle greeted her at the entrance. "Princess, the world is in peril, and only
you can awaken the Guardian of the Elements," said the turtle. With newfound determination,
Seraphina entered the cave and discovered a slumbering figure surrounded by swirling energies. The
Guardian of the Elements, a majestic creature with wings of fire, water, earth, and air, lay in a deep
sleep. The princess understood that awakening the Guardian required collecting four elemental artifacts
scattered across the kingdom. Seraphina's quest took her to the highest peaks, where she braved
blizzards to retrieve the Ice Crystal of Winter. She dove into the depths of the ocean, facing treacherous
currents, to obtain the Pearl of the Tides. Through scorching deserts, she reached the heart of the Earth
to claim the Ember Stone of Summer. Finally, she soared to the clouds, battling storms to seize the
Zephyr Feather of Autumn. As Seraphina gathered the artifacts, the world responded with hope.
Flowers bloomed, rivers flowed freely, and the animals regained their vitality. When she returned to the
Cave of Whispers, she placed the artifacts around the Guardian. Slowly, the creature stirred, its eyes
opening with a luminous glow. "Princess, you have restored the harmony of the elements," spoke the
Guardian. "But the battle against climate change is ongoing. You must inspire your kingdom to protect
and cherish the world around them.”
Seraphina returned to her kingdom and shared her tale about the importance of preserving nature.
The people, inspired by her bravery, united to implement sustainable practices. The kingdom became a
beacon of environmental stewardship, proving that even in the face of adversity, the magic of unity and
respect for the Earth could triumph over the shadows of climate change. And so, the land flourished,
and Seraphina's tale echoed through the generations as a reminder of the enduring power of love for the
natural world.
Emiliano Rueda

There was everything; there was nothing; there was life. In the small village of Babcock, where
ancient trees filled the village with green, there lived a spirited boy named Billy. His days were filled
with adventure and laughter, yet suddenly, a great shadow appeared, coming upon Billy’s village filled
with darkness and greed.
Billy, who knew the forest like the back of his hand, found an opening in the forest he had never
seen before. To his astonishment, he discovered that there were magical creatures who were the
Guardians of the Forest. These magical creatures, who were like little critters, warned Billy about the
danger that the forest would be facing upon the arrival of a new company.
One fateful day, a menacing force moved to the village. This new company was full of loggers who
would use the forest for their selfish greed. The villagers of Babcock were unaware of the threat, but
Billy and the magical creatures knew what had to be done to stop the deforestation. Billy felt the
urgency to tell the village about the danger that this new company was bringing, but the villagers were
unaware and uninterested in what a little boy had to say. Billy, filled with determination, went on an
adventure with the help of his magical friends to open the eyes of the villagers and stop this new
company from causing more damage.
As they approached the forest, they realized the fast pace with which the company was damaging the
forest. The once lush groves now were barren landscapes. Billy insisted that the greedy loggers stop,
but they laughed at him, as he was just a small boy and did not know anything. Billy did not give up
and kept on confronting the loggers; the loggers, annoyed with young Billy, beat him to a pulp to
teach him a lesson and cause him to leave. To the loggers’ surprise, Billy had his magical creatures,
who did not hold back and killed every single logger of the company.
Billy, sad and in critical condition, thanked his magical friends for helping him, but he knew it was
too late for the forest, as it was barren and empty. The Guardians of the Forest revealed a secret to
Billy: a magical seed would restore the forest to its former glory with the sacrifice of Billy himself.
Billy, who knew he would not make it, did not hesitate in eating this seed and dying in the heart of the
forest. The villagers, who had not realized the impact of the lack of trees affecting their climate, were
eternally grateful for the sacrifice of Billy, and in the village where there was everything, there was
nothing, and there was life, Billy became the savior of the forest and the hero to the village.
Jonathan Silva

The sun blazed in the sky, casting long shadows across the torched fields. The world had
flipped, and so had my life. My family had tilled the land for generations, living off the
bountiful ground. Our corn was known across the nation for its large kernels, as anyone could
tell that it came from Clear Skies Farm. In this new era of chaos, survival was the only thing
we thought of, and every harvest was a desperate battle against nature's unpredictable rage.
The farm, once a lush landscape flooding with life, had become a barren wasteland. As I stood
on the cracked earth, I could feel the heat radiating through my worn boots, toasting my feet
with every step. The air, heavy with dust, was a constant reminder of a withering Earth. Our
once-thriving crops were now decayed remains, their leaves rustling in the hot breeze. It was
the last harvest of the season and the last hope for my family to sustain ourselves through the
tundra-like winter.
As I worked tirelessly with my hands calloused from all of the cruel labor, I couldn't help
but marvel at the cruel metaphor that the land had become. Like a sinking ship in a rough sea,
the farm was a symbol of our struggles against the tides of a new age. The earth was sending a
clear message: adapt or expire.
One day, the sky darkened as storm clouds loomed. I couldn't believe it. The drops of rain
and tears blended on my cheek. But it was a blessing with devastating consequences. I could
only watch in despair as the parched ground turned to a sloshy mud, washing away the
remaining harvest.
In the next few days, I faced a dilemma faced by all farmers in this upside-down world.
Should I stay and continue to fight for this land, or should I abandon it? What should I do?
My family had lived on this land for generations. It had given me everything, but now it
threatened to take the life of my family. Nothing would take my family’s life except for me. I
took the shotgun my grandfather gifted me and loaded 5 shells into it. I walked into the living
room, where they were gathered playing Monopoly. “Yes! You landed on my property! Pay
up!” said my youngest. I took turns putting them out of their misery one by one. With the last
shell, the last of my namesake would fall and, with it, our farm. I said one final prayer, just in
case a God was listening, and pulled the trigger.
Paloma Soforo

There was once a beautiful town full of fairies with a glistening blue creek. There was a beautiful and
adoring fairy named Alizea who lived there. Her wings shimmered with beautiful glitter as it reflected the sun
on a crisp morning. Each fairy had a special power to protect the four seasons, take care of the animals, and
make sure Mother Nature was always happy and healthy. The beautiful town was a fast-paced town with
every fairy working constantly. It was filled with not just fairies but tons of magical creatures that all protected
Mother Nature. Alizea was helping the animals prepare for the long winter ahead until she heard a strange
noise coming from across the blue creek.
Good fairies and other good creatures were not allowed on the other side, for it was said to have a dark
energy. Alizea tried to ignore the calls, but they were getting stronger and stronger. She was almost in a trance.
She dropped everything she was doing and fluttered to the other side. The sound was getting stronger.
Mysterious mist and an echo of her name became abundantly clear until she was stopped by a statue. Alizea
tried to speak to the mysterious statue, but it did not move. After she searched around, the ground began to
break and released a glowing hell-like heat. The malevolent fairy known as Malefic Shade appeared. She had
dark feathered wings, her heart was as dark as the deepest night, and her skin was fair and glistening.
Captivated by fear, Alizea stood there staring at the evil fairy. Mal thanked Alizea for her release and ran off
before Alizea could say anything.
Alizea quickly flew back to the good side of the mystical realm as fast she could, but as soon as she got
back, there was damage done. Mal took the water and blasted a dry heat; no crops could grow, and the
animals were becoming malnourished. As Alizea tried to help the creatures, all of a sudden, an earthquake hit
the realm. Alizea ran to the royal palace where Mother Nature and Elderwise Sage lived. Elderwise was the
historian and wizard that advised the fairies and Mother Nature. As Alizea ran up the royal stairs, she saw a
tornado forming on top of the palace. She saw Elderwise and confessed that this was her fault. Elderwise Sage
said, “Nothing is your fault, child. She is a powerful, evil fairy who just needs to be stopped.” Alizea and
Elderwise ran to the throne room together and saw Mother Nature held captive by Mal. Elderwise told Alizea
that in order to defeat Mal, she must cast a spell alongside Elderwise because the unity and positive magic
would often prove effective against the darkness that Mal sought to spread.
As Alizea began to say the spell and Elderwise joined along, Mal’s evil powers got weaker, and the tornado
and terrible climate went away. Before Mal was completely diminished by the good spell, she stabbed Mother
Nature in hopes of completing the bad climate destroying the Earth. Both Mal and Mother Nature
disappeared, but as Alizea felt defeat and her tears ran down her face, the spirit of Mother Nature went to
Alizea. The balance of nature was restored, and a new Mother Nature was crowned. “Alizea!” screamed
Elderwise Sage. “You are the new Mother Nature, and you have saved the Earth.”
The End.
Elizabeth Valle

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom, booming and successful, that was industrially advanced and full of
factories. However, the kingdom’s queen had passed away giving birth, and the king was growing more sick due to
lung-related issues from overworking in factories. It was apparent that they needed to look for a new princess, a
future queen, as soon as possible. The prince began to feel guilty for having caused stress for his ill father, so he
decided to send invitations for a ball to find a potential princess. Little by little, the kingdom was filled with
decorations and spirit. Although everyone was happy, the prince was anxious but saw no other resolution. He
found comfort in his solitude and spent time in his garden. This garden was filled with butterflies, small birds, and
vibrant flowers. The night before the ball, as midnight approached, the garden was purely lit by the moonlight. A
single sparrow was revealed.
The sparrow quickly flew away. Distracted, the prince chased after the sparrow into the forest. The sparrow
disappeared in the darkness as they got deeper into the forest. Stumped, the prince decided to return, but he
stopped when he heard a yelp. A beautiful young woman appeared before his eyes, lying still on the grass.
Confused, he ran to her and was entirely enamored. Her name was Elena. She told him how an evil wretched
sorcerer named Lionel had proposed marriage to her. When she had told him the feelings weren’t mutual, he had
cursed her, forcing her to turn into a sparrow. Once midnight arrived, she was able to transform into a human until
sunrise, repeating until the curse was broken by a true love’s kiss. She was completely unaware that she was
speaking to the prince, since she came from some place far away and flew to escape the terrors of Lionel. She stated
that she stopped here because she couldn’t fly further. The smog made it difficult to breathe and see. The prince
recommended she go back to his home for safety, but she refused. Instead, he insisted on staying with her. They
talked all night long, enchanted by one another. Before he knew it, the prince was suddenly awoken by a sliver of
hazy sunlight shining in his face. Was it all a dream? Alarmed by how late it looked outside due to the smog, he
made his way back to the palace. The factories were working overtime to produce all the gowns and decorations for
the ball, which contributed to his father’s worsening condition. The prince was determined to break Elena’s curse
The prince promised himself he would return to the forest after midnight, once the ball had finished, hoping that
Elena was not just a dream. Midnight came, and he found her again. Something was wrong. But the prince
continued to invite her to dance right there in the forest in hopes that he would break the curse with a kiss. They
began to embrace one another in a waltz, when suddenly, Elena’s grip weakened. Unaware of her condition, he
pulled her in for the kiss and their lips met, but it was too late; she collapsed. The sun rose, and she remained
human. The curse was lifted, but a sour taste filled his mouth, and there was blood everywhere. She came to realize
that her health was declining, and she was on the brink of death. She desperately pleaded for them to run away
together before her lungs gave out, but tearfully he confessed his true identity. He proclaimed he was the prince and
explained that he must stay to take over the kingdom since his father was on his deathbed. She pulled him in and
cried, “How can you live like this?” and died. The prince, disgusted by the environment his family's name built, now
killed what could have been the future. In despair, he grabbed her tightly before taking his own life.
Julie Zamora

Once upon a time, there was a lumberjack madly in love with a woman. Jelena was the prettiest
girl in the town, and she lived in a cottage near the woods, away from the world that wanted her
luscious hair. Legend had it that her hair had magical powers that could transform one’s world into
their dream life. Unknown to anyone except her parents, her hair got its powers from a special tree
found in the forests nearby. The trees were enchanted, and when Jelena was a young girl, she was
horribly sick with an incurable disease. One day, she went out into the forest and found the trees
glowing. She started to climb them, and her hair got tangled in its leaves. When she went back home,
they stayed in her hair overnight, and once she fell asleep, the magical properties went into her scalp
and caressed her hair. Afterwards, people started to notice how beautiful and magical her hair was
and heard of its power. She grew into a healthy woman.
One day, as Jelena came into town, John mustered up the courage to speak to her. Surprisingly,
she said yes to dinner! On their date, John found out that Jelena had a deep love for nature and was
saddened every time she saw trees being cut down. “I feel like it sucks the life out of me.” John then
said he was a lumberjack. Jelena got up and turned away. John exclaimed, “I’ll quit.” She swiftly
turned back, accidentally hitting John with her hair, and after that, the two were inseparable. John
was living his dream life now: being with Jelena.
Two years later, he had completely run out of money, and with the other jobs taken in town, he
had to secretly become a lumberjack again. One bright, sunny day, Jelena decided to come into town
and walked through the woods to enjoy the day. Shocked, she saw John cutting down a tree. Her eyes
swelled up. John didn't notice Jelena climbing onto the tree branch. A whole crowd from the town
gathered around to look at Jelena. John, making his way through the crowd, looked up and saw his
wife looking back at him tearfully. “Alright, boys, tear that one next to Jelena down too. Maybe she’ll
finally come down and we can touch her magical hair.” John mouthed, “I'm sorry, but we need
money, my love.” He shoved his ax into the tree.
Over and over, the sound stabbed Jelena in her heart. She felt worse each time. Suddenly, the
crowd gasped. Locks of hair fell. John, not noticing, with a tearful eye, finally made the last deadly
cut. The tree fell. The last strand of Jelena’s hair fell, and so did Jelena. Her hair had kept her alive.
She had been warned by her mom that if all the trees died, so would she. Her hair that had given her a
dream life now was powerless — dead on the ground. She laid next to the tree. Gone. Instantly, John’s
dream life was over too.
The end.

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