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Chapter 4


This study aims to determine the perceived effect of negative social media to the Philippine

National Police to serve as basis for improving the organizational image and performance.

Sub – Problem 1. Demographic Profile of the respondent police officers in terms of Age, Gender,

Civil Status, Years of service, Social Media Platform used and Extent of use

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents According to Age

respondent Frequency %
Police Officers 2 = 26 -30 Years Old 19 35.2%
3 = 31 -35 Years Old 15 27.8%
4 = 36 -40 Years Old 13 24.1%
5 = 41 -45 Years Old 4 7.4%
6 = 46 -50 Years Old 3 5.5%
Total 54 100

Table 1 shows that 19 or 35. 2% of the respondent Law Enforcers are with the age ranging

from 26-30 years old, while those within the age of 46-50 years old obtained the least

representation with only 3 or 5.6% of the group. (Table Reading)

It can be observed from the data that the age of the respondent Social Workers and

Barangay Officials were heavily distributed between those who are less than 30 years of age and

those who are above 50 hence, largely composed of young adults and old age adults. The Law

Enforcers on the other hand were mostly composed of young to middle age adults. (Analysis)
This is expected since the PNP as police organization are by standards follow the “pyramid –

structure type” of an organization which is composed largely by younger workforces Pedro (2015).

According to Juan (2020), pyramid structure type of organization is ideal for the police force since it has

an active operation hence, performed by young, newly recruits non-commissioned officers. The studies of

Ben (2014), Ken (2018) and Sagat (2004) reveal that majority of the police personnel of the PNP are Non-

Commissioned Officers and in their late twenties to early thirties. (Interpretation)


1. You can also use charts or graphs in the presentation of the profile of the respondents

2. Make sure that each presented data is provided with Table Reading, Analysis and


3. Follow the same template for the presentation of data on the remaining variables of

SOP1 such as Gender, Civil Status, Years of service, Social Media Platform used

and Extent of use

Sub – Problem 2. Perceived Effect of the Negative Social Media to the Self – Image of the PNP

personnel in terms of Self – Confidence, Sense of Belongingness, and Competence


Police Officers Perception on Effect of Negative Social Media to the their Self - Confidence

Indicators Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. Colleagues mistake that went viral on social media 3.75 SA
platform affect the self – confidence of PNP personnel
2. The personnel morale declines because of the 2 A
negative issues in social media
3. Police officer’s self – esteem are decreasing when they 2.35 A
see criticism towards their organization
4. There are times that police officers lose their 1.57 D
composure when encountering negative comment in
social media
5. Police officers are having a hard time presenting 3.25 SA
themselves well in public due to criticisms from the
negative social media

Table 2.1 shows the perception of the respondent police personnel on the effect of negative social

media to their self – image. The respondents Strongly Agree on the indicators “Colleagues mistake that

went viral on social media platform affect the self – confidence of PNP personnel” with a weighted mean

of 3.75 and “Police officers are having a hard time presenting themselves well in public due to criticisms

from the negative social media” with a weighted mean of 3.25. On the other hand, they Agree on the

indicators “The personnel morale declines because of the negative issues in social media”, “Police officer’s

self – esteem are decreasing when they see criticism towards their organization” with a weighted mean of

2 and 2.35. Only the indicator “There are times that police officers lose their composure when encountering

negative comment in social media” that the respondent Disagree with a weighted mean of 1.57 (Table

The data suggests that negative social media strongly affects the self - confidence of the police

officers most especially on those instances that requires presenting themselves in the public. It likewise

results on lowering of officer’s morale and self – esteem (Analysis)

(Interpretation) – provide explanations supported by the literatures.


1. Make sure that each presented data is provided with Table Reading, Analysis and


2. Follow the same template for the presentation of data on the remaining variables of

SOP2 such as Sense of Belongingness, and Competence

3. Follow the same template for the presentation of data on the remaining variables of

SOP3 such as Police Reputation and Public Trust

Sub – Problem 4. Significant Difference Between the Perception of the Respondents when Group

According to Profile


Significant Difference Between the Perception of the Respondents Police Officers According to
Gender in terms of Self - Image

Male Female

mean mean t-value p-value Interpretation

Self - Confidence 0.3750 1.2540 -4.356 0.000 Significant
Sense of Belongingness 0.298 1.039 -4.037 0.000 Significant
Competence 0.308 1.106 4.565 0.000 Significant

The table above shows the comparison of the perception of the police officers on the effect

of negative social media when group according to gender. The computed t-values of 4.356, 4.037,

have p-values less than the 0.05 level of significance. This finding revealed that the perception of

the male and female police officers in the effect of negative social media on the police’s self –

image had significant differences. The null hypothesis was rejected. This result indicated that the

agreement ratings made by the female police officers are higher than the male police officers.

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