DBMS-List of Practicals

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1. Write the queries for Data Definition Language (DDL).

2. Write the queries for Data Manipulation Language (DML).
3. Create a database and perform the following:
a. Arithmetic, logical and relational operations.
b. GROUP BY & HAVING clauses.
c. LIKE predicate for pattern matching in database.
4. Create a database and perform various aggregate functions.
5. To perform various Integrity Constraints on relational database.
6. Write the following queries to implement VIEWS:
a. Display details of employee working on more than one project.
b. Display the details of employees not working on any project.
c. Display employee name and project name from employee working on projects
(p1 and p3) or (p2 and p4).
7. Create two or more tables to implement various JOIN operations.
8. Write the queries for Data Control Language (DCL) and TCL (Transaction Control
Language) in RDBMS.
9. Write a procedure for computing income tax of employee on the basis of
following conditions:
a. if gross pay<=40,000 then I.T rate is 0%.
b. if gross pay>40,000 but <60000 then I.T rate is 10%.
c. if gross pay>60,000 but <1,00,0000 then I.T rate is 20%.
d. if gross pay>1,00,0000 then I.T rate is 30%.
Create a table with name, ssn, gross salary and income tax of the employee.
10. Write TRIGGER for before and after insertion, deletion and updation process.

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