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(GROUP 2) - it is a collective identity grounded on a notation of a group of people with

a common language, history, culture, and (usually) geographic territory.

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to;
- this is a territorially bounded sovereign institution that governs
• Differentiate the word state from nation; individuals, sharing a collective history, identity, and culture.
• Identify key events in the development of international relations;
• Define the difference between state and nation; and
• Discuss the historical evolution of international politics. PROTECTIONISM

- refers to government policies that restrict international trade to help and

II. Definition of Terms shield domestic industries from any foreign competitors by taxing

- is the connection of different parts of the world, results from the removal
of barriers between national economies to encourage the flow of goods, NEOLIBERALIZATION
services, capital, and labor. It is also an opportunity to the expansion of - is a political and economic philosophy that emphasizes free trade,
territory and community. deregulation, globalization, and a reduction in government spending.

- refers to the network of connections that transcends distances of
different countries in the world. - is the fundamental basis of the competitive commodity economy at the
global system level
- Simply called as the “System of Internal Relations”.

- it is viewed as the institution that creates warfare and sets economic

policies for a country.
- is the practice of designing products, services and internal operations to
facilitate expansion into international markets. POLITICAL GLOBALIZATION
- the amount of political co-operation is there between countries

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Attributes of Today’s Global System/World Politics

4 Key Attributes of Global System
- is the study of interconnectedness of politics, economics, and law on a 1. There are states or states that are independent and govern
global level. themselves.
- 2. These states interact with each other through diplomacy.
3. International organizations exist to facilitate these interactions.
GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM 4. Beyond facilitating meeting among states, international organizations
also take lives on their own.
- is the whole system of human interactions/international relations;
- it is also a system of competing and allied states around the world. IV. GLOBAL GOVERNANCE EMERGENCE
- it is also the one who’s going to sustain the economy and support
international competitiveness even as the economy evolved from an
industrial era to an information age in a worldwide marketplace. The development of global governance is attributed to a number of particular

o The initial factor must be, the declining power of nation-state.

o The second factor is the enormous flow of various object that encroach against
- are forces within a country that work to pull that country apart. They are and frequently pass past the boundaries of the nation-sate.
more common in large states, particularly attest that contain a large o Another reason was the mass migration of people and their entry, often
number of different nationalities competing for control and /or self- illegally, into various nation-state.
determinations. o Then the flow of criminal elements, as well as their product (drugs, laundered
money, those bought and sold in sex trafficking).
o Another set of issues that has led to calls for global governance involves
horrendous events within nation-states that states themselves either foment
and carry-out, or are unable to control.
- a centripetal force in politics is any actions that unites the people of a
nations as one singular political unit.

- consist of the institutionalization of international political structure
• These social movements are movements of people that are
Each state has its own right to self-determination and that other country should spontaneous or that emerge through enormous grassroots
not intervene in the affairs of that state unless there are extraordinary reasons to organization. Therefore, states have less control over them.
do so. The decisions and the conflicts, and the resolution of that conflict are done
through institutions of government establish and codified in that particular state,
whether or not through elections.
There have been 4 challenges to the government and ultimately, to state
autonomy: Treaty of Westphalia
- Source of concept of sovereignty, a set of agreements signed in
1648 to end the Thirty Years’ War between the major continental
powers of Europe.
I. TRADITIONAL CHALLENGES - National self-determination
• External intervention like invasion by other countries could be a - Precedent for ending the war through diplomatic
challenge to a sovereign state. - Peaceful coexistence among sovereign state as norm
• Globalization will affect government’s ability to continue providing the - Maintain by a balance of power among sovereign state and
social protection at the level of the past decades. acceptance of principle of non-interference in the internal affairs
of other sovereign states.

Napoleon Bonaparte
- First major challenge of Westphalian system.
• It is important to know that a nation has cultural identity that people French Revolution
attached to, while a state is a definite entity due to its specific • Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
boundaries. However, different people with different identities can live - Started the Napoleon War lasted in 1815
in different states.
Napoleonic Code
- forbade birth privileges, encouraged freedom or religion, and
III. GLOBAL ECONOMICS promoted meritocracy in government service.
• It demands the states to conform to the rules of the free market
Battle of Waterloo
capitalism. - Anglo and Prussian armies defeated Napoleon and his armies.
• Shift from the idea of protectionism to neoliberalization.
➢ Neoliberalization Concert Of Europe (Metternich System [Klemens Von Metternich])
✓ It focuses on free-trade and dismantling trade - alliance of great powers (United Kingdom, Australia, Russia and
barriers. It made sure that government did not impose
restrictive regulations on corporate presence. Persia), that sought to restore the world of monarchical, hereditary,
and religious privileges of the time before the French Revolution
and the Napoleonic Wars.
- lasted from 1815 – 1914, at the dawn of World War 1.
- one of the products for international relations.
Westphalian And Concert Systems - Wilson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919.
- Divided the world into separate, sovereign entities.

Internationalism Socialist Internationalism

- The desire for greater cooperation and unity among states and o rooted people into domestic concerns instead of global
peoples. ones.

2 Broad Categories of Internationalism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

➢ Liberal Internationalism and Socialist Internationalism o did not divide the world into countries but into classes.

Liberal Internationalism (Immanuel Kant) Proletariat

o An approach to internal relations aiming to spread liberal o included those who did not own the means of production,
democracy throughout the world in order to bring an end to but instead, worked for the capitalists.
Socialist International
o a union of European socialist and labor parties
Jeremy Bentham
established in Paris in 1889.
o Popularly known for his principle of UTILITARIANISM.
• May 1 (Labor Day)
o who coined the word “international”
o Advocated the creation of “international law” • International Women’s Day
o Propose legislation that would create “the greatest • It initiated the successful campaign for an 8-hour
happiness of all nations taken together” workday.
o achievements of Socialist International
Giuseppe Mazzini
o An Italian patriot, first thinker to reconcile nationalism with
liberal internationalism.
o Proposed a system of free nations that cooperated with
each other to create an international system.

Woodrow Wilson
o Became one of the 20th century most prominent

Principle of Self-determination
- the belief that the world’s nations had a right to a free,
and sovereign government.

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