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De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College

General Biology 1

Dustin Jesse Balansag Mr. Ronel Lipon

Learning Activity 2C: What If?

I. Introduction
Cell Modifications are specialization or modifications reacquired by a call after
division. These Modifications help the cell in different beneficial ways that will
allow efficient function promoting survival of the organism.

II. Activity

1.) The small intestine are devoid of microvilli.

If the small intestines were devoid of microvilli, it would result in the lack of nutrients, no
matter how much you eat. This is because the microvilli is helps increase the surface of each
individual cell, allowing it to absorb more nutrients. Without it, the size of the surface will be
reduced and would leave very little opportunity in absorbing the nutrients, resulting in a small
amount nutrient in throughout the body.

2.) The squamous epithelia will be swapped with stratified squamous.

The squamous epithelia has filtration, absorption, and secretory functions and could be
found in many parts of the body. The stratified squamous on the other hand, is the protection
against microorganisms. The swapping of these two would result in a weird function in the body,
as other parts do not require the protection of the stratified squamous. This is then an issue as
those who need protection would have a high chance of getting damaged/invaded by

3.) What if the human red blood cell will bear the nucleus?
The red blood cell is a non-nucleus bearing part for a reason. The absence of the
nucleus in them allows more transport of oxygen throughout the body. This is because the
presence of the nucleus could change the structural formation of the cell, making it bigger,
which would make it harder to deliver oxygen.

4.) What if the Muscle fiber only has one nucleus?

The Muscle fiber is responsible for the movement of the body parts, and with this, it
requires a lot of energy to move these parts. If it has only one nuclei, it would have less oxygen
transported to it. It would cause the malfunction of the muscle fiber as the presence of multiple
nucleus allows more oxygen and nutrients to travel into the muscle fibers.

5.) What if the muscles are directly attached to the bones (without tendons)?
The tendons are responsible for the mechanical movements of the body parts. If the
muscles were directly attached to the bones, it would lead to the lack of mechanical movements
as the tendons would leave a “sloppy” movement of the body as there would be no transmission
of muscle strength to the bones.
6.) Absence of cartilage in joints
The cartilage is important for body movements that we do in our everyday lives. It resists
compression forces, for the resilience of the bone, and support the bone areas for flexibility
purposes. If it is absent, not only can we not move properly, but also it would leave everyday
movements such as walking, sitting, running, and many more very painful as there would be an
absence of cushion for the bones.

7.) Cardiac Muscles without Intercalated Disks

The intercalated disks are found within the most essential organ in our body, the heart.
The absence of these intercalated disks would result in the halting/stopping of the pumping of
the heart, also known as the heartbeat. This is because the intercalated disks are responsible
for the strength of the heart allowing it to beat. Without it, the heart would not be able to
generate much force.

8.) Neurons will be left to do everything; glial cells will be losing its functions
The glial cells are important for the neurons such as cleaning up the brain “debris,”
transport nutrients, hold the neurons in its place, and many more. Without it, the neurons will
also be losing its essential functions as there are no “support” to it. With the neurons
malfunctioning, it would result in the breaking down of the body due to the lack of signals that
would be sent throughout the nervous systems.

9.) Dendrites will have a significant decrease in its branches

Dendrites are responsible for the absorption/retrieval and processing of information to
the neurons. If it decreases, it would affect the neurons, the nervous system, and its functions.
The significant decrease of dendrites could potentially lead to neurological disorders, as it would
lack the needed information for the neurons to function.

10.) Skeletal muscles compromise the lining of the digestive tract

The digestive tract is comprised of smooth muscles, which is very different from the
skeletal muscles. The skeletal muscles functions in the respiratory and maintaining posture and
balance while the smooth muscle is responsible for the digestion of food, absorption of
nutrients, and evacuation of residues, hence is why it is important in the digestive tract. Is it
would be skeletal muscle instead, it would the digestive tract useless and there would be no
digestion of the food that we consume.

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